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23 Jul 2009, 5:07 pm

I was doing well, though miserable. I was a helpdesk lady and my customer service was good enough, a little better than some others. Then I was called into the boss's office. He was nice. He was polite. He fired me. And so I find myself on unemployment, zipping through job banks. The plus to all this? This is the longest solid time period I was employed. I'll be fine until next month, but I still fell very sad about the whole thing... I'll probably be hired in another service job I don't really like.


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23 Jul 2009, 6:19 pm

Hi, Im terrible sorry for this bad experience of yours. It happened to me as well once in my life and I know how worthless you can feel. I hope you wont let this tear you down but trying to heal it, learn and move on to find a better job. Good Luck!


23 Jul 2009, 7:36 pm

Why were you fired?


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23 Jul 2009, 9:19 pm

Job lost, not found topic

That sucks. I was let go from 40 jobs in 12 years. I do know how you feel. :(

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23 Jul 2009, 9:43 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
Why were you fired?

I seemed 'cold' to customers... Or so the manager claimed. I really don't know what I did wrong. I was just doing my job like I always did. I slacked a little on fridays, but who doesn't have an off day?


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25 Jul 2009, 11:31 am

SplinterStar wrote:
Spokane_Girl wrote:
Why were you fired?

I seemed 'cold' to customers... Or so the manager claimed. I really don't know what I did wrong. I was just doing my job like I always did. I slacked a little on fridays, but who doesn't have an off day?

I had a three year stretch working the hell desk at a top-tier computer vendor with overall good success. But over time the stress of dealing with very intense situations (customers freaking out and f-bombing, management decisions that sabotaged our ability to help customers) I had a breakdown and was fired for gross misconduct.

SplitnerStar, I can completely relate to your situation.


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27 Jul 2009, 4:22 pm

sorry to hear that. 22 years on IT deskside support. I would just go on a 'charm offensive', being nice before they could open their mouth. Kinda pushed that, and for the most part, it worked.

well, I do see alot of helpdesk positions on Indeed (try this one, it's better than Monster and Dice). Hope you get back in the saddle soon.


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28 Jul 2009, 10:00 am

pakled wrote:
sorry to hear that. 22 years on IT deskside support. I would just go on a 'charm offensive', being nice before they could open their mouth. Kinda pushed that, and for the most part, it worked.

well, I do see alot of helpdesk positions on Indeed (try this one, it's better than Monster and Dice). Hope you get back in the saddle soon.

I'm probably going to find a way to go back to school. I've been on the helpdesk circuit for a while and I'm completely miserable. If I go into moderate debt and get a fancy smancy degree on something I can't be fired because I'm not charming enough.


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28 Jul 2009, 10:33 am

SplinterStar wrote:
I seemed 'cold' to customers... Or so the manager claimed. I really don't know what I did wrong.

I can understand why he said that but without being there I can't exactly say for sure.

You probably weren't giving off much positive body language. If you just answer a question in a neutral tone all the time without being bright and breezy people will wonder what's the matter with you.


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29 Jul 2009, 9:48 am

SplinterStar wrote:
I was doing well, though miserable. ... I'll probably be hired in another service job I don't really like.

I suggest that if you were miserable, you were not doing well at your job. One of the more insidious parts of AS is that we can be out of touch with what's going on; we think things are fine when they are really not. I'm guessing your experience of it was something like that you survived each day and you felt you answered questions and helped people. People with AS generally are not well-suited for customer service jobs; even though they can answer questions and fulfill on the job description, the underdeveloped ability to "read" other people and respond to subtle social ques really gets in the way. I'm not saying Aspies can't work in these jobs and be successful; many do, but despite having AS.

What I'm going to say next may sound harsh, but I would rather sound like a jerk than step over something I think is important. From your posts in this question it's clear you have made yourself a victim. What you may not realize is that you actually enjoy being a victim; there is a reward for you, which is probably in the form of being right. It's predictable you'll accept another service job and be miserable at that. However, you get to be right about being miserable. This behavior is human nature and there is nothing wrong with you for feeling that way. The problem is simply that you have relinquished your power and you are ripping yourself off, especially when it comes to your happiness and vitality. Remember that you accepted the offer for a job you didn't like and I doubt anyone put a gun against your head forcing you to choose it.

Being an Aspie, I'm certain you have at least one special interest that you spend a lot of your free time pursuing. There is no law that says you can't turn that into a career. Why not make money doing something you like and you're good at? I know it seems impossible and that society says work must be something to be endured rather than enjoyed. I also know you feel you would not make enough money at it. Still, if that is so, it can't be much less than a service position where you are competing with people from India who make 1/10 our minimum wage.

Keep in mind Einstein, who appears to have been an Aspie, failed at his job as a postal clerk. It was when he pursued what he really enjoyed that he was able to impact the world. I wonder how many Einsteins are out there enduring jobs they hate, but too afraid to do what they enjoy. Quit being a victim, reclaim your power and find a career you love and do something that could really have a positive impact, both for yourself and others.