Has your children done this and is there a term?

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01 Sep 2009, 1:51 pm

BTW I think it's cool. :-) A couple scenarios usually my little sister's 9 and 7 argue in the backseat normal kid behavior stuff but on the way back from Tennessee mom said they were calm and didn't argue once. (Mom was REALLY worried the car would break down since it was pulling a huge Uhual Trailer.) Another scenario I have a 2 year old nephew (the typical behavior of crying when not getting his way etc.) Well last night his mom fell and couldn't move he was calm etc. (Even when he asked to go to Grandma's house and she said no he was fine going to the other relatives house while mommy went to the hospital since she was hurt (He understood that much) :-) So has anyone else child been calm in a hectic situation? I think this is Awesome BTW!! !!


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01 Sep 2009, 2:53 pm

This isn't exactly the same, but it's a cute story. I was driving home one day and it was nice and sunny. As I go down the road the sky gets darker and darker. I'm about 2 miles from home at this point. Then I see the brightest lightening I have ever seen. Not a bolt, but extremely bright light. It was eerie. As I keep driving the skys open up and the rain comes down...hard. Next thing I know it's windy..really windy. I consider stopping the car, getting out and laying in a ditch, but I decide to keep going. In the meatime I call my husband on my cell phone, FREAKING 8O I feel like I was driving into a tornado (which is very uncommon in my area by the way). This feeling is reinforced by the fact that I passed a tree that was just uprooted. My husband decides to stay on the phone with me until I get home...

I get on my road and the rain is slowing down and there is debris all over the road. Branches everywhere. By the time I get home I am shaking and it took me about 10 minutes to stop. While this is going on my son is in his car seat with his legs crossed and his hands behind his head, just chilling. 8)

I look at him when I get back home and say "wow, that was crazy" and he looks at me and says "It's OK Mommy, it was just a storm"

I guess ignorance is bliss! :drunken:


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01 Sep 2009, 8:56 pm

Still waters run deep.


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02 Sep 2009, 9:05 pm

I was praised by my mom for my calm in a very hectic situation. To this day, I don't know if I really was that calm or if I was so immersed in my studies (I was in college at the time) that I didn't really even feel nervous.


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03 Sep 2009, 12:12 am

Sometimes yes and sometimes no


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04 Sep 2009, 2:23 pm

My bike tire blew last night on my commute home from work, making me an hour late. I was ranting and raving while trying to fix the tire on our front porch, and I slipped and gouged my face with a tire-repair tool. My son (AS, 8-y-o) said, "I'll help," ran in and got an ice pack, then brought it to me along with a hand towel for the blood.

With me, if I know the source of my anxiety, I can control my own reactive behavior. I'm pretty sure it's the same with autism/AS folks as well. If I don't know what's bugging me I can be a pain in the tush - and so can my son.

Human beings being human, if you ask me.

"Learn to forgive yourself, again and again and again and again...." - S. Kopp