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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Feb 2020, 10:38 am

RE in general has sucked since RE 4. RE 4 is an action shooter pretending to be a survival horror game. RE 4 has enemies that drop gold, money and bullets. That's just stupid. Also, after killing a bunch of villagers or whatever, an indicator on the screen points you where to go. Hell, in the original game, you had to figure out where to go next yourself, like a true survivor would.

RE 4 is still way better than RE 5 is. Most of the enemies in 5 are cut and pasted from 4 anyway. Having co-op also meant it wasn't very scary at all. The section with Chris and Jill in the replica mansion was probably just a way to attract fans because the main game wasn't that hot, and Capcom knew that as well.

RE 6 sucks as a RE game. It's a somewhat fun action game, however. There was NOT really any survival horror on offer, though.

I did like Revelations 2, even though the gameplay mechanics, story and certain enemies are rip-offs of The Last of Us. Like for example, the winter section with Ellie is blatantly copied, with Moira and Evgeny.


The RE 2 remake was decent, but not exactly memorable. They removed a lot of the famous enemies, like the crows, (original) plants, and spiders. Brad Vickers also does not appear as a zombie either, and the opening segment consisted of you basically running a few feet to reach the police station. That's it!

This RE 3 remake coming in April has Jill looking like a man now. I also think that Project Resistance game that comes with it, is a heap of BS. :lol:

Oh... and Chris Redfield looks dumb now, too. He looks like he aged backwards, and the Chris we know would never involve himself with scum like Umbrella. You know it's sad too, when Capcom blocked "Michael Does Life" on Twitter, because he suggested they delay the game, due to it needing more time in the oven. 8O


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17 Feb 2020, 7:30 pm

Resident Evil 4 was the first in the series I played. I had played the Alone in the Dark and Clock Tower games prior and they weren't really that compelling for me, basically just variations on point and click adventure games except occasionally a scary thing might happen, and they had some garbage action gameplay tacked on. From what I understand Resident Evil 1 - 3 were similar games, so I avoided them for that reason. To date, the best 'classic' survival horror game I've played is Amnesia: The Dark Descent, it had some uniquely unsettling imagery and creative set pieces.

Resident Evil 4 for me was fun, although I didn't think the game went far enough in eliminating its seemingly deliberately terrible controls. Games shouldn't try to increase the tension by giving you awful controls to deal with what it throws at you, there's a reason why something like Surgeon Simulator isn't the pinnacle of tense horror gaming. The thing that most took me aback was how cheesy it was, but it wasn't too much to its detriment because it was largely self aware.

When Resident Evil 5 came out I played it but it felt like a giant step back. The partner system felt like it removed a lot of tension for two reasons, firstly because being unaccompanied is generally scarier than having a partner, and secondly it consistently took you out of moment to moment gameplay as you'd have to babysit your partner, making sure they didn't use all the ammo on something non threatening and corralling them into areas where they couldn't kill themselves causing a game over. I remember nothing of the story, which in itself says a lot, because at least I remember Resident Evil 4's for its eye rolling goofiness.

Resident 6 was just awful. Not scary, with lots of dumb and loud action set pieces that made it feel more like a bad version of Gears of War than a horror game. It has lots of really baffling game design decisions, like invincible enemies before certain flags are raised, invincible enemies during certain animations, and cutscenes that happen in the middle of gameplay yet don't stop the action. I have not been able to bring myself to another game in the series since, it was one of the worst games I played in the year of its release.

Since Resident Evil 4 the best game I've played that iterated on its formula was The Last of Us, it's a game that balances action and horror really well. I can imagine the developers of Resident Evil looking at that game and really wanting to emulate its formula.

To me Resident Evil just has far too much baggage to be compelling, even if a new game ends up being brilliant. Its story is just cheesy nonsense, yet in my experience each game constantly makes references to the previous games like there's some value to be had in it. For someone like me who has no interest in playing every single Resident Evil game, I don't understand why they don't ditch the series and create a new IP, or at least some new standalone series bearing its name.

5wiits 4 Ma 5wiit
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Feb 2020, 6:44 pm

I don't think the RE Engine is bad, but they hire the wrong sort of models for the characters. Now Carlos truly does look like a Mexican. 8O


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23 Feb 2020, 7:08 pm

You missed 7 which was awesome.

3 looks great, and Project Resistance didn't look great, but the GameInformer article made it sound like it's actually got a good idea going. Now we just need to see if it's executed well.

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24 Feb 2020, 6:22 pm

I was planning on getting Resident Evil 7 for PC VR, but it was never released. I don't have a huge interest in it, it looks like a standard indie horror game, which are a dime a dozen.


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24 Feb 2020, 8:44 pm

Enigmatic_Oddity wrote:
I was planning on getting Resident Evil 7 for PC VR, but it was never released. I don't have a huge interest in it, it looks like a standard indie horror game, which are a dime a dozen.

Don't judge by looks, it was pretty much the first AAA vr game and it set the bar a little too high.

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25 Feb 2020, 4:33 am

There's lots of VR horror games, Alien Isolation was probably the first major one and it came out six years ago.


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25 Feb 2020, 12:39 pm

Resident evil is my favourite game series of all time.

I love the games. There literally what I live for and I am not joking either.

5wiits 4 Ma 5wiit
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 Feb 2020, 6:08 pm

There's a user called "Michael Does Life" on YouTube. He frequently spews about these games, and fanboys assume he's trolling.

I do agree that the series isn't where it needs to be. Nemesis now teleports. Jill looks like a man. Capcom removed a lot of creatures.

I called in many times during his last couple of live streams, featuring his mate, Dillon. Dillon said I have that certified badge. And I do!

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03 Mar 2020, 12:03 am

RE7 is worse than 6 imho. The first section in the house has a sort of simplified version of old-school Resi level design, where you have basically a few small circuits placed together, but instead of zombies you just have a hiding game followed by black goop monsters that literally despawn when you leave their room. The rest of the game is a series of scripted events and linear levels that vary from bad to worse. It feels like a western indie horror game given way too much budget.

Personally I like RE4 and I like the classic games & both remakes. The fact that the series has all-time classics in two distinct genres is largely why it remains a legendary series to this day.

5wiits 4 Ma 5wiit
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Mar 2020, 2:17 pm

Yeah. Capcom themselves don't even know where to take this franchise at all anymore.

Clearly, RE7 was their answer to Silent Hills getting cancelled. Here's all the movies the game blatantly rips off...

-Evil Dead
-The Ring
-The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

There's probably a lot more films I failed to mention, but those are the most notable ones in my view.

As for RE4, 5 and 6: I don't hate RE4 as a game in general, but it sucks as a RE game. The game begins and Umbrella are said to have gone bankrupt, indicating right off the bat that they aren't even around any longer. That was the meat and potatoes of the entire story prior to that point in time. The heroes were supposed to confront Umbrella in a future game, due to all of their viruses and whatnot. Think of the communities in The Walking Dead having to battle Negan, and his people. You probably felt like the old games ended up being a waste of time.

RE5 in my opinion is what really removed the soul of the series. It's a bland horror game, but a solid action game. However, RE should never have been converted into action. They also made Wesker into a kind of super dumb villain in that game. He just kept spouting all this jive.

RE6 was a disaster of epic proportions. I didn't feel like I was even playing a game that remotely resembled RE, except for some small segments of Leon's campaign, because at least that featured zombies again. The rest of the game was just pretty stupid.

I also dislike this new RE Engine nonsense. They have to scan the faces of real life models, yet they hired somebody to do Chris in RE7 who was a blonde, and a young man. Yet he looked nothing like Chris from RE5 and 6. How hard was it for them to hire a guy with black hair and a black beard? Seriously! In fact, they initially trolled us too, making everybody believe this wasn't actually Chris anyway. Later on, they revealed it was him, and he works for Umbrella now, but their logo is now blue. :roll:


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18 Mar 2020, 7:32 am

Well, the remastered version looks pretty good

5wiits 4 Ma 5wiit
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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22 Mar 2020, 4:57 am

There's now a demo. You should give it a try. :wink:


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09 Dec 2022, 8:56 am

Imo resident Evil 6 is questionable but 7 and Village are top notch


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24 Dec 2022, 4:45 am

What do you think RE9 will be about?

I really want the evil BSAA storyline to go somewhere.