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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Aug 2017, 8:36 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
SGDragon wrote:
That's the thing with thise darn emojis, ppl use just one, and i'm like "ARGH WHATS IT MEAN!?"

Now don't get me wrong, I was definitely giving you a weird look. A "wide-eyed raised eyebrow" sort of thing, or maybe my left eye is just much larger than my right?

I still call them "emoticons" because emojis creep me out and I refuse to use them.

Had a friend who often made an entire reply with just a ":p", aaand yeah.

...that's me =(

But I'm a big wimp, so it'd be more along the lines of repeatedly whacking someone on the head with a bugnet, lol!

I think you're confusing Call of Duty with Animal Crossing.

I mean, my gameplay of ocarina of time was halted at the royal grave, cuz those zombies scared my proverbial PANTS OFF. UGH those creepy buggers!

Ugh =( I just finished that part in the 3D remake not long ago. I forgot how incredibly annoying they are.

"Oops, I got too close. I guess I'll just wait a half a minute for you to quit hugging me. Or maybe I'll just let you kill me and I can stop playing this stupid game."

...or you can play the Prelude of Light on your ocarina to paralyze them all, which probably takes longer than just letting one or two of them grope you =|

Energetic...or as my folks would put it, "ornery."

Doesn't "ornery" mean more like "stubborn"?

I see you as one of those tiny girls who dresses up like Pikachu and chases everyone around at the anime convention.

ok im too lazy (or distracted i unno) to do the whole quoting thing all fancy like and ima just quote it all in a big, nigh illegible lump xD

No, i am NOT the tiny pika ppl chaser at anime cons. I went to two, but as Filia ul Copt (from Slayers) and as Lilka from um...whatever Wild Arms it was, lol. 2nd Ignition? anyway, I LOVE cons, but im far more the person to sit back, observe and psychoanalyze EVERYONE. It amuses me so xD
Course if I see someone with a bad-ass costume, ill basically throw myself at their feet and ask em to make me their apprentice xD Goal of mine, pro seamstress..or however close i can get.

Never played the 3D remake. Moneys man, just aint rollin in it, lol. And yes, I see you caught that Animal Crossing reference. Was on purpose, lol xD

And ornery isnt *QUITE* stubborn (it CAN be, but thats not all) its more along the lines of the sort who garners ridiculous delight outta whacking villagers on the head with a bug net, gleefully giggles at shoving em in pitfalls...
Or STILL may sorta...kinda...have an ever so slight grudge against her cousin for caving and spoiling a prank where she had filled her mums lidded water bottle with frogs....

..whaat? Woulda been EPIC funny ;D


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19 Aug 2017, 11:50 pm


Gamer :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


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20 Aug 2017, 7:36 pm

SGDragon wrote:
ok im too lazy (or distracted i unno) to do the whole quoting thing all fancy like and ima just quote it all in a big, nigh illegible lump xD

Fair enough.

I've been to a few conventions...I haven't had time the last couple years =| I dressed up for one of them. I feel like I should build one or two really good costumes and just use those every year, rather than have something different (and lower quality) every year. It's also really hot there though, so a lot of my ideas, while hilarious, are really impractical. I think Ness from Earthbound would be a perfect idea for me, but finding the right shirt and cap is a lot harder than one would think.

Never played the 3D remake. Moneys man, just aint rollin in it, lol.

The great thing about having a job is that you can afford to buy videogames all the time, but you never have time to play them =) The remake is okay, but some of the graphics ghost really bad in 3D mode, and it's not nearly as nostalgic as the original...which I don't like all that much to begin with, if you couldn't tell... ¬_¬

And yes, I see you caught that Animal Crossing reference. Was on purpose, lol xD

I couldn't think of very many other games with bug nets...some of the Zelda games have one, but you can't hit people with it.

And ornery isnt *QUITE* stubborn (it CAN be, but thats not all) its more along the lines of the sort who garners ridiculous delight outta whacking villagers on the head with a bug net, gleefully giggles at shoving em in pitfalls...

Oh, I see. So you just really want everyone to hate you and move away ;)

Or STILL may sorta...kinda...have an ever so slight grudge against her cousin for caving and spoiling a prank where she had filled her mums lidded water bottle with frogs....


So you had a Sega "Genesis", but you say "mum"...I'm getting some mixed signals about your country of origin.

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20 Aug 2017, 9:22 pm

USA, I'm afraid.

I just like languages, and little language quirks and nuances. I pick up stuff here and there if I like it. Plus I get bored always using the same words.

You said, "Hot there."
Where is "there"? You got one con nearby in..a hot area? I went to one near Portland, OR. It was hot...I was hot (full long dress, long wig and cloak) and I had white gogo boots on.


Was havin' too much of a blast xD

I'm dead practical all the rest of the year, so at cons I decide I can go a little bugnuts xD ...Ahem, 'nother little language nuance...means "reallly nuts. Courtesy of my woodsy folks. No not redneck, just outdoorsy rural. There IS a difference.

Btw, met lot of folks who didn't much like the old Zelda. Huh....Must be like one of those things where you're a die-hard fan...or you hate it o _-...I was semi-impartial. Was fun til' the groping zombies.

Btw x2, a Ness costume would rock :D Understated costumes can be really awesome. I love the challenge of mix and matching, and/or crafting pieces for a costume :D Need to get back into that...

Btw...x3! (lol) May seem I reply, "narrowly," for lack of a better word. I only hv internet on a small screen, prepaid phn (also why trying to quote stuff is a royal pain in the rump) so, yeah...not excluding others, and if I seem like I'm disinterested in a thread as a whole, I'm not. Just that I basically have a very limited, sorta pinhole view, lol!


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21 Aug 2017, 8:13 am

SGDragon wrote:
USA, I'm afraid.


You said, "Hot there."
Where is "there"? You got one con nearby in..a hot area?

The convention is late June/early July, and often lands on the hottest day of the year.
One of my ideas was Kinnikuman, complete with luchadore mask and fake muscle suit...would be hilarious, but I would probably get heat stroke.


Well, I don't sweat, so I overheat very easily.

Btw, met lot of folks who didn't much like the old Zelda. Huh....Must be like one of those things where you're a die-hard fan...or you hate it o _-...I was semi-impartial. Was fun til' the groping zombies.

I love almost all of the Zelda games, but with OoT, Nintendo was just learning how to make 3D games, and IMO it really shows. Honestly, I guess no game in the series is really flawless, though.

Btw x2, a Ness costume would rock :D

It would rock, plus it would be comfortable to wear, and I could wear it any day of the year. I've seen a few of them, and a couple Lucases. I don't think I've seen any Nintens or Clauses.

Just that I basically have a very limited, sorta pinhole view, lol!

Maybe that would explain
why I see people post in
a manner similar to this,
from time to time, on
different forums.

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21 Aug 2017, 4:46 pm

I was a retro gamer back when it got you beaten up!! !

If there is one 'normal' interest I have always had and shared with my brother it's video games. Even with a PS4 I find I spend the vast majority of my time playing SNES. I just got a "highly legal" system that has virtually every SNES and NES game known to man.

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21 Aug 2017, 9:39 pm

Feeling random.
So here are some old games I loved.

N64: Banjo Kazooie 1 & 2, Mischief Makers (shake shake shake- toss into a clancy ball! BAHAHA!), Harvest Moon 64, and others I can't remember.. Ha!

SNES: Yoshi's Island, Supa Mario (tho I SUUUUCK at mario!), Bubsy, Boogerman- A Pick and Flick Adventure, Chrono Trigger, Claymates, Donkey Kong 1-3, E.V.O. Search for Eden, Earthworm Jim, Illusion of Gaia, Slayers games (well lets face it, I'd love Slayers toothpaste e.e), Tales of Phantasia, Super mario RPG, etc etc...

Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure 1-2 (YEEAAH, I LIKED EM, WHAT OF IT?), Grandia 2 (the Elena girl was SUUUUUCH a DORK tho :p), Phantasy Star, etc..

Sega Saturn...Only had a few. Including the Japanese version of the Magic Knight Rayearth game...wish I had a good enuf puter to run SSF or Satourne full speed xP Whateva..

PSX: Azure Dreams, Digimon World (i kno, they were BAAD, but I weirdly enjoyed...I unno)
Discworld, Guardians Crusade (YES I KNO IM WEIRD), Lunar Eternal Blue, Monsterseed (crap graphics but hey I like collecting stuff), Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2: Little Princess (Or Puppet Princess of Marl Kingdom. YEEAH ITS GIRLY. SO SUE ME), Slayers Royal, Thousand Arms (erm, little odd gameplay for me as a straight girl, but lol, was humorous and fun), and Tomba 1-2. LOVED Tomba :D Oh and Grandia 1...ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVE RPGS, with a male protaganist I actually LIKED!

Other than that, all Pokedork games, Animal Crossing, and every Harvest Moon, and as it is now called ; Story of Seasons.

Lol geez...All you "real" gamers are prolly like, geez this chick is weird and/or has poor tastes. Pfft, lol. Oh well. I like what I like xD


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22 Aug 2017, 9:03 am

SGDragon wrote:
Mischief Makers

Almost everything Treasure makes is awesome. One of these days I need to pick that one up...or an Everdrive... *cough cough* ¬_¬

E.V.O. Search for Eden

That game was so good. The first game in the series was recently translated, but I haven't tried it yet:

Sonic Adventure 1-2 (YEEAAH, I LIKED EM, WHAT OF IT?)

Since when did people dislike Sonic Adventure?? o_O

...wish I had a good enuf puter to run SSF or Satourne full speed xP Whateva..

My computer's pretty decent, but Saturn emulation is still pretty bad. I finally gave in and bought myself a Saturn off eBay (and maybe a modchip). I feel like hooking it up =/

Tomba 1-2. LOVED Tomba :D Oh and Grandia 1...ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVE RPGS, with a male protaganist I actually LIKED!

Tomba is awesome, I need to play it some more.
I need to get around to playing the Grandia games, but I've been holding out in the hopes that someone will translate the original Saturn version =|

Lol geez...All you "real" gamers are prolly like, geez this chick is weird and/or has poor tastes.


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22 Aug 2017, 4:42 pm

Again, too lame and lazy to quote everything...har!

I don't know what an everdrive is...Treasure huh? I hardly pay attention to that stuff (company names, etc...I never remember the actual names of actors/actoresses either, just their roles). I gotta google what other games they made tho, since Mischief Makers was so fun :D

And I 'unno, I just had it in my head that ppl thought the new Sonic games were dorky, kid's stuff, or tried too hard to be "cool". Whateva, u kno. Guess I can assume things, and you know what they say about "ass"uming

I lost all my retro games and systems in...well, a very bad situation. Recently re-added a wii back to my collection, tho :) Happy slappy! I had a PSX that had a...oh, don't remember the name...But it had a certain, wide port on the back. A certain older model.. I plugged a GoldFinger device into it to run my Japanese imports :) Lost that too T_T Oh well...Other than that, tho, I'm pretty much a techie fail, lol! Save for some computer emulation, which I just bumble thru best I can xD

There's an original version of Grandia for the Saturn O.O!? OOOOH IM ALL OVER THAT! And I don't need to wait til it's translated xD I know enough Japanese to read it myself! With a dictionary, granted...but HEY, woo! That's exciiiting!

And thanks, lol...Guess I "ass"umed again that since I don't play FPSs or war games, racing...u kno, etc...Guess I thought I'd be seen as a namby pamby wanna-be gamer, lol! I assume alot e.e Well, a friend DOES tease me that he's a real gamer compared to me. Guess I'm too sensitive \x) And I think he just likes teasing me cuz' he gets a kick out of it...TURD >:( ...Guess I'm kinda like that too, lol \xD

Sigh...there goes my curtain again...My cats protest if I "internet" too long. First they bug me, try knocking my phn outta my hands...Then it turns to biting, and if that doesnt work, then my curtains get pulled down and stuff starts crashing...-_-; Spoiled brats. K, I gotta tend to my kitties e.e


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23 Aug 2017, 8:06 am

SGDragon wrote:
I don't know what an everdrive is...Treasure huh?

Everdrive is a line of flash carts for various consoles, made by a guy called KRIKzz from the Ukraine. I maybe have a few of them.

Treasure have made a ton of awesome games...the biggest ones are probably Gunstar Heroes (Genesis), Guardian Heroes (Saturn), and Ikaruga (Dreamcast).
I really liked Advance Guardian Heroes and Astro Boy on the GBA. There's also a spiritual sequel to Guardian Heroes on the 3DS called Code of Princess.

And I 'unno, I just had it in my head that ppl thought the new Sonic games were dorky, kid's stuff, or tried too hard to be "cool".

Nah, everybody loves the Adventure games. It's the games that came out afterwards that people don't like...well, the 3D ones, at least. They just weren't very good.

I lost all my retro games and systems in...well, a very bad situation. Recently re-added a wii back to my collection, tho :)

Bummer =(

If you softmod the Homebrew Channel onto your Wii, they have some really good emulators for it...but you didn't hear that from me... ¬_¬

I had a PSX that had a...oh, don't remember the name...But it had a certain, wide port on the back. A certain older model.. I plugged a GoldFinger device into it to run my Japanese imports :)

Serial port. I have a Gameshark device like that which may or may not allow one to run backup discs... ¬_¬

I haven't purchased very many imports, I think I just have one or two for SNES.

There's an original version of Grandia for the Saturn O.O!? OOOOH IM ALL OVER THAT! And I don't need to wait til it's translated xD I know enough Japanese to read it myself!

The Saturn version is supposed to have less bugs, better graphics, and a better framerate. I guess it's not really that huge of a tradeoff...I just feel kind of weird when I can play every game in a series on a Sega console (in English) except for ONE of them. Plus, my Saturn works a lot better than my Playstation.

And thanks, lol...Guess I "ass"umed again that since I don't play FPSs or war games, racing...u kno, etc...Guess I thought I'd be seen as a namby pamby wanna-be gamer, lol!

Nah, I like a lot of the same games as you. I think most Americans just prefer, you know, American games. I've always preferred Japanese games, for the most part. On consoles, at least.

Sigh...there goes my curtain again...My cats protest if I "internet" too long.

Now I'm just imagining you hiding behind a curtain, in a booth, on the floor, hunched over a cellular telephone o_O

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23 Aug 2017, 8:55 am

Gunstar Heroes and Ikaruga are games I really love and I think they're some of the best in their respective genres. Never realised they were both made by the same developer.

I only ever played the first several hours of Grandia. I loved what I played and really wanted to keep playing, but I was playing the Playstation version and I just got frustrated by the bugs that caused the game to crash. I would buy a PC version if it ever came out.

Is anyone really, really looking forward to the release of Sonic Mania on PC? I haven't enjoyed a Sonic game since Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It looks really awesome.

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24 Aug 2017, 4:22 pm

Mercenaries on the original Xbox. Jade empire too.

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25 Aug 2017, 12:43 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
Now I'm just imagining you hiding behind a curtain, in a booth, on the floor, hunched over a cellular telephone o_O

Image clue if thats gonna show properly, lol.


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25 Aug 2017, 8:15 am

SGDragon wrote: clue if thats gonna show properly, lol.

Ha ha, exactly. I wasn't picturing so much neon pink though, and I did not know you had the luxury of a stool to sit on.

*resists the urge to Photoshop it*

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26 Aug 2017, 1:08 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
Ha ha, exactly. I wasn't picturing so much neon pink though, and I did not know you had the luxury of a stool to sit on.

*resists the urge to Photoshop it*

Dude I LIVE pink! The more glaring, and retina burning...the BETTER. Also like loose, swishy shirts that have the kind of black and white stripes that'll make ur eyes cross and ur stomach sick xD

And pfft, go ahead xD I just slapped that together rather crappily anyhoo. Just don't touch my pink, dude! That'd be like pulling the wings off a fly! Could you LIVE with that sort of criminality!? (yes i decree that IS a word)


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26 Aug 2017, 7:35 am

SGDragon wrote:
Just don't touch my pink, dude! That'd be like pulling the wings off a fly! Could you LIVE with that sort of criminality!?

Ahhh...ummmm...uhhhhh....that is...uh...definitely not part of what I was going to do.......nosirree... =X

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