Why can't people make fun of others anymore?

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29 Sep 2016, 12:50 pm

nurseangela wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Trump whines way too much, as to plenty of his supporters....they go on about 'f*** political correctness' and how people should say anything they want whereever and whenever they want. Then when anyone says anything insulting about trump supporters they cry like great big babies. Can dish it out but obviously can't take it when it's pointed at them.

What is this crap all about? You keep telling me to be politically correct about not using the words "The Left" and you come up with this? Are you kidding me? I can take stuff just fine - I've been called everything under the sun and I'm still here, but evidently I'm not allowed to dish it out to "The Left", am I? You just gotta love the double standards.

I think I've suggest you don't generalize the entire left, don't think I've said be politically correct and don't say 'the left' that is ridiculous. And I said trump and some of his supporters...maybe you can take stuff just fine but Trump and plenty other supporters cannot. I think recently Hillary said something about a basket of deplorables or something and the whining about it I heard from right wing media and trump supporting right wingers themselves was astounding.

So I guess they feel they should be as offensive and non-politically correct as possible, but then don't like/can't handle it if people say offensive things about them.

And then that debate was just an argument, it was like watching two monkeys jabbing each other with sticks and trying to one up each other.

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29 Sep 2016, 1:07 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Trump whines way too much, as to plenty of his supporters....they go on about 'f*** political correctness' and how people should say anything they want whereever and whenever they want. Then when anyone says anything insulting about trump supporters they cry like great big babies. Can dish it out but obviously can't take it when it's pointed at them.

What is this crap all about? You keep telling me to be politically correct about not using the words "The Left" and you come up with this? Are you kidding me? I can take stuff just fine - I've been called everything under the sun and I'm still here, but evidently I'm not allowed to dish it out to "The Left", am I? You just gotta love the double standards.

I think I've suggest you don't generalize the entire left, don't think I've said be politically correct and don't say 'the left' that is ridiculous. And I said trump and some of his supporters...maybe you can take stuff just fine but Trump and plenty other supporters cannot. I think recently Hillary said something about a basket of deplorables or something and the whining about it I heard from right wing media and trump supporting right wingers themselves was astounding.

So I guess they feel they should be as offensive and non-politically correct as possible, but then don't like/can't handle it if people say offensive things about them.

Nonsense, you don't understand the implications of what Hillary was saying if you think that. If you're shedding tears about Trump being a meanie because he said that Mexico is sending murderers and rapists among those crossing the border then how is it tolerable for Hillary to have called tens of millions of American citizens "deplorable" and "irredeemable"? That second part isn't reported on as much. Did you find Romney's 47% remarks offensive? Hillary's people play the victim and are perpetually offended but they're even bigger bullies and racists.

I've been saying this all along, the rhetoric used against Trump is what has been violent and I said this back when the ninnies were whining about some 80 year old man punching a protester as evidence to Trump supporters proclivity to violence when THE FACTS have shown it is the anti-Trump people that have been causing unrest in the streets and attacking innocent people simply because they disagree. Go watch the videos of these riots & Trump supporters being beaten by these animals and say that Hillary's rhetoric is okay, you are ignorant if you chalk it up to 'being able to dish it but not take it'. If Trump supporters have done what leftists done this election, they would be calling for martial law. Hillary is the most corrupt and dangerous candidate of all time, she has no regard for the rule of law and those she opposes.


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29 Sep 2016, 1:11 pm

Spiderpig wrote:
GGPViper wrote:
... but if they spoke up, they risked getting fired, beaten, arrested, or even killed...

It was still their responsibility to either have the courage to speak up anyway—which I'm sure a few did—or accept their fate, much like it is today for those who proudly and courageously defend their right to keep being disrespectful and making fun of them.

GGPViper wrote:
Furthermore, "fat shaming" causes overweight people to gain weight, not lose it.

Other people are not responsible for one's actions, including overeating. Besides, they wouldn't gain weight if the discrimination they faced were enough to prevent them from making the money to buy so much food.

GGPViper wrote:
So the only rationale for shaming overweight people is to satisfy some sadistic and/or antisocial urge...

And that urge must exist for a reason. Humans were naturally selected to have it. It serves the purpose of weeding people who can't control their weight out of the gene pool.

So let me get this straight:

Victims of racism, homophobia etc. = Own responsibility
Victims of fat shaming = Own responsibility
Sadistic bullying = It's not my fault. Evolution made me do it!


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29 Sep 2016, 1:34 pm

I do not find Donald Trump to be a breath of fresh air or anything close to that. I find the man rather disturbing. Not that I am a fan of Hillary...

it was like watching two monkeys jabbing each other with sticks and trying to one up each other

^ sounds about right to me.


I do think that a lot of times political correctness goes too far. I have no problems with doing things like not calling people fat, for example... even though to me fat is just a descriptive word. In a lot of places being fat is a symbol of health, wealth, happiness, and beauty. It does not have a negative connotation everywhere. Yet, I do understand it offends and hurts people. It's easy enough on my end to not call people fat. There are other words I can find to describe a person. But I do get confused when people call me skinny and say it with sneer on their faces. I know they mean it in a negative way, but there is apparently no problems with them saying that to me in a crappy way, but I can't say fat as nothing more than an adjective. It confuses me.

I also get confused when people go off on me for doing something like calling myself crazy. It's not like I go and call others that or insist people call me crazy. Rarely if ever does anyone even bother to ask why I used that word before they start chewing me out. I happen to find humor and not taking myself too seriously to be beneficial to me. It''s not like I'm trying to be mean to myself or anything. I try to watch my words when it comes to how I deal with others, and if I discover a word will upset someone, I do try to remember to not use it around them. I get annoyed that a lot people refused to extend the same patience and tolerance to me that they demand from me. And again, I'm not one who goes around making fun of others. I just refuse to take myself seriously is all. For me, it's why can't I make fun of myself anymore?

I don't know if I am being selfish and awful and am just missing the point or what.

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29 Sep 2016, 1:37 pm

I think society is still cruel to people who are overweight, in spite of what people say. Just like it is still cruel and unfair to people because of their race, age, gender, religion and sexual preferences. And let's not forget autistic people.

I don't understand why making yourself feel superior to another person is "funny". I do understand that it's Americans that are mostly naturally rude, intolerant, bigoted and generally disgusting and that they've always enjoyed being that way. Yes, I know that's ironic thing to say. So?


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29 Sep 2016, 2:16 pm

GGPViper wrote:
So let me get this straight:

Victims of racism, homophobia etc. = Own responsibility
Victims of fat shaming = Own responsibility
Sadistic bullying = It's not my fault. Evolution made me do it!

That's funny, but of course not, sadistic bullying is the bully's responsibility, too. I didn't think it was necessary to point it out, because those who publicly flaunt their disrespect for others aren't being irresponsible at all. Quite the opposite: they're actively daring anyone who doesn't like what they say to do anything to curtail their freedom of speech. That's just about as far as you can get from not wanting to face the consequences of your actions.

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29 Sep 2016, 2:32 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
I think society is still cruel to people who are overweight, in spite of what people say. Just like it is still cruel and unfair to people because of their race, age, gender, religion and sexual preferences. And let's not forget autistic people.

I don't understand why making yourself feel superior to another person is "funny". I do understand that it's Americans that are mostly naturally rude, intolerant, bigoted and generally disgusting and that they've always enjoyed being that way. Yes, I know that's ironic thing to say. So?

Rational answer

The freer a society is, the freer people are to be rude, intolerant, bigoted and generally disgusting and to proudly signal how much they enjoy being that way.

Irrational, facile and opportunistic answer

Isn't that racist against Americans? [Your point has been destroyed with no need to bother to actually address it.]

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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29 Sep 2016, 3:41 pm

K_Kelly wrote:
I actually think Donald Trump right now is a breath of fresh air. We can't make fun of other people anymore or say whatever we want without offending others. Now, we live in a world where being fat, obese, is not only accepted, but encouraged, rather than shamed on. I think we might as well go back to the old days where people made fun of other races and homosexuality was shamed. F-ck political correctness. We never "tolerated" smoking. Pretty soon when obesity is the "new normal" we won't even be able to speak about making the world thin again without offending other people. I'm willing to trade today's tolerant society for the old days where nobody gave a damn if you made fun of other groups.

Now, society is in decline and there is nothing anybody can do to stop it.

Only someone with ass burgers would be ret*d enough to post something like this! :lol:

Just kidding.

But seriously:Saying "society" is "in decline" is a bit much. Also saying that "we never tolerated smoking" is a symptom of you being under a certain age: in the pre 1965 pre Surgeon General's Warning era smoking was more than tolerated, it was glamorized. Public places like restaurants were always awash in blue smoke. Boogey, Bacall, and every other matinee idol had to have a burning cigarette on their person virtually every moment of screen time. But since 1965-indeed- smoking has gradually gotten more and more marginalized with the years until now (you might argue)it is excessively so.

Not sure I totally disagree that PC is going too far. Anything can be taken too far. Its a matter of degree. On the internet you encounter ever new catchphrases like what you're talking about:"shameing". Have recently encountered the phrases "fat shameing", and "slut shameing". Maybe there will be a movement against "shameing shameing". :). And it will be called "shaming shaming shaming". You will have to feel ashamed of...making someone else feel ashamed...of making a third person feel ashamed of [whatever trait that that third person has]. Thereby making it okay to make fun of folks with those traits that you don't like.

And maybe you can be the vanguard of that movement so we can have "free speech" again.

But be aware of what you're doing. If you launch such a crusade you then can't complain if folks make fun of your "ASS- Burgers" ( or of any other trait you might happen to have) .


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29 Sep 2016, 3:53 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Trump whines way too much, as to plenty of his supporters....they go on about 'f*** political correctness' and how people should say anything they want whereever and whenever they want. Then when anyone says anything insulting about trump supporters they cry like great big babies. Can dish it out but obviously can't take it when it's pointed at them.

What is this crap all about? You keep telling me to be politically correct about not using the words "The Left" and you come up with this? Are you kidding me? I can take stuff just fine - I've been called everything under the sun and I'm still here, but evidently I'm not allowed to dish it out to "The Left", am I? You just gotta love the double standards.

I think I've suggest you don't generalize the entire left, don't think I've said be politically correct and don't say 'the left' that is ridiculous. And I said trump and some of his supporters...maybe you can take stuff just fine but Trump and plenty other supporters cannot. I think recently Hillary said something about a basket of deplorables or something and the whining about it I heard from right wing media and trump supporting right wingers themselves was astounding.

So I guess they feel they should be as offensive and non-politically correct as possible, but then don't like/can't handle it if people say offensive things about them.

And then that debate was just an argument, it was like watching two monkeys jabbing each other with sticks and trying to one up each other.

You have told me not to use "The Left" because I'm generalizing that all people are that way. There are two main categories - The Left and The Right. Most people fall in one of those with a minority in the middle, but most voters end up choosing a side. So when I say "The Left" from now on, I mean the people who think opposite of me.

My point was that I should be the one whining the most. It sounds like you forgot just what kind of names I was called over in PPR and NOT ONCE did I call anyone else those outlandish names. So don't tell me that people who are for Trump are whiners. The ones who are on "The Left" play dirty and resort to name calling like little two year olds when the debate doesn't go their way. Whining my ass. I'm sick of listening to it. I really do hope that Trump wins and sets this country straight again. People are getting too out of hand.

Me grumpy?
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29 Sep 2016, 4:12 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:

What does it do for you to call people names?

You want to inflict pain?

You want to feel superior?

Ha, most of your posts involve you bragging about the fact that you earn enough money not to have to live around poor blacks and 'white trash'. Maybe you should self-analyze.


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29 Sep 2016, 4:17 pm

nurseangela wrote:
You have told me not to use "The Left" because I'm generalizing that all people are that way. There are two main categories - The Left and The Right. Most people fall in one of those with a minority in the middle, but most voters end up choosing a side. So when I say "The Left" from now on, I mean the people who think opposite of me.

My point was that I should be the one whining the most. It sounds like you forgot just what kind of names I was called over in PPR and NOT ONCE did I call anyone else those outlandish names. So don't tell me that people who are for Trump are whiners. The ones who are on "The Left" play dirty and resort to name calling like little two year olds when the debate doesn't go their way. Whining my ass. I'm sick of listening to it. I really do hope that Trump wins and sets this country straight again. People are getting too out of hand.

While you're at it, why don't you call it The Wrong instead of The Left? It'd be a much more transparent name—unless, of course, you're rebelling against political correctness by implying wrongness is a quality to be preferentially ascribed to left-handed people. The name of The Right is perfectly clear, however: they're always right and only they can be right, by definition.

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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29 Sep 2016, 4:20 pm

skysaw wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:

What does it do for you to call people names?
You want to inflict pain?
You want to feel superior?

Maybe you should self-analyze.

:D That was exactly what I thought. It would be hard to find a better example of a pharisaical statement. Self-awareness is not a leftist trait. :D

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29 Sep 2016, 4:28 pm

It's true that society seems abnormally sensitive about certain things these days. One regularly witnesses people being coerced into making public apologies over apparently harmless jokes or observations. On the other hand, there are certain groups it is safe to make fun of, such as 'WASPS', 'inbred' Southerners, 'white trash', 'authoritarian' Germans, 'drunken' Russians, and so on. Sometimes it almost seems as if some non-white group had gained a controlling share of the media or something, but since that can't possibly be true I guess we have to put it down to 'the left'.


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29 Sep 2016, 4:32 pm

Darmok wrote:
skysaw wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:

What does it do for you to call people names?
You want to inflict pain?
You want to feel superior?

Maybe you should self-analyze.

:D That was exactly what I thought. It would be hard to find a better example of a pharisaical statement. Self-awareness is not a leftist trait. :D

"The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican."

I think most people would classify LoveNotHate as a rightist rather than a leftist, but hers seems to be a materialistic and self-centred sort of rightism, which helps to illustrate the limitations of the 'left-right' political spectrum in my opinion.


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29 Sep 2016, 7:23 pm

Spiderpig wrote:

That's funny, but of course not, sadistic bullying is the bully's responsibility, too. I didn't think it was necessary to point it out, because those who publicly flaunt their disrespect for others aren't being irresponsible at all. Quite the opposite: they're actively daring anyone who doesn't like what they say to do anything to curtail their freedom of speech. That's just about as far as you can get from not wanting to face the consequences of your actions.

In many if not most cases they pick on people they know can't fight or won't fight back. That is not daring, it is cowardice.

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29 Sep 2016, 7:35 pm

Political cartoonism about double standards in public life (particularly politicians) is still alive, well, imaginative and permitted:

http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultur ... 2016-10-10