Jordan Peterson Psychological Significance of the Biblical S

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23 Jun 2017, 5:19 am

Didn't sleep well last night so I've got some extra time finally to check this one out before work:

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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28 Jun 2017, 8:10 pm

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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30 Jun 2017, 5:13 am

I came across this line "those who write or tell about history create the past through narratives that fuse documentary record with contemporary desire." (John d. Niles, homo narrans,p.3, paraphrasing a historian's viewpoint)

I watched some Peterson yesterday, a panel discussiin in which he emphatically repeated how our society was barely a hundred years old, and only for fifty years we understanf that we have an actual impact on the environment - and that our society needs time to change, a generation or so, before mankind figures out a way to not fill the world with garbage.
And, of course, he then kicks a little at SJWs for wanting to destroy patriarchy, i.e. our society. Which is all fair enough.

However, I'd like to argue that a) we didn't only realize we are polluting our environment, we b) are doing so at an accelerating pace, and might break so much that the planet becomes largely uninhabitable. And that's basically the doing of one generation, the baby-boomers.
So, while Peterson calls for modesty, the baby boomers keep making money by externalizing losses and damaging the environment my young nephews are growing up in.
A naive "return to nature" approach is obviously stupid, but denying the need to renegotiate ecological sustainability is just as stupid.

The bible doesn't say what to do with a densely interconnected global capitalism that's both providing some level of wealth to a growing population, as well as burning through the planet's resources, - and I count the biosphere as a resource here.

I came across timothy morton and object oriented ontology recently.
His book on "ecology without nature" sounds interesting...

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30 Jun 2017, 6:35 am

Our world and the imperatives we have to keep track of are getting very complex. What makes them complex is not that these challenges just cut against our western Abrahamic traditions (especially for people who take Revelations seriously) but they also cut against our darwinian urge to keep making more people or to put flash, bling, and lots of 'stuff' as top priority for impressing a partner. That's actually made it really difficult for me to be particularly optimistic about where we're going because I've seen how people behave - particularly that Christianity as its told today still has loads of 'Your goina hail!' and still most people raised under it cut paper-dolls of the bible and do whatever the heck they want (not just Catholics) because the urge for evolutionary social and sexual competition puts any societal rule set as secondary or tertiary. If promises of hell-fire aren't even enough to stop people from doing whatever their mammal and lizard-brains want them to do however they want to do it I'm really not sure what kinds of mandates will.

That does concern me, that either the next few generations really get 'woke' to the environmental and human head-count issues in a way that makes an impact (as well as there being enough roll-back in belief in Abrahamic end-times concepts) or the whole lemming-pack might be walking off a cliff together.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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30 Jun 2017, 3:27 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Our world and the imperatives we have to keep track of are getting very complex. What makes them complex is not that these challenges just cut against our western Abrahamic traditions (especially for people who take Revelations seriously) but they also cut against our darwinian urge to keep making more people or to put flash, bling, and lots of 'stuff' as top priority for impressing a partner. That's actually made it really difficult for me to be particularly optimistic about where we're going because I've seen how people behave - particularly that Christianity as its told today still has loads of 'Your goina hail!' and still most people raised under it cut paper-dolls of the bible and do whatever the heck they want (not just Catholics) because the urge for evolutionary social and sexual competition puts any societal rule set as secondary or tertiary. If promises of hell-fire aren't even enough to stop people from doing whatever their mammal and lizard-brains want them to do however they want to do it I'm really not sure what kinds of mandates will.

That does concern me, that either the next few generations really get 'woke' to the environmental and human head-count issues in a way that makes an impact (as well as there being enough roll-back in belief in Abrahamic end-times concepts) or the whole lemming-pack might be walking off a cliff together.

funny thing- JP likes to get angry at "nihilists", who call making more offspring irresponsible. He calls those "post-modernists" inhumane, for saying things like "less people would be better".
well, I like some of the post-modernists, I mean, the actual philosophers, not the SJW-version of it- I don't think your average SJW even understands what he's saying, let alone has read nietzsche, derrida or deleuze.

oh, yeah, about nietzsche: JP likes to state how important he was/ is, and how intelligent. But it appears like he sort of stopped after reading the "dawn", in which nietzsche wonders about what mankind will do after the death of god-
nietzsche was a nihilist, for a while, before finding a way of transcending nihilism. and it was not traditionalism, but something new. And I think we all need to learn to first become nihilists, and then transcend it. sticking with this awful idea of god and tradition just prolongs the painful death, without which there can be no rebirth as a new, conscious people.

also, after spending a few months in a third world country, watching people burn their garbage and inhale the smoke, while I was sitting in a climatised car with a chauffeur in the daily, epic traffic jam- I stopped believing there could be a solution without violence. This particualr traditional society will at some point experience an explosion of violent modernization - or violent traditionalism, both of which are latent but causing fault lines in the society-, and there will be tens of millions of dead people- and I cannot see a way around it.
I don't think most of the third or second world have the capacity for transcending postmodern nihilism, because I think they are not even modern- and I don't think we in the west should return to traditionalism, because if we do, there's no avant-guard able to think the future.

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30 Jun 2017, 3:39 pm

shlaifu wrote:
oh, yeah, about nietzsche: JP likes to state how important he was/ is, and how intelligent. But it appears like he sort of stopped after reading the "dawn", in which nietzsche wonders about what mankind will do after the death of god-
nietzsche was a nihilist, for a while, before finding a way of transcending nihilism. and it was not traditionalism, but something new. And I think we all need to learn to first become nihilists, and then transcend it. sticking with this awful idea of god and tradition just prolongs the painful death, without which there can be no rebirth as a new, conscious people.

At a minimum all the Abrahamic literalism has to go. It will be helpful if the lens of science does shift to include more attempts to understand some of the odd stuff that's been showing up in the data for a long time as well as coming to grips for just how deep consciousness reaches into the universe, how pervasive it is, and just what type of place we actually live in.

shlaifu wrote:
also, after spending a few months in a third world country, watching people burn their garbage and inhale the smoke, while I was sitting in a climatised car with a chauffeur in the daily, epic traffic jam- I stopped believing there could be a solution without violence. This particualr traditional society will at some point experience an explosion of violent modernization - or violent traditionalism, both of which are latent but causing fault lines in the society-, and there will be tens of millions of dead people- and I cannot see a way around it.
I don't think most of the third or second world have the capacity for transcending postmodern nihilism, because I think they are not even modern- and I don't think we in the west should return to traditionalism, because if we do, there's no avant-guard able to think the future.

I don't think traditionalism is the way to go either, especially if you mean Guenon or Evola. I have to circle back to what I actually see of value in JP's lectures - ie. helping people understand the meaning of the narratives they have woven through their lives as well as helping them to understand the meaning of the most murderous and genocidal century in recorded history and what it told us about the frailty and abstractness of human morality, integrity, etc.. or how what bulwark people have against barbarism gets eroded.

I have to hope that for as many countries who are left with truly third-world cultural software and social belief systems that other countries surrounding them who aren't quite as deep in the same quagmire will bear the changes better and, once more surrounding countries are able to bring themselves into the 21st century it will be easier for those in the rear of the pack to follow suite - either without mass violence and upheaval or, at minimum, with much less of it.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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30 Jun 2017, 8:12 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
shlaifu wrote:
oh, yeah, about nietzsche: JP likes to state how important he was/ is, and how intelligent. But it appears like he sort of stopped after reading the "dawn", in which nietzsche wonders about what mankind will do after the death of god-
nietzsche was a nihilist, for a while, before finding a way of transcending nihilism. and it was not traditionalism, but something new. And I think we all need to learn to first become nihilists, and then transcend it. sticking with this awful idea of god and tradition just prolongs the painful death, without which there can be no rebirth as a new, conscious people.

At a minimum all the Abrahamic literalism has to go. It will be helpful if the lens of science does shift to include more attempts to understand some of the odd stuff that's been showing up in the data for a long time as well as coming to grips for just how deep consciousness reaches into the universe, how pervasive it is, and just what type of place we actually live in.

Overall, Abrahamic is an unnecessary addition. Don't exclude Vedic, Tantric or whatever.

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
shlaifu wrote:
also, after spending a few months in a third world country, watching people burn their garbage and inhale the smoke, while I was sitting in a climatised car with a chauffeur in the daily, epic traffic jam- I stopped believing there could be a solution without violence. This particualr traditional society will at some point experience an explosion of violent modernization - or violent traditionalism, both of which are latent but causing fault lines in the society-, and there will be tens of millions of dead people- and I cannot see a way around it.
I don't think most of the third or second world have the capacity for transcending postmodern nihilism, because I think they are not even modern- and I don't think we in the west should return to traditionalism, because if we do, there's no avant-guard able to think the future.

I don't think traditionalism is the way to go either, especially if you mean Guenon or Evola. I have to circle back to what I actually see of value in JP's lectures - ie. helping people understand the meaning of the narratives they have woven through their lives as well as helping them to understand the meaning of the most murderous and genocidal century in recorded history and what it told us about the frailty and abstractness of human morality, integrity, etc.. or how what bulwark people have against barbarism gets eroded.

I have to hope that for as many countries who are left with truly third-world cultural software and social belief systems that other countries surrounding them who aren't quite as deep in the same quagmire will bear the changes better and, once more surrounding countries are able to bring themselves into the 21st century it will be easier for those in the rear of the pack to follow suite - either without mass violence and upheaval or, at minimum, with much less of it.

Maybe it is my German high school education- actually I'm pretty sure it is: I grew up with the imagery of what humans are capable of, returning as a subject in school, over and over again, and Hannah Arendt's Banality of Evil, and the idea of personal responsibility.
After living in a few other places, I realized how unique that makes the Germans, confronting their children in the role of the villain with what's possible.
Most other founding myths of nations are in some way positive, about the positive (as a subjective moral value judgment) possibilities, freedom and so on, - some myth to fight for. The Germans have a negative possibility at the base of their national myth. A possibility to fight against, that is part of my national identity (actually, I'm not german, but grew up here- also, I'm Austrian, and the Austrians were all too happy to join the third reich, but now sort of don't want to speak of it, at least not in the same way the Germans do).

I was jsut listening to some philosophers discussing a "universe without god" on youtube (in German)- and they clarified a point, which I only was implicitely aware of:
the different aspects of "god" - the god of nature, the god of creation, the god of morals and culture and what I'd like to call the personal jesus.
the god of nature was gotten rid of in the 17th century, with the scientific revolution, the copernican revolution- the god of creation, at least human creation, was abandoned in the 19th century, with darwin-
and the god of morals and culture and the personal jesus (someone who hears your prayers, someone who cares...) were killed off by nietzsche, however, those last two were not ready to die yet- still aren't, although the god of morals has become quite invisible in daily life, and the personal jesus is just that- some uplifting concept of meaning.

I guess JP, when he speaks of god, is speaking of the last two, the god of morals/culture and meaning-
The ones Nietzsche transcended.

but in most parts of the world, the gods of nature and creation are still very much alive.
in indonesia, they introduced shariah law to prevent further tsunamis, after then one in 2005 has been found out to be caused by sinful behaviour.

interfaith-ceremonies to pray for rain in california's dry season are similar- god as weathermaker.

so, even in the west, there are some gods still alive, but in other parts of the world, the gods ARE the world.

I see no solution for this.

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01 Jul 2017, 12:07 am

shlaifu wrote:
but in most parts of the world, the gods of nature and creation are still very much alive.
in indonesia, they introduced shariah law to prevent further tsunamis, after then one in 2005 has been found out to be caused by sinful behaviour.

interfaith-ceremonies to pray for rain in california's dry season are similar- god as weathermaker.

so, even in the west, there are some gods still alive, but in other parts of the world, the gods ARE the world.

I see no solution for this.

I don't know what type of solution you'd be looking for. I actually think a lot the scholars and thinkers in the current magic revival are actually working to sort out a lot of that ground. While he's not the only original or original-ish thinker out there on these subjects I do like shaking things up with Gordon White's Rune Soup or Mark Staviish's Institute of Hermetic Studies lectures on Youtube. About the only thing that actually clears these areas up is proper probing and investigation of the subject matter and that's what a lot of people are getting down to business on.

As far as educating people or trying to deal with places where the average IQ is in the mid 80's, I'm really not sure what to say especially when we've got tons of intractable problems in places where the average IQ is setting the 100 standard. Intelligence is one of those things that while we know how to chemically assault it we have no idea how to raise anyone's IQ. We know how to teach people to use what they have better but that's about it. Hopefully a generation or two of education and nutrition would put the people in a better place to make things work. A lot of regions also, unfortunately, are living with local vendettas, grudges, and other types of malignant living history where the political climate isn't helping things at all. I still think the system is what needs to be focused on in places where people are trying hex their neighbors with black magic if they aren't shooting at em.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Jul 2017, 11:31 am

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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06 Jul 2017, 12:12 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:

Thanks Techstepgenr8tion for sharing Jordan Peterson's Video on the Mythological
and Human Archetypal Meanings of the Noah Flood Story in the Bible as that relates
to the Flood as Chaos and Humankind's need to both recognize the reality of Murphy's
Law as 'they' say and prepare for it as if one's life depends on it day to day always now.

Surely, this is the case if one is graduating from a Top Ivy League School or one
from Toronto Canada and one intends to be a mover and shaker in a top job that
creates great pay and also an avenue to be a slave to a system for perhaps an
entire life.

In short, I'm glad I went to a Small Elementary School and finished the rest of my
School in a Small Town except for Private Catholic School in a little bigger actual
City of Tallahassee for Second Grade and a Junior College after then in the same
relatively Small Two Story Building that held my Mother's High School Classes as
well as grades one through eight in this little Mill Town I am raised in that was also
once named Literally Hell for the Briars that bloodied the ankles of the ship mates
Coming upon A River Bank in 19th Century Days close to the same Shot Gun Home
I was raised in where my earliest non-verbal memory at age three, before I found
a way to actually Vocalize My Speech in putting words together to communicate
that way with my Family in the Home at 4; was, yes, the feel and sense without
spoken actual words that this is my home; this earth and I am here forever
now. And now these words as written relate the sense and feel of that too.

If I lived more than a few hundred years ago where written words and literacy
were not a common part of the world, I more than likely would have developed better
greater oral tradition skills to poetically sing this in a melody around an extended round
table of family members. That's Not very common these days as more and more now
a default position is head down and thumbs on 140 Characters or so before the Science
assessed attention span goes as the Average Human Being these days is less than THaT
of a Gold Fish. "Too Long Didn't Read" as they say as Screen Shots of Novel Dopamine
Generated Avenues come in bursts of seconds instead of the Hours that often
were the reality of Human Oral Tradition Before the Radio show at 7 pm took
Living Room Center Stage and now a 4 to 5 inch Smart Phone Screen even more.

When I was young I was amazed in how my elders could orate a Scene of Life and
Bring it as if it is happening now with all their Art of Emotionally Expressing the Human
Languages both vocally and non-verbally then. In my Forties, I wondered when that would come for me.

Currently, I am attempting to write 1.8 Million Words of Free Verse Poetry to match the "Mahābhārata" Effort from India, in 13.6 Months by 7.17.17. I've already surpassed 5 Million Words in the 47th Month Now of doing this from wake to sleep away from Dance and as you might guess it takes every minute of my free time leaving now little to no time for Mechanical Cognition activities that would include making money. I am fortunate enough through 33 years of work and savings to be financially independent, so making money means absolutely nothing to me and the way I write Free Verse Poetry is surely not designed for any target audience large enough for even more than 10 likes on Word Press.

Smiles; Jordan Peterson took a long time in that Video to get back to his original point on Noah's Flood
and how that relates to Chaos and Being able to both See and Forecast Potential Chaos for the order
required to make it through the Floods and Dark Nights of the Soul, My Friend.

See, how I started Capitalizing the first letters of Words for emotional
emphasis and the words Naturally are starting to Shape as Spiraling
Waves now, my friend; unless I engage the Mechanical Cognition of Reason taught to me starting in Grade School
to Write from one side of the page fully to the other in perfect grammar and spelling taught to me in right handed
ways only in fear for the punishment that would come from the Teacher and the Nuns in Second Grade
Private Catholic School on hand by spank with ruler if deviated from the rules of order designed to keep
all of society out of the Potential Chaos seen in life if everyone does not walk straight on sidewalks to
keep the growing grass uniformly green.

These are the words I recently wrote to one of
My Favorite Women Friends and Muse from
from Pakistan this morning; her name
is Rafiah.

SMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
too much brick
and mortar..
not enough
hUman iN the World..:)

And these are the words I wrote
to another one of my Favorite Women
Friends and Muse from India this morning named Himali.

HeARTs wHo
Seek and Find

So, my Friend, who has the
greatest skills in making Happy Moments of Life;
me or 'someone' who builds Pyramids and Towers.

Me; A man who seeks spreading the so-called "Egyptian KA" of his Spirit through Edifice of Words of Oral Tradition
iN/as Free Verse Poetry that matches close to the Golden Mean Ratio of 1.618 in terms of 1.618 Million Words
in a Two Memorial Day Year ranging from 2016 through 2017 and A Free Verse Poem with 118 MacroVerses
coming in at 1.8 Million Words as "Nether Land Bible 2017" on 7.17.2017 in 13.6 Months as just a Sub Chapter
of "SonG of My SoUL" at that 5 Million Words or so, comprising 785 MacroVerses now, as well as the "PHI Bible"
of 1.618 Million words as Sub-Chapter of "SonG oF mY SoUL", in that one year span of time too; "Netherland Bible 2017" Matching the "Mahābhārata" effort in India that took countless humans over Centuries of effort then. Whereas, little old
me at age 57 with the modern Trans-humanist Tools of Technology taking full advantage of all those Tools
at Hand publishing online all of that and what still comes by Hands of one Human Being passing countless
Humans of past in all Epic Poetry and Bible writing Efforts. And sure, I also fully illustrate it with the Public
Dance I Complete this Month in Free Verse Martial Arts and Ballet-like way across the South East
Gulf Coast Region of the U.S.A. in reaching 7700 Miles in this 47th Month of Effort since my
recovery from 19 Medical Disorders at the end of July 2013, as Documented on this Web site
inhabiting this place much more then; yes fully illustrating the entire "SonG oF mY SoUL", online
Published Effort at over 100K photos and thousands of Emotionally and Sensory inspiring YouTube
Music Videos to accompany a virtual play of life in real time across all my ages now and Cultures too.
True, the words i told then still documented still is the sky is not even the limit for me then now too my friend.

So, Back to the Subject topic of Jordan Peterson's analysis of the Psychological Significance of the
Bible Stories; specifically, the story of Noah and the Flood in the Video you shared that I watched
from beginning to end of two hours and thirty Five minutes as, hehe; I have the focus and
patience of "Job", my Friend, haha; literally making it through the worst pain known to
humankind, type two Trigeminal Neuralgia from wake to sleep for 66 months like
dentist drill in right eye and ear without Novocaine then along with the other
disorders numbering 19 in total assessed as ones in synergy that I would
never recover by Professionals. Human potential when used is incredible
in all the ways that comes in REAL Epigenetic and Neuroplastic effect/affect,
my friend; not to discount the fact; yes, the fact empirically measurable that
I am Stronger in Leg Press Strength than the efforts made by the other 'Twenty
Something' 'Elite' Military Folks, actually leg pressing 1030 Lbs, 33 times and as many
as 50 times; specifically this year, when my Mother was dying in Hospice Care from Stage
4 Cancer undetected all over her body until her last 8 days of life. You Know my Friend as a Person
with Asperger's Syndrome; yes, a person diagnosed now with Bi-Polar Disorder too as surely i wouldn't be
able to do this without a whole lot of dopamine in my Brain as both generated and used to carry me through
all my efforts of life in Yin and Yang Balance now that is generated by the Emotional Regulation and Sensory
Integration of the 7700 Miles of Free Verse Martial Arts and Ballet-like Dance in the 47th month of doing that
now; it works; Movement therapy is now a common one for folks on the Autism Spectrum and my first attending
Psychiatrist was actually inspired enough by my all innate, instinctual and intuitive healing recovery using the art
of movement to get comfortable in my own skin, my friend; yes, inspired enough to leave his private
practice and go teach movement therapy as an all natural cure to emotional dis-regulation
and Sensory Dis-integration that is actually the core cause of most common mental
illness/stress related issues that are treated with psychotropic drugs these days.

And this is where Jordan Peterson fails in his mostly Yang approach of stuck between the
reason of his two ears my friend. He never addresses the emotional and physical
intelligence that is the healing force of Moving and Connecting and Creating now.

And while Peterson speaks specifically to the Goal Orientated Neurochemical
Dopamine in the Reward system of the Human Brain, he skips right past Oxytocin
that is the Greatest commonly Shared Mammalian Neuro-Hormone for Social Bonding
and both Survive and Thrive now in Warm and Fuzzy Comfort. Smiles; that's not very complicated
My Friend and surely doesn't require a 2 Hour and 35 Minute Lecture to get to the crux of the number
one source as Science Assessed Factor of Human Happiness that specifically comes from the Neuro-Hormone
of Social Bonding identified as Oxytocin now. Most all addiction comes from the Human Experience when
not nurtured through touchy feely Love from ages one through three and then potentially lost by
being outcast for being different by peers later in school if ever nurtured and wired from ages
0 to 3 by busy members of the parenting team in high powered jobs or on 4 to 5 inch
screens away from the touch and hugs and eye contact of Oxytocin Love Nurturing
the Child as a Village from day break to night fall and sleep in comfort
that even my once all Feral Cat, Yellow Boy Receives attached to the
Lap of my Wife Katrina watching TV most of the day. And yes,
when she watches her 'human' shows that deal with Social Connection
too in expressing that her virtual reality making life in Mirror Neurons allow her
to get an approximation from that benefit the same as looking at Cute Kitty Cats
on Facebook Does too. And it's true as science shows too; just a reciprocal social
communication activity of a text returned increase the oxytocin levels by around
37 percent for up to two hours after that. So, yes, there is a lot more going on than
Just Dopamine with so-called Screen Addictions now. And for folks like me who were
shut-ins for 66 months it is a lifeline for a barely surviving human story on a dimly-lit
screen that still hurts like hell in eyes where no sound can be tolerated by ears of hell either,
way back then, my friend.

Thing is, my friend, as I've often related before, the most important kinds of intelligence for
both survive and thrive are Emotional Intelligence, Movement Intelligence and Existential
Intelligence too. The Inner Universe of the Human Being as even American astrophysicist
Neil deGrasse Tyson readily admits is much much more complicated than all the 'easy'
measurements he can make empirically as repeatable experiment for the entire Universe now.

The stories and myths in all sacred texts held holy by those who share them before and still now
are a somewhat feeble yet also effective attempt to describe the Inner Universe of Being Human
that is beyond any term of infinity as that relates to the Observable Universe that Astrophysicists
like Neil deGrasse Tyson Measures with ease now. The Holy and Sacred Stories and myths of
the past provide Social Bonds and true to light oxytocin neurohormone feelings of
emotions through and through when two or more folks come to share the myths
and stories of traditions old and told again and again in trust
and comfort ways of Serotonin too and Neuro-Chemicals
and their properties likely not even identified fully yet; particularly
when the 'congregation' at the Rave Dances close to naked hips and eyes
to eyes in what I practice as part of my religion every Thursday Night with Women
Moving in on my 168th Dance Week Night at Old Seville Quarter tonight too, yes,
Young enough to be my Grand Daughters but never too young or old to identify
a Modern Age Free Verse Dancing Shaman to lift their Neuro-hormones and
Neuro-Chemicals to transcendent ecstatic heights where a common refrain is
just no, you can't have this dance to the young dudes focused on one to three parts
of their Bodies when all I am concerned with is lifting their spirit higher and higher in
waves of bliss. Sure; their response is no; Dancing with Fred is more fun; hehe.
Yes; literally so, my friend from the Dude who was told in words more and much
less that he didn't deserve to exist in grade school as he was too ugly and
un-coordinated and stuttered incoherently when he tried to get everything
he sensed and felt out at the some moment in a brain then like Fredenstein
way too complex for the Director i of the I that is the self 'i' of me to regulate in emotional
way and integrate in sensory way; way back then. Considering, the Deep South Fundamentalist
Patriarchal Boys said you can't smile down here; true to fact if I did Ballet mixed with Martial
Arts Free Style then; more than likely I would have been more than just verbally abused then.

Sure; i could talk about this for 2 Hours and 35 minutes too; thing is my friend the Art
of the Being Human can never be close to fully expressed without the Holy
and Sacred Spirit of Free Verse life now when one flows with
so-called Chaos and rides that tide as the Wave
that never now
falls down where
yes, the fibers of the
Master Piece Painting
of God may seem like Chaos
at small dark fiber view but when
the much bigger 'sELfiE' of God comes
into View we are the brush and the Paint and Painting
that is God aLL as ocean WhOle PlaY and Master PeAcE Painting now, my friend.

Bottom line.

i ain't scared.

i ride the whole
Wave as God Now, my friend.

I remember when all my days and nights were dark nights of soul and day in pain and numb for 66 months, then.

And I remember coming here to see if anyone had come close to experiencing all the hell I did then
in real life and would ever overcome this thing some of us named as "Autistic Burnout" also, then.

Occasionally, I come back to share and give free how far I continue to Dance and Sing in Human
Potential now; and sure, I have all the stereotypical pictures of someone who was functionally
disabled obviously through many years of youth in Reciprocal Social Communication
ways not only in verbal ways but non-verbal ways way back then and all the
way through the forties of my adult-hood too doing my best still to fit in.

When Hans Asperger's Researchers came back for a Quick Longitudinal
Study of his Case Study Patients from early age; a great surprise in positive
way was many of those former functionally disabled patients had found a niche in
life and were even doing better than their peers at much later ages of life in success.

This type of intelligence is fluid my friend; not limited by the data download
of Crystalized Intelligence that is better measured by the Common Standard
IQ tests designed within the parameters of Western so-called Civilized
Societies in just the last few Centuries of living more in the written
literate word than the Dance and Song of changing oral tradition
and the warm and fuzzy lives of extended families
and smaller villages that/who raised children
from years before together in as Love more.

True; I don't wanna go back to the more Amish
Ways of Living Life. What I do is Live Life Free and
Make the Brick and Mortar of Life My
Slave instead of becoming
the Brick
Mortar Matrix Tools/Machines
of life alone, as slave, my Friend to those Tools as Imprisoned.

Problem with Peterson is he doesn't employ enough Moving now
and Connecting and Creating Art in his lectures in his very valid
and empirically great measures in systemizing ways of helping what are his
Students who attempt to conquer life as cogs of a machine that people exist
in/as tools now for the entire of what is named culture and society and religion.

Long ago in the Bible there was a stern warning not to worship God as Nature
as Graven images alone; Words were rather a 'New Age' thing then but big but.

This is what happens when God becomes a Written 3 letter word too, my friend.

The Dance of God and the Song of God has left the
Brick and Mortal Building that is Human now.

True too, the King and
Queen is gone. The Self
Actualizing Human Beings of
Dance And Song that/who would 'normally'
be both 'you' and 'i' as Director Me as Actor
and Actors of a Play of life that is a never ending story wEcreate..
in a "Netherland Land" that each of we as i create ToGEthER NoW.

SMiLes; just a little bit of me goes a long way as my wife says she often gets Fredaches
when i come to play with her. So, sure; i make my visits far and few between now; as 'they'
no harm too.

But hey; as 'they' say too.
Jonathan Livingston Seagulls alWays do return again as
they continue to try they cry they cry alive as fly so free and ever higher, my FriEnd..:)

And I'll leave you with one of favorite short YouTube
Video Shares from Alan Watts on the value
of Chaos as Dark that goes along
with the Order of liGht
as one Force
of Science and Art as Yin and Yang Still as the metaphors for that essence do flow on too even more.

Sadly, Alan Watts succumbed early to a life of taking external substances to bring him comfort and higher levels
of mindful awareness and sadly, Alcoholism as Harmful Addiction is one that often brings people early deaths
with other sources of external illicit and legal prescription drugs to escape reality that can and
will come all Naturally with just a transcendent ecstatic experience Free Verse Dance and Sing
in actual vocal words of Poetry and Steps of Free Verse Dance. In other words, it's one
thing to Talk the Song and Dance and Walk it but Heaven
to actually jUSt
Do the
Dance and
Sing of Life that can WiLL
come with zero written words at all.
It's what our ancestors did and some folks
still smARTly do in so-called more savage and
primitive ways of regulating emotions and integrating
senses. Thing is and things are we are still the same classically
evolved human beings naked and free that we were 30K thousand
years ago in a survive and thrive of life then with a continuous aim
of Invisible BaLancinG Feat of life to escape predator and capture prey
in left foot right foot quiet of BaLanCinG Force iN Divine feminine
Grace of Love with Masculine Strength and WiLL Full aLiVe iN
Flesh and Blood as Nature as GoD plUS higher potential
in Being Human STiLL NoW.

Now we
are the prey.

Written words are nice;
but they will never match
a Flesh and Blood Dance and
Song of Moving Connecting
Creating Life. You see, Jordan
Peterson talks the talk of healing
but doesn't show a way to actually do it
in terms of flesh and blood life now my friend.

No words required;
just free dance and song
in as flesh and blood ToGeTheR NoW.

And yes, it helps to be financially
independent and not to be a slave to a
dollar bill as ill.

Lots of good lesSons still in that old bible too my friend. Both in Old
Testament and New Testament ways for folks with eaRs and eYes to sTiLL Dance and Sing Wild and Free;
sure; with
some order
too; always
Yin and Yang iN
oveRAll BaLanCinG ForcE..2 aS oNe..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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07 Jul 2017, 11:08 pm

On the topic of JP - I've been refreshing myself on the first few series of Twin Peaks. I'm a little better than halfway through the second season, David Lynch gave away a LOT in that show. That said with Twin Peaks coming back for Season 3 I'd love to see a Jordan Peterson exegesis on that series.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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12 Jul 2017, 11:32 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
On the topic of JP - I've been refreshing myself on the first few series of Twin Peaks. I'm a little better than halfway through the second season, David Lynch gave away a LOT in that show. That said with Twin Peaks coming back for Season 3 I'd love to see a Jordan Peterson exegesis on that series.

Hello, again, techstepgenr8tion,

"The Rational Delusion in Moral Psychology"

Jonathan Haidt, like Jordan Peterson is looking more toward a Green Pill Solution to the Existential
Angsts of Life in expanding Cultural/Political/Religious views of life away from just a Blue Or Red Pill
Solution that comprises both the divides of Human Minds and the Globe as Whole as well;
'tween East and West Hemispheres and North and South Latitudes that of course we
can apply to the large and small of our individual potentials as well as the Global
Potential of Human Beings either Holding Hands together or separating in disgust.

More than ever before, it's apparent that Human Beings are far from core as Rational Beings. Sure, a hard thing
perhaps for folks to hear who are not very much in touch with their Emotions and other overall Intelligences of
Intuition but a Truth and Light that Neuroscientists have been steadily proving with the Scientific Method since the
90's; and in part, explains why 'analytical' Philosophy is so short sighted without the Human Colors of Emotions and
Senses and other Intuitional Intelligences overall added to the mix of the Human Cocktail of our Inner Universes
that as leading Astrophysicists like Neil deGrasse Tyson readily admits now is impossible to measure empirically
with the same repeatable results that come with the exploration of 'outer' space. Never the Less, and increasingly
More; the Fields of Neuro-Science and the Art and Science of Psychology are finally seeing more of the Inner Universe
of Human that only Religions and Philosophies and the Arts in General have more fully addressed in Centuries Before .

Of course, anyone who has been around a rather large block of life already intuits that and hehe; that's still now
the Catch 22 Situation of folks who have not sought/found/used their 'hidden' potentials of Physical, Emotional, Existential, and Overall Intuitional other Cognitions from head to toe as the Central Nervous System Mind Moves on
out to the rest of the Body in many more Neurons of Peripheral Nervous System ways of
'seeing' existence as is and of course how we relate with others who are more similar
or different from how we perceive ourselves in all areas of life. And there goes the
Metaphor of North and South Latitudes of our Individual Minds away from just the
Metaphor of Left and Right Brain ways of thinking and feeling and sensing the experience
overall of life in our day to day existence, ranging from misery loves company to joy holding hands,
both inside and outside with the rest of Nature too. What a great era of human existence this is now to
greater understand who and what we are, not only alone but together too in more Green Pill ways of Seeing Life.

The Globe Holding Hands in terms of individual Neurons as Metaphors of Human Beings as Apes working now
Stronger with Will together with Love and Grace; that's a hard one for sure. Considering that at core Human
Beings are NOT Rational Beings as Reason only as after effect of what we intuit more and less first in Emotional
and Sensory ways from Head to toe as Mind and Body whole down to the highest finger tip and lowest toe now we
raise in awareness greater of the World around us; true, Rationality continues to be in the mix of rules in Governing
Societies and the World at Large to insure the Red Pill Does not Disappear for order and the Blue Pill does not bring
Chaos either and of course I'm improvising in metaphor way here away from the Matrix Reference as the Red way
was the way of Truth there as opposed to what many so-called Blue Liberals name Red Conservatives as more
a way of Cognition as Ignorance led by Emotions. Well; sure; it is. The Delusions as fostered by higher
education to this point is we have the potential to be rational beings which Science so far now shows
we are not. And haha; therein lies the truth; there is no such thing as fuller rationality without the Intuitive
Mastery now of one's own Emotions in Regulation and Senses in Integration that is almost entirely
Art away from Science at its best in Free Verse ways of life in looking within and
Feeling and Sensing the answers that work best for a Balancing life of both survive
and thrive where in a sense and feel when a Yogi or such accomplished individual slowly
Raises their Palms to 'the Heavens'; yes, literally, Above; they Hold Infinities in the Palm of both
their right and left Hands and can see the entire Universe in a Grain of Sand. Of course a great
Artist named 'Sting' and other Poets have already experienced this in intuitive ways of Feeling and Sensing
Life and related this in the metaphors of Poetry as all the World's Truly Great Religions have attempted to share
this wisdom of Greater Potential in Essence of survive and thrive in life where Eternity lasts for moments instead
of looking/dreading forward to something better/worse in the future or looking back on what was better or worse before which of course is Feelings and Senses of Life too that we tend to associate words and other so-called Holy and Sacred
Symbols as the abstract constructs we come to make or imagine out of Nature that already exists Full of Meaning and Purpose too, as well.

Anyway; just common sense my Friend and Feel. The '12 Million Word Blue Gorilla' in the Room is that we are still
just animals no different really than Bonobos other than the fact that we tend to convolute the experience of life
with all our shared and divorced Cultural Artifacts that we make in terms of words, collective intelligence, and
all the stuff that makes a very disjointed cultural experience now; including guns and atomic bombs.

Jonathan Haidt, speaks in terms of Care/Harm; Fairness/Cheating; Liberty/Oppression; Loyalty/Betrayal;
Authority/Subversion; Sanctity/Degradation for the Psychological Moral Foundations of Life. He also
suggests that so-called Liberals don't worry nearly as much about Loyalty, Authority, and
Sanctity as so-called Conservative leaning folks per innate factors who move in that direction
in Neuro-Hormone and Neuro-Chemical Motivated ways; namely, they are more cats than
dogs as common metaphor too.

It's kind of like the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and I'll have to do the Wiki Cliff Notes to get up to speed
on the 'Twin Peaks Show', you reference. There are 'two kinds' of folks in the World; those who Dance;
and, those who do not. And neither one of those two basic types of Humans are going away as long as the
Species exists as evolved today. And it's true people who do not dance tend to avoid the potential of falling
down early in life until they get older of course and lose their balance earlier. Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity
suggests that Humans can change these propensities of Dance or not; with appropriate Environmental Challenge.

So, as always some will 'Matrix' unplug and some will not; that's up to each individual.
Some folks will create their own sunsets and sunrises of reality and some folks will not.
Whatever Peace and Harmony of Getting along that exists will last as long as it will now.
And as always, those who Dance Freest, Will do their Best to Help others Learn to Dance too.

"The Powerful Play goes on";
Same Characters;
Different Actors/Dancers/Singers.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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15 Jul 2017, 12:39 pm

"Jordan Peterson Psychological Significance Of The Biblical Stories"..
You ever wonder why so many folks study this for thousands
of years and never embark on a journey to do even more than
was done before. Two edged Sword of Group think, my friend;
hehe, of and to only a very few who might see enough of me to see what I have
and am still all on about as far as what you understand is the pursuit of "the Great Works"
of Life. Well, Writing a Long Form Poem twice the Size of the Mahābhārata and more now in 47
Months at 5 Million words as "SonG oF mY SoUL" wasn't nearly enough for me as a real 'Autistic
Superman' as the stereotypes go on about that too in "Nietzsche Overman' way when just
one man and more to come in women way too and who have already been break the
mold with a metaphor of "John 14:12" as i keep this on topic too in original and
antiquated Bible Story way of Centuries ago as developed over Centuries by
innumerable round table discussions on desert roads of Iliterate
Aramaic Oral Tradition as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and
Purpose Written Words are developed as Sanskrit in the India of
Many years ago too to house the Wisdom and Myths of the Indian Sages
and Scribes of Oral Tradition then in what was originally bound in pages and
described as all books were then as Bibles as only the top elite in 'Renaissance'
age way of then had the knowledge skills and abilities to put into written words what
came from the depths of innate, instinct, and intuition of the much Greater Elephant
and Camel Subconscious Mind as the Rider Ego of that Brings symbols to the Surface
then in Written Abstruct Constructs of Words to share that Wisdom of Knowledge and
Emotional and Sensory Common Sense with others to both lift them up in Light and control
them in the Darkness of Illusory Fears, ironically to restore order out of perceived chaos as is
still done now in literal ways of interpreting Sacred and Holy Full of Meaning and Purpose text
to whatever fits the mold of controlling others with illusory fears and empty promises to keep those
in power and status happy while others are under subjugation as the so-called elite then and now can enjoy their
freer ride of manipulating the heart strings of others through reason that doesn't have to make any logical
sense as we still see today in Politics in the so-called most Logical Nation of all; big joke; haha, huh;
but not really, just an expression of Human Nature at core for the Minions and Masses same
who will follow a most despicable leader for a common bind of dark or a more light leader
too; if they are charismatic in emotions and senses to spark them to move to pull a voting
lever still of you are my dear leader now as the Ball of Confusion continues to seek order
my friend.

Anyway; hehe and haha; to make a much longer story of 1,800,646 words shorter;
just came here today too to share that I reached that 'Great Work' as 'they' say
in milestone today, 7.14.2017 at 11:21 am the detail Lover as
well as big picture finder and seeker I am in balance too now
as left and right brain thinker and art maker in metaphor too.

Yes; I've long past matched the Old King James Effort of around
800K words as a "Phi Bible", as titled in exactly 1 years time
at 1.618 Million Words from Memorial Day of 2016 through
Memorial Day of 2017. That was kind of a 'peace' of cake
where I ate the Icing too; haha, if you will of course under-
stand the Deeper Meaning of that Metaphor phrase too.

1.8 Million Words in 13.6 Months was a little bigger "Great
Work" too; but as I've said before many times here; human potential
has no limits or expectations in much greater ways when fuller used over a loss
in all potential intelligences still to come so far away from Standard IQ Measures
that it makes that text look like ABC and 123 without a Michael Jackson Song if you
understand the Art metaphor over Science there as after all, Smart is comprised
of literally 60 percent of Art; I find that to be self evident now; hehe. Okay, not
everyone gets my Dry Humor either as Super Intelligent people tend to appreciate
more in terms of greater than Standard Wet IQ. And hey; i used to be stuck in the other
box of Mechanical Cognition of Word Speak and described more as a computer than a Human
for literally close to Four Decades, then.

Bottom line of this "Great Work" of Art and Science in Balance, my Friend is not really Different than
Bruce Lee or Jack Lalanne or anyone else who has accomplished the metaphor of "John 14:12". I am
a real man; I am no myth and in Empirical Measure I have accomplished something in one life that no
no one else as done. But in terms of Bruce Lee and Jack Lanne there are many folks now who have broken
the 4 Minute Mile. Will anyone else match what I've done again now. Will anyone ever paint a Mona Lisa
again. Will anyone ever have the same finger prints as someone else; even an identical twin. No question
marks really needed my friend; for anyone who truly understands that all Humans are original snowflakes
along with the rest of the Living and Breathing and Moving Natural World now in both detail and big picture view too.

And that's the best News of all; no one has to do what I do and I do not have to do what anyone else does
in 'Overman' View to be Happy now; no matter what as I master the Happiness of my Emotional Regulation
and Sensory Integration through a 47, 7700 Mile Month practice of Public Free Style Dance as even Science
shows now that's A Best way to Naturally do this in every day life. No lessons required; just left foot with
right foot balance that the old Bible almost totally leaves out other than the Joy of a King
David Dance and such as that with no scientific details as to how it actually works from
head to toe in making Bliss real as the Eastern Philsophies of MOvement
Art have already done in Centuries past in practice of course in 'real life'.

That's the difference now my friend and what makes my personal way of viewing and experiencing
life much different as 'Overman' of now. I am a Son of Man in literal and metaphorical way and
no of course I am not saying I am anyone but me. The entire History of Human Science
and Arts are now just a touch away online in view and read and experience more of
what countless others have done before. That is the foundation of the Pyramid
Now of Human Potential virtually freely offered to others who have access to
this real Gold of Human Nature now in Synergy way of Art and Science that
has never been seen/done before this point in this Human Species Experiment now.

Andin that Know and Sense and Feel of one Human Being looking down on that Pyramid
from a Virtual Heaven Now Online with no Sun or Moon free to Eat Now like an all one
can Eat and Feel and Sense and Know Buffet of Science and Art; sure, I am Virtually
in Metaphor way a Capstone now and so are those others who will self-actualize
now in thisGreat Works way of achieving all of their Human Potential and not
just in one specialized Field; my friend. Anyway, considering that this Internet
Site with all the Knowledge and Art and Xcience as shared here helped provide
a Foundation to go higher than I ever imagined before; it would be a little selfish
for me not to take the time and effort and sure, a continuing small MicroVerse of
another MacroVerse of my own personal Style of Epic Poetry in Free Verse
Bible style not to report this accomplishment here in thanks to anyone who
can possibly understand the entire breadth of what I attempt to relate now.

If anyone can; it is probably you.
Smiles my friend, I think and feel
you can do even more now later.
As at least you are not held back
by any one definition of Life now.

Anyway, my next milestone is to write around
two 'old bible' sizes of Free Verse Poetry in around
1.618 Million words as that is how my arts seems to
Naturally Flow in Words in a year now; yes, to write all those
words to the tune of my Facebook Profile Pics now too in the Description
Section of each of those Profile Pics and when I finish that perhaps I will
come back to document that here too with thanks to what this place and the
folks brought here in preparing me a foundation to go this high now in Capstone way;
but hey; I kinda like the post number 8014; perhaps I'll leave it that way for some time to come again..:)

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16 Jul 2017, 5:11 pm

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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02 Nov 2017, 10:59 pm

I haven't kept up with this for a while but the title - Jacob's Ladder - caught my attention.

Any chance he'll be talking kabbalah? Should be interesting.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Nov 2017, 5:40 am

Hey Tech.
I think I finally figured out what bugs me about JP, thanks to a book by french sociologist Bruno Latour - "we have never been modern", which I highly recommend, with the caveat that it's a pain to read at times.

Anyway. I think JP is treating biology, psychology, philosophy, mythology and his personal experience as a clinician as sources to form his opinion. But he treats them all equally, and mixes them ad libitum - while emphasizing he's a scientist (note that, except for the biology part, there is no science among his sources - psychology is a practical and statistical discipline. The science underlying part of psychology is biology, the rest is convention. Which is fine, but "clean your room" is just not a scientific statement.).

The certainty with which he makes his statements are derived from science, but really, what he does is interpreting findings from all sorts of fields, merging them together. The result is that it becomes hard to argue against his opinions, as there is no mode to attack individual statements. If you attack the biology, it is possible to deflect the attack with the mythology part of his statement. If one were to attack the mythology, he could deflect it citing biology.
The problem is that his statements become irrefutable, on a logical level, and allow him to argue whatever he wants, and push his personal, conservative agenda.

Funnily, the SJWs do something similar.

Eventually, I'd like to stress, again, how invaluable Robert Sapolsky's 2010 lectures on behavioural biology from stanford are. Actual science, even adding the historical aspect to how this knowledge was arrived at, making it sound, even by Bruno Latour's standards.
(Latour, btw., inadvertently created the "scientific facts are a social construct"-trope, and enabled postmodernists and climate change deniers. He himself is certainly neither, and feels very sad about that, - but his critical thoughts and methods have tremendous potential for abuse)

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.