Why do feminism blame everything on white males?

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Closet Genious

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03 Nov 2017, 1:44 pm

Feminists believe that everything is socially constructed by white men, and keep talking about it without showing any evidence. There's pretty much no convincing evidence for this, but no one dares to call them out on their BS.

Please do not support it. Any man who calls himself a feminist, is a complete idiot in my estimation.


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03 Nov 2017, 1:50 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I've noticed that a lot of the newer 'coming out conservative' sorts seem like they're half serious half trolling, and I can't tell if it's because they saw it work for Milo or if it's just part of the Kekistani state of mind.

Also as far as being combative - it doesn't seem like Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter are much less so and her posturing doesn't seem all that new even for this gen of conservative women. You could sit her down with Laura Southern, Faith Goldy, Blaire White, or Lana Lokteff from Red Ice and she'd fit right in. Rather than being neocons the new brand seems more libertarian, sometimes ethno-nationalist, but their conservatism seems far more practical than religious in its implications.

My only concern when i see someone laying it on that thick or fishing for laughs so often (Candice Owen also comes to mind) I get concerned that they are taking their meteoric intensity with a high-interest loan against either sincerity or self-knowledge. I think in Daisy's case from what I can tell she's been wrapped in left-wing friends and teachers most of her life so she's got a lot of steam to vent.

I don't know any of those other people (well, apart from Ann Coulter) so I'm guessing it's the Milo effect.

I don't really get it because it's probably not aimed at me. I don't get mortally offended, nor do I punch the air and go, 'yeah give it to those SJW crybabies!' I just sit there and think, 'nice clothes, now go read some more books - a little learning, and all that.' I also cringe slightly because I have contrarian tendencies myself, and watching people like this reminds me of all the stupid crap I've said in my time.

I don't know where I'd place myself; I guess for all my 'destroy patriarchy and capitalism', and 'liberate everyone's mind' bollocks I'm a centre-left liberal in practice. This conservative/libertarian stuff isn't my politics, but if it was, these trolls would probably embarrass me.

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03 Nov 2017, 1:56 pm

I just caught a typo - Lauren Southern, not Laura.

Speaking of which...

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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03 Nov 2017, 2:15 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
I don't really get it because it's probably not aimed at me.

That's the trickiest thing about these sorts of videos from left or right. Similarly if I hear that rape statistics are high or that women are still being treated in mysogenistic manners by certain kinds of men I try to let that bullet fly past me anymore because I get the impression that if the person says something other than 'all white men' I can usually give them the benefit of the doubt unless their examples really are consistently cooked.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Nov 2017, 7:34 am

Thanks for sharing those videos. I've been out of the loop because, like most of the non-SJW left, I've not been taking the alt-right seriously enough.

It's a bit sad that there's such a vacuum on the left that issues around Islamism (and other types of religious fundamentalism) free speech and the problems of identity politics (particularly gender) that this trollfest of young conservatives has occupied the space. I don't know why these kids (some of them only a couple of years younger than me) have gravitated rightwards, but they have.

Ethno-nationalism, neoliberal economics, and conservative Christianity are not jokes - they're not memes to troll old teachers and classmates with. They're as deserving of critique as Islamism and politically correct censorship are. I get that they're technically adults who can form their own opinions, but it's curious that their critical thinking stops where capitalism and conservatism start. It's intellectual insecurity, maybe, that's causing them to go running to Trump daddy to bolster their platform.

Well, it seems Daisy has the likes of me rumbled, at least: https://www.spectator.com.au/2016/11/battling-the-left/ :lol:

Perhaps all this silliness will settle down in a decade or so. We might look back and go, 'remember when politics went crazily polarised during the Trump era?'

Closet Genious

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04 Nov 2017, 8:45 am

puddingmouse wrote:
Thanks for sharing those videos. I've been out of the loop because, like most of the non-SJW left, I've not been taking the alt-right seriously enough.

It's a bit sad that there's such a vacuum on the left that issues around Islamism (and other types of religious fundamentalism) free speech and the problems of identity politics (particularly gender) that this trollfest of young conservatives has occupied the space. I don't know why these kids (some of them only a couple of years younger than me) have gravitated rightwards, but they have.

Ethno-nationalism, neoliberal economics, and conservative Christianity are not jokes - they're not memes to troll old teachers and classmates with. They're as deserving of critique as Islamism and politically correct censorship are. I get that they're technically adults who can form their own opinions, but it's curious that their critical thinking stops where capitalism and conservatism start. It's intellectual insecurity, maybe, that's causing them to go running to Trump daddy to bolster their platform.

Well, it seems Daisy has the likes of me rumbled, at least: https://www.spectator.com.au/2016/11/battling-the-left/ :lol:

Perhaps all this silliness will settle down in a decade or so. We might look back and go, 'remember when politics went crazily polarised during the Trump era?'

Just to make it clear, I am by no means a conservative. But something I find very attractive about the conservatives currently, and I think this applies to loads of other people aswell, is that: They don't try to hold me accountable for whatever some men did, or some white people did thousands of years ago. Anyone with a half a brain will realize that this kind of dialouge(monolouge really) is incredibly polarizing and will never achieve anything else than splitting society apart. No matter what I do as an individual, whether it be volunteer work for the homeless, or working at a refugee center(things I have actually done), I am supposed to hate myself because I am a white man, and everything in society is a social construction that me and other men are responsible for, and I am supposed to be lectured by people who have no hands on experience with the issues they are talking about. This is quite honestly what I hear from liberals/socialists.

I also wonder, why do we only focus on the negative? Without a doubt, historically, white men have been responsible for alot of evil. But I don't think any other group have been responsible for more good and technological advancement than white men. Let's try to be balanced here.

I have come to the conclusion that all this SJW and political correctness stuff is about one thing: Vanity.
It's about: how attractive will I look to other people wearing these opinions? It's partially about conformity(currently) and also people who might not have alot of emotional or cultural capital, who are trying to look for a way to be morally superior to other people. It's an easy way for weak people to say:"Atleast I'm not like those people".


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04 Nov 2017, 9:03 am

I think it's also genuine guilt, as well as virtue signalling. I've been thinking a lot about guilt lately and the appropriate way to engage with it.

For example, I'm British and white. What's the appropriate way to deal with the guilt of imperialism? I've long been wary of the self-flagellating way the left deals with it, but the denial and triumphalism on the right is morally dubious. There needs to be a genuinely humanistic, forward-looking way of dealing with guilt. I've been thinking about this in relation to other countries with dodgy histories, like Japan, Germany and the USA, and how it's still biting them on the arse and will do so until this subject becomes less politically polarised.


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04 Nov 2017, 10:03 am

puddingmouse wrote:
There needs to be a genuinely humanistic, forward-looking way of dealing with guilt. I've been thinking about this in relation to other countries with dodgy histories, like Japan, Germany and the USA, and how it's still biting them on the arse and will do so until this subject becomes less politically polarised.

I think the best answer would be showering the gifts of our conquests, ie. technology and education, back on the regions of the world that colonialism harmed. If we walked out or guilt we'd be doing our best to stabilize places like Africa first at the grass-roots level, then at the city levels, the state levels, increasing the quality of education, and it should be the easiest and least expensive place in the world to get your hands on a Raspberry Pi.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Nov 2017, 10:07 am

I don't fit in with either conservatives or liberals.

What hardcore conservatives think of me:
"Look at that weirdo. He's different. He needs to grow some balls and go hunting with a machine gun."

It's not nice but atleast they realize I am different.

What hardcore liberals think of me:
"f**k you, you white male scum! You are getting high fives from other white males and they are offering their daughters in marriage to you! You should kill yourself! You perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism just by breathing!"

Not only is all of that wrong, it's very unfair and dehumanizing.

I live in the Bible Belt and it's definitely a feminist nightmare but one thing SJW feminists ignore is that it isn't just white men who can be sexist. There is a sizeable hip hop culture here of mostly African American and Hispanic males and they have no qualms about calling women "b*****s" as well as boasting about "getting p****". I've seen them both verbally and physically harass young girls in ways that would get me reprimanded by ironically the white men SJW feminists claim to be my allies and brothers in suffering. :roll:

Closet Genious

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04 Nov 2017, 10:45 am

Marknis wrote:
I don't fit in with either conservatives or liberals.

What hardcore conservatives think of me:
"Look at that weirdo. He's different. He needs to grow some balls and go hunting with a machine gun."

It's not nice but atleast they realize I am different.

What hardcore liberals think of me:
"f**k you, you white male scum! You are getting high fives from other white males and they are offering their daughters in marriage to you! You should kill yourself! You perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism just by breathing!"

Not only is all of that wrong, it's very unfair and dehumanizing.

I live in the Bible Belt and it's definitely a feminist nightmare but one thing SJW feminists ignore is that it isn't just white men who can be sexist. There is a sizeable hip hop culture here of mostly African American and Hispanic males and they have no qualms about calling women "b*****s" as well as boasting about "getting p****". I've seen them both verbally and physically harass young girls in ways that would get me reprimanded by ironically the white men SJW feminists claim to be my allies and brothers in suffering. :roll:

It's funny because white men are probably the least sexist men currently.

It's also hilarious how murderous the middle eastern countries have been throughout history with their islamic crusades and whatnot, but feminists only want to talk about how bloodthirsty white men are.

The feminist rule:

When talking about white men, always talk about the worst of the worst.
When talking about other races, always highlight the best things.


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04 Nov 2017, 2:08 pm

Marknis wrote:
What hardcore conservatives think of me:
"Look at that weirdo. He's different. He needs to grow some balls and go hunting with a machine gun."

It's not nice but atleast they realize I am different.

I never really found that conservatives were special in this respect - ie. very few centrists, liberals, or progressives are all that tolerant of a person being 'different' unless they're a bit new-agey or have something else going on along those lines. A conservative might say '---- a duck', someone in the inner city would probably say it almost identically to the conservative, the high-society liberal would probably discover that you're weird and stop talking to you and if you tried talking to them again they'd turn around while you're two seconds in to your sentence to talk to someone else. The ideologue would only be interested in you insofar as they could bring you in as a footsoldier of their ideology and past that you'd be the guy or girl in the corner who no one talks to.

Marknis wrote:
What hardcore liberals think of me:
"f**k you, you white male scum! You are getting high fives from other white males and they are offering their daughters in marriage to you! You should kill yourself! You perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism just by breathing!"

Not only is all of that wrong, it's very unfair and dehumanizing.

I think these are super-rare but they're also the super-squeeky wheel that society greases to shut them up. That's part of how a really tiny loudmouthed minority can dominate a landscape to where we all agree that they're having a really pernicious effect but we can agree, in most places, that we don't actually know many of them.

Marknis wrote:
I live in the Bible Belt and it's definitely a feminist nightmare but one thing SJW feminists ignore is that it isn't just white men who can be sexist. There is a sizeable hip hop culture here of mostly African American and Hispanic males and they have no qualms about calling women "b*****s" as well as boasting about "getting p****". I've seen them both verbally and physically harass young girls in ways that would get me reprimanded by ironically the white men SJW feminists claim to be my allies and brothers in suffering. :roll:

I think you're looking for logical consistency and that's definitely not what it's about.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Nov 2017, 2:24 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
Well, it seems Daisy has the likes of me rumbled, at least: https://www.spectator.com.au/2016/11/battling-the-left/ :lol:

That's bad, ie. she's arguing form over substance here.

Computing Forever gets to a very important point in the back half of this video and I think he's done a lot to energize the skeptic community toward openly criticizing anyone on the right whose starting to use identity politics, play left-wing games from across the isle, he was one of the earlier vocal critics of Candace Owen and he's still pushing the same concern - ie. that if everyone moves rightward and it turns out that the right is just as bad as the left in just trying to score victory points rather than bringing real intellectual honesty and self-criticism then it'll just be another pendulum swing, false hope, and from there back and forth it'll keep moving.

I also agree with this wholeheartedly because if the center-right is able to pursue honesty as their #1 policy the left has to either follow suite or admit defeat, which then has to be replaced by a much more clear-headed and intellectually honest group of leftists. I don't mean that I want to necessarily see the right win for its own sake, I don't, its just that one side has to actually practice intellectual honesty for the other to feel like that's actually one of the rules of the game - without that most of the politics will be stuck in the gutter and it's not conservatives, liberals, or progressives who lose at that point - its humans in general.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Nov 2017, 2:29 pm

Can't speak for the entire world, but at least for a lot of the western world white males have been the main oppressors of women. If it wasn't for some historical feminists who fought to gain equal rights here in the U.S....I wouldn't be able to vote and the only role I could hope for would be 'stay at home house-wife' hell probably wouldn't even be allowed to drive. It was white males those women had to challenge to gain equal rights in the U.S for instance. Though currently it is more well of white christian males who are out of touch that are seen as problematic, people like Jeff Sessions who can't possibly represent the best interests of the diverse population here.

In the middle east there actually are some 'feminists' trying to fight for equal rights as well, for them it would be middle eastern males upholding the status quo they're challenging. Now with the theocracy governments in those countries progress has been slow but little bits of progress have been made like women in Iran are no longer barred from driving. But yes I doubt feminists in those countries would blame white males.

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04 Nov 2017, 2:39 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Can't speak for the entire world, but at least for a lot of the western world white males have been the main oppressors of women. If it wasn't for some historical feminists who fought to gain equal rights here in the U.S....I wouldn't be able to vote and the only role I could hope for would be 'stay at home house-wife' hell probably wouldn't even be allowed to drive. It was white males those women had to challenge to gain equal rights in the U.S for instance. Though currently it is more well of white christian males who are out of touch that are seen as problematic, people like Jeff Sessions who can't possibly represent the best interests of the diverse population here.

I think what a lot of people really don't historically understand, probably because there's no reflection of it in their life circumstances, is that feminism and women's lib was made possible by advances in medical technology where infant mortality was brought down exponentially and additional help came from the various forms of technology that allowed both men and women to get household work done quicker. Otherwise, just by brute force, to have a family only one person could work outside the home.

This had a lot less to do with men just being mean, bad, or wanting to oppress women and a lot to do with us being able to take for granted a lot of things that weren't available at the time. When something has also been status quo for thousands of years it's not likely to change until perhaps several generations after its groundwork was laid and I think a lot of that groundwork came in the form of the industrial revolution. For most of human history we've been in survival mode and as we know, by looking around the rest of the world where living conditions are still in that format, the choices that people and communities have without modern amenities is pretty wretched and cruel generally speaking.

The other part that's probably important to consider as well - back when we were largely an agrarian society there really wasn't a divide, ie. both men and women were doing most of their work domestically and it was only a significant rise of commercial activity that drew men out in the first place.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin

Closet Genious

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04 Nov 2017, 4:01 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Can't speak for the entire world, but at least for a lot of the western world white males have been the main oppressors of women. If it wasn't for some historical feminists who fought to gain equal rights here in the U.S....I wouldn't be able to vote and the only role I could hope for would be 'stay at home house-wife' hell probably wouldn't even be allowed to drive. It was white males those women had to challenge to gain equal rights in the U.S for instance. Though currently it is more well of white christian males who are out of touch that are seen as problematic, people like Jeff Sessions who can't possibly represent the best interests of the diverse population here.

I think what a lot of people really don't historically understand, probably because there's no reflection of it in their life circumstances, is that feminism and women's lib was made possible by advances in medical technology where infant mortality was brought down exponentially and additional help came from the various forms of technology that allowed both men and women to get household work done quicker. Otherwise, just by brute force, to have a family only one person could work outside the home.

This had a lot less to do with men just being mean, bad, or wanting to oppress women and a lot to do with us being able to take for granted a lot of things that weren't available at the time. When something has also been status quo for thousands of years it's not likely to change until perhaps several generations after its groundwork was laid and I think a lot of that groundwork came in the form of the industrial revolution. For most of human history we've been in survival mode and as we know, by looking around the rest of the world where living conditions are still in that format, the choices that people and communities have without modern amenities is pretty wretched and cruel generally speaking.

The other part that's probably important to consider as well - back when we were largely an agrarian society there really wasn't a divide, ie. both men and women were doing most of their work domestically and it was only a significant rise of commercial activity that drew men out in the first place.

I am well read in history, but I don't think men today should be held accountable for actions made by men before them, actions they had absolutely nothing to do with. That's just evil and wrong.

A small correction in your post: That help didn't just "come from technology". It came largely form men inventing those technologies. I suppose because these men were actually interested in helping women.

I think alot of people don't historically understand, that the world is not, and never was just completely black and white. I don't know why we can never say anything positive about men.


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04 Nov 2017, 4:13 pm

You can say positive things about men; only those who don't want to debate will say otherwise. It's not worth debating with those who don't really want to debate, of any political stripe.

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