Conservatives seemingly validate SJW's with Kavanaugh probe

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02 Oct 2018, 2:26 am

Ford's testimony analyzed by a body language expert:


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02 Oct 2018, 8:25 am

The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test
But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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02 Oct 2018, 10:35 am

aghogday wrote:
The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test

But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

Isn't that an odd thing to say on an Autism website?

He failed an EQ test and therefore should be disqualifed? So ASD people should never be in "judgement" types of positions because their lower "EQ"?

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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02 Oct 2018, 11:44 am

I really think its far more likely that, if he lied under oath about not drinking heavily in high school and college, that he perjured himself in a very ironic place (nomination to SCOTUS) and that's far more likely to yield the desired result of his dismissal than any of these shotgun-spray allegations.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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02 Oct 2018, 12:38 pm

aghogday wrote:
The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test
But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

People who hold that view clearly have no idea what it’s like to watch a lifetime of work jeopardized by a false accusation and to be at the mercy of a “judge” who will decide your fate based on politics rather than evidence.


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02 Oct 2018, 2:11 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
aghogday wrote:
The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test
But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

People who hold that view clearly have no idea what it’s like to watch a lifetime of work jeopardized by a false accusation and to be at the mercy of a “judge” who will decide your fate based on politics rather than evidence.

One doesn't usually get to 'top' without Holding it together no matter what.
I've worked for the Military for a Quarter
of a Century and can see the Difference between a Man and Real Man now.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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02 Oct 2018, 3:17 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
aghogday wrote:
The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test

But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

Isn't that an odd thing to say on an Autism website?

He failed an EQ test and therefore should be disqualifed? So ASD people should never be in "judgement" types of positions because their lower "EQ"?

Considering that I am diagnosed by Four Professionals with Asperger's Syndrome and score close enough to 100
on the EQ Test as I'm sure i've improved from the 95 Score I made in July of 2013; no, it's not Odd for me; someone
on the Autism Spectrum to assess whether others have Very Low or very High Emotional IQ's now from the context
of their Speech that is much more easier to detect when Non-Verbal Language is part of Communication. In other
Words, Autism is not solely Defined by Emotional Intelligence; but yes, it is a Major Factor to consider.

In other words too, while one can determine Objective Points from Written Speech; Non-Verbal
Language says much more about Emotional Intelligence; and when a Supreme Court Nominee can't
handle the Pressure of an Allegation Made without alternately Crying Like a Baby and Hissing Like a Pissed off Cat;
I sure wouldn't Hire him if I needed someone reliable for a Job. Emotional Intelligence is A Most Important Human Intelligence in Fact and Action, for almost Everything that Happens in Life. Considering that Emotions are what
Drives Rationality at Core as Science shows now; that Fact will not be denied by either Science or Common Sense now.

True; Mine wasn't always this high, and in fact Before 2013, I scored in the Mid-Fifties as well as Scoring
a 44 to 45 on the AQ Scan for Autism; and 195 on the Aspie Quiz in that Popular Assessment Test that is
not identified as a Scientific Empirical Tool to Measure a Potential for inclusion on an Autism Spectrum
by a qualified professional. In July of 2013, I moved from 195 on the Aspie Quiz to 92; and 11 on the AQ
Scan in a Social Empathic Much Greater Score for that propensity of Intelligence Versus Systemizing
Science Mind alone. According to Science now, Using the Systemizing Mind in Mechanical Cognition
Activities Represses the Potential for Developing Greater Social Empathic Intelligence as does
the Reciprocal for that to the Exclusion of the other Parts of Human Potential Greater
Intelligences too. Use it lose it applies to all Stuff in Life from Head to toe and more.

I Increased My Human Potentials in more areas of Intelligences through accommodating Environmental
Challenge and Improving my Epigenetic Potential in a more Balanced way of Human Intelligences overall
as obviously more of my Genetic Material Propensity for Potential is in Play now, than before as the Record shows.

So yes, Emotional Intelligence, now, per EQ is another one of my Special Interests as well as Moving Meditation
in a Free Style Dance that Science Shows now is Effective Therapy for Folks on the Autism Spectrum; specifically,
to Help Raise their overall EQ Scores now to Better Be able to Navigate the Social World now. I don't only Navigate
the World Great now; I literally Dance it Fear Free after being Uncomfortable in my own skin For Decades Before.

I suggest that I'm not that Special and other Folks who are diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum with Asperger's
Syndrome, Like my Sister too who has always in the Past Decades of Life had a much Higher Emotional Intelligence
Quotient than me and who is still diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome too, can and will with enough Adaptation in Therapies that do work, Like Moving Meditation, enjoy all of life more than they do now, without much of what it even means to be comfortable in one's own skin.

I damn sure am not going to be the one who judges what anyone with a Functional Disability can and will Be able
to Do with their Human Potential; for I dam sure understand even what most folks assess as Miracles can and will
come True all Naturally with enough Concerted Effort With Challenge for Positive Adaptation in Never giving up.

But of course, I have High levels of Emotional Intelligence now, so I use both Art and Science in Working much Deeper
in the Gray and more Colorful Areas of Life than just short black and white looking answers.

In short,
can and will do;
not can't in any way, as long as there is Will in Trying Something Different.

No, most folks did not expect me as the last Kid Picked on Sports Teams to Become an Athletic Director at a Military Station and Retire at Higher Pay Grades of Federal Service.

Nope, most Folks did not expect the Boy Confused for a Girl by the McDonald's Cashier at 12 now to be A Strongest
Dude in a Military Gym, Lifting Weights on a Parallel Leg Press Machine, 52 Reps with Free Weights, 1020 LBS, at Age 58.

No, Most folks didn't expect the Boy who could not Verbally Speak until 4, and was made Fun of Stuttering in Youth to
Write the Longest Long Form Poem in the History of Humankind, in 5 Years and 6 Million Words of
Free Verse Effort in Concrete Free Style Form of Poetry too.

No, Most Folks, who assessed me earlier in life as a Dizzy Fly who couldn't Find his way out of a Paper Bag, expected me to be assessed by the General Public Audience as a Legend of Public Dance, a little more than one Year into that Endeavor
Starting in September of 2013, Along with the Long Form Poem too as I just arrived at doing that in 10,000 Miles in Public
as another 'Miracle Milestone' too, all 'Stuff' considered in my life; yes, including getting over 19 Disorders enough to
Enjoy Life that the Doctor gave me a Prognosis of Zero to do as Assessed at the Beginning of that Living Hell on Earth.

Yes, more specifically all this 'Miracle Stuff' was after being Shut-in in my Bedroom with 19 Medical Disorders in a Life Threatening Synergy of that in 66 Months before I started doing all this 'Real Miracle Stuff' after that.

I'm still Diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum for I still have Extreme Affective Empathy and Tactile Sensitivity too; but
Fortunately I have a literal Prescription from the Doctor to accommodate extreme Empathy and Tactile Sensitivity
with an all Natural Moving Meditation in Dance everywhere I go as that's no Joke and Empirically Assessed by Science
now to actually work in Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses in what is increasingly seen by Science as a Real Fountain of Youth in Regenerating and Maintaining overall Human Well Being, as Well. The Restricted Special All Encompassing Special Interests Do Speak to this too all Encompassing as such as far as the Technical Diagnosis
that I Keep goes too; but does anyone else but the Doctor Believe it who sees me Dance in Public; no; but once
Again You've Seen one Autistic Person, You've Seen one. My style of Hyperlexic Flavored original Gillberg
Assessed Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome, with an early Child-Hood Delay of Language included
before the APA changed it to Autism Lite over here n the US; has also Been Shown In Longitudinal
Studies to Butterfly Out amongst Hans Asperger's Original Patients he Studied in Case Study way.

In other Words, I was a Slow Bloomer too; don't give up; you just might Flower Radiantly too,
if you haven't already done it, as If I remember Correctly You Make a lot of Money. I don't Love Money but have enough
that I Don't Need Money. That Makes a Big Difference, as when I worked for the Military, the Dudes with the Retirement
Income Flowing in were Cool Cumbers too, no matter what Happened in their Second Job to Pay for the Boat and Camper
in their Back Yard under the Tarps they rarely to never used. I kept my Stuff Together at Work no matter how much it was killing me inside. Those who didn't, still Failed. It wasn't worth it but I Survived. It's easier to be a Cool Cumber when
Money is not part of the Required Working Pie; It's kinda Rare but Folks like me with Enough Number/Accounting Skills and no desire to Buy Stuff Eventually Thrive that way too as Money Naturally Accumulates with Interest of its own.

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03 Oct 2018, 4:49 am

aghogday wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
aghogday wrote:
The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test

But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

Isn't that an odd thing to say on an Autism website?

He failed an EQ test and therefore should be disqualifed? So ASD people should never be in "judgement" types of positions because their lower "EQ"?

Considering that I am diagnosed by Four Professionals with Asperger's Syndrome and score close enough to 100
on the EQ Test as I'm sure i've improved from the 95 Score I made in July of 2013; no, it's not Odd for me; someone
on the Autism Spectrum to assess whether others have Very Low or very High Emotional IQ's now from the context
of their Speech that is much more easier to detect when Non-Verbal Language is part of Communication. In other
Words, Autism is not solely Defined by Emotional Intelligence; but yes, it is a Major Factor to consider.

In other words too, while one can determine Objective Points from Written Speech; Non-Verbal
Language says much more about Emotional Intelligence; and when a Supreme Court Nominee can't
handle the Pressure of an Allegation Made without alternately Crying Like a Baby and Hissing Like a Pissed off Cat;
I sure wouldn't Hire him if I needed someone reliable for a Job. Emotional Intelligence is A Most Important Human Intelligence in Fact and Action, for almost Everything that Happens in Life. Considering that Emotions are what
Drives Rationality at Core as Science shows now; that Fact will not be denied by either Science or Common Sense now.

Your argument is that people who have low EQ and display behaviors you don't like, should be disqualified.

That's directly applicable to ASD people.

I think low EQ people can be very successful in law, since much of law is solo research and writing.

What would make you think low EQ people are not qualified?

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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03 Oct 2018, 6:19 am

I can think of one reason - having to address a jury since a lot of that relies on manipulation of their emotions. But there are other kinds of law and people are at different degrees. I would SUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK at that:


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03 Oct 2018, 9:57 am


Rest assured, valiant opponent of social justice, this investigation is just a show, a farce, no actual justice will be accomplished. Republicans will likely vote for K no matter what. And you have shown how little you respect the Supreme Court if you don't care about the character of who sits on it. You can hide behind your pathetic acronyms, but what you support is disgusting.


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03 Oct 2018, 10:26 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
aghogday wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
aghogday wrote:
The Emotional Instability
Kavanaugh Proved in His
Testimony is enough
To Disqualify him
In the eyes
Of any Objective
Rational Thinking Person
From the Supreme Court
As Even Trump could See
He miserably failed His EQ
Emotional Intelligence Test

But of course He’s just a ‘Tool’.

Isn't that an odd thing to say on an Autism website?

He failed an EQ test and therefore should be disqualifed? So ASD people should never be in "judgement" types of positions because their lower "EQ"?

Considering that I am diagnosed by Four Professionals with Asperger's Syndrome and score close enough to 100
on the EQ Test as I'm sure i've improved from the 95 Score I made in July of 2013; no, it's not Odd for me; someone
on the Autism Spectrum to assess whether others have Very Low or very High Emotional IQ's now from the context
of their Speech that is much more easier to detect when Non-Verbal Language is part of Communication. In other
Words, Autism is not solely Defined by Emotional Intelligence; but yes, it is a Major Factor to consider.

In other words too, while one can determine Objective Points from Written Speech; Non-Verbal
Language says much more about Emotional Intelligence; and when a Supreme Court Nominee can't
handle the Pressure of an Allegation Made without alternately Crying Like a Baby and Hissing Like a Pissed off Cat;
I sure wouldn't Hire him if I needed someone reliable for a Job. Emotional Intelligence is A Most Important Human Intelligence in Fact and Action, for almost Everything that Happens in Life. Considering that Emotions are what
Drives Rationality at Core as Science shows now; that Fact will not be denied by either Science or Common Sense now.

Your argument is that people who have low EQ and display behaviors you don't like, should be disqualified.

That's directly applicable to ASD people.

I think low EQ people can be very successful in law, since much of law is solo research and writing.

What would make you think low EQ people are not qualified?

No; it is not my Argument that People who have Low EQ and display Behaviors I don't Like, Should Be Disqualified.

I did not say that. There are Lots of Behaviors I don't particularly Like along with Potential Low EQ that I do not believe
should disqualify Folks From Having Jobs Like Car Mechanic; and other Jobs that do not require People Skills per Law Research too that does not involve People Skills either.

Specifically, it is my Argument that a 'Grown Man', Alternately, Who Cries like a Baby and then Hisses Like a Cat with
A Temper Tantrum Standing in Front of a Committee of Senators Defending Himself against an Allegation that
he insists is False is not reasonably Qualified for a Position on the Supreme Court. And Basic Common
Sense Dictates that when it comes to an assessment to Be Qualified for any Job; an Emotional Meltdown
Before those Doing the Hiring is a big NoNo and Virtually Assures one will not get any Job; unless
it's a Fundamentalist Hell Fire Tear Jerking Southern Baptist Preacher or a replacement
for an Evangelist like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker or Tammy Faye Bakker too; and
to be clear that's a metaphor; I don't literally mean that Preacher and Evangelist
Part of what I just said; and that requires a Certain Level of EQ to determine that
but that deficit in EQ would not reasonably Prevent Someone from Being a Great Car Mechanic or
perhaps an Accountant; and other Jobs that do not Require many 'People Skills' otherwise understood as
Emotional Intelligence and or EQ.

Additionally, EQ Tests that I've seen do not include the Question, do you Emotionally Melt Down Before
others in a Professional Environment when Socially Stressed in Alternate Behaviors of Anger and Crying;
otherwise understood as an Emotional Melt-Down; So, yes, It's possible that a Person could pass an EQ
Test and still be disqualified for any Job Based on Melting Down in the Hiring Process from Start to Finish.
And additionally, in cases where the Employer has a right to Fire based on Behaviors like this that could be the
End of a job too; and yes that commonly Happens too as it does predict a Greater Potential to "Go Postal" and the such
as that.

Now, as far as why specifically Folks in the Job Environment who do Melt-Down Like this Based on Social Stressors
Like a Customer Service Representative who faces a False Allegation from a Customer potentially threatening a Job
that a person has worked very Hard to keep; Melting Down will make the Difference Between staying Rational
And making Good Judgements in the Decision Making Process; or Alternately and Strangely; and Yes, Irrationally,
Accusing the Customer of what the Customer is accusing 'you' of; instead of Answering the Question the Customer
Poses in His or Her allegation towards 'you'; Not being able to understand in the Social Environment that this
is not Acceptable Behavior is part of EQ; and to be clear again, People who Melt Down don't always display
their full potential EQ Score to those in the Viewing Audience, so, once they 'Cool Down', 'Reason' may return.

Overall, Emotional Intelligence includes the Ability to stay Cool under pressure. People who Melt-Down
don't make good Decisions; that's just a Fact. And once again, I repeat that's not a Question on the EQ
Tests I've seen specific to whether one does a Great Job in Regulating their Emotions and Integrating
their Senses to be able to stay Cool Under Pressure; but I Personally think, It should be the First
Question as that Human Intelligence Potential in Regulating Emotions and Integrating
Senses is a core Emotional and Sensory Intelligence that Affects and Effects most
all of what is actually Tested in Emotional Intelligence Tests when Life Gets Hard
and Good Decisions are Paramount to overall Success in Life across the Lifespan.

The Fact that Trump Is President and People are actually still considering
Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, despite the Fact that Trump Said in Public Before he was Elected that
His Supporters would Elect Him, even if He Shot Someone in a Public Place; and the Fact that Kavanaugh
went on all about How there was some kind of Clinton Led Conspiracy to Keep Him Off the Supreme Court
as he went into Full MeltDown Mode is evidence enough in itself that the General Public and Folks in High
Positions in Government are seriously Deficient In EQ to make a Decision like that. And it's true there is not a specific
Question on the EQ Test that measures Emotional Intelligence Ignorance like that that I am aware of. Emotional Intelligence is Tricky and there will always be those deficient in it that are the Next Mark for any 'Used Car
Sales Person'. The Fact that Science Shows now that Low EQ is not a 'Jail Sentence' From Birth is enough
'Reason' to do the Research and find ways to Improve Emotional Intelligence Beyond just the Questions
on a 'Paper Test' on the Internet. There is Rationality associated with Both the Social Empathic
Mind and Systemizing Science Mind. Sadly, folks stuck deep mostly in one end of these
two basic Human Intelligence Potentials may find it hard to 'see' the Merit in taking
Great Efforts to Improve both Human Intelligence Potentials in Balance as the
'Nature of the Lonely Beast' that and who can and or will not see the Beauty
of the other Emotional or Intellectual Beast. It's true, this is so complicated
it takes Fairy Tales to Explain it; and i am not being Flippant by saying that
either for those who don't understand the Nature of 'the Story' may be missing
A Lonely Beast of Beauty too in all the Colors of Life that Emotional Intelligence Brings.

Science is still its Infancy of understanding Human Emotions and even at core of what
makes Human Consciousness and Sub-Consciousness Work together as a Team of Arts
and Sciences within; in other words, Social Empathic Cognition and Systemizing Mechanical
Cognition working in what may be metaphor as it has been through the Ages as Yin and Yang
Balance too. Social Empathic Cognition will never be fully Captured through Systemizing Science
and Fully Captured on a Test in Empirical Means of Measuring full Social Empathic Cognition for it
is a Human Art that is much more like a Rhyme than a Reason; I realize not everyone is going to understand
that Metaphor, particularly if they are behind the Darker more Opaque Windows of the kind of Human Intelligence
and Actual Education in Crystallized Intelligence Required to understand it along with Fluid Intelligence too but never
the less that does not dismiss the Reality that this Continent of Human Cognition in Social Empathic Intelligence actually
exists and is a Very Complex Potential Human Intelligence that with appropriate work may be Improved Across a
Full Life Span now.

Lots of Folks on this Internet Site have readily admitted in their Words they don't have a Clue how important
Human Emotions are. Human Emotions are what we perceive of actual Neuro-Hormonal and Neuro-Chemical
and other Physiological Processes that underly all of what Human Well Being even means. Healthy Emotions
in Balance Brings Physical Health and Well Being and Motivation to Interact with Other Human Beings too.

Data Download Life From School To Work to Death that dismisses the Vital Emotional and Physical/
Sensory Intelligences of Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses in practices Like Still and Moving
Meditation are missing the Ship of what is Required to Successfully Navigate and even more Fully Enjoy

In the Asian World the Employees of Corporations practice Tai-Chi as Group Efforts before they go to work.

Those who master their Emotions and Senses by regulating and Integrating Emotions and Senses Win in Life.

Even a Cat in the Backyard understands that without a word and will tell you if you 'see' and hear' what he says.

Humans through all Cultural Clothes as Tools they Create from Written Words through Weapons that Kill have
Moved away from this Nature within and this is a greatest threat to any Human Happiness at all; Nature Deficit
Disorder within, inside, outside, above, so below and all around.

We are much more than 'words' when we find Nature again within. If I can do it with my previous Low
EQ Scores and Extremely High AQ Scores, I can't see why others may not have a similar Potential.

I found what works for me. Imagine a life of Total and Complete Bliss and Zero Anxiety; it even happens
to folks who Previously Lived In a Virtual Hell on Earth for those who seek and find what works for real Heaven now.

Tibetan Monks and Yogis achieve this and Science Measures what they are able to do too, in terms of Brain Waves
And Bliss that is Mastered as Emotions; and in Senses like Steaming Heat off Robes in Icy Water with Enough Practice
in the Innate, Instinctual, and Intuitive Intelligences that make this work in even Mastering Autonomic Functions.

And no, as my Case Study Life Shows, you don't have to go to School for this; for this Intelligence is built in;
Yes, Innately, Instinctually, and Intuitively for those who are Detoured Away from it as Modern Culture Clothes
Overall in all the tools 'we' make and become have removed 'us' more than we realize from our Human
Potentials for actual Survive and Thrive now in a Pursuit of Happiness that is more than buying
Stuff; A Happiness Humans can and will Master now for Absolutely Free once one has
found a way to take care of the Basics of Maslow's Bottom of the Pyramid as Human Potentials in Subsistence
Basically in Food, Shelter, Mates, Friends, and Safety as Fuller Humanity Inherited Potential comes next back again.

Through the Ages 'Religions' have tried Hard to put this into words. It's Hard to Do as Art and Science helps too.

I'm still working on it; that is putting it into words; other wise than Articulating Heaven to others, it's mostly
a within and inside job that is innate, instinctual, and intuitive that once again requires no instructions
or guidelines from others as that may actually Hinder the Whole Potential as Instructions and Guidelines
at Core are Systemizing Science and by terms of Science ironically Repress what one is even trying
to find
of heART.

In other Words, I don't take lessons
For Martial Arts or Poetry for that defeats the Art.

Any other Animal can and will tell you that without words; if 'you' 'see' and 'hear' deeper than words.

Yep; i got the 'Spider Man' Version of Autism; Spidey Emotions and Senses too; and who 'knows''
Perhaps most accomplished Yogis and Tibetan Monks do too; so, in other words, It's Possible that Nature
makes only a 'Chosen Few' too; but I Hold out Hope for Change in Epigenetic and Neuroplastic Affect and Effect.

Yes; i guess the Best News of All is 'You' can and will be Super Woman and or Man too. And This makes everything i Just
did a 'Fredbun' as just a really complicated version of 'Haibun' in Poetry Science Terms for those who continue to Create
Anew as Essence Becomes Newer Forms beyond Haiku as Fredku; and Fredfu Beyond Kungfu too. But seriously, i rather
not label what i do; and just do it; for 'normal' Humans have a propensity to worship Form over Essence in terms of
Labels like 3 Letter words Called God and Flesh and Blood Humans and Prophets of only ones too as form become
tool as Human too; and essence fades away as the Essence of 'God' Freer in us dies a slow and tortuous death in the Loss of Humanity's Greater Overall Potentials. Yes, it's Hard to actually Separate Philosophy, Religion, and Politics for they all Hold Hands;
'Even' 'If' 'you' can't 'see' 'It'.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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03 Oct 2018, 7:11 pm


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04 Oct 2018, 11:20 am

He contacted his classmates asking them to support him.

However, there's no evidence that the text messages contain anything more than that.

She's even sent the text messages to Democrat Senators, and they haven't said anything about them.

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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04 Oct 2018, 1:53 pm

I just heard something on the ex-boyfriend of Ford signing a sworn statement that she coached people on taking polygraphs, something she emphatically denied under oath and perhaps because one of those people was a roommate of hers who went into the FBI.

I get the sense that people will get the sense of full blown victory, their own way, by whatever trail of media they follow.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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04 Oct 2018, 3:52 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I just heard something on the ex-boyfriend of Ford signing a sworn statement that she coached people on taking polygraphs, something she emphatically denied under oath and perhaps because one of those people was a roommate of hers who went into the FBI.

I get the sense that people will get the sense of full blown victory, their own way, by whatever trail of media they follow.

"I just heard..."

Yeah, well when you engage in spreading rumours around it tends to lead to people being misinformed and contributes to the tribalization and partisanship that your country seems to be struggling with so much lately.


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04 Oct 2018, 3:59 pm

EDIT: wrong topic.

Last edited by Spooky_Mulder on 04 Oct 2018, 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.