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03 Jun 2011, 4:23 pm

Philologos wrote:
Master Pedant:

"it costs much more to administer than life imprisonment"

Unless you mean moral cost, surely it does not NEED to? "Take this man outside and dispose of him" Or are you figuring in productive work the prisoner may be compelled to do?

I'm not speaking of pointless thought experiments or bizzare, never going to happen situations. Sure, if we tried everyone with a make-shift, pro-bono, Kangaroo Court and line prisoners up in front of firing squad, it could be cheaper. But prosecuting people in a liberal democracy is a lot more expensive then that due to the presumption of innocence and the appeals process.

Unless you have any idea about the workings of the judicial system or the change of reforms, I highly doubt your in any position to judge the viability of "cost-cutting" measures.



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03 Jun 2011, 4:27 pm

Chummy wrote:
I think that Death penalty should be used as little as possible. If can, not use it at all. For example a man goes on a rampage and kills a few people. He, IMO should be locked up in the solitary confinement for a long time. But executing him is like a preset. It's the easy way. If you execute him, he won't suffer for what he did. Let him rot in horrid conditions.

In case of mass murderes like Hitler, I think Death Penalty is okay because those guys are usually too risky to keep alive for long.

What is your views on Death Penalty?

Edit: Wait, now I have been thinking about that a little more. Sure, I still think taking lives is wrong. But, prisoners that aren't executed do their time and quite a few don't change their ways after they are out (ergo, new prisoners are added every day and old ones get busted again and again - or just roam the streets with their crimes). So, that means prisons fail at reducing the number of criminals.

I believe in lex talionis, or "eye for an eye." There are ways of "paying" for your crimes that do not involve permanent bodily harm to yourself, and in the literal case of "eye for an eye," as an example, I see it as perfectly just an humane to put a price on personal injury. Along with measure-for-measure justice, as long as the equivalent measures are FAIR, I think it only right to at least attempt to rehabilitate repeat offenders. Involuntary servitude for a period of time is preferable to incarceration, and I think someone has to be really far gone to start talking jail time. I think incarceration is vastly overused.

In the case of death, there IS no measure-for-measure equivalent. There is only a determination of the cause of death and the intent. In other words, manslaughter and murder are NOT the same thing. So I think all murder (intentional and unnecessary killing with malicious motives) should be repaid with the life of the murderer.

I also think that any man who walks in on his wife in bed with another man ought to have the right to "shoot first and ask questions later," and if he's confronted by a jury as to why he did it, he can ask, "How was I to know he wasn't raping her? I was just trying to protect my wife!" That kind of reality would make people take their vows more seriously and respect the same of others.


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03 Jun 2011, 4:40 pm

If we were to have true justice, he would be killed in the manner he murdered. That's not possible though and it would be cruel to put anyone up to the task of killing a man by beating him to death with a lamp the same way he beat his wife to death(with a lamp).

That said, I think the current death penalty system should be retained and that there should be far more executions a year. There's always that tug of war between compassion and justice(standards), but when it comes to killing murders, I think it is moral and humane.

The point of justice isn't to make one suffer for long periods of time in jail so that they live miserably and feel some sort of regret for what they did. You live in a society, and you take a life... you don't deserve to keep your own.

It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.


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03 Jun 2011, 4:44 pm

You and your puny "justice". What if the legal system actually gets it wrong and they condemn the wrong guy. Want the society to become murderous of innocents just in exchange of managing to have this 'justice' you are talking about?

Death penalty does not seem to stop crime rates. It does increase the risk to have innocent people killed by inept governments in attempts to make citizens feel 'safer'.



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03 Jun 2011, 4:51 pm

A well meaning but imperfect judicial system and government brings sixty accused murderers to trial.

Twenty are convicted and hanged, four of whom are innocent

Twenty are acquitted, of whom four go on a killing spree

Twenty are sent to prison for life, of whom four are innocent, four riot and kill guards, and four are killed by other inmates.

Twenty murderers are never identified, of whom four strike again.

I will spare you the other combinations and logical possibilities.



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03 Jun 2011, 5:09 pm

Vexcalibur wrote:
You and your puny "justice". What if the legal system actually gets it wrong and they condemn the wrong guy. Want the society to become murderous of innocents just in exchange of managing to have this 'justice' you are talking about?

Death penalty does not seem to stop crime rates. It does increase the risk to have innocent people killed by inept governments in attempts to make citizens feel 'safer'.

I only said if we were to have true justice... the assumption being we know the guy or gal did it. True justice is romantic, just as much as true compassion, and I even acknowledged that it wouldn't work in the real world. A romantic idea is how you'd like things to be, not as they are.

And precisely for the reasons you cite (I've put in bold). The question then becomes (based on either our ideal of true justice or true compassion), what is the next best thing...

It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.


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03 Jun 2011, 5:21 pm

Defendant-victim racial combinations (source NAACP)
Executions carried out in the United States from 1976 - April 2010

------------------White Victim--Black Victim--Latino/a Victim--Asian Victim--Native American Victim
White Defendant.....630 52.50%......15 1.25% ......14 1.17%..............4 0.33%...........0 0%
Black Defendant.......249 20.75%....135 11.25%....17 1.42%...........11 0.92%...........0 0%
Latino/a Defendant.....39 3.25%..........3 0.25%......39 3.25%..............2 0.17%..........0 0%
Asian Defendant.............2 0.17%............0 0% ............0 0% ...................5 0.42%......... 0 0%
Native Amer. Def.........13 1.08%...........0 0%.............0 0%.......................0 0%..........2 0.17%
TOTAL:.............................933 77.75%.....153 12.75%....70 5.83%.........22 1.83%........2 0.17%

Note: In addition, there were 20 defendants executed for the murders of multiple victims of different races.
Of those, 11 defendants were white, 6 black and 3 Latino. (1.67%)

Murder victims by race (from USDOJ)
2009 Concerning murder victims for whom race was known, 48.7 percent were white, 48.6 percent were black, and 2.7 percent were of other races.
2004 murder victims by race white 6,929, black 6,632, other 365, unknown 195

Get the picture?

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03 Jun 2011, 5:25 pm

I am very strongly against the death penalty. For one thing, it's a logical fallacy. two wrongs do not make a right. another thing, I don't think it does anything for the families of victims. it's not like seeing blood is the only thing that is gonna create closure. closure is a BS concept anyways. and supporting the death penalty for anything besides murder is utter insanity.

what infuriates me the most is when pro-death penalty people say the death penalty is good for families and protects children. wtf?


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03 Jun 2011, 5:26 pm

Oh yeah - I've also noticed, most NTs seem to support the death penalty, but most Aspies seem to be against it.


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03 Jun 2011, 5:33 pm

The death penalty is fine with me. They just need to be absolutely sure and use it sparingly. You can't take it back after he's dead.

But I think the idea is silly and counterproductive. People suffer more in prison, especially in supermax prisons where they basically drive you insane. If the idea is to make them suffer we should keep them around and make them, y'know, suffer.

I think the Hell fantasy is letting these guys off easy.


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03 Jun 2011, 5:41 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
Oh yeah - I've also noticed, most NTs seem to support the death penalty, but most Aspies seem to be against it.

REALLY? Wow. My base environment is by no means normative, of course - for the academic crowd which forbetter or worse is my tribe opposition seems practically universal.


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03 Jun 2011, 5:42 pm

I think if someone did something horribly nasty and can't possibly be rehabilitated, and we're CERTAIN that they did it, we should go ahead and kill 'em.

We've got this guy out here, skinhead thug, killed a district attorney in plain view of a judge, jury, and courtroom full of reporters. We know he did it. There's no question at all that he did it.

His life history suggests that he has sociopathic, violent tendencies.

He is without remorse.

IMHO he's just a dog that needs to be put down. And do it as cheaply as possible. Cremate him and toss his ashes in the trash. He's made it very clear that he's not what you'd generally call a human being.

My problem with the death penalty is all the guys on death row who "probably did something to deserve it".

If we weren't so worried about drugs, there would be plenty of room in our prisons for all the violent criminals and kiddie diddlers to stay locked up forever.


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03 Jun 2011, 5:45 pm

Philologos wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
Oh yeah - I've also noticed, most NTs seem to support the death penalty, but most Aspies seem to be against it.

REALLY? Wow. My base environment is by no means normative, of course - for the academic crowd which forbetter or worse is my tribe opposition seems practically universal.

the Aspie tribe you mean?


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03 Jun 2011, 6:06 pm

Think ugly duckling. Think raised by wolves. I have lived all my life in academia. I do not know how the ratio NT / AS is in the average American university, but almighty few are even suspected Aspies. The vast majority are admirably socialized.


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03 Jun 2011, 6:18 pm

I'm a big fan of the death penalty and I would like to see it use liberally for a wide variety of crimes as long as there is a really high standard of evidence. I'd like to see it used for most premeditated murders, sex crimes, robberies involving some sort of confrontation, anyone in the drug trade, most gang-related crimes, and making all illegal aliens who kill someone eligible for the death penalty regardless of circumstances. I also favor public executions (preferably at the scene of the crime when possible), I don't think that gas chambers and lethal injection are fitting for the crimes, and that we should use hanging, firing squads, and beheading. I also favor the use of chain gangs in place of longer sentences and corporal punishment in place of having crowded county jails. The biggest problem with the cost of capital punishment is the endless court appeal cases and holding them in a super high security cell block for 20+ years. By the time that a death penalty case goes through an appeal or two, it's usually pretty obvious that there's no reason for more unless they can submit new evidence. In old cases where DNA testing was not as available, such an appeal may have merit but that can be done in a local court. Taking it to the supreme court is usually a waste. Last of all, if one case is held up, that should not prevent others from going ahead of the people in front of them.

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03 Jun 2011, 6:19 pm

John_Browning wrote:
I'm a big fan of the death penalty and I would like to see it use liberally for a wide variety of crimes as long as there is a really high standard of evidence. I'd like to see it used for most premeditated murders, sex crimes, robberies involving some sort of confrontation, anyone in the drug trade, most gang-related crimes, and making all illegal aliens who kill someone eligible for the death penalty regardless of circumstances. I also favor public executions (preferably at the scene of the crime when possible), I don't think that gas chambers and lethal injection are fitting for the crimes, and that we should use hanging, firing squads, and beheading. I also favor the use of chain gangs in place of longer sentences and corporal punishment in place of having crowded county jails. The biggest problem with the cost of capital punishment is the endless court appeal cases and holding them in a super high security cell block for 20+ years. By the time that a death penalty case goes through an appeal or two, it's usually pretty obvious that there's no reason for more unless they can submit new evidence. In old cases where DNA testing was not as available, such an appeal may have merit but that can be done in a local court. Taking it to the supreme court is usually a waste. Last of all, if one case is held up, that should not prevent others from going ahead of the people in front of them.

Spoken like a true hater! I admire your honesty. :D