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What are my coincidences?
Supernatural phenomena 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
Delusions, symptoms of psychosis 33%  33%  [ 8 ]
Ideas of reference 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Effects of mere mathematical chance 50%  50%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 24


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03 Aug 2019, 4:59 pm

Why someone placed encounter with huge egg which stuck in the hole in certain computer game? Was it reference to something, like Big Hole (anus of alien lifeform from "Evolution" movie)? I may think that satan or demons inspired producers of the game to place Giant Egg encounter in it in the purpose of giving me large coincidences. Why quite many coincidences are associated with the book which is considered holy by Muslims, not Christians? In my mind the idea that God made some of my coincidences or permitted them in purpose may be present.

Coincidence with two or three quranic triplets (7, 29, 139; 7, 11, 14; 7, 2, 4) is huge. It is associated with quite many themes of my coincidences:
- 21 7 (moderately),
- 3, 6, 9 (relatively mildly),
- "miraculous quartet" of arithmetic sequences (very much),
- 24.7 and 27.4; 13 and 31 (very much),
- "giant egg" (5, 23, 421, very much).

Probability of coincidence between 7, 29, 139 and 5, 23, 421 is rather really low. 139 and 421 - numers have not to be sorted ascendingly or descendingly to form geometric sequences, there are only two such numbers whihc have 3 digits - 139 and 421, exactly.


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05 Aug 2019, 3:12 pm

I noticed two sets of numbers which I named "miraculous quintets". They are: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 and 2, 5, 11, 23, 47. What links them?
- both have 5 numbers,
- two smallest numbers in both of them are one-digit,
- two smallest numbers in both of them are (additive) prime numbers,
- three largest numbers in both of them have two digits,
- third (middle) member in both of them is 11.

3, 7, 11, 15, 19 - arithmetic sequence with sum of numbers 55 and arithmetic mean 11 which has common difference 4.

2, 5, 11, 23, 47 - first five Thabit numbers. All of them are additive primes!

Very interesting are triplets formed by three smallest and three largest numbers in these quintets.

For 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 they are 3, 7, 11 and 11, 15, 19. Both are arithmetic sequences which have the same sums of numbers as products of digits forming them! Very interesting!
3*7*1*1 = 3+7+11 = 21
1*1*1*5*1*9 = 11+15+19 = 45

For 2, 5, 11, 23, 47 they are 2, 5, 11 and 11, 23, 47. Smaller triplet is formed by sums of digits of numbers in the larger one (1+1 = 2, 2+3 = 5, 4+7 = 11)!
Both triplets formed by consecutive Thabit primes are coincident with 3, 6, 9!
For first, 2, 5, 11:
1. Number of numbers is 3.
2. Arithmetic mean of numbers is 6.
3. Sum of digits is 9.
4. Sum of numbers is 18.
5. Arithmetic mean of sums of digits in numbers is 3 (((2+5+(1+1))/3 = (2+5+2)/3 = 9/3 = 3).
6. Difference between the middle and the smallest number in the triplet is 3 (5-2).
7. Difference between the largest and the middle term in 2, 5, 11 is 6 (11-5).
8. Difference between the largest and the smallest term in that triplet is 9 (11-2).
9. Three differences mentioned above form "Tesla's arithmetic sequence" - 3, 6, 9!

For second, 11, 23, 47:
1. Number of numbers is 3.
2. Number of digits is 6.
3. Sum of numbers is 81 which is 9x9; 81 has sum of digits 9.
4. Sum of digits is 18 which is 9+9 and 81 read backwards; 18 has sum of digits 9.
5. Arithmetic mean is 27 which is 3x9 and 3x3x3.
6. Difference between the middle and the smallest number in the triplet is 12 (23-11).
7. Difference between the largest and the middle term in 11, 23, 47 is 24 (47-23).
8. Difference between the largest and the smallest term in that triplet is 36 (47-11).
9. Three differences mentioned above form arithmetic sequence with sum 72; sums of digits in these differences are... 3, 6, 9!


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17 Sep 2019, 4:57 pm

21, 42, 84. Most coincident geometric sequence. By swapping digits in its numbers we receive 12, 24, 48. Sums of digits in both sequences are 3, 6, 12. All three sequences are coincident with 3, 6, 9:

- 42-21 = 21; 84-42 = 42; 84-21 = 63 -> 21, 42, 63 -> 2+1 = 3; 4+2 = 6; 6+3 = 9 -> 3, 6, 9
- 24-12 = 12; 48-24 = 24; 48-12 = 36 -> 12, 24, 36 -> 1+2 = 3; 2+4 = 6; 3+6 = 9 -> 3, 6, 9
- 6-3 = 3; 12-6 = 6; 12-3 = 9 -> 3, 6, 9

The same numbers are associated with 11, 23, 47 and numbers formed by swapping digits in numbers 11, 23, 47 - 11, 32, 74. Sums of digits in these sets of numbers are: 2, 5, 11.

- 32-11 = 21; 74-32 = 42; 74-11 = 63; 21, 42, 63 -> 2+1 = 3; 4+2 = 6; 6+3 = 9 -> 3, 6, 9
- 23-11 = 12; 47-23 = 24; 47-11 = 36; 12, 24, 36 -> 1+2 = 3; 2+4 = 6; 3+6 = 9 -> 3, 6, 9
- 5-2 = 3; 11- 5 = 6; 11-2 = 9 -> 3, 6, 9

My mentality: it's clear proof that Tesla's saying about the magnificience of 3, 6, 9 points at you (or, more precisely, your coincidences and ideas)!


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01 Jun 2020, 2:54 pm

I noticed something associated with arithmetic sequence 33, 42, 51. It was noticed 28.05.2020. I made first digits in numbers forming that sequence bases of powers while second digits were exponents of powers. I received:
3^3 = 3x3x3 = 27
4^2 = 4x4 = 16
5^1 = 5 = 5
Numbers: 27, 16, 5 form arithmetic sequence. Ascending counterpart of 27, 16, 5 is 5, 16, 27. It has arithmetic mean 16, sum of numbers 48 and common difference 11. Bith bases of powers and their exponents form arithmetic sequences which have common differences which have absolute vaule 1 (3, 4, 5 and 3, 2, 1).
Sums of digits in 27, 16, 5 are: 9, 7, 5. These numbers form arithmetic sequence with sum of numbers 21 and arithmetic mean 7. 21 and 7 form most coincident double for me. Absolute value of common difference of 9, 7, 5 is 2.

Numbers: 33, 42, 51 are associated with arsenic, molybdenum and antimony - three elements which names were for me neologisms when I was about 13 - 16 years old in meaning - vulgar words for buttocks, penis and external female genitals. It started because of the name of element with atomic number 33 ("arsenic", in Polish "arsen" - it is obvious to notice that four first letters in these two words form rude word for buttocks in British English). I suppose that I have that coincidence thanks to British "a-word". Without it I would probably not form such silly neologism which gave me coincidences many years later. Maybe names for molybdenum ("molibden") and antimony ("antymon") were considered nice in certain way for me so I decided to "promote" them? Now I do not consider words "arsen", "molibden" and "antymon" (and their counterparts in other languages) as vulgarisms.