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22 Jul 2015, 9:16 pm

rvacountrysinger wrote:
xenocity wrote:
Typically conservatives are very narrow minded in their beliefs and those beliefs are highly strict in upholding them.
Conservatives typically only associate with those who share their values and beliefs while actively avoiding/protesting those who are different.
Typically a conservative who is willing to broaden their horizons, winds up being shunned by their fellow conservatives.
Closing oneself off from the wider world, typically leads to a decline in overall creativity.

The literal definition of a liberal is anyone who fails to fully accept, practice and/or rejects conservative values and beliefs.

A conservative believes in trickle down economics, tax cuts exclusively for the rich, overspending on the military (it is now the biggest part of the U.S. federal budget), privatization of everything including education, living by God's Law and others.

You reject or fail to uphold these values and beliefs makes you an automatically a DIRTY LIBERAL! !

Lastly both CREATIVITY & THE ARTS have been traditionally classified as liberal values over thousands of years of human history (liberal typically fund them, while conservatives typically banish them).

Then why do I meet so many non-creative liberals? I am a Conservative! And I support the arts. I just don't support progressive agendas. IMO, politics are something separate. They don't have reflection upon intelligence or creativity or lack there of. They are mutually exclusive.

Because you are living in the U.S. in a state capital.

I know plenty of conservatives who willingly take government benefits including: welfare, Medicad, medicare, financial aid for schooling, unemployment benefits, Social Security, food stamps, and even Obamacare subsidizes...
They do this all along, while complaining about people being on the government dole and welfare queens.
Hell my dad and stepmom loved all the benefits of Medicad, unemployment checks, financial aid for college for my sister, tax credits, and I do believe they briefly had food stamps while my dad was unemployed, all while claiming to be die in the wool conservatives republicans.
Oh they also complain in the same conversation about being taxed to death by liberals to fund the liberal programs, entitlements and the rest of the liberal agenda (including public education while having a child still in public High School).
They've repeated spouted the need to do away with all liberal benefits including Social Security, so Americans can live better off.
Oh they hate unions and collective bargaining rights because it leads to underworked overpaid workers who drain businesses and the economy dry, even though they both benefit from it.

My dad is still upset that Obama bailed out GM and Chrysler instead of allowing private industry to do it, though private industry sent them to the government.
My dad is still bitter about that, even though he has more work for it and the state economy has recovered because of it.

Don't get my dad and his brother started on the overtime rules, 40 hour work week laws, and other labor safety regulation.
Both will sign up for Social Security and Medicare at the moment they are eligible, while hating FDR for creating Social Security and LBJ for creating Medicare that siphoned off their hard earned cash.

Also the U.S. education system has been reformed in the 1980s (under Reagan) which first introduced standardized testing, leading to 2004 reforms (under Bush II) which greatly increased the amount of standardized testing ( it's yearly until high school).
Teachers literally are forced to teach to the test, to ensure the students to as good as possible, which in turn will determine funding for the coming year (do bad and get a funding cut). There is literally no time after the tests (normally in April) to teach everything else.
School districts have taken an axe to most activities, even after school activities.
Many have also cut Gym, Music and Art as well.

Then helicopter parents since the mid 90s have over controlled their kids, preventing them from most stuff out of fear.
Hell kids today can't even play in the front yard due to "stranger danger".

FYI, supporting the arts runs contradictory to conservative principles.

P.S. everyone gives the banking and financial industry credit for creatively accounting, dodging laws, and purposely selling bad investments, which led to the 2008 meltdown.
They also gave themselves huge bonuses, raises and returned to their horrible practices.
They are also in the process of suing the U.S. Government for bailing them out, claiming the bail outs hurt their profits!

Something.... Weird... Something...


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23 Jul 2015, 9:41 am

cathylynn wrote:
i think conservatives are more creative based on the stories reported on fox news.

Good point. Yes, of course conservatives and liberals can be creative; it is a spectrum of human as in all stuff HUMAN life. In GENERAL, LIBERALS are more creative; and that CAN be correlated with repressed human sensuality, overall, as a social norm associated with fundamentalism in religion AND PATRIARCHAL RULES OF CULTURAL LIFE, overall.

In general; again in GENERAL; CONSERVATIVE FOLKS create to control.

In general; again in GENERAL; LIBERAL FOLKS create to connect.

And of course that is not surprising as the Ted Talk I linked indicated Liberals are more likely to be risk taking extraverted exploring ROVING connectors of life; while conservatives are more likely to be cautious introverted home, work, and or church SITTING controllers of life.

The 'psychopathic' version of a conservative is perhaps the most dangerous as they control for power as they have little to no EMOTIONAL/AFFECTIVE empathy; whereas, the 'empathic' version of a conservative controls over unease in life overall; also known as anxiety/fear related feelings in not feeling comfortable enough in their own skin TO BRANCH OUT.

AND NO; I DID not need a textbook or a study to FEEL and KNOW any of this IN REAL FLESH AND BLOOD LIFE; I've literally dealt with close to 100K folks in real life dealing with the general public in the military sector of federal service over a quarter of a century in both work and social related interaction; I've empirically assessed it with both cognitive and affective empathy; and this has always been crystal clear to me; before empirical measures of actual so-called science confirm my all innate, instinctual and intuitive wisdom about THIS..:)

Human common sense has always been the best innate instinctual and intuitive science; also known as the wisdom of cognitive and affective empathy mixed with reason gained in real flesh and blood life experience.

The school life has always failed in providing proper education on emotional and physical intelligence in imaginative and creative ways of doing that; And no wonder, as the controllers of life are most often the one's who set up the rules AND regulations of life; as they would rather rule and control than to freely explore.

But of course this site as assessed by the huge (in numbers of participation) informal poll that Fnord created (before it was edited) shows a fascinating distribution of Briggs Meyers personality traits for this Internet site where 95% of the participants here assess themselves as Introverts.

I am an extreme Introvert; truly only coming here as a result of physical illness and shut-in permanent disability where this is my last resort to attempt to connect to other human beings. And the truth is I only connected to myself in writing as this is overall, one of the worst places in the world to connect to others in actual reciprocal social communication in actually emotionally bonding with other folks in expressing actual caring for other individuals in verbal expression.

The only reason I am here now; is I was here before; if not this would be the last place I will ever go; I come here for the intellectual stimulation but this is the last place I come to emotionally connect to other human beings. In those places I am empirically assessed and documented as having one of the best personalities. Here I am assessed as impossible to understand and insane.

Truly it is fascinating for me as a REAL ANTHROPOLOGIST TO MAKE a case-study of out of such a controlled experiment in terms OF how a CROWD OF SOMEWHAT CONSERVATIVE INTROVERTS will treat a super liberal extraverted person; if given the opportunity. Of course, in real life; most people here would not be able to take my social energy for more than several minutes; my wife is mostly introverted and she has trouble handling my energy. My female dance partners bounce off the dancing hall walls with joy when they are around me just for my super free spirited free exploring type of dancing.

I whip the pants off of guys who are 33 or so years my junior in attracting extraverted women as that is the only type of woman, overall, one will see actually on the dance floor; and in my patriarchal fundamentalist area assessed as the number one locality in extreme of that political red state ideology; in the U.S., even innately leaning liberal dudes have been forced into a prison of conservative 'stick up the butt' ways of verbal and non-verbal language in repressing and oppressing social reciprocal communication interaction.

They could learn something from me but culture makes some of them terrified of expressing their emotions; both verbally and non-verbally. And sadly enough, repressing emotions and sensuality is the core of human stress; tension; disease as assessed by science now; as well as an potential earlier grave as assessed by science.

The mind and the body are connected and one will never have optimum happiness without both being balanced. I make a science and art out of living; and as assessed empirically on my blogs I thrive in joy and reason. I am not only a super extravert, I am a super happy person as well; it is rarely I meet anyone who I cannot inspire a smile in; except for the Fundie Christians I meet in the aisles of Super Walmart and so-called tough boy and men rednecks. I can spot them all the way at the other end of the store just by the robotic PLASTIC non-flowing way they move.

African American Males are assessed as having the highest overall self-esteem of all demographics in the United States; and that just proves that overall economic status has little to do with self esteem. And hell yes; typically as a demographic group one can see that in the WAY African Americans walk and express themselves openly in emotional expression. This demographic of folks walk like Lions on the Savannah, dance with soul; and still connect on front porches in ways of loving eyes; not any different than in poor nations of all colors where people mean more than stuff. FACTORS ASSESSED IN THE STUDY ARE SEXUAL PROWESS AND ABILITY TO DEFEND ONESELF IN A REAL PHYSICAL FIGHT. YES, I CAN VOUCH FOR THESE empirical powers of natural evolving human males; as even though I am successfully and monogamously married to a one of the most beautiful women in this Universe (on earth) (empirically proven on my blogs); ever since I start my EXTREME MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING AND male nude art and start attracting gorgeous women by the dozens in my favorite top 100 dance club in the U.S.; and now literally document around 400 ear to ear selfies with them on my blogs; let's just say I am very comfortable in my own skin; probably in the top 1% of males in the U.S.; as who else is brave enough to do male nude art and share it with 21 year old dance friends; when they are 55; am I the only one; where the strange females think this is socially acceptable; yes, probably so; perhaps in the entire world; per the non-Hollwood demographic I am currently included in; of course; PER MY 'SLIGHTLY' OLDER age demographic.

And I am one white boy who can dam sure dance; and one who even gets applause from the most creative of African American and Asian break dancers where I dance 33 or so years their Senior.

Anthropology; it's what for dinner for me; my entire life; even before I gain my degree; to learn about human is the best education of all to actually thrive and survive happy all the time now in life; A degree in humanity is what many people are lacking today in the real flesh and blood dance of life; and with that said a tribute to my dancing African American Female Partners and much younger African American male peer counter-part competitors for these African American Women dancers who most always inspire me more than the more conservative other cultural motivated dancers who have a slightly less tan color of skin; that while correlated is not prison of being uncomfortable in one's skin; once one learns the lesson of the movie 'Frozen' and finally jusT DOES IT BY:



AND I guess this is MY confession AS a Reformed Nerd; yes, it is both hilarious and TRUTH..:)

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23 Jul 2015, 9:54 am

rvacountrysinger wrote:
A study was done (presumably by a liberal source) to cite that in general, Conservatives are less creative i.e. intelligent than liberals. This was published online in several articles.

There are quite a few more liberals in the performing arts- yes that is true. But arts and entertainment are not the only sources of creativity. Not only are there conservatives in the "arts", but conservatives are likely to create businesses and technology- that is also creativity.

I know many Obama supporters that are not all that highly creative. Some are your typical sports watching TGIFridays crowd. And I am a conservative musician who also is a writer and a painter. What makes people think conservatives can't create?

What I really think hurts the majority of conservatives is their all-too-literal interpretation of the Bible and trying to follow it word for word and then stifling nearly everything but Bible in their children's education. Most the ones around here are very religious in addition to being conservative. It's difficult to be creative when you have this narrow path paved for you by a book that was intended for people living thousands of years ago and has been revised to fit certain agendas so parts of it might have nothing to do with the actual folks it's written about. This dependence and brain washing hurts their creativity early on so they look less intelligent because they turn their noses at anything God in the Bible might disapprove of and that's anything besides what's in the Bible. It's a religion of fear. They are in constant fear of retribution by God so this stifles any stray thoughts. This lack of desire to learn certain fields gives the impression they are not so intelligent and worldly as someone who is free to study anything their heart desires without fear of retribution by an unseen force of some kind. Not all Christians are like this but fundies tend to fear and be skeptical of anything not in the Bible. Too bad the wisdom of "Knowledge is Power" was left out of it then we would see all these genuii everywhere itching to be at the top of their class always. For some reason, knowledge became something to fear and ignorance became ideal. Just another confusing lie humans get caught up in. There does seem to be a confounding energy at play, where it originates or what purpose it serves I am not aware. Maybe it is some kind of evolutionary safety net?


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23 Jul 2015, 10:21 am


In my DISCUSSION culture MAKES me an extreme nerdy introvert by the time I arrived on 'this Internet site'; I am reformed back to my innate, instinctual, intuitive way of moving SUPER EXTRAVERTED human being NOW. Cultural Environment is an incredible manipulator of human nature. And yes, in this way, culture can be deadly in more ways than is superficially visible in external ways of control; by the psychopathic leaning Folks AMONG US; who live to heartlessly subjugate and control OVER loving ways of connecting in living AND LOVING LIFE, PER ALL OTHERS, AND THE REST OF NATURE, AS WELL AKA GOD!..:)

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23 Jul 2015, 10:51 am

Skibz888 wrote:
rvacountrysinger wrote:
I started the thread because several "studies" were pushed by liberal media hounds to say that conservatives can't be creative.

First you said it was "a study", now it's "several". Do you have links to these studies?

I found the study, or what I presume is the study, since it is referenced in a number of articles. I could only find one study.

Across a range of disciplines it is assumed that conservatism and creativity are polar opposites. Although
conservatism correlates negatively with appreciation of certain art forms, are conservatives in fact less creative?
Four hundred and twenty-two undergraduates completed a Creative Behavior Inventory and creative
products judged by the consensual assessment technique. Compared to more liberal college students, those
endorsing more conservative positions on a brief version of the Conservatism scale had fewer creative
accomplishments and devised photo essays and drawings judged as less creative. Results for accomplishments
and drawing products held true when controlling for verbal ability and openness.

The study was done on college students taking a Psych course so the WEIRD filter is already in effect before the study even starts.

They were given a questionnaire about their political opinions (considered more objective than asking them if they self-identify as conservative or liberal) and then given a bunch of creativity measures.

Creativity measures used:
1)Creative Behavuiour Inventory where students rank how frequently (if ever) they've done various creative things like write poems.

2)vocabulary test: does a large vocabulary correlate with creativity? They don't go into that. But I do recall that this correaltion was a sub-premise in Orwell's 1984 since language was intentionally low-vocabulary as a way to stifle outside-the-box thinking.

3)drawing: not a test of artistic skill but rather a test of how creatively the subjects filled in the missing parts of a partly-completed drawing

4)photo essay: students were asked to take 20 photos that answered the question "who are you?" and write a little essay about them. These were judged based on individuality. I guess a creative person can be creative in describing themselves.

5)openess index: the questions start as "I see myself as someone who....." and then there are different things a person could be open to such as reflect or play with ideas.

Conclusion: students scoring high on liberalism more often scored higher on creativity while those who scored high on conservatism more often scored lower on creativity.

As is always the way, the media reporting on the study distorted the results. This is why I always like to go back to the study if possible (some are behind pay walls). The researchers said the correlation was 'small but consistent'. The media distorted that into a large correlation and left the impression that liberal=creative and conservative=uncreative. That isn't what the researchers found. They found a small but consistent correlation.

There is also the problem that the OP brought up that maybe some types of creativity aren't being accounted for here. If somebody has an innovative business idea, are we sure they would have scored high on the Openess Index if they'd taken it? If somebody envisions a new machine (like the ipod), are we sure they would have also filled in the blanks creatively of a semi-done picture? (Although business and technology aren't the sole domain of conservatives either, isn't Bill Gates liberal and also a titan of both?) Anyway, those measures are easy to score semi-objectively but they necessarily leave some creativity unaccounted for.

There's also the WEIRDness of the participants. Psych studies have been rightly criticized for applying a filter that they don't acknowledge by using college students for almost all the studies and therefore skewing the results to Western, Educated people from Industrialized,Rich and Democratic countries. (Incidentally it also filters out poor and lower middle class people since these studies always get done at universities and not the modest community colleges that the lower middle class can afford.) Then the results get applied to people who don't fit that demographic and that is not necessarily an accurate thing.


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23 Jul 2015, 10:59 am

It's far more creative for me to take 20 photos and write a fictional story based on them than to sit there and write about myself for x amount of pages. To me that's the lamest, most unimaginative, non creative thing to do - write about yourself. I think of it as resume writing and that seems so boring and narcissistic. Sure horns deserve to be tooted now and then but it's just so boring when you could write a brilliant, entertaining story that conveys a social message and let yourself be judged on that instead.

People are expected to go on and on about themselves at all time though, and are labeled divergent when they don't do this. It's the cultural norm.


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23 Jul 2015, 11:04 am

I don't know first you'd have to describe what a liberal is....For the most part over the past few years I've more or less considered myself one. But the way its used as a dirty word and some of the descriptions I've heard of what your
'average liberal' looks and how they are the cause of everything wrong in this country if those people are right about what a liberal is than I guess I am not one. I could just start using the term 'progressive' not a dirty word for right wingers like liberal yet.

Anyways all that said, people have told me I am creative...but I don't feel all that creative at all, I guess I typically associate it with creativity in art...but like I am not going to sit down and create some totally original work of art if I make a work of art its going to have lots of influence from other things other people already created because I just don't have that kind of creative artistic imagination. But perhaps I have more practical creativity...I know in a few difficult situations or where something breaks and I am able to come up with a creative solution that works at least temporarily, but then I just thought that was resourcefulness I picked up from my family.

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23 Jul 2015, 11:15 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
It's easy for penniless, liberal young people to think taxation is a good thing, however, when they get older and starting earning money, they wise up and become conservatives.

So, I would think liberals are likely younger, less intelligent, less successful, poorer, naive, though, maybe more creative because of their youth.

“He who is a not a [liberal] at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”

Yes I forsee in 20 years I'll become a diehard conservative...... :lol: doubtful. I still challenge anyone who wants taxes to be eliminated across the board to come up with/suggest a better or at least as effective system to fund public services, social safety network and other things taxes pay for. Also though I know plenty of people over the age of 30 who understand why taxes are a necessary thing. Could be a lot of young liberals have thought through 'hmm what would happen if we just eliminated all taxes' and concluded things would be an even worse disaster than they are now a step some of those older diehard 'you ain't stealin my money via taxation' conservatives haven't yet taken.

They should picture a world without taxes...and if they see a world were they have more money and a similar infrastructure, with all the luxuries provided by tax money such as roads, the fire department coming to put your burning house out, maintenance of public lands ect they are deluded. If it more resembles a third world country, with little infrastructure where hey they at least have a little money 'for now'...then they'd have a more accurate picture of how it would look if tax was up and eliminated.

The oldies are dying let them shake their fists and shout till their faces are red about the damned liberals taking this country to hell in a handbasket, because they are butthurt some of us care about social issues....and even study such things in college.

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23 Jul 2015, 12:00 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It's far more creative for me to take 20 photos and write a fictional story based on them than to sit there and write about myself for x amount of pages. To me that's the lamest, most unimaginative, non creative thing to do - write about yourself. I think of it as resume writing and that seems so boring and narcissistic. Sure horns deserve to be tooted now and then but it's just so boring when you could write a brilliant, entertaining story that conveys a social message and let yourself be judged on that instead.

People are expected to go on and on about themselves at all time though, and are labeled divergent when they don't do this. It's the cultural norm.

It's called letting one's LIGHT shine and the major difference between introverts and extroverts alike as well as conservatives and liberals is jUST that biblical metaphor of tRUTH..;)

Life is not hard to figure out for those of us who live in flesh and blood on both sides of the REAL Human coIn..:)

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23 Jul 2015, 12:25 pm

aghogday wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It's far more creative for me to take 20 photos and write a fictional story based on them than to sit there and write about myself for x amount of pages. To me that's the lamest, most unimaginative, non creative thing to do - write about yourself. I think of it as resume writing and that seems so boring and narcissistic. Sure horns deserve to be tooted now and then but it's just so boring when you could write a brilliant, entertaining story that conveys a social message and let yourself be judged on that instead.

People are expected to go on and on about themselves at all time though, and are labeled divergent when they don't do this. It's the cultural norm.

It's called letting one's LIGHT shine and the major difference between introverts and extroverts alike as well as conservatives and liberals is jUST that biblical metaphor of tRUTH..;)

Life is not hard to figure out for those of us who live in flesh and blood on both sides of the REAL Human coIn..:)

Maybe, but it doesn't really measure creativity, not like actually using your imagination to fabricate a story of some kind. That's the true measure of creativity, coming up with something that's all yours, that you pull out of thin air.


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23 Jul 2015, 12:53 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
aghogday wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It's far more creative for me to take 20 photos and write a fictional story based on them than to sit there and write about myself for x amount of pages. To me that's the lamest, most unimaginative, non creative thing to do - write about yourself. I think of it as resume writing and that seems so boring and narcissistic. Sure horns deserve to be tooted now and then but it's just so boring when you could write a brilliant, entertaining story that conveys a social message and let yourself be judged on that instead.

People are expected to go on and on about themselves at all time though, and are labeled divergent when they don't do this. It's the cultural norm.

It's called letting one's LIGHT shine and the major difference between introverts and extroverts alike as well as conservatives and liberals is jUST that biblical metaphor of tRUTH..;)

Life is not hard to figure out for those of us who live in flesh and blood on both sides of the REAL Human coIn..:)

Maybe, but it doesn't really measure creativity, not like actually using your imagination to fabricate a story of some kind. That's the true measure of creativity, coming up with something that's all yours, that you pull out of thin air.

Well, as always I offer lines of diverse communication here to get responses on both sides of the human coin; and to do that one must often play the role of Devil's advocate. And for obvious reasons, Devil's advocates can be much trickier here than for other online audiences in creating and interpreting abstract metaphors. But yes, even in poetry circles THAT can be tricky there as well, as introversion rules in the world of poetry too.

And that is a well known clinical issue associated with Autism; that haha! obviously does not apply in all cases; me as the 'perfect example in practice' for that as far as creating and interpreting metaphors as an emotionally extraverted person.

So yes, in my view of life after living on both sides of the coin as both super introvert and super extravert, which truly is what the comic book 'Superman' Cartoon is all about; in human chameleon ability as mythological Ninja; I definitely agree that the free verse Poetry I do on my blogs that I have never ever shared here by actual link; and can easily be found with a quick quotes search on "Psalmets of Nature"; is the freest of stream of consciousness creativity assessed in the world of art, in general, in writing by those who analyze the creativity of ART in writing.

And you are welcome to assess that as here everyone is always looking for documented evidence and I am willing to provide that to analytical leaning minds in hopes to bridge an understanding between the social cognition/art/heart/connecting with GOD side of mind with the other side of analytical mind that often rules in Fundie Christian Land too; where St. John's verse 3:16 becomes GOD instead of the REAL FRIGGING THING.

That portion (The GOD PaRT) of the mind and body in balance is a muscle that must be exercised in practice to get stronger. And as you WELL know and FEEL, I HOPE; I often laud your efforts here time and time again in respect of the fact and FEELING that you do JUST THAT..:)

WELL I DO JUST THAT TOO; but not here; as people have a hard enough time understanding me if I just shorten my sentences or enhance communication in emphasis of emotion with CAPS that work much better than bolding 'cause bolding is just highlighting and emphasis on the emotional essence and fine nuances of written communication must step out of the box of 'Queen Victoria's English' to get to the more Romantic Styles of Language for cultural ways of expression that are emotion oriented instead of concrete labeling MATERIALISTIC STUFF oriented.

And yes, I know for folks who are introverted and do not care to connect to other folks in emotional ways of real life generating positive SOCIAL energy AKA HUMAN LiGHT; this is not for them; and I understand THAT PERFECTLY CLEAR IN PRACTICE, as I too AM once a super Introverted person; also scoring 44 to 45 on the AQ test that scans for Autism; with an INTJ personality like most of the people here; and now scoring 11 on the AQ test on the opposite side of my innate, instinctual, and intuitive non-adulterated cultural version of personality as ENFP..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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23 Jul 2015, 1:12 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It's far more creative for me to take 20 photos and write a fictional story based on them than to sit there and write about myself for x amount of pages. To me that's the lamest, most unimaginative, non creative thing to do - write about yourself. I think of it as resume writing and that seems so boring and narcissistic. Sure horns deserve to be tooted now and then but it's just so boring when you could write a brilliant, entertaining story that conveys a social message and let yourself be judged on that instead.

People are expected to go on and on about themselves at all time though, and are labeled divergent when they don't do this. It's the cultural norm.

I am guessing they did this because it's somewhat easier to measure the creativity in somebody talking about themselves. It's not that this is inherently more creative than writing fiction (it isn't). But asking them to write fiction would introduce the insurmountable confounder of not being able to tell who was writing a wholly original story and who was writing an altered version of something they recently read, watched or played. It's hard enough to be semi-objective with this sort of thing but if they introduced actual fiction into it, it would be hard to tell if they were judging the subject or judging the subject's favorite author.

There is also the danger that having the students write fiction would steer the judges towards judging quality/writing skill rather than pure creativity. This was meant to be a measure of creativity completely divorced from any measures of skill or talent. So these things may also have been chosen so as not to skew in favor of english majors taking a psych class over engineering majors taking a psych class.


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23 Jul 2015, 1:15 pm

I don't think "creativity" is exclusive to any political ideology, professionals who make their living in the creative sphere live in the public domain and it serves them no benefit being outwardly politically conservative in the same way some are outwardly liberal. It would hurt their career so they either change what they believe to fit in and bite their tongue, simple as that.

Some of the greatest authors of the 19th and 20th century could described in modern terms as white supremacists but that shouldn't take away great works of fiction they created. You don't have to agree with somebody to enjoy their work, you don't have to even like them. It shouldn't be considered a personal endorsement, I am not in any way responsible at all for what other people do or believe in.


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23 Jul 2015, 1:39 pm

Janissy wrote:

I am guessing they did this because it's somewhat easier to measure the creativity in somebody talking about themselves. It's not that this is inherently more creative than writing fiction (it isn't). But asking them to write fiction would introduce the insurmountable confounder of not being able to tell who was writing a wholly original story and who was writing an altered version of something they recently read, watched or played. It's hard enough to be semi-objective with this sort of thing but if they introduced actual fiction into it, it would be hard to tell if they were judging the subject or judging the subject's favorite author.

There is also the danger that having the students write fiction would steer the judges towards judging quality/writing skill rather than pure creativity. This was meant to be a measure of creativity completely divorced from any measures of skill or talent. So these things may also have been chosen so as not to skew in favor of english majors taking a psych class over engineering majors taking a psych class.

Talking about yourself isn't a measure of creativity though but if they insist, just take a bunch of random photos then write essays that have no connection to anything in the photo. Then you'll win an award for being creative.


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23 Jul 2015, 1:42 pm

xenocity wrote:
Typically conservatives are very narrow minded in their beliefs and those beliefs are highly strict in upholding them.
Conservatives typically only associate with those who share their values and beliefs while actively avoiding/protesting those who are different.

How many liberals listen to both sides of the global warming debate? In fact, AlGore said to present both sides of it is biased. RFK jr. said that to deny that global warming exists is the same as treason. They are sure open minded, aren't they?


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23 Jul 2015, 2:03 pm

ProfessorJohn wrote:
xenocity wrote:
Typically conservatives are very narrow minded in their beliefs and those beliefs are highly strict in upholding them.
Conservatives typically only associate with those who share their values and beliefs while actively avoiding/protesting those who are different.

How many liberals listen to both sides of the global warming debate? In fact, AlGore said to present both sides of it is biased. RFK jr. said that to deny that global warming exists is the same as treason. They are sure open minded, aren't they?

Conservatives could be saddled with the same criticism, as they adamantly refuse to listen to the other side, often denigrating science in general as false. One conservative former neighbor who I had become friendly with had insisted that talk of global warming was just a means of the left to take away everyone's freedom.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer