Why can't people make fun of others anymore?

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29 Sep 2016, 7:37 pm

B19 wrote:
Political cartoonism about double standards in public life (particularly politicians) is still alive, well, imaginative and permitted:

http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultur ... 2016-10-10

After being dead for 8 years, funny how they are all so afraid of making a caricature of Obama but not so muchTrump or Hillary, wonder why...


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29 Sep 2016, 7:39 pm

I don't mind ethnic jokes and that ilk. If it's not directed at any one person.

I don't like it when people directly make fun of other people, though, without their consent.

If the "making fun," is part of a "rank-out" session, and everybody consents, then it's okay.

Otherwise, it's not.


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29 Sep 2016, 7:40 pm

Completely wrong, Jacoby. They have featured more about Obama, far more than Trump:

Google: New Yorker cartoons about Obama


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29 Sep 2016, 7:45 pm

B19 wrote:
Completely wrong, Jacoby. They have featured more about Obama, far more than Trump:

Google: New Yorker cartoons about Obama

I'd like to see a source on that, I think there have been far fewer of Obama as the illustrators have to be worried about being branded a racist and being blackballed from the industry if they do draw something deemed offensive.


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29 Sep 2016, 8:45 pm

I actually think Donald Trump right now is a breath of fresh air. We can't make fun of other people anymore or say whatever we want without offending others.
I totally agree with the fact that we have taken PC too far. I mean you can't even make an indirect comment or state an opinion without someone saying they're "offended." I'm kinda getting your point so far.

Now, we live in a world where being fat, obese, is not only accepted, but encouraged, rather than shamed on.
Here's where ya lost me. I don't see anyone "encouraging" obesity. Granted, with all the fast food chains popping up everywhere and salty/sugary foods being more the norm than they were just a couple decades ago, it may seem that way. If that's what you mean by "encouraging" then you're right. On the other hand, I don't hear anyone saying "Gorge yourself on as much junk as you can handle and live as sedentary a lifestyle as possible so you can gain a bunch of weight. It's good for you"
And what of us who have conditions that make it easy to gain weight and hard to lose? Should we be 'shamed' for that?
Rather than encourage positive body image, should we instead encourage anorexia/bulimia nervosa?

I think we might as well go back to the old days where people made fun of other races and homosexuality was shamed.
Indeed, we should go back to the times when people killed themselves because they weren't accepted for their differences. Let's go back to when women couldn't vote or be educated. Let's go back to slavery and the Holocaust while we're at it. Then, let's also go back to the Armenian genocide. Let us all hate one another. :roll: f**k acceptance altogether, right? That what you're saying?

Pretty soon when obesity is the "new normal" we won't even be able to speak about making the world thin again without offending other people.
Obesity is already "normal" in America. It's an epidemic. It's sickening. Encouraging healthier habits might be more effective than 'shaming' people, though.

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29 Sep 2016, 9:01 pm

OP quote: "F-ck political correctness... I'm willing to trade today's tolerant society for the old days where nobody gave a damn if you made fun of other groups."

Even outfits which are hostile to autism, like Autism Speaks, recognise that it is politically incorrect to refer to us using the R word. I think that is a very good thing that they show at least this civility, and the assertion that political correctness is an all round terrible thing makes no sense to me. Civil society has always had rules of discourse, for obvious reasons..


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29 Sep 2016, 9:01 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Trump whines way too much, as to plenty of his supporters....they go on about 'f*** political correctness' and how people should say anything they want whereever and whenever they want. Then when anyone says anything insulting about trump supporters they cry like great big babies. Can dish it out but obviously can't take it when it's pointed at them.

What is this crap all about? You keep telling me to be politically correct about not using the words "The Left" and you come up with this? Are you kidding me? I can take stuff just fine - I've been called everything under the sun and I'm still here, but evidently I'm not allowed to dish it out to "The Left", am I? You just gotta love the double standards.

I think I've suggest you don't generalize the entire left, don't think I've said be politically correct and don't say 'the left' that is ridiculous. And I said trump and some of his supporters...maybe you can take stuff just fine but Trump and plenty other supporters cannot. I think recently Hillary said something about a basket of deplorables or something and the whining about it I heard from right wing media and trump supporting right wingers themselves was astounding.

So I guess they feel they should be as offensive and non-politically correct as possible, but then don't like/can't handle it if people say offensive things about them.

Nonsense, you don't understand the implications of what Hillary was saying if you think that. If you're shedding tears about Trump being a meanie because he said that Mexico is sending murderers and rapists among those crossing the border then how is it tolerable for Hillary to have called tens of millions of American citizens "deplorable" and "irredeemable"? That second part isn't reported on as much. Did you find Romney's 47% remarks offensive? Hillary's people play the victim and are perpetually offended but they're even bigger bullies and racists.

I've been saying this all along, the rhetoric used against Trump is what has been violent and I said this back when the ninnies were whining about some 80 year old man punching a protester as evidence to Trump supporters proclivity to violence when THE FACTS have shown it is the anti-Trump people that have been causing unrest in the streets and attacking innocent people simply because they disagree. Go watch the videos of these riots & Trump supporters being beaten by these animals and say that Hillary's rhetoric is okay, you are ignorant if you chalk it up to 'being able to dish it but not take it'. If Trump supporters have done what leftists done this election, they would be calling for martial law. Hillary is the most corrupt and dangerous candidate of all time, she has no regard for the rule of law and those she opposes.

Lol I am certainly not shedding any tears over any of this all I am saying if I'd think if trump and his supporters have no qualms generalizing immigrants as rapists and murderers and throwing around insults about the left, the'd have thick enough skin for Hillary to call them deplorable and irredeemable. I honestly just find all the bickering to be kind of funny in a sad/disappointing way. Really though not impressed with either of them...as I said the debate really did seem like a sh*t slinging contest. Why is it assumed when someone criticizes trump or his supporters they support Hillary? I certainly do not agree with harming people just for disagreeing and I don't think most people who dislike trump do that kind of thing basically too much crap on both sides.

Also though the most corrupt and dangerous of all time I think gives a bit too much credit, but don't worry I don't like her either. I am not voting for either of them that is for certain. I'd rather write in No One.

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29 Sep 2016, 9:09 pm

K_Kelly wrote:
I actually think Donald Trump right now is a breath of fresh air.

I find him amusing, but I don't think he would be a good leader.
K_Kelly wrote:
We can't make fun of other people anymore or say whatever we want without offending others.

This may be because of increased population density and the abundance of mass media. Back in the day there was more space in the world. Now we're all in each others faces. It's not surprising that there would be an increased need to "get along."
K_Kelly wrote:
Now, we live in a world where being fat, obese, is not only accepted, but encouraged, rather than shamed on.

I remember back in the '80s there was a fitness craze. Everyone was doing aerobics and dressing like dance students. These days aren't so bad - fast food places are being held up to criticism which they certainly weren't in the '70s.
K_Kelly wrote:
I think we might as well go back to the old days where people made fun of other races and homosexuality was shamed. F-ck political correctness.

We can only go forward. Behaving in a racist and homophobic way is not likely to be something that comes into vogue. The stereotypical white straight westerner is probably in less abundance than the non-white, LGBT... person. I think most people know that there is no reason to other these groups anyway. We're as different as we are alike.


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29 Sep 2016, 9:25 pm

Ishi2 wrote:
Encouraging healthier habits might be more effective than 'shaming' people, though.

And how do you "encourage" them? Remember people don't like being told what to do, so they'll most likely rebel against you, much like they do against environmentalists.

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30 Sep 2016, 5:31 am

So I suppose the OP is perfect. There isn't anything we could possible make fun of for him for, and if we did, he would just laugh it off. It would be perfectly fine. We could organize a mob of trolls to make fun of him and he wouldn't care at all.

I don't think that actually describes you but if it would did some people might say you are a sociopath.

Anti-PC is largely when you get to the root of it, about people promoting their own right to make fun of others and not feel any guilt about it.

The right is more homophobic than the left. The left goes after the right for being homophobic. The left is obviously made up of a bunch of bullying fascists according to the right. The right can make fun of gay people but the left can't call them out for it.

The right can grandstand about the first amendment while innocent people get killed due to violence. Obviously the left has no right to get angry. They should be calm and respectful and respectfully ask that people on the right thoughtfully reconsider their views.

The left think that something needs to be done about police violence. The right say they are anti-police and accuse them of being terrorists.

The left call Trump a fascist and Trump supporter's feelings are hurt. But Trump Supporters are anti-PC. They should be able to take it, right? Hillary is attacked left and right, same with Obama. I don't understand anti-PC unless you are truly a sociopath and simply don't understand that other people get their feelings hurt.

Trump supporters are not actually anti-PC. Trump is anti-PC because he is a sociopath. His supporters just haven't come around to realizing it yet.

rambling post but you know what I mean. It's all a bunch of hogwash. PC might have had meaning when it was first invented but nowadays it is just code word for I want to be an abusive jerk and not feel bad about it.


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30 Sep 2016, 9:06 am

Sweetleaf wrote:

Lol I am certainly not shedding any tears over any of this all I am saying if I'd think if trump and his supporters have no qualms generalizing immigrants as rapists and murderers and throwing around insults about the left, the'd have thick enough skin for Hillary to call them deplorable and irredeemable. I honestly just find all the bickering to be kind of funny in a sad/disappointing way. Really though not impressed with either of them...as I said the debate really did seem like a sh*t slinging contest. Why is it assumed when someone criticizes trump or his supporters they support Hillary? I certainly do not agree with harming people just for disagreeing and I don't think most people who dislike trump do that kind of thing basically too much crap on both sides.

Also though the most corrupt and dangerous of all time I think gives a bit too much credit, but don't worry I don't like her either. I am not voting for either of them that is for certain. I'd rather write in No One.

I hope you know that was a misquote and total twisting of words about Trump's statement, when he spoke of 'murderers and rapists' he was not generalizing all immigrants or even just Mexican immigrants but specifically illegal immigrants that cross over our border some of which are not very good people. He didn't say all, he didn't say most. It's the truth but they twisted the statement and just straight up lie and say he called all immigrants or all Mexicans this when it simply is not true. If you don't believe this is true then you are ignorant, people don't understand the killers that are freely crossing our borders back and forth with drugs and human trafficking. You know who is at risk the most from these rapists and murderers? Other illegals. So many of them end up dead trying to get in this country because of these criminals, they are to blame not us.

What is the context should Hillary's declaration that a quarter of America is 'irredeemable' be taken in? The rhetoric against Trump has caused real demonstrable violence and unrest on the streets but no one seems all too concerned now when they were freaking about a 80 year old punching somebody last year. What about the people being beaten by mobs outside these events or attacked simply because they were wearing a hat or something, this is some brownshirt ****.


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30 Sep 2016, 11:58 am

Darmok wrote:
Controlling people's language is one of the principal tools of the authoritarian Left. It's all about raw political power.

There's a very good documentary that came out recently, "Can we take a joke?" Trailer:

Lenny Bruce was a martyr. Lenny died for us garbage mouths. Because Lenny give his life, I can say mother-fucker in public.

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30 Sep 2016, 12:39 pm

nurseangela wrote:

You have told me not to use "The Left" because I'm generalizing that all people are that way. There are two main categories - The Left and The Right. Most people fall in one of those with a minority in the middle, but most voters end up choosing a side. So when I say "The Left" from now on, I mean the people who think opposite of me.

My point was that I should be the one whining the most. It sounds like you forgot just what kind of names I was called over in PPR and NOT ONCE did I call anyone else those outlandish names. So don't tell me that people who are for Trump are whiners. The ones who are on "The Left" play dirty and resort to name calling like little two year olds when the debate doesn't go their way. Whining my ass. I'm sick of listening to it. I really do hope that Trump wins and sets this country straight again. People are getting too out of hand.

No I believe I suggested not generalizing the entire left don't recall ever saying the term 'the left' in itself is generalizing anything, still up to you if you want to do that or not, I just think it makes one look ignorant. I'd say the same thing of someone constantly negatively generalizing the entire right.

And yeah the right totally never plays dirty or resorts to name calling.... :roll:a lot of people on both sides do it and its annoying. People are getting out of hand in a lot of ways, and Trump is one of them along with plenty of his supporters as well as hillary's supporters. Like I said it would seem the anti-pc crowd loves to be offensive but hates being offended themselves. If people called you names that is on them, not me and you probably should report posters who do that since it is discouraged on this site.

I'm just waiting for sh*t to hit the fan, there is not a good option to vote for and countries diminishing into turmoil is nothing new so whats to stop it happening here....ha certainly not Hillary or Trump.

This us vs. them crap is nauseating as well....where does this weird idea that people on the right and left are supposed to be mortal enemies with no ability to find common ground on any topics come from? Maybe people don't literally think that but they sure act like it. How is this country going to last when the main political parties are mortal enemies always trying to work against each other? I refuse to pick a side in this...let people who care so much about political identity fight it out I want no part in it.

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30 Sep 2016, 1:10 pm

Kelly, let me make fun of your grandma, child, wife, your nostrils, your backside... oh wait, that side doesn't exactly emit breaths of fresh air...

(Hint: children love this activity, would you like me to book you a nursery now?)


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01 Oct 2016, 2:17 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:

Lol I am certainly not shedding any tears over any of this all I am saying if I'd think if trump and his supporters have no qualms generalizing immigrants as rapists and murderers and throwing around insults about the left, the'd have thick enough skin for Hillary to call them deplorable and irredeemable. I honestly just find all the bickering to be kind of funny in a sad/disappointing way. Really though not impressed with either of them...as I said the debate really did seem like a sh*t slinging contest. Why is it assumed when someone criticizes trump or his supporters they support Hillary? I certainly do not agree with harming people just for disagreeing and I don't think most people who dislike trump do that kind of thing basically too much crap on both sides.

Also though the most corrupt and dangerous of all time I think gives a bit too much credit, but don't worry I don't like her either. I am not voting for either of them that is for certain. I'd rather write in No One.

I hope you know that was a misquote and total twisting of words about Trump's statement, when he spoke of 'murderers and rapists' he was not generalizing all immigrants or even just Mexican immigrants but specifically illegal immigrants that cross over our border some of which are not very good people. He didn't say all, he didn't say most. It's the truth but they twisted the statement and just straight up lie and say he called all immigrants or all Mexicans this when it simply is not true. If you don't believe this is true then you are ignorant, people don't understand the killers that are freely crossing our borders back and forth with drugs and human trafficking. You know who is at risk the most from these rapists and murderers? Other illegals. So many of them end up dead trying to get in this country because of these criminals, they are to blame not us.

What is the context should Hillary's declaration that a quarter of America is 'irredeemable' be taken in? The rhetoric against Trump has caused real demonstrable violence and unrest on the streets but no one seems all too concerned now when they were freaking about a 80 year old punching somebody last year. What about the people being beaten by mobs outside these events or attacked simply because they were wearing a hat or something, this is some brownshirt ****.

Well I'd be more than willing to look at links to that, as most unrest on the streets I've heard about is more related to police brutality...either way I don't think violence on the streets is helpful and don't agree with people exhibiting thuggish behavior like that. I also find it hard to believe that its only people on the left directing violence at people on the right considering how much both sides indulge in verbal sh*t slinging.

But yes that would be brown-shirt sh*t.

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01 Oct 2016, 5:32 pm

I'd like to add my comment to the the political correctness debate:
I do think it's wrong and inhibiting development towards a friendly, natural way of behaving towards each other.
However, I think that to make jokes about each other, we have to be in an environment that allows for jokes. And the current environment in the US is far from relaxed and friendly. Jokes imply that I'm not saying things to hurt other people, but to make friends with them ina form of ritual transgression of societal norms.
However, it means, the other has to feels safe enought to calmly evaluate my joke. and as long as there's the KKK about, making jokes about black people is a bit difficult. I mean. They have a reason to be on guard, and they are more orless simply demanding a language that allows them to feel safe.

If, one day, we have overcome all discrimination, and we can be sure that we will not be mistreated, i.e., when we're all friends- then we canmake jokes about each other.

trump's statements are not jikes, however, he's not greeting his friend pablo on the street saying " yo, whazzup ma rapist?"- he's making statements about his worldview, to a bunch of white people sharing his worldview. that's different.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.