Our new president - President Emmanuel Macron!

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08 May 2017, 5:13 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Macron is the fascist elite, he is a media creation and a fake outsider in a country I guess that has a perversion for financial criminals as they very well might of voted for the rapist Dominique Straus-Kahn. His campaign is one built on fear, not the concerns of ordinary people.

'Make America Great Again' is an incredibly powerful statement to someone from a place that was better off 10 years ago, 10 years before that, and even 20 years before that. Large tracts of this country and their people have been essentially been abandoned, places like San Fran and NYC were the global elite live meanwhile have become richer and richer and richer which should help explain the bubble these folks live in when confronted with the real suffering of the rest of America that they affectionately refer to as 'flyover country'.

It's rich for somebody on an island thinks borders are irrational, it's confusing how somebody on an overcrowded little island where there is no hope of ever owning a home thinks that unrestricted immigration is the way to go.

You believe in the cult of multiculturalism so any quasi-attempt or suggestion of tackling the real security concerns or preserving national identity(every culture has value except our own apparently) I still don't see how Le Pen is a fascist, she is not some foaming at the mouth lunatic some people would like us to believe.
France has been under a state of emergency for how long now? Worry about a police state doesn't make a lot of sense when it's already here, there are other more sensible ways of preventing these attacks but Macron will do nothing but double down on everything the created the problem in the first place. Crushing ISIS means working with Russia, not paranoid accusations of meddling and grandstanding about fictional human rights abuses. Le Pen, Fillon, even Melenchon were all committed to working with Putin. Macron will do what, what Merkel has done? Nothing?

There is no end in sight, we can win the military engagements on the ground but we'll lose the war in the long run. Their plan all along was to bleed us by attrition, Islam will eventually gain majorities in regions of Europe and then we will see how true this peace loving moderation actually is. I see no way things actually get better, the situation is completely ****'d.

Can I just say Jacoby, I am enjoying the discussion you've highlighted in your account, it seems anti-fascism and anti-semitism is a great way to start in blame terms but then again, so are many other things.
ISIS are on the run now,(major so called general in Lybia killed), and I guess in part its down to some extrordniary infuential people in the world, even though admittedly, they cut off an airborne supply of nutrition fueled by hunger and greed, I hope humanity listens and can rise again out of the rubble that work of world leaders tend to speak of.
I was actually forming the basis of another hopeless topic that some non-starters haven't foreseen yet, I hope society's growing displeasure isn't becoming the basis of our revolution in western cultures.

Highlighting border control is the main core topic of more E.U debates and growing civil unease for Britain, and with another general election looming I'm saving that chapter for another night.
I'd rather remain a logical pacifist, even thought I am never a defeatist even if the minority think they're in the know.
Wake up to a Greater Britain you know, the ones our forefathers gave us? not some multicultural pattern that stinks of high treason right up to Westminster and Tower Hamlets. You know the line, ''God Save the Queen!'' ''God Save the Queen !'' and save all of Great Britain too.
I know we should all just slide down some of our comments but in the long run who is right and who is wrong? Trust a long sighted philosopher who has Goesbels fluency or Aristopholes kindred mario to be up to the task.
I'm not registered on the fear guest list, but I am a patron of modern science and some global talks that condemn the use of power in idle bred situations where hope is the last straw.
If I had to use topical insight every time I made decision or review, my options would never come to pass, good on you for getting the latest atrocities out of your system though, our last viewfinder has fired off all rounds before anything has even been put in place of a structure placed before chaos.
Man everything and defy no one;- at least May and Le Pen had some easy knowledge of the mamouth task ahead, even if the defeat is still raw and everyones unspoken debt still lingers.


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09 May 2017, 3:16 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
So sad that the EuroCucks had to win. I'm sure Reichschancellor Merkel is happy.

I still await restoration of the monarchy. Vive Le Roi Henri VII d'Orleans.

How is Merkel a Nazi? Just because she's German?

I never claimed she was a Nazi, but she has a lot of sway with the Eurocrats to the point where she might as well rule over Europe.

Edit: FYI, I'm German on my mother's side. My fourth or (fifth?) grandfather was from the Grand Duchy of Baden.

I apologize; but being of largely German descent, I get a little sensitive whenever it appears anything German is associated with Hitler.
Where in Baden did your ancestor come from? My dad's people had come from the northern Frankish dialect region of Baden (as opposed to the Alemannic dialect south), particularly the area that had once been the Electoral Palatinate, or Kurpfalz.

I have no idea where he came from. I just know he was from Baden and got married in Gallatin, TN in the 1850s.

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12 May 2017, 3:07 pm

Lintar wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
All of this despite a last-minute attempt by Russians to discredit Macron by hacking his emails.

Do people actually believe this silly lie? Do those who keep repeating it actually think that if they repeat it often enough it will become true?

Where is the evidence (as opposed to gossip and rumour) that this accusation is true? I ask because I have yet to see it.

I don't know much about internet security, but I do know about the community. If you had the capacity to understand the evidence, I feel confident that you would know where to find it. I find it amusing when people do that, demand evidence that's too technical for them to understand, and then impute bad motives to the people who can understand it on the basis of their being part of an elite.

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13 May 2017, 12:33 am

Vive Macron!

A huge defeat for those that embrace name calling & fear mongering as a way of life. The right can go back to hiding behind the sofa and being terrified of literally everything.


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13 May 2017, 1:19 am

Jacoby wrote:
Macron is going to kill ISIS? Ha, he's going to roll out the read carpet just like his boss Merkel did

^This is why Macron won. As long as the right continue cowering in the corner trying to make everyone else as frightened of life as they are then they will continue being written off by the floating middleground voters as fear mongering crackpots.

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13 May 2017, 3:44 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Another glorious day! President Macron vanquishes Marine Le Pen with (according to current approximations) a little over 65% of the vote!

First the Dutch, and now the French. Countries are waking up and rejecting small-minded isolationism in favour of liberal, centrist, internationalism. All of this despite a last-minute attempt by Russians to discredit Macron by hacking his emails.

Use this thread to discuss and celebrate our new President's triumph over evil!


Stop with the Russia crap. You Leftists blame them as the boogeyman everywhere now yet you LOVED them when they were the USSR.


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13 May 2017, 3:48 pm

DinoMongoosePenguin wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Another glorious day! President Macron vanquishes Marine Le Pen with (according to current approximations) a little over 65% of the vote!

First the Dutch, and now the French. Countries are waking up and rejecting small-minded isolationism in favour of liberal, centrist, internationalism. All of this despite a last-minute attempt by Russians to discredit Macron by hacking his emails.

Use this thread to discuss and celebrate our new President's triumph over evil!


Stop with the Russia crap. You Leftists blame them as the boogeyman everywhere now yet you LOVED them when they were the USSR.

Yeah, no.

"I find that the best way [to increase self-confidence] is to lie to yourself about who you are, what you've done, and where you're going." - Richard Ayoade

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13 May 2017, 4:09 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Macron is the fascist elite, he is a media creation and a fake outsider in a country I guess that has a perversion for financial criminals as they very well might of voted for the rapist Dominique Straus-Kahn. His campaign is one built on fear, not the concerns of ordinary people. The banker does not care whatsoever about the suffering of the people, he is there to make sure the status-quo has its gravy train unimpeded. The communist Melenchon is obviously way less of a fraud than fake socialist Bernie Sanders who sold out his followers to help finance his 3rd vacation home in Vermont and to starve off an investigation into his wife.

You are very ignorant if you believe that everywhere has benefited from globalization and I have chuckle at you calling Arizona incredibly wealthy. You do know why I live here in the first place right? It's not 'cause I like the heat, it's because the place I grew up was ravaged by globalization. 'Make America Great Again' is an incredibly powerful statement to someone from a place that was better off 10 years ago, 10 years before that, and even 20 years before that. Large tracts of this country and their people have been essentially been abandoned, places like San Fran and NYC were the global elite live meanwhile have become richer and richer and richer which should help explain the bubble these folks live in when confronted with the real suffering of the rest of America that they affectionately refer to as 'flyover country'.

It's rich for somebody on an island thinks borders are irrational, it's confusing how somebody on an overcrowded little island where there is no hope of ever owning a home thinks that unrestricted immigration is the way to go. Neoliberals believe in standing up for their 'national interest', what is that? To not upset the bankers, to consume and to continue to build on a broke banking system dependent on perpetual growth? We're not all better off but the people at the top certainly are.

It's very simplistic and dismissive to boil everything that Trump and Le Pen believe in down to scapegoating minorities, you believe in the cult of multiculturalism so any quasi-attempt or suggestion of tackling the real security concerns or preserving national identity(every culture has value except our own apparently) is 'literally Hitler' to folks like you. Unlike real fascist they believe in democratic institutions and don't partake in violence on the street, does that mean I can start calling leftists 'neo-Stalinists'? They actually do partake in street violence and have embedded themselves in every undemocratic institution in this country like our nation's universities for example. It's nonsense, meaningless words meant to scare people. Fascism and racism are screamed at all opposing views to the point that it's very hard to nail down their actual meaning. I still don't see how Le Pen is a fascist, she is not some foaming at the mouth lunatic some people would like us to believe. She, like Trump, recognizes a problem the other side refuses to acknowledge let alone try to solve.

France has been under a state of emergency for how long now? Worry about a police state doesn't make a lot of sense when it's already here, there are other more sensible ways of preventing these attacks but Macron will do nothing but double down on everything the created the problem in the first place. You believe that Merkel's refugee policy was her smartest decisions? That's one of the craziest things I ever heard, I would really like to hear that explained how that benefits Germany or Europe as a whole. How much crime and terrorism is in Japan? Is that a police state? Why might that be?

Crushing ISIS means working with Russia, not paranoid accusations of meddling and grandstanding about fictional human rights abuses. Le Pen, Fillon, even Melenchon were all committed to working with Putin. Macron will do what, what Merkel has done? Nothing? Talk is cheap, even Obama has mustered up some tough words for terrorists at times but there has been no US president besides maybe Dubya more responsible for the growth of radical Islam. Does Macron believe we should arm terrorists to fight dictators we don't like? Those Hillary emails did tell us that they considered al-Qaeda the 'good guys' in Syria and they support Islamists in overthrowing/murdering Gaddafi in Libya which is an ungovernable hell on earth at this moment. There is no end in sight, we can win the military engagements on the ground but we'll lose the war in the long run. Their plan all along was to bleed us by attrition, Islam will eventually gain majorities in regions of Europe and then we will see how true this peace loving moderation actually is. I see no way things actually get better, the situation is completely ****'d.

I so agree. I hope Merkel loses her election so that the EUSSR falls. With how they are suppressing people from telling the truth about what all this uncontrolled immigration is doing, fining or even arresting them for "hate crimes", they sure remind me of the USSR. Also, traitors like Mark Zuckerberg enable them. While that creep silences the Right here in the US, I fear he's helping Frau Fuhrer (Merkel) do far worse over there. Luckily the UK saw the writing on the wall and did Brexit, but they still need to throw out the Cameron types, as political suppression of free speech is still going on in the UK.

Same thing with that jerk to the North, Trudeau. He's another globalist. Sadly, Trump has caved left and right here. He won't repeal Obamacare, he won't get rid of DACA, and he still takes in "refugees".


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13 May 2017, 5:26 pm

Biscuitman wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Macron is going to kill ISIS? Ha, he's going to roll out the read carpet just like his boss Merkel did

^This is why Macron won. As long as the right continue cowering in the corner trying to make everyone else as frightened of life as they are then they will continue being written off by the floating middleground voters as fear mongering crackpots.

What is he going to do tho seriously? The terrorist threat in Europe isn't even mainly from refugees, almost all these attacks have been done by EU citizens so what will Macron do about that? What will he do about the lawless ghettos or banlieuesin his country? The entire multicultural idea gets turned on its head when it is the 2nd generation that are being radicalized, what happens in the 3rd of 4th gen or when they constitute a majority? Does Macron believe in saving French culture and western civilization? Or will he do more of the same which is destroying it?


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13 May 2017, 5:31 pm

Biscuitman wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Macron is going to kill ISIS? Ha, he's going to roll out the red carpet just like his boss Merkel did
Does Macron believe in saving French culture and western civilization? Or will he do more of the same which is destroying it?

^This is why Macron won. As long as the right continue cowering in the corner trying to make everyone else as frightened of life as they are then they will continue being written off by the floating middleground voters as fear mongering crackpots.

I don't see why you are going on victorious about someone who didn't even take to the red carpet to begin his preliminary speech to the whole of the French republic. Some people don't even want change, so I'm guessing as you live in the U.K, you were hoping for this to happen as you are either a Corbenite remainer or someone who thinks they have dual nationality? Macron will probably force the U.K into signing away our treaty on the exchange of goods between services on our beloved Eurotunnel and borders even when fenced off are key to trade, I just hope he hasn't put his foot in it, and started off another round of ISIS shotfire when the country is still in tatters and vulnerable as the day they elected Hollande. Going nationalist would have proven a point that France cannot and shall never be beaten by terror. And in this case Islam broke the silence that have issued Frances surrender.
Macron is clearly the nodding pacifist of male propaganda and a prop for everyone else in Europe to take advantage of.
I feel sorry for Le Pen as her achievements and goals were cut short and blighted by the pretence that she thought she would win, and as it were, nearly half of voters never showed, through the fear instilled by Islamic prophecies radicallising changes in the voting system, Jacoby is along the right lines and hopefully the U.K aren't gonna stand for it either. God bless.


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14 May 2017, 4:00 am

Empathy wrote:
Biscuitman wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Macron is going to kill ISIS? Ha, he's going to roll out the red carpet just like his boss Merkel did
Does Macron believe in saving French culture and western civilization? Or will he do more of the same which is destroying it?

^This is why Macron won. As long as the right continue cowering in the corner trying to make everyone else as frightened of life as they are then they will continue being written off by the floating middleground voters as fear mongering crackpots.

I don't see why you are going on victorious about someone who didn't even take to the red carpet to begin his preliminary speech to the whole of the French republic. Some people don't even want change, so I'm guessing as you live in the U.K, you were hoping for this to happen as you are either a Corbenite remainer or someone who thinks they have dual nationality? Macron will probably force the U.K into signing away our treaty on the exchange of goods between services on our beloved Eurotunnel and borders even when fenced off are key to trade, I just hope he hasn't put his foot in it, and started off another round of ISIS shotfire when the country is still in tatters and vulnerable as the day they elected Hollande. Going nationalist would have proven a point that France cannot and shall never be beaten by terror. And in this case Islam broke the silence that have issued Frances surrender.
Macron is clearly the nodding pacifist of male propaganda and a prop for everyone else in Europe to take advantage of.
I feel sorry for Le Pen as her achievements and goals were cut short and blighted by the pretence that she thought she would win, and as it were, nearly half of voters never showed, through the fear instilled by Islamic prophecies radicallising changes in the voting system, Jacoby is along the right lines and hopefully the U.K aren't gonna stand for it either. God bless.

I am neither a Corbynite remainer or have dual nationality.

France don't want Le Pen, they rejected her, she lost, get over it.

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14 May 2017, 11:57 am

DinoMongoosePenguin wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Another glorious day! President Macron vanquishes Marine Le Pen with (according to current approximations) a little over 65% of the vote!

First the Dutch, and now the French. Countries are waking up and rejecting small-minded isolationism in favour of liberal, centrist, internationalism. All of this despite a last-minute attempt by Russians to discredit Macron by hacking his emails.

Use this thread to discuss and celebrate our new President's triumph over evil!


Stop with the Russia crap. You Leftists blame them as the boogeyman everywhere now yet you LOVED them when they were the USSR.

I am not a leftist. I am opposed to the likes of Sanders, Corbyn, and Melenchon, almost as much as I am opposed to Trump and Le Pen. I am a centrist, a liberal, and a globalist. I like free trade and free movement, free markets and free people. I would like to replace the minimum wage with a negative income tax and encourage market-based solutions to problems. I think Russians were behind the leak because of the strong evidence that they were.
Empathy wrote:
Some people don't even want change, so I'm guessing as you live in the U.K, you were hoping for this to happen as you are either a Corbenite remainer or someone who thinks they have dual nationality? Macron will probably force the U.K into signing away our treaty on the exchange of goods between services on our beloved Eurotunnel and borders even when fenced off are key to trade.

I'm not a Corbynite either. My (semi-realistic) dream would be a Lib-Lab coalition with Yvette Cooper as PM and lots of Lib Dems in senior ministries including Nick Clegg as foreign secretary. Much less realistic than it was two years ago, but oh well...

While I'm not exactly happy about what Macron's election means for the UK, it's not like any of the candidates would have been better for us. I am pleased about what Macron's election means for Europe and I am hopeful that his government provides a template for our government from 2022.


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14 May 2017, 1:41 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
My (semi-realistic) dream would be a Lib-Lab coalition with Yvette Cooper as PM and lots of Lib Dems in senior ministries including Nick Clegg as foreign secretary

::fist bump::


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14 May 2017, 2:46 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Macron is the fascist elite, he is a media creation and a fake outsider in a country I guess that has a perversion for financial criminals as they very well might of voted for the rapist Dominique Straus-Kahn. His campaign is one built on fear, not the concerns of ordinary people. The banker does not care whatsoever about the suffering of the people, he is there to make sure the status-quo has its gravy train unimpeded. The communist Melenchon is obviously way less of a fraud than fake socialist Bernie Sanders who sold out his followers to help finance his 3rd vacation home in Vermont and to starve off an investigation into his wife.

You are very ignorant if you believe that everywhere has benefited from globalization and I have chuckle at you calling Arizona incredibly wealthy. You do know why I live here in the first place right? It's not 'cause I like the heat, it's because the place I grew up was ravaged by globalization. 'Make America Great Again' is an incredibly powerful statement to someone from a place that was better off 10 years ago, 10 years before that, and even 20 years before that. Large tracts of this country and their people have been essentially been abandoned, places like San Fran and NYC were the global elite live meanwhile have become richer and richer and richer which should help explain the bubble these folks live in when confronted with the real suffering of the rest of America that they affectionately refer to as 'flyover country'.

You complain about bankers, and the richs becoming richer, yet you approve of a president who deregulate Wall-Street, lower the tax of the richs and is himself a billionaires and a narcissist; you don't make any sense.

Down with speculators!! !


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14 May 2017, 3:32 pm

Tollorin wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Macron is the fascist elite, he is a media creation and a fake outsider in a country I guess that has a perversion for financial criminals as they very well might of voted for the rapist Dominique Straus-Kahn. His campaign is one built on fear, not the concerns of ordinary people. The banker does not care whatsoever about the suffering of the people, he is there to make sure the status-quo has its gravy train unimpeded. The communist Melenchon is obviously way less of a fraud than fake socialist Bernie Sanders who sold out his followers to help finance his 3rd vacation home in Vermont and to starve off an investigation into his wife.

You are very ignorant if you believe that everywhere has benefited from globalization and I have chuckle at you calling Arizona incredibly wealthy. You do know why I live here in the first place right? It's not 'cause I like the heat, it's because the place I grew up was ravaged by globalization. 'Make America Great Again' is an incredibly powerful statement to someone from a place that was better off 10 years ago, 10 years before that, and even 20 years before that. Large tracts of this country and their people have been essentially been abandoned, places like San Fran and NYC were the global elite live meanwhile have become richer and richer and richer which should help explain the bubble these folks live in when confronted with the real suffering of the rest of America that they affectionately refer to as 'flyover country'.

You complain about bankers, and the richs becoming richer, yet you approve of a president who deregulate Wall-Street, lower the tax of the richs and is himself a billionaires and a narcissist: you don't make any sense.

And who am I suppose to approve of? The resistance losers who think white people are evil and that we should have open borders? Also free stuff!! !! !! !! !! !! :roll: If you support globalism then you're not helping your hurting the common man, Dems love themselves some 'free trade' now. Big $$$ has a way of convincing you of certain things.

I think Trump has been handcuffed by undemocratic elements in our government, he's better than any alternative but hasn't been given a chance to properly lead. There are people with their knives out to get him on both sides of the aisle, I would of fired every Obama appointed official day 1. Completely clean house. The snakes in the GOP are not trustworthy in the least.

They didn't wage such a campaign against Trump because he was one and the same, these people are scared ****less by the prospect of a true outsider who doesn't need their money.


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15 May 2017, 6:03 am

Biscuitman wrote:
Empathy wrote:
Biscuitman wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Macron is going to kill ISIS? Ha, he's going to roll out the red carpet just like his boss Merkel did
Does Macron believe in saving French culture and western civilization? Or will he do more of the same which is destroying it?

^This is why Macron won. As long as the right continue cowering in the corner trying to make everyone else as frightened of life as they are then they will continue being written off by the floating middleground voters as fear mongering crackpots.

I feel sorry for Le Pen as her achievements and goals were cut short and blighted by the pretence that she thought she would win, and as it were, nearly half of voters never showed, through the fear instilled by Islamic prophecies radicallising changes in the voting system, Jacoby is along the right lines and hopefully the U.K aren't gonna stand for it either. God bless.

I am neither a Corbynite remainer or have dual nationality.

France don't want Le Pen, they rejected her, she lost, get over it.

I don't need to accept anything. It's you who clearly needs to accept it and the fact I said Jacoby raised some good political view points; so you can get over it. I do know this is a forum, but these debates are fruitless. Macron bows to the left, like an unelected bystander.
No woman has ever won in France, so maybe this is how males like to parade their plumage in public. I prefer to know where I stand, which is easy to assume on this forum, given the use of socialist language, that members are confused and beat up about their travel visas going to waste and their wages not increasing, even though minimum wages are going up year on year.

Britain have just had their local elections and whatever result ensued, people are swayed to like their constituentcy, seeing as the measures that the public in those areas take to get a nod and signed ballot signatures are becoming ever more common.
Whatever Britains outcome, the players will deny they played any part in the wrongdoing. The only way to save this country is to plough ahead and secure a future that everybody can grow to be proud of.