Why is every news media source slanted against Trump?

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21 Nov 2017, 6:53 am

the_phoenix wrote:
Clakker wrote:
the_phoenix wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
the_phoenix wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
the_phoenix wrote:
President Trump just had a stellar week in Asia.
You'd never know it from the mainstream media,
who showed one or two clips taken out of context
and edited into negative propaganda hit pieces.

If you're interested in watching videos of Trump
being welcomed to and speaking in Japan, China, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines,
and keeping up with the actual news on a daily basis, send me a private message.

President Trump is greeted with respect, warmth, even affection, in
many countries in the world, esteemed by many leaders.
The welcome to China was especially awesome ... as well as historic.
It happened in prime time, and the media refused to cover it.

Previously, I watched President Trump
being welcomed to Saudi Arabia ...
once again, super awesome ...
the sword dance was especially fascinating!

The good news is, there's plenty of good news out there.
Trump is making America great again ...
and btw, making the world great again! 8)

Well I am glad he is having such a grand time in asia, meanwhile he is failing the american people. Lol what exactly is he doing to make anything great...wasting lots of money on a big ugly wall that slices through peoples property, wild-life reserves, resorts some Americans will end up on the Mexican side. Denying climate change and trying to back out of having to address it like the rest of the western world? Or is it his handing out tax breaks to the wealthy and increasing taxes on people making less than 75,000 a year? Oh yes those are great things for America and the world. :roll:

You have the right to your opinions.

Really now, I had no idea. Still doesn't answer my question as to what Trump is doing to 'make america great'.

You didn't back up a thing you said.
Why should I?

Politics in a nutshell.

Nope. I actually have facts to present.
Here's an example of Trump making America great again:
As promised during his election campaign, President Trump has donated his presidential salary rather than accepting it for himself.


A politician keeping a promise ... imagine that! 8)
America is made great again with a president who keeps his word
... and helps out the National Park Service at the same time. :)

Thanks for inspiring me to make this post!
And yeah, that was an easy one. Plenty more where that came from ...

....In the meantime, he keeps his financial interests in Mar-A-Lago & his hotels, rather than putting them in a blind trust, as Presidents have done for decades, and won't release his taxes!! !

Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
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21 Nov 2017, 6:58 am

naturalplastic wrote:
For the same reason that every news media source is slanted against the bubonic plague.

You never hear anything good about the bubonic plague in the news media.

And that's because every news media source on the planet is part of the of the global conspiracy (the global conspiracy BY Globalists) to suppress all public knowledge of the good aspects of bubonic plague .

I am not a conspiracy theorists. I do however place big questions marks on the patterns i see in society and what unknown force causes this unnatural erosion that we have been seeing for the past 20 years. The tone of the debate is getting worse everyday thanks to the media and soon we are going to see antifa like groups in every direction.

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21 Nov 2017, 7:36 am

:arrow: :arrow:

The_Walrus wrote:
They're largely not biased, they're actually accurate. It is those who criticise the media and support Trump who have the heavy bias. Trump is a horrible, horrible man, with terrible policies, who has done immense damage to the United States and the world at large.

Obama rightly got criticised when he made mistakes, but overall he was a great man who helped America recover its former glory and turned it into a respectable country. He'll go down in history as one of the great presidents. It seems almost certain that Trump will go down even below William Henry Harrison. It isn't out of the question that he could turn his presidency around and achieve something, but it seems unlikely as he is incredibly unsuitable to the office. He's stupid, he has no vision, he is bigoted, he has no political nous, and he doesn't even realise how bad he is.

People right across the political spectrum agree that Trump is not a suitable president. Some people support him because they'd rather have a bad Republican than any Democrat (and before any Democrats sneer, I'm sure there are many in the Democrats who 5would rather have Bernie Sanders than George H.W. Bush). The only people who seriously support him are far-right. That suggests that it is the far-right who are not making a fair assessment.

...William Henry Harrison, huh? What was so bad about him?
It's seemed to me that James Buchanan and Warren Harding are the most generally put-down Presidents, with no one much defending them - Richard Nixon still has his defenders :P!

Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.:-(
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21 Nov 2017, 12:28 pm

Suncatcher wrote:
Even if you right now change the schoolsysteem and start to brainwash a new generation of students with conservative ideas it will take 15-20 years per generation and only at generation 3 will those People from generation 1 now be in top positions. It is a very slow process and thus irreversible. America has been destroyed from the inside out and they dont even know what is going on.

A chilling study shows how hostile college students are toward free speech - Washington Post Opinion Page

Just ask college students. A fifth of undergrads now say it’s acceptable to use physical force to silence a speaker who makes “offensive and hurtful statements.”

That’s one finding from a disturbing new survey of students conducted by John Villasenor, a Brookings Institution senior fellow and University of California at Los Angeles professor.

In August, motivated by concerns about the “narrowing window of permissible topics” for discussion on campuses, Villasenor conducted a nationwide survey of 1,500 undergraduate students at four-year colleges. Financial support for the survey was provided by the Charles Koch Foundation, which Villasenor said had no involvement in designing, administering or analyzing the questionnaire; as of this writing, the foundation had also not seen his results.

Many of Villasenor’s questions were designed to gauge students’ understanding of the First Amendment. Colleges, after all, pay a lot of lip service to “freedom of speech,” despite high-profile examples of civil-liberty-squelching on campus. The survey suggests that this might not be due to hypocrisy so much as a misunderstanding of what the First Amendment actually entails.

For example, when students were asked whether the First Amendment protects “hate speech,” 4 in 10 said no. This is, of course, incorrect. Speech promoting hatred — or at least, speech perceived as promoting hatred — may be abhorrent, but it is nonetheless constitutionally protected.

There were no statistically significant differences in response to this question based on political affiliation. But there were significant differences by gender: Women are more likely than men to believe hate speech is not constitutionally protected (49 percent vs. 38 percent, respectively).

Students were asked whether the First Amendment requires that an offensive speaker at a public university be matched with one with an opposing view. Here, 6 in 10 (mistakenly) said that, yes, the First Amendment requires balance.

The most chilling findings, however, involved how students think repugnant speech should be dealt with.

Astonishingly, half said that snuffing out upsetting speech — rather than, presumably, rebutting or even ignoring it — would be appropriate. Democrats were more likely than Republicans to find this response acceptable (62 percent to 39 percent), and men were more likely than women (57 percent to 47 percent). Even so, sizable shares of all groups agreed.

Respondents were also asked if it would be acceptable for a student group to use violence to prevent that same controversial speaker from talking. Here, 19 percent said yes.

There were no statistically significant differences in response by political party affiliation. Men, however, were three times as likely as women to endorse using physical force to silence controversial views (30 percent of men vs. 10 percent of women).

It is not a matter of conservative brainwashing it is a matter of literal ignorance of the basic tenants of how the republic works and the underlying philosophy behind it. This whole problem is the the result of schools stopping teaching civics decades ago. It took decades to get to this point it will take decades to get back, if it can get back. But that is all hypothetical, there is practically no evidence of any desire to rectify the problem, or even what it is.

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21 Nov 2017, 12:35 pm

William Henry Harrison passed away one month into his term. His grade is a resounding "incomplete." Forget about him when assessing Presidents.

Harding was bad because he didn't see the scandal around him/or perhaps he was indirectly/directly involved in the scandals.

Buchanan was bad because he didn't see the coming Civil War for what it was. He was almost like Nero with the fiddle. He just sort of sat there, and let things happen.

I don't believe Obama will be one of the "great" Presidents....but I believe he's at least in the middle of the pack. He was a great compromiser, but a so-so innovator, in my opinion. Obamacare was not a godsend, by any means. He didn't seem overmatched by the office---like Trump seems to be.

At this point, Trump would be barely above people like Buchanan, but lower than Nixon. Nixon, at least, knew what he was doing until Watergate came along.


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21 Nov 2017, 2:51 pm

Suncatcher wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
For the same reason that every news media source is slanted against the bubonic plague.

You never hear anything good about the bubonic plague in the news media.

And that's because every news media source on the planet is part of the of the global conspiracy (the global conspiracy BY Globalists) to suppress all public knowledge of the good aspects of bubonic plague .

I am not a conspiracy theorists. I do however place big questions marks on the patterns i see in society and what unknown force causes this unnatural erosion that we have been seeing for the past 20 years. The tone of the debate is getting worse everyday thanks to the media and soon we are going to see antifa like groups in every direction.

That's the point. you're scapgoating "the media". But the media is not monolithic. And you're talking about "dark forces" causing this. And then you claim that your NOT a conspiracy theorist (plainly you are that).

But I agree that there ARE, forces in society causing the breakdown in debate. Both parties had populist uprisings in the last election. Nothing dark or unknown. Just sociological changes that are forcing political realignments.

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21 Nov 2017, 5:28 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Suncatcher wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
For the same reason that every news media source is slanted against the bubonic plague.

You never hear anything good about the bubonic plague in the news media.

And that's because every news media source on the planet is part of the of the global conspiracy (the global conspiracy BY Globalists) to suppress all public knowledge of the good aspects of bubonic plague .

I am not a conspiracy theorists. I do however place big questions marks on the patterns i see in society and what unknown force causes this unnatural erosion that we have been seeing for the past 20 years. The tone of the debate is getting worse everyday thanks to the media and soon we are going to see antifa like groups in every direction.

That's the point. you're scapgoating "the media". But the media is not monolithic. And you're talking about "dark forces" causing this. And then you claim that your NOT a conspiracy theorist (plainly you are that).

But I agree that there ARE, forces in society causing the breakdown in debate. Both parties had populist uprisings in the last election. Nothing dark or unknown. Just sociological changes that are forcing political realignments.

This is journalism today. Hyperbole is the new normal. It's frustrating. It's now been over a year but the "outrage" about Trump being elected continues in the mainstream media. The infatuation with Obama's election was equally annoying. There's enough insiders in the media who have spoken about the changes in journalism today. The pressure to produce content that sells in an oversaturated media market. Nevertheless, it's still sucks that the NYT has become provincial with pandering articles to the echo chamber. I don't want to read articles that tell me what to think or what the journalist thinks or pander to what I may believe to be true. Here are two images that I just can't believe are in a respected mainstream article.


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22 Nov 2017, 9:25 pm

<--- Considers the assassination of a US president to be in bad taste.


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22 Nov 2017, 9:32 pm

I just wish Trump would go back to reality programming.


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22 Nov 2017, 9:58 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I just wish Trump would go back to reality programming.

The current host of his old show Arnold Schwartznegger offered to swap jobs with him. Trump could go back to his old Apprentice show, and the Governator could take over the oval office. If the Constitution didn't forbid a foreign born POTUS that would be a good solution. Arnold was a state governor, and is GOP. So hell, lets do a little tweek to the constitution, let the GOP keep the Whitehouse, but let a competent person take over. Perfect solution!


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22 Nov 2017, 10:02 pm

redrobin62 wrote:
<--- Considers the assassination of a US president to be in bad taste.

The Irish Village thing is a bit too far. But the Der Speigel cover is no worse than this Herblock cartoon about Nixon from the Watergate era.

The caption read "How can you say that he hasn't 'Faithfully executed the laws'?"



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22 Nov 2017, 11:52 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I just wish Trump would go back to reality programming.

He never left!

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23 Nov 2017, 12:41 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
William Henry Harrison passed away one month into his term. His grade is a resounding "incomplete." Forget about him when assessing Presidents.

Harding was bad because he didn't see the scandal around him/or perhaps he was indirectly/directly involved in the scandals.

Buchanan was bad because he didn't see the coming Civil War for what it was. He was almost like Nero with the fiddle. He just sort of sat there, and let things happen.

I don't believe Obama will be one of the "great" Presidents....but I believe he's at least in the middle of the pack. He was a great compromiser, but a so-so innovator, in my opinion. Obamacare was not a godsend, by any means. He didn't seem overmatched by the office---like Trump seems to be.

At this point, Trump would be barely above people like Buchanan, but lower than Nixon. Nixon, at least, knew what he was doing until Watergate came along.

I'd place Andrew Johnson pretty low, as well, especially since he had purposely sought the failure of Radical Reconstruction, proving himself to be a reactionary and racist.

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23 Nov 2017, 1:10 am

No wonder he got impeached.

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23 Nov 2017, 2:38 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
No wonder he got impeached.

Unfortunately, his political career survived.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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23 Nov 2017, 2:39 am

naturalplastic wrote:
redrobin62 wrote:
<--- Considers the assassination of a US president to be in bad taste.

The Irish Village thing is a bit too far. But the Der Speigel cover is no worse than this Herblock cartoon about Nixon from the Watergate era.

The caption read "How can you say that he hasn't 'Faithfully executed the laws'?"


Another period in American history of an apoplectic media. Nixon’s visit to China will be in the history books. In 50+ years, Trump’s recent visit, as all visits by an American president since Nixon, will be seen in this historical context.

What makes the Spiegel cover so egregious is the reference to Jihadi John (sensationalized for ratings). The imagery used to, at least in the West refer to Perseus beheading the Medusa.


”Clockmakers Lie.” The secret clakker greeting in "The Alchemy Wars" a Trilogy by Ian Tregillis