is christianity a religion for neurotypicals?

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08 Apr 2024, 4:08 am

Its a religion for ignorant people who think they are always the victim. Like someone else does something that they personally wouldn't be comfortable with doing due to their religious belief...and now next thing you know they are telling people that don't share the same beliefs that they have to abide by their religious beliefs or its disrimination.

But like ok if me a person who couldn't even take care of a kid and gets pregnant, I can just get an abortion in my state....but now those religious as*holes trying to act like me getting an abortion somehow effects them and I am discriminating against them by getting an abortion I am not telling them to get one just if I needed one I'd get one...It's up to them what they'd personally do but that is not enough now they have to force their anti abortion agenda down the entire countries throat. Even though 80% of the population of the country supports abortion rights. But I don't think that is how freedom of religion is supposed to work....seems a lot of magas forget that freedom of religion also means freedom from religion as well.

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08 Apr 2024, 6:01 am

Aspies probably found a place in society in middle ages Catholic Europe by becoming cloistered nuns and monks...aspies of that time would fit right into a monastery.

In modern US Evangelical Protestant Christianity there may not be that kinda niche.


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08 Apr 2024, 6:09 am

cyberdad wrote:
Would be interesting to poll how many aspies on WP are religious? from those who post here regularly I think it's most.


Are you on drugs?

Where do you see this great number of "religious posts"?

Visitors to WP usually conclude the exact opposite. That "if you go by posts on WrongPlanet you would conclude that most autistics are Atheists".

If you just mean conventional mainstream religion (Christianity, Judaism etc) the religious would be a minority. If you add in non standard religions like Wicca and Omnism then that might bump it up to about even with Atheist posts.


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08 Apr 2024, 7:35 am

tomato wrote:
Do you feel that Christianity is a religion that suits aspies? Or is it a religion for neurotypicals? My own feeling is that Christianity is basically a religion adapted to neurotypicals, but I'm open to my views changing in the future.

I am a Christian, and a Catholic.

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08 Apr 2024, 7:39 am

I went to two catholic schools during my childhood/teenage years.

I don't go to church, but I have read the bible and generally have Christian beliefs (though I am far from being a fundamentalist).

I don't really discuss religion on the forums since it doesn't seem very popular with most people on this forum.

There are threads that exist in PPR especially that seem to seek to rip Christianity to shreds. I would agree with NP and say that most people on WP who are active are either atheist or agnostic.


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08 Apr 2024, 10:15 am

In my humble opinion Christianity is about believing, "having faith", without any evidence or logical reasoning pointing in the direction that there is any truth behind what the religion claims. To believe without any proof or logic behind it because "it feels right" is something I associate more with neurotypical thinking than with autism. But that's just me. I have no problem with people being religious as long as they keep it on a personal level and don't try to impose their beliefs to society.

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08 Apr 2024, 10:25 am


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08 Apr 2024, 10:26 am

ProfessorJohn wrote:
Readydaer wrote:
I think it isn't compatible with the brute rationality of autistics. What you say is literally doublethink. How did God create the world 4000 years ago if there are fossils millions of years old? and many many other clashings of faith and reason.

Gap theory can help explain both things. God first created the world millions of years ago, when the dinosaurs and such lived, and then the world was recreated after some destructive event, which is where modern humans come in.

It's not a theory.
It's not even a hypothesis.
It's merely a cope, it would be much more accurate to refer to it as gap cope.

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08 Apr 2024, 11:11 am

My thoughts:

It seems like religion can appeal to those who are black and white thinkers. Some people on the spectrum appear to have that sort of thinking. With my autistic sister-in-law, there’s no questioning the Bible or religious beliefs. Genocide in the Old Testament was right. Homosexuality is wrong. Obviously, not all Christians would endorse those things, but she would never dream of questioning the Bible as a whole because her beliefs are so rigid.

Others on the spectrum might be more prone to skepticism. If you are an outsider, you are already used to seeing/examining things from the outside. That’s how it was for me. Even though I grew up in a very religious household, I questioned the existence of God as a young child and never really stopped. I also never experienced the social benefits that many church-goers do. After dealing with a lot of judgment towards the end, I remember thinking: “Y’all aren’t making my decision to leave any harder.” :lol:

If there are a lot of benefits to a belief system, people are probably less prone to questioning it. Autistic individuals might be less likely to experience the social benefits religious organizations can provide.

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08 Apr 2024, 11:48 am

I’m an atheist. I believe that the many varieties of Christianity are illogical in as much as they grow out of the bible. The bible is self-contradictory and illogical, and Christian religions I have encountered trip over their own feet trying to teach their creed and/or defend themselves.


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08 Apr 2024, 2:19 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
My thoughts:

It seems like religion can appeal to those who are black and white thinkers. Some people on the spectrum appear to have that sort of thinking. With my autistic sister-in-law, there’s no questioning the Bible or religious beliefs. Genocide in the Old Testament was right. Homosexuality is wrong. Obviously, not all Christians would endorse those things, but she would never dream of questioning the Bible as a whole because her beliefs are so rigid.

Fundamentalism probably appeals to autistics because Fundamentalism is all about adhering to the written word of scripture. And for the same reason non-religion appeals to autistics as well because of the drive to adhere to scientific fact.

Last edited by naturalplastic on 08 Apr 2024, 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Apr 2024, 2:40 pm

It's hard to believe that the same god that created such complex and genious system as the Universe with every organism in it would inspire such an illogical and inconsistent belief system as described in the Bible.

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09 Apr 2024, 1:45 pm

Haha, "neurotypical" nothin', your average Christian is a walking grab-bag of neuroses and insecurities, usually inflicted upon them by their Christian parents and/or pastor... So really if anything, I'd say Christianity is a religion for Munchausen-sufferers. I'm sure neurotypical Christians exist but I've yet to meet one.

And, considering that the Christians' churches are all hot-spots for COVID transmission, plus the mounting evidence showing that people who "recover" from COVID are usually anything but neurotypical.... well, do the math yourself.

So to answer your question, no, I would not say Christianity is a "religion for neurotypicals" by any meaningful definition of that word.


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09 Apr 2024, 3:03 pm

MushroomPrincess wrote:
Haha, "neurotypical" nothin', your average Christian is a walking grab-bag of neuroses and insecurities, usually inflicted upon them by their Christian parents and/or pastor... So really if anything, I'd say Christianity is a religion for Munchausen-sufferers. I'm sure neurotypical Christians exist but I've yet to meet one.

And, considering that the Christians' churches are all hot-spots for COVID transmission, plus the mounting evidence showing that people who "recover" from COVID are usually anything but neurotypical.... well, do the math yourself.

So to answer your question, no, I would not say Christianity is a "religion for neurotypicals" by any meaningful definition of that word.

Being NT doesnt stop you from being neurotic. Neurosis is a "software problem" amenable to talk therapy. Autism is a difference in hardware. Not that you cant cope but its different.

But I get what you're saying. Many Americans get traumatized during their upbringing by hypereligious parents and become neurotic (this applies to both NTs and the AS).

And if Covid messed up your nervous system(hardware) then ...I guess that WOULD mean you would no longer be "neurotypical ". Welcome to neurodiverse club!


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09 Apr 2024, 3:23 pm

I think a lot of people just stick with the religion they were born into. They could like the traditions or social benefits that go along with it. Many seem to believe without giving it serious thought unless their family is very religious.


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09 Apr 2024, 3:32 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Being NT doesnt stop you from being neurotic. Neurosis is a "software problem" amenable to talk therapy. Autism is a difference in hardware. Not that you cant cope but its different.

But I get what you're saying. Many Americans get traumatized during their upbringing by hypereligious parents and become neurotic (this applies to both NTs and the AS).

Munchausen survivors usually end up with life-long CPTSD which does alter the structure(s) of the brain. (C)PTSD brains are non-neurotypical, and look very different in EEG scans. Therapy helps but no one is ever really "cured" of C-PTSD; you just get better coping mechanisms. And you're right, religious trauma is a very serious problem that I wish more people would acknowledge as a real thing.

naturalplastic wrote:
And if Covid messed up your nervous system(hardware) then ...I guess that WOULD mean you would no longer be "neurotypical ". Welcome to neurodiverse club!

We don't even know the half of it yet. This is still a hot take, but I predict that in another 5-10 years, the word "neurotypical" will become shorthand for "hasn't had COVID." The fad of (mis)diagnosing every other random toddler with Autism Spectrum Disorder won't print money the way it used to; the big mental health crisis of the 21st century is going to be the treatment and rehabilitation of foggy-headed COVID survivors.