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What are my coincidences?
Supernatural phenomena 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
Delusions, symptoms of psychosis 33%  33%  [ 8 ]
Ideas of reference 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Effects of mere mathematical chance 50%  50%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 24


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13 Sep 2018, 4:48 pm

Let's sort numbers forming sequence 21, 42, 84 ascendingly or descendingly.
When we sort them ascendingly, we receive 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8. Let's make three two-digit numbers from them. 12, 24, 48. Geometrical sequence with sum of numbers 84!
Let's sort them descendingly now. 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1. Let's make three two-digit numbers from them. 84, 42, 21 - geometrical sequence with sum of numbers 147!
Both numbers 84 and 147 have the digit 4 in them and have the same sum of digits - 12.

Let's sort numbers forming sequence 11, 22, 44 ascendingly or descendingly.
When we sort them ascendingly, we receive 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4. Let's make three two-digit numbers from them. 11, 22, 44. Geometrical sequence with sum of numbers 77, the same as in original sequence.
Let's sort them descendingly now. 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1. Let's make three two-digit numbers from them. 44, 22, 11 - geometrical sequence with sum of numbers 77, descending counterpart of 11, 22, 44.

Let's sort numbers forming sequence 10, 20, 40 ascendingly or descendingly.
When we sort them ascendingly, we receive 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4. Let's make three two-digit numbers from them. 00, 01, 24. No geometrical sequence.
Let's sort them descendingly now. 4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0. Let's make three two-digit numbers from them. 42, 10, 00 - no geometrical sequence.


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16 Sep 2018, 12:28 pm

Sum of numbers in codes: F21, F42.2, F84.5 is 154 (21+42+2+84+5). It is the sum of numbers in geometric sequence 22, 44, 88. Sum of digits in the codes is 28 (2+1+4+2+2+8+4+5). It is the sum of digits in geometric sequence 22, 44, 88 (2+2+4+4+8+8). Sum of products of digits of the sequence 22, 44, 88 is 84 (2*2+4*4+8*8=4+16+64). 84 is the largest member of "miraculous" geometrical sequence.

Differences of numbers in the codes: F21, F42.2, F84.5 are: 21(-0), 42-2, 84-5 --> 21, 40, 79. The sum is 140. It is the sum of numbers in geometric sequence 20, 40, 80. 2+1+(4+2-2)+(8+4-5)=3+4+7=14. 14 is the sum of digits in the sequence 20, 40, 80.

"Middle" diagnosis in the group formed by F21, F42.2, F84.5 is F42.2. The result of multiplication of numbers 42 and 2 is 84 (42*2) and the result of division of that numbers is 21 (42:2). 84 and 21 are members of "miraculous" sequence.

21, 42, 84 and its descending counterpart 84, 42, 21 are (at least probably) the only geometrical sequences which produce geomtrical sequences formed by natural numbers when digits forming these numbers would be added, subtracted, multiplicated and divided:
2+1=3, 4+2=6, 8+4=12; 3, 6, 12 - geometrical sequence formed from natural numbers (qoutient 2)
2-1=1, 4-2=2, 8-4=4; 1, 2, 4 - geometrical sequence formed from natural numbers (quotient 2)
2*1=2, 4*2=8, 8*4=32; 2, 8, 32 - geometrical sequence formed from natural numbers (quotient 4)
2:1=2, 4:2=2, 8:4=2; 2, 2, 2 - constant geometrical sequence formed from natural numbers (quotient 1)

11, 22, 44 and 22, 44, 88 do not form geometrical sequences when the digits forming that sequences are subtracted, they form constant arithmetical (but not geometrical) sequence - 0, 0, 0 [although some may consider 0, 0, 0 as geometrical sequence, but I think that it is not proper.


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16 Sep 2018, 1:08 pm

And what does all of this prove?


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16 Sep 2018, 2:38 pm

These coincidences may be vieved as the proof of existence of supernatural beings. They are numerous. It is not one coincidence or two. It is complicated "network". Someone might consider them as extensive delusional system. If I would be diagnosed with (paranoid) schizophrenia (F20(.0)) instead of schizotypal disorder (F21), there would be no "miraculous" geometrical sequence 84, 42, 21. In Polish AS forum there was a person who write above well above 100 posts and had the login F21 (not F20 or F22). That person formed account in 2015, the year in which I received F21 diagnosis first time. The combo F84.5, F42.2, F21 was written in many "excerpts" from my ambulatory visits with psychiatrists, first time these 3 diagnoses appeared together (as only 3 diagnoses which I got) 28.4.2015. The date is strongly coincident with three diagnostic codes.

I noticed something interesting about date 28.4.2015. It was 118th day in 2015 year. At 2015 there was also one another date composed by the same digits and with the same sum of numbers - 24.8.2015. Between 28.4.2015 and 24.8.2015 there were 118 days and 24.8.2015 was 236th day in 2015 year.

Next dates which have at least two digits "2" and at least one digit "1", "4", "5" and "8" and have the number meaning day divisible by the number meaning month are 28.4.2051, 24.8.2051, 14.2.2058, 12.4.2058. Digits forming numbers meaning day and month sorted ascendingly or descendingly will form geometrical sequences with sums 14 or 7: 2, 4, 8 (8, 4, 2) and 1, 2, 4 (4, 2, 1).

viewtopic.php?t=186433&start=7275#p8015996 - today I posted in "counting topic" on WP forum first time since quite much time. The number which I typed was coincident. It was 42,714. From that number 42, 7, 14 (three numbers divisible by 7) can be formed. 42 is the middle term of my two very coincident sequences - arithmetical 33, 42, 51 and geometrical 84, 42, 21. 42 is (21:7)*(21-7). 14 is 21-7 (the difference of 21 and 7) or (21+7):2 (arithmetical mean of 21 and 7).


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17 Sep 2018, 11:06 am

I don't know what your status is related to mania issues but if you don't have that or history of schizophrenia-like symptoms, ie. if this were simply heavy OCD melding with a self-reinforcing thought structure a good mushroom or LSD trip under the auspices of a physician might help clear this out. 'Pharmakia' might not mesh with your religious beliefs but it's perhaps one of the few ways that your reward and task-related systems might have their current restrictions thrown open enough for you to catch some daylight between your self-concept and this rigid system of numerological thinking and consequently you might then have a shot at climbing out of this on your own.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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17 Sep 2018, 2:24 pm

The Numbers, Letters, and Word Place is larger trapped
in the Neo Cortical Mind and one reason why so many OCD/People/
Behaviors Love to Stay in that Place is to escape the Amygdala of Fear.
Tame the Amygdala
Get Free and
it's worth Noting that Science now
Shows that Meditation Shrinks that
Brain Fear Center in ways of Reduction of Gray Matter.
I Recommend a Free Style Meditative Dance in Balance that Science Shows
Now Helps to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses in Taming the Parts
of the Brain that Continue to Bring Fear and overall Mal-Contentment. Some Autistic
Folks Use Stimming/Flapping the Same; but I Make it Art as the Dance Audience Recognized
me as a Legend
for Public
Dance in a little
over a year for hey
if you are gonna Remedy
Your Imbalances of Mind and Body
Real Now You Might as well Do Epic in Art and
Get Noted in someone's By-Line of Life as a Legend;
And Excite all the Females too in Ecstasy of Kisses and Smiles.
And I'm Just providing one of Two-Thousand Photos of Evidence Again;
in Case the Legend thingy is Harder to believe than Legally Permanent
And Medically Disabling Conditions
That are remedied
to do
the Legend thingy too.
Seriously, though if you are trying
Your best to avoid any potential of Psychosis;
Sticking with the OCD Behaviors in Numbers/Words/Letters might
be Better; but I Suggest you Talk to Your Psychiatrist and just hope he's up
on the latest Research in how to all Naturally Remedy these Issues for more Freedom too;
as yes, Numbers
and Letters
and in General
Word Talk can and
will be much more
Confining than a Free
Dance that Brings Female
Smiles by the Truck-load now..:)

https://katiemiafrederick.files.wordpre ... 8027_o.jpg

Oops, almost Forgot the Legend Photo, too..:)

https://katiemiafrederick.files.wordpre ... 2656_o.jpg

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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17 Sep 2018, 4:22 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I don't know what your status is related to mania issues but if you don't have that or history of schizophrenia-like symptoms, ie. if this were simply heavy OCD melding with a self-reinforcing thought structure a good mushroom or LSD trip under the auspices of a physician might help clear this out. 'Pharmakia' might not mesh with your religious beliefs but it's perhaps one of the few ways that your reward and task-related systems might have their current restrictions thrown open enough for you to catch some daylight between your self-concept and this rigid system of numerological thinking and consequently you might then have a shot at climbing out of this on your own.

I do not have mood disorders such as mania or depression.
I have "suspiciousness" since being about 16 years old. Before the coincidences onset I had very few ideas of reference associated with mysterious object (probably meteorite, asteroid, comet or (part of the) satellite) which fell from the sky 31.08.1997 (last day before my first day in school) and road accidents near my home (in which nobody was hurt although they look as really dangerous).
Coincidences do not look to be OCD symptoms because they are generally pleasant and fascinating, not "intrusive" or suffering-causing.
I also did not use LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms or other narcotics.

Why 21.7 and 3, 6, 9 are so important for me? 21.7 is associated with geometrical sequences, 3, 6, 9 with arithmetical ones. The smallest non-constant geometric sequence formed by natural numbers only is 1, 2, 4 (or its descending counterpart 4, 2, 1). The sum of numbers in that sequence(s) is 7.
The smallest number which is the sum of more than one geometrical sequence formed by natural numbers only is 21.
21=7+7+7 (quotient 1, constant geometrical or arithmetical sequence)
21=3+6+12 (quotient 2)
21=1+4+16 (quotient 4)
Sum of quotients of these three ascending geometrical sequences is 7.
Sums of the smallest three-membered non-constant arithmetical sequences formed by natural numbers only are 3, 6 and 9.


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17 Sep 2018, 4:41 pm

"suspiciousness" is the essence of paranoia (belief that you are the victim of conspiracies).

Tech wasn't accusing you of using narcotics. He was (incredible as this may sound) recommending that you use them....BUT under a doctor's supervision. A bit unorthodox. That last needing professional attention...I agree with that part.

Okay...its not a nasty intrusive obsession, but a pleasant obsession. So its not OCD, but like an aspie obsession. But it is SO narrow and so inane and pointless that its way beyond aspergers and is doubtlessy psychotic. And (like you yourself said)it has elements of reference, and elements of suspicion and paranoia.

You remind me of friend who night he saw a UFO. And then suddenly he started seeing aliens everywhere. And photographed them and posted his photographs of aliens online. Alien faces in the clouds, in the tree leaves in his backyard, etc. Trouble is that even in the photographs no one else could see these faces. The aliens kept bugging him and playing footsie with him for weeks on end (like these "spirits" are supposedly toying with you by way of numbers, on and on). But nothing every happened.

You would think that...after crossing hundreds of light years of intersteller space, and then picking this one Earth dude who lives in Bumphuck Maryland to be anointed as the intermediary between themselves and the human race- you would think that these aliens would eventually stop play footsie with him and present themselves to him (drop the other shoe and ask him to "take me to you leader" already gray guys!). But NO...they just kept on playing peekaboo with him.

Finally he went to a doctor and got diagnosed with Lyme disease. Soon as he got the medication for it BANG! The aliens all disappeared and never bothered him again.

Last edited by naturalplastic on 17 Sep 2018, 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Sep 2018, 4:45 pm

nca14 wrote:
I also did not use LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms or other narcotics.

That sounds almost like the opposite of what I was saying.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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18 Sep 2018, 4:36 pm

Do you think that medical (ot recreational) narcotics like LSD would heal me from coincidences, psychosis, delusions?

My coincidences will have their fourth birthday soon... 19 IX 2014 - first marked coincidences, they may be noticed only 21.09.2014, so not immediately. But 18.09.2014 I saw (probably first time in my life) that Venn diagram (I see a vulgarism on it and satanic symbol):
18 IX 2014 there was the referendum about Scotland's independence and Scots are called "Jocks". In addition, there were blue and (not so much) white colors in part of the diagram which is associated with "Jocks" and on Scottish flage there are two colors: blue and white. "Nerds" and "Goths" were associated in my mentality with an Aspijka about whom I had coincidences 19.09.2014!


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18 Sep 2018, 5:15 pm

nca14 wrote:
Do you think that medical (ot recreational) narcotics like LSD would heal me from coincidences, psychosis, delusions?

It's a distinct possibility.

Also worth noting:

a drug or other substance affecting mood or behavior and sold for nonmedical purposes, especially an illegal one.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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18 Sep 2018, 5:20 pm

I dunno where mr Tech is coming from.

you're one of the LAST individuals I know whom I would encourage to take LSD.

you're already a little too psychedelic IMHO. Lol!

But that's just my opinion. I am not a mental health professional.

Never knew that Scots were called "Jocks" as an ethnic group. But their flag is blue and While. Don't know where you see either "vulgarism" nor "satanic symbolism" in that Venn diagram. Not sure what that diagram has to do with the topic. Though it is a cute and kinda humorous.


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18 Sep 2018, 5:34 pm

Only if everything he's seeing is resulting from OCD. If it's schizophrenia-related it's the last thing he'd want to do. That's why I'd tell him to consult a doctor though rather than try something recreationally.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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19 Sep 2018, 12:28 am

I agree with the patient himself that it doesn't walk nor quack like OCD. If he were fearful and anxious that something bad would happen to him if he doesnt do something fast (like do all of this math) then that would be OCD (like "if I don't wear gloves every time a touch a doorknob I will get germs")

It looks more like an escapist fantasy that involves a conspiracy of spirits in the outside world- spirits who think that he so damned important that he is worthy of being conspired against. Definitely has the feel of paranoia and of notions of reference. It walks and quacks like psychosis.


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19 Sep 2018, 6:43 am

naturalplastic wrote:
It looks more like an escapist fantasy that involves a conspiracy of spirits in the outside world- spirits who think that he so damned important that he is worthy of being conspired against. Definitely has the feel of paranoia and of notions of reference. It walks and quacks like psychosis.

I think I've also just been a bit annoyed that he won't confront it or interact with it in some particular manner. An escapist fantasy is something that's in the sphere of your agency, ie. it's a cover for or coping mechanism to hide from something that's bothering you more than having it. The OP is by all intents and purposes journaling in this thread. Having imaginary friends, knowing on some level deep down that they're imaginary would make writing threads about them a bit unlikely and even more unlikely for one to ask for advice.

If he were to take ownership/responsibility for this he'd do some kind of psychosynthesis or Jungian analysis of what's happening with him. Some of the synchronicities could be real, in my own experience I tend to doubt that we live in quite as solid or non-mental a universe as many like to think, but even having done quite a bit of research into paranormal types of activity, occult development paths, and listened to and read some of the most stoic, practical, and well-studied modern Hermeticists from around the world the overall schema of assessing these things tends to be that you assume normal/material causes unless there's an explicit reason not to, then if it's something as routine and angular/eccentric as this the likelihood that what's happening isn't outside forces but rather you (selective attention, actual synchronicities, and everything in between) is quite high. If it were daemonic entities, you could think of them more like getting pestered by wild life; he'd notice something that was actually trying to grapple with him emotionally and throw him into flights of fear, lust, or whatever emotion that was it's preferred lunch. If it were something both outside and highly intelligent he wouldn't be writing these threads - the conversation already would have been had without our need to be involved and he would have taken action in some way because there'd be no choice.

This is where I think, if the OP were take the optimal approach to this, he'd recognize that these events are his own mind's doing, that they're subconscious in origin, and he has to consider the likelihood that there's a disjunct somewhere in his system that's pushing these out.

Short of that, there's haldol, risperidal, etc.. Medications seem to be great for very narrow ranges when people have such a chemical excess or deficiency that the medication does the exact equal and opposite, when that's not the case the side-effects are often worse than the problem. That's part of why in most cases there really aren't any enjoyable outcomes that don't involve taking responsibility when one has the chance.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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19 Sep 2018, 9:42 am

What Happened to Michelangelo's, Van Gogh's, Da Vinci's,
And Einstein's all Filled up With Imagination
that comes to Fruition; Mostly either
Drugged up
or Working
at the
Corner 7 to
11 Convenience
Store, Homeless; or Playing a Video
Game in a Basement going NOWHERE
or trapped in an endless Forum going NOWHERE
until one gains Will
in Strength
in Grace
of Balance
of Love in
And 'Alices' and 'Boogie
WonderLands' come back again to play;
For those Horatio's who have never seen and or
heard the Colors of Life, more; just one Tea spoon
of those Flavors and they would come to
understand First and or Last or again
Difference Between
Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell Now.
It's not the Form that Counts Most; it's the Essence
and with a Pension enough Provided by the Village
supporting 'the Shaman'
Heaven continues
with reports back to 'The Grave' in 'the
Cave' Or Just Brings 2 Thousand or So Photos
of Beautiful Women Back to Life in an Art of Smiles.

It just depends on what counts in life; FLoWeRS or STinK Bugs.

"Silence of 'the' Lions Beyond Love"; Anyway, this is an Internet Site for the Neuro-Diverse
And of course as all Stuff Politics and Religions that are more concerned now about Black and
White than Colors of Life 'they' Do their Very Best to Enforce the Rules and Flush Colors out of Black and White
(Facilities). I come Here to See the NeuroDiverse; I come Here to See the Additional Colors of Life; and not unlike
that Painting of 'Scream', I see the Black and White Howl not having any idea where they currently Live; it's funny;
Sad; it's Black and
White Devoid of Colors in Black Hole Sun Life Real.
This place is much more interesting in a Mix of Black and White and Colors
as all have their place from Drones to King and or Queen Bees of Ecstasy. Currently
the Moderation is allowing more of the Colors; and that's kind of Nice for those who are not Color Blind.

Yep; I can do Black and White Again with a Flick of My Wrist with two Fingers Held Together Separated Again.

But I'd rather Live and Bring back the Evidence of Heaven Real 'At Hand'.

And as Far as the Dude who is 'His Topic of Conversation now' in this little Internet thread that is harming
no one; And is the Exploration of a Neuro-Diverse Mind; the end result will be Colors of Life or
A Remaining Black and White Existence as is Black and White. Smiles, the Meaning and
Purpose of Life is to Make it Colorful and the Meaning and Purpose of Life
other wise is the other Place of Black and White and that's Okay
for those
who care
not to Crawl out
of the Cave and are
Satisfied with the Cave Art of Old.
Smiling Women is enough for me as Evolutionary Speaking That's What Most Males Do Best When More Fully Entertaining
And in Making Art Count for all Creativity, Productivity and Social Cooperation where one Katy Perry Song Blows away
Anything an Intellectual Dark Web will Bring the Entire Human Species of Soul. Males, Overall, are falling behind in
so many
ways for
the Real Purpose
and Meaning of Life
Most is Art and Female Smiles.
But it's true Porn is the Driving Force of the Internet as it stays rather Shallow this way, too..;)

Life is Rather More Like a Poem Than a Science Project for those who see and hear with 'smART'.

Perhaps it's a coincidence that 60 Percent of smart is ART or Perhaps God as Nature has an overall
Sense and Feel of Humor in terms of Live and Evil and Stressed and Desserts and Lived and Devil too.

I dunno; But Female SMiLeS are enough for me. And it's also Worth Noting tHere is a FREd in FRiEnD for
those who see and hear that too; and if one make Friends Enough with Words, Letters, Numbers, and Other Symbols
that makes for a Diversion at least until the Female Smiles Come Rolling in like a Hurricane that Never ends now as
that comes
Best with a
Free Dance that
Doesn't care about
the Rules of 'Smaller Men' Now.

The Most Difficult Challenge of All is to come to know, feel, and sense more of our Human Potentials and how we
can/will help lift other folks up as that is what all Social Animals Do Best. My Speciality is Making Women Smile; my aim
is to do that even more, now; and so far it is F in Working for they see that Fred in Friend. 'They' have a Different Kind of
Happy Kind;
I enhance Happy the
Best a Social Animal Will.
Before that I Entertained Symbols;
And Found That Eventually Rather Empty; and Moved on to Human SMiLeS.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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