Which people-groups are currently allowed to be hated?

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Which people-groups are currently allowed to be hated?
Christians 6%  6%  [ 2 ]
"Fundies" 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
"Neocons" 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Whites 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Non-whites 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Men 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Women 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Adults 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Teens 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Children 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Infants 6%  6%  [ 2 ]
Unborns 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Elderly 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
"Racists" 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
"Homophobes" 6%  6%  [ 2 ]
A combination of the above and more 31%  31%  [ 11 ]
Nobody *is* "allowed" to be hated, but hating some groups is often more socially acceptable than hating others. 33%  33%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 36


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18 Oct 2010, 6:04 pm

Macbeth wrote:
waltur wrote:
Orwell wrote:
Crimsonfield wrote:
Racist, socialist and terrorist are overused words because they're politically useful and instigate fear or shame, just like words like heretic and witch were during the inquisitions in the middle ages. "Obama's a socialist! Very socialist. You wanna vote for him? You shouldn't vote for him! You don't want Hitler to come back do you? He's also a terrorist..."

Overused yes, but there are still times when all of those words are appropriate. There are socialists, terrorists, and racists in the world, and refusing to acknowledge their existence merely because some people overuse/abuse the terms doesn't make the real racists, terrorists, or socialists go away. If anything, it gives them a free reign.




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18 Oct 2010, 8:50 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
i'm not referring to the thread - i'm referring to racist commenters on WP. if you are a racist, then i am definitely referring to you. if you are not a racist, then i am not. are you a racist?

No, I'm not a racist, however you seem to think I am and that all that matters as per writing composed by you or any other. What is actual versus what is perceived is of great importance when interpreting the words of another. If you perceive me to be a racist, then you would feel that your statement would apply even though it actually wouldn't.

so you are ASSUMING things about me, but i shouldn't ASSUME things about you? i have not called you a racist, but you are looking for hobgoblins in every corner, it seems like....

is some kind of paranoia happening with you? or are you seeking to become some kind of internet martyr?

Fine, I assume that each time you post you are fairly angry. Is that too far of a speculation, since your anger is apparent in your composition?

hahahaha, making assumptions again? no, i am not angry. did i upset you by asking if you are paranoid?

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18 Oct 2010, 8:56 pm

Dox47 wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
well, it seems like you have been saying that reverse racism is just as bad as actual racism. is that correct?

There is no such thing as "reverse" racism there is only racism, which is equally bad whether it's directed at a minority by the majority or vice versa; historical precedent does not affect the morality of the situation either way

i spent 4 years as a racial minority in an isolated community. i did not possess local voting rights, and i was treated differently than the locals - there was a different set of rules for me, and i was treated with disrespect. i was present for the attempted overthrow of the local government, and i had nobody to protect me because i was an outsider (it ended up nonviolent and was quashed quickly).

but it was nothing compared to the systemic racism experienced by those same people at the hands of the federal government. they are disadvantaged at such a deep and pervasive level, and for so many generations, that the petty experiences of a white girl are rather silly.

racism =/= reverse racism

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18 Oct 2010, 9:08 pm

Which people-groups are currently allowed to be hated topic.

Any one of them.

Stop the hating and start debating.

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18 Oct 2010, 9:08 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Meh, I'm not making an actual accusation against you in terms of staging the whole thing, although if it is not a political stunt in association with the exodus of the one offended dude then it, to me, brings into question your comprehension of my threads - such as this one - which you call Racist© without realizing that it is against racism in actuality. All forms of racism are equally wrong, not just the one which continues to be a dead equine suffering physical abuse.

What you're actually trying to do is analogous to what various Neo-Nazi groups try and do. They try to compare the "oppression" whites face in society from marginal cases of effective racism against whites to the systemic racism minorities in the underclass face.

Really now, that is an impressive accusation.

well, it seems like you have been saying that reverse racism is just as bad as actual racism. is that correct?

All racism is equally wrong. Do you care to argue that some forms of racism are good or better than other forms of racism?

all racism is bad, but not all racism has the same weight of history. we are still trying to repair the effects of past racism against minorities. i don't think tiny, isolated acts of racism against whites can have the same overall effect as systemic, historic racism against the minorities. anyway, i've yet to see any actual evidence (even convincing anecdotal evidence) that racism against whites even exists in any measurable way, so even speaking of the possibility is kind of a straw man.

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18 Oct 2010, 9:35 pm

MissConstrue wrote:
Which people-groups are currently allowed to be hated topic.

Any one of them.

Stop the hating and start debating.

i love this phrase! thanks for the splash of cold water MissConstrue!

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18 Oct 2010, 10:18 pm

Has anyone mentioned this, which is not on the list (sorry, haven't read all 6 pages):

The obese. People see it as a choice (which isn't necessarily true, but some people are pretty stubborn in that opinion). It is the closest thing we seem to have right now as a free-for-all target.

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18 Oct 2010, 10:46 pm

DW_a_mom wrote:
Has anyone mentioned this, which is not on the list (sorry, haven't read all 6 pages):

The obese. People see it as a choice (which isn't necessarily true, but some people are pretty stubborn in that opinion). It is the closest thing we seem to have right now as a free-for-all target.

Smokers too; it's amazing what people think is acceptable behavior towards someone who's smoking.

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18 Oct 2010, 10:57 pm

Dox47 wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Has anyone mentioned this, which is not on the list (sorry, haven't read all 6 pages):

The obese. People see it as a choice (which isn't necessarily true, but some people are pretty stubborn in that opinion). It is the closest thing we seem to have right now as a free-for-all target.

Smokers too; it's amazing what people think is acceptable behavior towards someone who's smoking.

Depends on where you are. Not as bad here. In Cali it was pretty atrocious. Some people would look at me like I was some kind of criminal or something. There'd also be the s**theads who'd cough when walking by you just for the sake of coughing around you but not having the balls to actually be in your face about the fake cough.

A cop actually got on his car's PA one time and made me roll up my car window (smoking in public wasn't illegal where I was but I really didn't feel like pissing off those little-men).

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18 Oct 2010, 11:27 pm

I think in most cases "hate" is too strong a word.

People are most comfortable among others just like themselves. Thus protestants are most comfortable among other protestants and catholics among catholics. In Northern Ireland they kill each other but do you hate the guy next door just because he is a catholic or a Jew or a Mormon? Do you forbid your children to play with their children?

I don't approve of Hell's Angles but that doesn't mean I hate them. I don't approve of cross-dressers but that doesn't mean I want to beat them up.

"Country Club" people don't like the people who live in trailer parks and vice versa but they mostly don't kill each other.

Just don't demand that I "approve" of this group or that group and call me a "hater" because I don't like what they do or what they stand for.


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18 Oct 2010, 11:39 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
i spent 4 years as a racial minority in an isolated community. i did not possess local voting rights, and i was treated differently than the locals - there was a different set of rules for me, and i was treated with disrespect. i was present for the attempted overthrow of the local government, and i had nobody to protect me because i was an outsider (it ended up nonviolent and was quashed quickly).

but it was nothing compared to the systemic racism experienced by those same people at the hands of the federal government. they are disadvantaged at such a deep and pervasive level, and for so many generations, that the petty experiences of a white girl are rather silly.

racism =/= reverse racism

Nice story, doesn't have any bearing on anything beyond you personally though.

I posted this in another thread, and though I don't like to repeat myself I'll make an exception because it speaks to this perfectly:

"The thing I have a problem with here is that you're essentially endorsing a hierarchy of racism with differing standards applying depending upon who is complaining about being discriminated against by who. You can't be "sort of" against racism, or only against it when it's perpetrated against racial majorities, you have to be against it in all circumstances."

When making laws and rules, what is important is the here and now; historical injustices and such are just that, history. Do you really think the best way to fight racism is to tell white males (or any other group for that matter) that their feelings and experiences carry less weight because people of the same sex and ancestry as them have historically conquered and oppressed other peoples? You might as well sign up as a Klan recruiter, since if you're going to push people in their direction you may as well get paid for it... :roll:
There is no such thing as "reverse" racism, only racism, and it is always wrong.

(lest you be confused, talking about it, even in favor of it, is OK)

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19 Oct 2010, 12:00 am

Dox47 wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
i spent 4 years as a racial minority in an isolated community. i did not possess local voting rights, and i was treated differently than the locals - there was a different set of rules for me, and i was treated with disrespect. i was present for the attempted overthrow of the local government, and i had nobody to protect me because i was an outsider (it ended up nonviolent and was quashed quickly).

but it was nothing compared to the systemic racism experienced by those same people at the hands of the federal government. they are disadvantaged at such a deep and pervasive level, and for so many generations, that the petty experiences of a white girl are rather silly.

racism =/= reverse racism

Nice story, doesn't have any bearing on anything beyond you personally though.

I posted this in another thread, and though I don't like to repeat myself I'll make an exception because it speaks to this perfectly:

"The thing I have a problem with here is that you're essentially endorsing a hierarchy of racism with differing standards applying depending upon who is complaining about being discriminated against by who. You can't be "sort of" against racism, or only against it when it's perpetrated against racial majorities, you have to be against it in all circumstances."

When making laws and rules, what is important is the here and now; historical injustices and such are just that, history. Do you really think the best way to fight racism is to tell white males (or any other group for that matter) that their feelings and experiences carry less weight because people of the same sex and ancestry as them have historically conquered and oppressed other peoples? You might as well sign up as a Klan recruiter, since if you're going to push people in their direction you may as well get paid for it... :roll:
There is no such thing as "reverse" racism, only racism, and it is always wrong.

(lest you be confused, talking about it, even in favor of it, is OK)
true, it is anecdotal, as are all examples of reverse racism. sure, reverse racism is wrong in principle, but since there is no verifiable evidence it is happening... it is a pointless ummm point.

i disagree that racism against whites is the same thing as racism against minorities, even if it does happen. after a couple hundred years of slavery and subjugation, we can talk.

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19 Oct 2010, 2:41 am

hyperlexian wrote:
true, it is anecdotal, as are all examples of reverse racism. sure, reverse racism is wrong in principle, but since there is no verifiable evidence it is happening... it is a pointless ummm point.

Really? No evidence you say? Nothing verifiable? Minority quotas alone could easily qualify as anti white or anti male bias, but to use my own parlance that's low hanging fruit. You personally described an experience with anti white racism, the fact that you felt that the racists in question were justified doesn't change what it was; you really think no one who's ever had a similar experience documented it in a verifiable way? Starting to get the picture?

hyperlexian wrote:
i disagree that racism against whites is the same thing as racism against minorities, even if it does happen. after a couple hundred years of slavery and subjugation, we can talk.

So what I'm hearing here is that racism is ok, or at least not as bad, if it's directed at certain groups?

Will somebody who's not me please try and explain all of the problems with this to this poster? I've tried before, I can't think of any clearer ways of putting it than have already been tried, and frankly I think it's more of a personal problem than anything else at this point. I didn't think I could make it clearer than "racism is always wrong", but apparantly that wasn't sufficient.

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19 Oct 2010, 2:45 am

hyperlexian wrote:
MissConstrue wrote:
Which people-groups are currently allowed to be hated topic.

Any one of them.

Stop the hating and start debating.

i love this phrase! thanks for the splash of cold water MissConstrue!

Thank you but I have to give it to my biggest influence of a philospher, Sarstresue. 8)

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19 Oct 2010, 7:06 am

Dox47, you just made me laugh out loud on the bus. you dismissed my anecdotal experience, then reintroduced it as an argument against me! nice try, but that won't work. how can i help you to understand that the experiences of reverse racism are laughably minor compared to the experience of systemic racism suffered by minorities. as i recall, many people disagreed that hiring quotas were even valid example of racism of any sort, so it does not function as an example here.

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19 Oct 2010, 9:28 am

hyperlexian wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
i'm not referring to the thread - i'm referring to racist commenters on WP. if you are a racist, then i am definitely referring to you. if you are not a racist, then i am not. are you a racist?

No, I'm not a racist, however you seem to think I am and that all that matters as per writing composed by you or any other. What is actual versus what is perceived is of great importance when interpreting the words of another. If you perceive me to be a racist, then you would feel that your statement would apply even though it actually wouldn't.

so you are ASSUMING things about me, but i shouldn't ASSUME things about you? i have not called you a racist, but you are looking for hobgoblins in every corner, it seems like....

is some kind of paranoia happening with you? or are you seeking to become some kind of internet martyr?

Fine, I assume that each time you post you are fairly angry. Is that too far of a speculation, since your anger is apparent in your composition?

hahahaha, making assumptions again? no, i am not angry. did i upset you by asking if you are paranoid?

Why would that upset me? I am paranoid, so why should it bother me for somebody to recognize it?

Old lady: "I see you're reading a psychology journal, are you a psychologist?"

Murdock: "No ma'am, I'm just insane. May I have some more biscuits?"