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01 Jul 2009, 3:18 pm

One of my more recent observations has been the futility of gaining and using power. I'm not talking about money or weapons, but about social rank. People will buy the right clothes, adopt the right attitude, and denigrate others to achieve it. But what is it? What does it actually get them? My theory: it allows them to relax. Power buys you consensus from other people. When you have people on your side, you don't have to be right - "John and Jim and Jane and Janet all support me on this. Who are you?" Having people under your power, you're insulated from the criticism of those with less power than you. You can be a sacred cow.

At the end of the day, though, if you've compromised too much of who you are just to feel comfortable, what is your real motivation? If a mate seeks you out because of your power, what is your real connection to them? Power seems to be a defense mechanism for people who feel defenseless.

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04 Jul 2009, 11:19 pm

i would agree with power being to relax. even the diety asked, while he walked in the cool of the garden, "adam where art thou"


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05 Jul 2009, 12:55 am

I'll agree with your general thesis, but add my own observations about physical power. It's also relaxing, knowing that you could control the situation by force makes it much easier to stay cool and controlled when things are difficult, and in it's own way is very calming. I know that I'm not unique in that I feel better about nearly any situation if I have more options, it's when I feel cornered and out of options that I tend to react badly. Between my martial arts training and the weapons I carry, I know that I have power over any given individual that I might be dealing with, whether they know it or not, and having that option makes it much easier to be calm and not rise to provocations knowing that I have the ultimate advantage. It's kind of a Zen thing, having the power makes you not feel the need to use it, which makes you feel even more in control, etc etc. Physical power is in some ways the most accessible and the most powerful of all power structures, monetary power or political/social power may give some protection against it, but it is still possible for someone with a little physical power to overcome someone with a lot of the other kinds. Therefore, I believe in building one's entire power structure on a foundation of being physically powerful, because it's the only form of power that is not dependent upon the cooperation of others to be effective.

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05 Jul 2009, 1:57 am

And this is why i usually counter with something called Negation. By considerably diminishing what they consider to be power, you realize they are rather powerless. ^.- True power is rather hard for a human to describe or grasp, since we all have our own bias to carry.


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13 Jul 2009, 2:04 pm

Nice topic; I'd hate to be a sacred cow, because at some point I will be sacrificed for the good of the many.

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14 Jul 2009, 5:20 am

phil777 wrote:
And this is why i usually counter with something called Negation. By considerably diminishing what they consider to be power, you realize they are rather powerless. ^.- True power is rather hard for a human to describe or grasp, since we all have our own bias to carry.

Power is to make others do as you wish. (Wasn't so hard now, was it? ;))

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14 Jul 2009, 7:21 pm

Well, aside from getting all the hotties, getting invited to the right parties, and things you want actually happening....I can't think of anything...;)