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10 Jan 2011, 2:56 am

PatrickNeville wrote:
Maybe this is just an "interesting writer" but this writer appears to have documented something factual. I am glad that I mindlessly believe everything, otherwise I may not have believed this.

Are you kidding me?

Strange how thermite and thermate particles were found around the world trade centre and all around central NY after it was carried about by the dust.

These samples are still around today but the government has trouble acknowledging the evidence. Perhaps, the government planted the thermite and thermate to try and make the conspiracy theorists sound crazy?

Full report is right here: ... troduction

More half-truths, eh?

Check this video:


Steven Jones is a liar who doesn't deserve to be trusted as a physicist.

A well documented video series which covers the factual evidence about the towers itself and all the acitivies going on leading up to it, on the day and afterwards.


Ok, why are you afraid of posting links to videos debunking the crap spewed out by that series?


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10 Jan 2011, 3:14 am

codarac wrote:
Are you asking why people believe the conspiracy theories you have listed or why people believe in conspiracy theories in general?

Because some ideas that were once labelled conspiracy theories have gone on to be widely accepted as fact (eg, MK-Ultra, Operation Gladio).

I'm not familiar with the two you mentioned, but what do you mean by "widely accepted"? As you may know, 911 conspiracy theories are also widely accepted as "factual".

I don't think I have ever heard anyone suggest that the commies are the reason homosexuals exist.

No problem. All you have to do is check the following thread:

You might or might not kow this, but it is widely accepted that there was in the 18th century a secret society that historians have called The (Bavarian) Illuminati, founded by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt. A Scottish freemason and science professor called John Robison wrote a book in 1797 claiming that the Illuminati infiltrated European Freemasonry and played a key part in the French Revolution. Others have claimed the same, e.g., early 20th century historian Nesta Webster, who was admired by Winston Churchill. I don’t know how widely accepted today the idea that the Illuminati successfully infiltrated Freemasonry is. But I understand that the idea that the Illuminati played any significant role in the French Revolution is a marginal one. The idea that the Illuminati are still around today is obviously a more marginal idea still; it probably owes something to the fact that the subversive ideas described in Robison’s book (as I understand it – I have not read the book myself) are similar to subversive ideas later promoted by other movements (eg, communism) and described in other texts (eg, the notorious Protocols of Zion), and to the fact that in some sense some of these vague ideas seem to have become a reality in the modern world (eg, the undermining of monarchy, patriotism, religion and family life). The long list of influential people who are or were Freemasons obviously contributes to conspiracy theorizing along these lines too.

So what exactly is the Illuminati as mentioned in various conspiracy theories? Can we know for sure the details surrounding it? Or do we have to keep relying on speculations and creative stories and moments of the past?

I know almost nothing about the alternative theories surrounding 9/11, but I’d be very surprised if any “9/11 truther” claims no planes hit the twin towers.

Conspiracy theorists, in general, will say anything to "prove" their points. You seem to underestimate them.

Check the following forum:


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10 Jan 2011, 3:27 am

PatrickNeville wrote:
@Codarac, it is of my opinion that they still are about and have a power influence in the world today.

If look through time you will see that these same illuminati families, most notable, the rothschilds and rocketfellers, these families have control of many many central banks and are at the top of many major corporations. they can dictate world economical events if they wish.

So exciting!! !! !!

i was critisied for posting this before. so just as a word of caution you do not need to take it as fact, here is a timeline of the Rothschilds activities throughout the world. ... schild.htm

Andrew Hitchcock again .....

Here is a llist of sources which that list used

Holy Bible - King James Version

Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies - John Robison - 1798

The Life of Napolean - Sir Walter Scott - 1827

Coningsby - Benjamin Disraeli - 1844

The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Martin Malia - 1848

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - Albert Pike - 1872

The Rothschilds, Financial Rulers Of Nations - John Reeves - 1887

The Jews and Modern Capitalism - Werner Sombart - 1911

Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine - Samuel Landman - 1936

Pawns In The Game - William Guy Carr - 1937

Inside The Gestapo - Hansjurgen Koehler - 1940

Barriers Down - Kent Cooper - 1942

The Mind Of Adolf Hitler - Walter Langer - 1943

The Empire Of The City - E. C. Knuth - 1946

The Jewish State - Theodor Herzl - 1946

The Curious History of the Six-Pointed Star - G. Scholem - 1949

Secrets Of The Federal Reserve - Eustace Mullins - 1952

Tales Of The British Aristocracy - L. G. Pine - 1957

Red Fog Over America - William Guy Carr - 1958

A Jewish Defector Warns America (Spoken Word Recording) - Benjamin H. Freedman - 1961

The Rothschilds - Frederic Morton - 1962

The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations (Spoken Word Recording) - Myron Fagan - 1967

Ben-Gurion: The Armed Prophet - Michael Bar-Zohar - 1967

The Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin Freedman - 1971

None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen - 1972

The Gulag Archipelago, Vol. 2, Parts 3 and 4 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - First English translation published 1975.

Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler - Anthony C. Sutton - 1976

The Rosenthal Document - Walter White, Jr. - 1978

Two Rothschilds And The Land Of Israel - Simon Schama - 1978

The Six Pointed Star - Dr O. J. Graham - 1984

The Last Days In America - Bob Fraley - 1984

Who Owns The TV Networks - Eustace Mullins - 1985

The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy - Seymour M. Hersh - 1991

A History of the Jews in America - Howard M. Sachar - 1992

Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S. Israeli Relationship - Paul Findley - 1993

Descent Into Slavery - Des Griffin - 1994

Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier - 1995

Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak - 1994

Satan Speaks - Anton Szandor LaVey - 1998

The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK - Robert Gaylon Ross - 2001

Never Again? The Threat Of The New Anti-Semitism - Abraham H. Foxman - 2004

The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell The People - Robert Gaylon Ross - 2004

Codex Magica - Texe Marrs - 2005

The Bible??? I wonder what verses were taken out of context to support your views. ;)

I bet you take quotes out of context in those books you listed.

Oh, and Texe Marrs is a big liar.

Remember people many of those books would have had their own sources as well.

So? Listing and citing sources is not the same as quoting and understanding the sources within context.

For anybody willing to, it is worth tracing back banks and corporations to see who really owns what. Bare in mind, that steps are taken to put things under different surnames within the same family at times, but can often be traced back to the same source.

Oh, yeah. That would be one hell of a mental masturbation. 8)


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10 Jan 2011, 3:40 am

zer0netgain wrote:
True and false. No doubt planes hit the WTC, but there is no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon.

Wrong. There is evidence. I posted two videos earlier in this thread that show that a plane did hit the Pentagon.

The bodies were there. Without doubt, the Nazi machine was funded by Illuminati members.

How easy it is to make up claims like the above ...

True, but I very much doubt they go by that name.

Then what name do they go by? And what exactly is the Illuminati like? Please ... enlighten us.

I've seen claims from both sides, but I think it was real.

Why the lack of confidence?

False. There is evidence of immune-compromising testing going on in San Francisco years up before AIDS emerged...actively seeking promiscuous gay men for "drug trials." Once AIDS emerged, all testing along these lines was shut down and never mentioned again. Odds are Patient Zero took HIV to Africa rather than the other way around.

Ok ... I know it's a hard question, but ... what's your source for this?

True and false. Homosexuals have always existed, but certainly the communist influence in America wants to break down a nation by any means possible. The "free love" movement was encouraged by the communist thinkers...which lead to the sexual revolution and the rejection of traditional values held for centuries in favor of "new" ideas.


Undetermined. The medical community wants to call it bunk, but there is proof of many unsafe substances being detected in vaccinations, and there is no excuse for some of these contaminants. Since there is a published agenda to cull up to 80% of the population of the world by various means, I am very suspicious of new vaccinations or a push for getting any given vaccine. Especially when you see the money interests behind many of these pushes for vaccination.


NONE. If you've paid attention, these conspiracy theories are attributed to people with no political power and hardly enough money to get their voices heard. Rather, its the detractors of such theories who have the power and money to shout over them.

You, my friend, have just had an Asperger's moment. I meant "psychological power". What's this psychological power that makes conspiracy theories so attractive to people?

Now, could that mean that the power brokers are actually funding the conspiracy theorists to create confusion and division in the chattel they seek to control? Perhaps. Certainly WTO funding has been traced as the source for groups that protest WTO functions around the world. These groups are anarchists who start trouble so the police can take draconian actions to stop legitimate protesting in the name of public safety, so not all "activist" groups really care about an issue but exist to inhibit other legitimate activist organizations. Just as some cities send police officers undercover into legitimate protest rallies to start altercations so the SWAT team can come in and break everything up (yes, this has been documented repeatedly and caught on film).



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10 Jan 2011, 3:41 am

MCalavera wrote:
codarac wrote:
Are you asking why people believe the conspiracy theories you have listed or why people believe in conspiracy theories in general?

Because some ideas that were once labelled conspiracy theories have gone on to be widely accepted as fact (eg, MK-Ultra, Operation Gladio).

I'm not familiar with the two you mentioned, but what do you mean by "widely accepted"? As you may know, 911 conspiracy theories are also widely accepted as "factual".

I don't think I have ever heard anyone suggest that the commies are the reason homosexuals exist.

No problem. All you have to do is check the following thread:

You might or might not kow this, but it is widely accepted that there was in the 18th century a secret society that historians have called The (Bavarian) Illuminati, founded by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt. A Scottish freemason and science professor called John Robison wrote a book in 1797 claiming that the Illuminati infiltrated European Freemasonry and played a key part in the French Revolution. Others have claimed the same, e.g., early 20th century historian Nesta Webster, who was admired by Winston Churchill. I don’t know how widely accepted today the idea that the Illuminati successfully infiltrated Freemasonry is. But I understand that the idea that the Illuminati played any significant role in the French Revolution is a marginal one. The idea that the Illuminati are still around today is obviously a more marginal idea still; it probably owes something to the fact that the subversive ideas described in Robison’s book (as I understand it – I have not read the book myself) are similar to subversive ideas later promoted by other movements (eg, communism) and described in other texts (eg, the notorious Protocols of Zion), and to the fact that in some sense some of these vague ideas seem to have become a reality in the modern world (eg, the undermining of monarchy, patriotism, religion and family life). The long list of influential people who are or were Freemasons obviously contributes to conspiracy theorizing along these lines too.

So what exactly is the Illuminati as mentioned in various conspiracy theories? Can we know for sure the details surrounding it? Or do we have to keep relying on speculations and creative stories and moments of the past?

I know almost nothing about the alternative theories surrounding 9/11, but I’d be very surprised if any “9/11 truther” claims no planes hit the twin towers.

Conspiracy theorists, in general, will say anything to "prove" their points. You seem to underestimate them.

Check the following forum:

MK-Ultra was some nasty CIA stuff, trying to create an unconscious assassin by means of everything from hypnosis and brain washing (think Manchurian Candidate), and even through drug use like LSD. It was pretty evil, and one agency researcher who had been unknowingly slipped LSD (he was apparently the actual test subject) had plunged to his death from a hotel window after telling his wife he had done something terrible. Officially, all this creation of an unconscious assassin who could be activated at anytime never worked. But there have been conspiracy theorists who have come to believe that assassins like Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan may have been activated to commit murder, after being programmed.
I admit, I've never heard of the other program.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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10 Jan 2011, 3:44 am

PatrickNeville wrote:
I thought I'd add something in. Planes may not have been directly involved at all that day.

I can't say for myself if this is real evidence or not, but according this video Analysis, there a possibility that it was a different object which hit the towers.

I neither believe nor disbelieve it by the way.


You are so sneaky, aren't you? :o

The original moon landings were apparently a hoax. This is supposed to be because of evidence of multiple light sources and because an image / video of underneath the craft, should have had an impact crater. There was not really a mark on the surface where the shuttle had landed. I believe man landed on the moon second time round. I am not sure about the first time though.

Some posters have responded to this already, so I won't address this again.


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10 Jan 2011, 3:45 am

thechadmaster wrote:
MCalavera wrote:
AIDS exist because of perverts having sex with monkeys.

That one is actually true...

Ok, man, whatever you say, lol.


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10 Jan 2011, 3:56 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
MK-Ultra was some nasty CIA stuff, trying to create an unconscious assassin by means of everything from hypnosis and brain washing (think Manchurian Candidate), and even through drug use like LSD. It was pretty evil, and one agency researcher who had been unknowingly slipped LSD (he was apparently the actual test subject) had plunged to his death from a hotel window after telling his wife he had done something terrible. Officially, all this creation of an unconscious assassin who could be activated at anytime never worked. But there have been conspiracy theorists who have come to believe that assassins like Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan may have been activated to commit murder, after being programmed.
I admit, I've never heard of the other program.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Thanks for the information. Still, we should always be careful to differentiate the clear facts from the speculations no matter what.


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10 Jan 2011, 4:01 am


Ted Kaczynski was involved in MK-Ultra. The program was obviously a failure (so I am making no connection between the success/failure of the program and his crimes). I bring this up to mention that it clearly was a torturous and psychologically damaging experiment.

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10 Jan 2011, 4:11 am

I just caught a mention of "thermite residue" being found in Manhattan being put forth as part of a 9/11 conspiracy theory. Now for those of you who don't know, thermite is simply a mixture of powdered iron oxide (rust) and powdered aluminum, usually ignited by means of a magnesium strip. It's used in welding railroad ties out in the sticks where it's tough to haul in equipment, and used to be used by saboteurs to destroy tanks and artillery by fusing the breach shut. AFAIK it is not used in demolitions, it's simply too slow and it's action is more a melting or welding than a cutting one; CD is all done with shaped charges and det cord. As to the residue, aluminum planes were crashed into steel and concrete structures, it seems pretty obvious how iron and aluminum "residue" would tend to get scattered about.

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10 Jan 2011, 5:42 am

MCalavera wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
MK-Ultra was some nasty CIA stuff, trying to create an unconscious assassin by means of everything from hypnosis and brain washing (think Manchurian Candidate), and even through drug use like LSD. It was pretty evil, and one agency researcher who had been unknowingly slipped LSD (he was apparently the actual test subject) had plunged to his death from a hotel window after telling his wife he had done something terrible. Officially, all this creation of an unconscious assassin who could be activated at anytime never worked. But there have been conspiracy theorists who have come to believe that assassins like Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan may have been activated to commit murder, after being programmed.
I admit, I've never heard of the other program.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Thanks for the information. Still, we should always be careful to differentiate the clear facts from the speculations no matter what.

But of all conspiracy theories, I think the notion that the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and MLK were carried out by more than just lone nuts has perhaps the most credence (possibly). But envisioning brainwashing the shooters by the real conspirators (among other things) does nothing but make genuine assassinations researchers appear to be no more than the run-of-the mill conspiracy nuts. Just look how the late former New Orleans DA Jim Garrison found his very promising career destroyed when he began listening to every crackpot and pathological liar who claimed to want to help him in his investigation of the Kennedy assassination.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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10 Jan 2011, 9:35 am

Nambo wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
The vaccine link has been proven to be 100% BS and that's that.

Exactly, just as its been proved God never existed and global warming is man made,

Thanks, you have now outed yourself as a typical BS spreader.

No, the vaccine link is confirmed false. There is evidence for it to be a freaking lie. Because Wakefield's fraudulent study caused many students to come, and consistently no link was found. THERE IS NOT EVEN CORRELATION between vaccines and autism. The claim that vaccines cause autism or are related in any way is 100% BS. More info here: . Read it all, educate yourself, learn not to make statements when you know nothing about something. Specially when it comes to vaccines because your frigging ignorance may result in actual deaths.

It is way different from the case of god. Although the Christian God story is confirmed false due to the bunch of evidence that shows the bible is completely wrong. It is always possible a god exists for some odd reason. He would not have been necessary for creation or evolution but maybe such a deity exists. It is not a falsifiable fact, so you cannot prove that it does not exist. The vaccine-autism claim is completely falsifiable and it was proven false.

In the case of global warming, we have models that can only succeed at predicting the current temperature rise if we consider man-made it is not strong evidence. For Vaccine-autism on the other hand, there is strong evidence that there is no such link.

now everybody please just belive what the nice men in the white coats tell us it true, after all, doesnt matter how much money you pay them, they could never lie, just relax, transmission will resume shortly.

A lot of men in lab coats lie. For example Mr. Wakefield was a corrupt doctor that used fraudulent data to spread the myth that there is a link between vaccines and autism. He received money from lawsuit lawyers to do that study and he falsified data in order to do it.

Nobody is asking to blindly follow what scientists say, but to follow what science says. When a scientist makes a claim that is fraudulent and because of money he received, there are tons and tons of other scientists that will test the claim themselves.

It is silly and naive to think that only big pharma has the money to spend on scientists and studies, when clearly the side against big pharma has paid for tons and tons of studies. Alt med guys are as likely to pay for studies as big pharma, and they do. The big supplement industry is as corrupt as the big pharma industry, but worse, because at least big pharma's stuff work.

The same with global warming, you are not telling me that the oil companies can't afford to pay for some studies...

All studies need money to be done. And bias is everywhere, so what stops scientists to make conclussions up? Any outstanding claim will likely be verified multiple times and scientists found to falsify data and/or to take conclusions that contradict it will be found. As a result, they will lose their licenses and they will be outed as frauds. That's what happened to Mr. Wakefield.


Last edited by Vexcalibur on 10 Jan 2011, 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Jan 2011, 9:42 am

Nambo wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
The lunar landers didn't slam into the moon when they landed like meteorites, it would have killed the Astronauts on board they used thrusters to slow the decent so the landing wouldn't destroy the lunar lander and kill everyone on it. That's where there are not large craters, their descent was slowed to a rate that would be safe for the crew on board.

Now I seem to remember the moon supposedly covered in fine dust, we where shown astronauts footprints, rooster trails from the lunar buggy, and they had to push that flagpole into something soft.
So, the thrusters to slow the decent would surely have blown a crater where the lunar module landed.
One of the other posters said it was solid rock, but like I said, I remember footprints in the dust.

It is covered in dust. Which lies upon the rock. The rock is under the dust. Thrusters would have disturbed the dust, blasted an area nearby clean. Where does said dust go? No wind to spread it. It would just settle wherever it got blown to by the thrusters, which would be the surrounding area where the astronauts were walking. The thrusters wouldn't damage the rock underneath, and the dust isn't THAT deep that you would get a huge crater.

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10 Jan 2011, 10:15 am

MCalavera wrote:
zer0netgain wrote:
True and false. No doubt planes hit the WTC, but there is no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon.

Wrong. There is evidence. I posted two videos earlier in this thread that show that a plane did hit the Pentagon. must posses the one item of evidence that NOBODY has ever produced before.

Sorry. Not one shred of evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon. Initial hole (captured by photographs and videographers) shows something way too small for a plane to create and absolutely no evidence of an aircraft hitting the building (debris, etc.). Only the government's claim that it was a plane. There is video evidence of planes hitting the WTC, but not the Pentagon.

As for the rest of your questions, do your own research. I used to really be into following this stuff, and I have multiple CDs and some DVDs full of files and stuff I downloaded in case it got wiped off from the sources I consulted. I have no time or desire to pour through them to find where I got each of the tidbits I posted up here...especially since I suspect you would not accept any of it as credible...making the whole exercise a waste of my time.

The evidence has always been there. For those not interested in digging, they are never satisfied with a quick answer, and the "quick answer" they are asking for has nothing quick about it. The truth goes pretty deep and gets very ugly. There are some extremely sick and perverse people running the show in national and global politics. Killing several thousand to make billions is nothing to them.


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10 Jan 2011, 12:26 pm

I think that if you need evidence the Apollo 11's moon landing was true, you must head towards the fact that the flag "waved".

"Flags won't do that in space" is what any layman with some background knowledge about atmosphere would think. So, if you were to make a hoax landing video, you would make sure not to make the flag "wave" or look like it was.

But the flag did, and it turns out there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it.



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10 Jan 2011, 9:37 pm

MCalavera wrote:

And, by the way, it's a clear fact that an aircraft hit the Pentagon. And there's huge evidence for that (not to mention witnesses):


If its a clear fact, why havnt the powers that be released any film of it?, the most surveyed building in the world, yet they confiscate the security camera film from the nearby petrol station, are they trying to hide something?

All they release is the five frames as followed, no need to watch it all, Iam just talking about the visible exhaust trail


Now, I used to be an aircraft mechanic in the armed forces, but you only have to go to your local airport and watch the exhaust trail from Gas Turbine engines at full throttle on takeoff, to see that they dont actually leave a visible exhaust trail, just a heat haze, what does leave a white trail like the one in the 5 frame release, is a rocket engine, the sort they use in missiles like bunker busters, which are the only "aircraft" able to penetrate 3 rings of the Pentagon.

Now these witnesses you talk about, do they include these Police men who where there, and witnessed what actually happened?

Or I suppose they are liars as well as anybody else who you have no other excuse for.
