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01 Jul 2012, 3:10 am

I feel the establishment has often failed the people on the floor, usually through collusion with others, a lot of them were born into an upper echelon of society so have no idea what its like, thus unfit to govern it. old parties are stuck to ideals that are ancient, or that once worked and no longer do, so I'm gonna put forward a few policies and see if others see the logic to my argument, ever since being a child i wanted to be prime minister lol.

The state should be about, allowing people freedom to live and worship in freedom without engaging in any worship, to provide services that are needed to legislate against discrimination, to provide education, to allow social movement and providing for the very poorest.

Firstly I'm going to make a point about welfare, i do not wish to see anyone starve to death in my country, however i also do not think it fair for a person to live parasitically on the toil of others, if we look back to caveman times, don't work don't get, there are many families in my area who do not work at all, do not wish to work, or engage in work, they suck money from hard working families, this must be stopped, there must be a clear incentive to work, benefits should feed not provide. a lot of people ask "Why should i work when i would be better off on benefits" the clear answer is you shouldn't, what is the point working and paying tax for someone who does nothing to get more money than you, its nonsense i would cut welfare into shreds, giving only enough for people to eat, if they wish to change their circumstances i can see an easy way out, get a job.

I want to end child benefit, in the west we often look at china and say "one child policy barbaric" actually the chineese system incentives one child but discourages a second. whereas in the west our system encourages people to continuously breed unwanted children as a meal ticket, these unwanted children then go on to be unproductive. We should provide no incentive to breed at all, nor should we hinder people breeding, we should just simply set up a system to say if you want children pay for them!, tis not the rest of the populations responsibility to pay for your children. I would keep free school meals however because all children should have at least one good meal a day, the system will provide this. the end of child benefit will be active as soon as this law is passed, all qualifying people for child benefit at time of passing will continue to receive it until its expiration, it seems unfair to cut off the people born to breeders as they will not be provided for properly otherwise,

housing benefit will be capped at a low amount and paid directly to the landlords, i see no reason for this to be disputed, if you work and get a nice house well done, if you want a house for free, its not going to be great.

Disability benefits will remain untouched with more stringent rules, having a bad back is not an excuse to not work in a call centre.

legal aid would be a loan rather than protection, guilty you pay, innocent it slides, it would also be capped to prevent predatory lawyers.

Im going to nationalise cannabis, thats right i don't trust the free market to be able to deal with something like this properly, it fails epicly with alcohol so i see no reason to let it ruin pot, it would also allow the nation massive revenue generation, it would also prevent massacres in mexico due to our consumption, it would also stop the black-market, dealings many users have to go through with all together not nice people, however any crime committed while high would be a mandatory prison sentence, i feel if we must be liberal we must also be hard with misuse of our liberties. keeping it illegal benefits criminals, people use cannabis we can't outlaw human behaviour so accepting this would be a big step forward for all of us, what people put in there own bodies is of no business to us its not our right to nanny people without good cause, if cannabis was legal, i wouldn't do it.. so why is it a problem, would legalising it cause everyone to do it? no it would allow people to continue to use it without fear of being criminals. i would however require a cannabis card, which keeps track of all purchases by users, so we can prevent trafficking to other places and keep people safe. Note anyone caught trafficking drugs, would not receive consular assistance.

other drugs penalties would be upped in order to reflect that cannabis is deemed safe, however other drugs would be reviewed for their societal harm/good and may receive the same treatment as cannabis.

Im going to nationalise prostitution, no no not like that, I'm going to designate areas where prostitutes can work, which the booths (red light district amsterdam style) are government owned and rented out to the protstitues
from which they could then do their business, police would patrol the streets, and be immediately contactable by a panic button. Prostitution is known as the oldest profession, it continues to happen with or without us wanting it, what business of ours is it to say people should not pay for sex? it would also prevent us making people criminals for a harmless crime, note the competition from prostitution is FREE sex so all morality is really lost on me, it would also allow us greater protection of the prostitutes and a better regulated sex market, preventing the spread of aids with mandatory checks, condoms would be enforced. we would be taking a bad market and making it better, it will always happen. Any human traffickers who abused this system or "Pimps" would face life imprisonment, life means life now (see crime)

Taxes, We have to accept that some taxes are neccesarry we can't live without the police, someones gotta pay for them, but the way i see taxes handed out by the people who share my view of cutting taxes is atrocious.
Its always a tax cut for the very richest "trickle down effecT" "wealth creators" well thats a load of baloney, i intend to lift the amount of earnings on what we pay tax at, by increments of 1000 pounds per year if feasible, this way everyone wins, the minimum wage will not be taxed either, that way the huge chunk of society wins, i do however intend to lower tax % across the board, but not the top rate first, this seems out of whack with reality and sensibility more people who benefit from my tax cuts the better, i shouldn't let the rich pay less when the poor need it first. my feelings are tax is slavery, if you pay 20% tax, 20% of your time is worked for the government, this seems wrong to me. I would later on in my tax plans, like to remove certain professions from tax and perhaps tax some more highly, some of our greatest minds are working in financial services adding no real value to society at all, moving around estimates on stock prices, to benefit other people who gain from buying then selling these things, creating nothing and making money, society would be best served if we incentiviced doctors or firefighters, however this would need much review so the above is all for now. I would also try to use VAT to benefit brittish goods.

I would also insist any company operating inside britain must pay the full tax on earnings within britain, i know that sounds simple but it is flouted all the time by large multinationals. corporation tax would be lowered, to increase productivity, however i do not believe in take overs using excessive amounts of debt, company A can buy company B get lots of debt to take on a company that will pay off the debt and then some this usually results in company b losing a ton of jobs in order to service the debt when it was a fully functional company before.

I would aim to end foreign aid, as giving away our money seems to me to be moronic, i would use this money to cut the budget deficit. However i would also try and create trade agreements with 3rd world governments so we can both benefit together, instead of us merely handing out money, when i do not see results from it on our soil. it is neither governments right to hand out money to foreigners, they are not my electorate, i do not believe i owe them anything, lets trade and help them progress, not handout and expect change.

Moving on from empire, i think for too long our politicians like germanys have been lumbered with the idea of original sin, that what we did in empire we should apologise for today, however no one alive today participated in slavery, no one alive today directly suffered, lets embrace it, but stop making policies to address bygone issues.

Quota's will not exist inside my britain, the reason is very simple, we should make our every endeavour to prevent discrimination in the work place. That being said i believe quotas merely give an unfair advantage, because of the past sins we are saying "you were discriminated against in the past" "now we will discriminate against whom benefitted" positive discrimination is not positive it is discrimination, its a zero sum game, someone wins someone loses. "You cannot have this job because you are white and have a penis" imagine someone saying that swapping for black and vagina, there would be outcry, i see no reason to legislate for any discrimination, it does not benefit minorities to gain jobs on tokenism rather than achievement. people often use the argument "but if they have the same qualifications then it shouldn't matter" OF COURSE IT MATTERS these are humans we are dealing with, living beings with aspirations hopes and fears, shall we say the circumstance of their birth is holding them back from a job? something outside their control is hindering them? it gives better looking statistics, but its peoples lives we are dealing with, if we promote someones interest above others, are we not only repeating the mistake of the past in reverse? I would also end certain groups, in my britain i do not wish for colour to be an issue given any thought, we should move past that, working as humans, not blacks whites ect.

Crime a softly softly approach benefits nobody but criminals i suppose thats why so many become politicians, mandatory jail sentences for all violent crime and theft, would be an amazing start, if we don't like people littering hike the fine up higher, i would build more prisons, to deal with the inflow of new prisoners, i would then make them engage in work programmes, i hold the belief that repeat offenders should suffer increasingly harsher penalties. Murderers should be forced to do a life sentence no parole, i feel like this, some people are not fit to live in society nor should society suffer them, murderers are among these. Paedofiles are a difficult one, they are born with a sexual attraction they cannot control towards children, however this is damaging to society and we can't allow them to be part of it. so convicted paedofiles would be sentenced to prison until they agreed to be voluntarily castrated, at which point all sexual desire gone they would no longer pose a threat to society at large. Rapists would be convicted for a long time and too face castration, they have urges that can't be controlled and cannot live among us. However i would demand that all people facing trial for any crime be given anonymity until proven guilty, this is because people believe the old mantra "no smoke without fire" a false accusation can really ruin a life. Religious extremists would be jailed too, because they do not wish to be a part of our society and are corrosive inside it, by this i mean terrorists and hate preachers, not just loonies.
self defence would be just that, if someone pulls a knife on you and you shot them, that would be fine, both can take a life. The internet would be left free from regulation.

I would make economics mandatory, i believe much of our woes are from awful money management, lack of knowledge about economics, i don't really wish to reform it further, although i would give schools powers to remove disruptive pupils and to fine the parents for their actions, it is the parents job to look after their children don't drop them on the states doorstep. I believe education is the route to freedom, so i would open access to everyone to higher education, at any age, along with the ability to attain the correct grades to enter these, too often people don't achieve because they didn't go to uni at 18 and spend a life in regret well thats over now. I Would also force university applications to be read without the school of the entrant, this is one of the reasons we have such low social mobility because oxbridge discriminates against none public school students, we end up with a culture of who you know, now what you know, if I'm trying to promote a meritocracy i should surely end the crony system we have at present as it serves nobody particularly well. Life skills would be taught in schools to allow well rounded opinions to be formed.

Defence, i believe that if the government believes in calling our soldiers heroes then they should treat them like them, stop sending them abroad to participate in "Wars of choice". I would increase the army and increase defence spending, so we could be sure of our protection, however i would also give the army a social role in planting trees and things like that, instead of having them stand ready to kill at any given moment, i would keep the nuclear deterrent however would implement a brittish launching system, i would also, pass a bill suggesting that anyone who vote's to go to war in the house of commons, must then resign their post temporarily and join the war effort on the front lines, which would make wars less of choice and more of necessity as our politicians would be at risk instead of a few poor boys.

Health britain is unique in the health service being nationalised, so it should only provide necessary operations and not optional ones, people who have cosmetic surgery that fails and is none life threatening must not be able to get it rectified by the nhs, obese people would be warned that they cannot expect to be subsidised by others for their choices, smokers too, in life threatening situations the nhs would act, along with A&e no more operations of choice. i would also issue fines for missing appointments, that is because we shouldn't waste a free system.

I would pose an in out eu referendum strongly backing that we leave the european union as it is not democratic and it is not functioning, it would also save us 18 billion pounds a year from leaving, i would not wish britain to be part of a superstate.

As for budget deficits i would cut the budget deficits to 0, then begin to pay off the debt, this would be done mainly through measures outlined above, i would ensure that any chancellor going above a 1% budget deficit lost his salary for that year, it is of maximum importance to future generations we do not burden them with debt and if this means we have to cut back jobs so be it because those jobs are existing outside of financial realities. i would also make sure pensions are affordable as at the moment they read like a ponzi scheme where future generations pick up the tab for other people, i feel a lot of the accounting is lying and will be a crisis we need to end the crisis and fix it right away, so that future generations aren't left paying for the older ones, we must sort this out, as pensions are ponzi schemes and lies that steal from the future.
We must also end this idiocy of austerity vs growth, the real argument is Austerity vs Debt, we cannot continue to burden ourselves with debt, look at greece spain italy ireland portugal, we are not an exception, all our growth was built on debt, so we must pay it off if this means shrinking public sector, then it is better to do it now, than wait till we cannot borrow any more and do it, it will be far less severe. Debt is not an instrument of growth it is an instrument of slavery.

I would also annihilate red tape, ensuring rights for everyone, i would seek to place a law that removed google earths rights to show peoples houses (e.g. by bye google earth and streetveiw) I would reform section 5, i would be sure to allow all political parties equal standing, i would end secret trials, i would make the uk us extradition law equal, i would reform the human rights act so terrorists can't stay here, i would reverse the governments internet snooping laws the police now have. i would reform section 5.

I believe immigration is not good for societies well mass immigration, i also believe we take great people from countries that really need them, when a nation is deemed safe i would send refugees home, because they get into the country on the grounds of asylum they should then reapply on the grounds they are now immigrants, it would be unfair to the other migrants if not. I would end immigration for 5 years, because i believe it dilutes our labour market and leaves our lower skilled workers out of jobs, not until 99% employment would i consider allowing more people into britain, we should try and feed the people inside the uk first.

The reason these are my policies are because i do not believe that socialism can work, it is asking people to change their nature, i believe my system works with nature and allows immense personal freedom without government interference, i think these policies are less authoritarian than what has gone before, i think it would allow greater freedoms and better expression, there are many other policies i wish to tweak which i will update here, if you took the time to read this i am very great full, i think its common sense

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03 Jul 2012, 4:33 pm

...socialism can't work, because it is asking people to change their nature.

And yet human civilization is dying morally, politically, and economically as I speak. "Human nature" is slowly killing us off like flies.

I've studied Russian history for several years now, specifically the Russian revolution of 1917, and one thing I can tell you is that socialism does work.

Before the Soviet Union, before Stalin, there was the soviet. What's a soviet? A soviet was simply a bottom-up, grass-roots organization composed of workers, peasants, soldiers, and sailors.

The soviets ran factories and other Russian industries under a policy of "workers' control"(crude as it was), and eventually following the October Revolution ran most municipal services in the cities.

The army was disbanded in areas under "red control," to be replaced by the red guard, or a workers' militia. It was only gradually eclipsed with the hurried formation of the Red Army following German intervention in Russia's revolution, which even then started out small and was arguably a necessity.

Once the Bolsheviks launched their insurrection in October, the parties dominating the main Petrograd Soviet at the time, the Menshevik and Right SR parties, would walk out in protest.

Later, the Left SR party, which split from it's more right-wing mother party, would take up cabinet positions in the new Bolshevik-majority government. They even participated in running the Cheka, or the embryonic Soviet secret police.

Amid all the crises(food crises, fuel crises, disease, etc.) and gradual increase in authoritarian governance created by these crises by the new Bolshevik-Left SR coalition government, the soviets lingered on.

As the situation demanded centralization, local district soviets would slowly but surely become subordinate to the Petrograd and Moscow Soviets, but even then tried to guard their localized independence fiercely.

My point?

The soviets were socialism-in-action, only destroyed or rendered obsolete by the demands of the revolution and civil war in Russia.

It didn't have to happen that way, but unfortunately history took a sharp turn for the worse.


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03 Jul 2012, 4:36 pm

AudaciousLarue wrote:
...socialism can't work, because it is asking people to change their nature.

And yet human civilization is dying morally, politically, and economically as I speak. "Human nature" is slowly killing us off like flies.


Since all we have is human nature it looks like we are screwed, doesn't it?



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03 Jul 2012, 7:06 pm

ruveyn wrote:
AudaciousLarue wrote:
...socialism can't work, because it is asking people to change their nature.

And yet human civilization is dying morally, politically, and economically as I speak. "Human nature" is slowly killing us off like flies.


Since all we have is human nature it looks like we are screwed, doesn't it?


Yes it sure does.


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03 Jul 2012, 8:14 pm

human nature is a fallacious concept

not literally but in the way its used here.

there are plenty of things that we learn, including how to control our impulses and what impulses to control, to say we are powerless in the matter is to abandon ones capacity for learning.

//through chaos comes complexity//

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03 Jul 2012, 8:18 pm

Oodain wrote:
human nature is a fallacious concept

not literally but in the way its used here.

there are plenty of things that we learn, including how to control our impulses and what impulses to control, to say we are powerless in the matter is to abandon ones capacity for learning.

Some people don't have that kind of self controle.


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03 Jul 2012, 8:27 pm

I agree.


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03 Jul 2012, 11:35 pm

Joker wrote:
Oodain wrote:
human nature is a fallacious concept

not literally but in the way its used here.

there are plenty of things that we learn, including how to control our impulses and what impulses to control, to say we are powerless in the matter is to abandon ones capacity for learning.

Some people don't have that kind of self controle.

most do by far, or they wouldnt have learned not to crap their pants when they were small.

it might be true that many disregard their responsibility(both to themselves adn others) to do so later in life and that is where the problems start.

//through chaos comes complexity//

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woe be to the nose who nears it.


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05 Jul 2012, 8:28 pm

I've studied Russian history for several years now, specifically the Russian revolution of 1917, and one thing I can tell you is that socialism does work.

It works in theory. There always seems to be a Stalin that raises up and ruins the system because of human greed and lust for power.


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05 Jul 2012, 11:05 pm

I agree with the OP on most things, but there are a few things I might add:

Taxes - They are a burden on everybody, but I agree that some are nescessary for public services. If you add up all of the nickel and diming from state, local, and federal governments, we are probably handing over 50% of our paychecks each year. That's equal to working 6 months out of the year for free, just so someone else can use your money for something you may or may not want. Also, our taxcode is too complex and unfair. Our government basically robs Peter to pay Paul, then you have those that are robbing both Peter and Paul.

Child Tax Credits - I agree that they should do away with them, or at least reduce it to 1 kid or something. The system basically teaches people to be irresponsible.

Welfare - There should be safety nets in place for people that really need it, but it shouldn't be permanent. They should help you get back on your feet, nothing more. Also, if the government hands out food cards to people, they should only be for basic nescessities, nothing more. No free cellphones, no steak dinners on the taxpayer, etc.


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05 Jul 2012, 11:16 pm

Double post... :roll:

Last edited by SilverStar on 05 Jul 2012, 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Jul 2012, 11:18 pm

thewhitrbbit wrote:
I've studied Russian history for several years now, specifically the Russian revolution of 1917, and one thing I can tell you is that socialism does work.

It works in theory. There always seems to be a Stalin that raises up and ruins the system because of human greed and lust for power.

That's like saying that cars don't work because they can be stolen.


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06 Jul 2012, 6:27 pm

Oodain wrote:
Joker wrote:
Oodain wrote:
human nature is a fallacious concept

not literally but in the way its used here.

there are plenty of things that we learn, including how to control our impulses and what impulses to control, to say we are powerless in the matter is to abandon ones capacity for learning.

Some people don't have that kind of self controle.

most do by far, or they wouldnt have learned not to crap their pants when they were small.

it might be true that many disregard their responsibility(both to themselves adn others) to do so later in life and that is where the problems start.

That is a bodly function which does have something to do with Self Controle. It how ever does not have to do with common urges.

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09 Jul 2012, 7:49 am

thewhitrbbit wrote:
I've studied Russian history for several years now, specifically the Russian revolution of 1917, and one thing I can tell you is that socialism does work.

It works in theory. There always seems to be a Stalin that raises up and ruins the system because of human greed and lust for power.

I can't tell you how many times I've been told that socialism "works in theory."

Joseph Stalin rose to power due to a variety of factors affecting post-civil war Russia. By 1922, following the founding of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the nascent government set up in 1917 had been effectively turned into a bureaucratic organization, under the umbrella of a single ruling party, the Bolshevik Party.

By 1924, two years following the USSR's founding, Lenin had tried to correct past mistakes in dealing with how the government was organized. He wrote a series of letters and essays concerned with reorganization of the state near the end of his life. Many of his letters were intercepted by Stalin's spies, who hid them.

Stalin wouldn't be denounced until 1956, in a speech Khrushchev made to the 20th Congress of the CPSU.

Prior to 1919, the Bolshevik Party was part of a coalition government with the Left SR Party. This would end in 1918 after a spate of terrorist attacks launched by the Left SR Party following alleged vote rigging at the Fifth Soviet Congress.

And before 1918, during the Second Soviet Congress in November of 1917, delegates from the Menshevik and Right SR Parties would walk out in protest, despite efforts to keep them in the government.

The single party state was only formed following a complex set of diplomatic measures. It had nothing to do with socialism or socialist governance.


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12 Jul 2012, 11:40 am

Audacious you have completely ignored why their was food shortages in the first place, why was there food crises? boom socialism, how much russian history did you study, or did you just do it through rose tinted glasses?