Swiss assisted suicide groups attack Gov-funded study

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26 Apr 2013, 9:27 am

Suicide organisations criticise public research

The five organisations which legally offer assisted suicide in Switzerland have criticised a government-commissioned research programme led by a Catholic theologian, saying the project is too biased.

Exit Romandie, Exit Deutsche Schweiz, Dignitas, Ex International und Lifecircle demand the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) readjust the national research programme end of life NRP 67. They claim the CHF15 million ($16 million) programme is “unscientific”, “biased” and “full of Catholic morality”.

The science foundation firmly rejects the charges. The scientific quality of the project is sound, according to spokesman Ori Schipper. The foundation had been aware of the charges since December 2012 and had offered to discuss the issue with the organisations but they had declined, he added.

It's worth noting that the concept of assisted suicide is highly supported by the Swiss public. In referenda on the subject, the electorate have strongly supported allowing people - whether Ausländer or Eidgenosse - the right to choose when they die if they are ill.


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26 Apr 2013, 10:51 am

I don't understand why conservative christians care so much about what atheists do with their own lives. Suicide may be a sin in their worldview, but the atheist is already doomed anyway. People should decide for themselves on these issues. If the catholics want to cling to their life and suffer to the end, it's their choice.


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26 Apr 2013, 2:22 pm

trollcatman wrote:
I don't understand why conservative christians care so much about what atheists do with their own lives. Suicide may be a sin in their worldview, but the atheist is already doomed anyway. People should decide for themselves on these issues. If the catholics want to cling to their life and suffer to the end, it's their choice.



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26 Apr 2013, 7:08 pm

Also this. ^

I'm usually smarter than this. <<my thingy