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02 Mar 2017, 7:03 pm

Note: I am not some Islamophobic loser who is trying to give condescending “advice”. I am a guy who is genuinely sick of all this tribal warfare. I genuinely want to make the world a better place.

Trump is not Hitler: He’s more like Netanyahu. That’s why Netanyahu loves him so much.

Hang around with Jewish Anti-Zionists: That way, not as many people will accuse you of anti-Semitism. Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are your friends.

Remind people that Muhammad liked Jesus and Mary: Christianity, Islam and Judaism are not so different.

Tell people about the war industry: Tell people about the big oil companies and weapon companies that finance perpetual warfare.

Remind people that Muslim males often get circumcised during late childhood: Islamic circumcision isn’t always forced upon babies who cannot object.

Use Nayzak art: Nayzak is an awesome DeviantArt user who draws pretty Muslim anime girls wearing traditional Muslim garb. You may be thinking “That’s silly and childish.” Think again. The alt-right has been using anime girls and memes as political weapons. Get with the times.

Keep saying “DAESH” instead of “ISIS”: This de-legitimizes the so-called “Islamic State”.

Distance yourself from the Saudi royals: Make your disapproval known.

I also have some advice for the liberals here: Don’t think “I have to criticize Christianity and Islam equally or else I am a hypocrite.” Islamophobia is everywhere. Nearly everyone in the West nowadays is Islamophobic. Anti-Christian hate is practically nonexistant.

Please get this message out to as many Muslims as possible.

war industry delenda est

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.