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What belief system do you currently identify with?
Christianity 21%  21%  [ 4 ]
Judaism 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Islam 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Hinduism 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
Buddhism 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Sikh 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Satanism 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Agnosticism/Atheism 26%  26%  [ 5 ]
Unsure 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
Prefer not to say 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Other 37%  37%  [ 7 ]
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31 May 2017, 9:12 pm

I call myself an agnostic, but I do like to explore various theories of how the universe as we perceive it came to be and whether or not our perception of reality actually reality. My favorite theory is one that myself and some fellow patients on the inpatient unit of a psychiatric hospital came up with over a year ago. We came up with the idea that there waas a massive apocalypse or disaster of some sort, and only one man survived. The trauma drove him so insane that he created us. Thus, we are highly detailed figments of his imagination and subconscious, whose stories play out as he wanders the rubble the world has been left in. When he dies, we die. We are not actually human beings.

What's your theory? Share away!


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01 Jun 2017, 2:02 am

So there is this unfortunate shell-shocked giant dude stumbling around the ruins of his post-apocalyptic world.

And he has delusions. And we are his delusions.

But...then...where did HE, and his world, come from?

Is he, and the devastated world, he lives in, the delusions even bigger dude in some third bigger universe? :)


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01 Jun 2017, 6:06 am

But...then...where did HE, and his world, come from? Is he, and the devastated world, he lives in, the delusions even bigger dude in some third bigger universe?

No, the world he's from came about as a result of the Big Bang and evolution. He is the last living human being that actually exists, and as such was born a product of sexual reproduction.


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06 Jun 2017, 2:37 am

IMHO- "all that is" = "god." god is not a he, nor a she, nor a singular entity sitting on a grand throne. god is everything and everywhere. we are part of god and enable god to know itself better. all is a grand thought going on infinitely.


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06 Jun 2017, 4:54 am

I think that one day God spilled some ink on the carpet, and then knelt down to try to clean it, and the stain just spread, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. And now the stain is this whole universe.


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06 Jun 2017, 11:33 am

What the OP describes sounds similar to the Gnostic Apocryphon of John. However, Gnosticism offers a way out. That's the most satisfying explanation I've found.

"I find that the best way [to increase self-confidence] is to lie to yourself about who you are, what you've done, and where you're going." - Richard Ayoade


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06 Jun 2017, 5:24 pm

I fancy myself a Christian. As for how we got here; I think God used the laws and forces of nature to create everything through the Big Bang, as well as geological and biological evolution over a period of billions of years. Call me a theistic evolutionist.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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06 Jun 2017, 6:43 pm

I have this vague belief that there was never a "big bang," and that the Universe is infinite.

I'm an atheist/agnostic who doesn't mind talking about philosophy and religion. I don't like to really argue about it, though.

I'm pretty much an empiricist when it comes to philosophy, even though I take the "best" from many philosophical schools.


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07 Jun 2017, 6:51 am

i think it was the Hindus who thought that this cycle [what we know as life on earth] was but one of countless cycles, big bang after big bang like an engine that keeps puttering along for infinity.


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07 Jun 2017, 8:21 am



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08 Jun 2017, 1:01 am

^^^^^"a cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence". sounds like I got Samsara down pat. :mrgreen:


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08 Jun 2017, 1:05 am

If I may go absurdist, this world makes no damn sense. Believe something practical that you can really get behind, and which focuses your attention on what's really important. Might as well.

"I find that the best way [to increase self-confidence] is to lie to yourself about who you are, what you've done, and where you're going." - Richard Ayoade


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08 Jun 2017, 1:38 am

The Universe or reality we know might exist on the surface of an extra-dimensional Torus or Toroid shape. I think some people even call this the 'doughnut' universe.

An implication of this is why we see the Universe expanding and especially accelerating. This is from coming out of the center and our region of space is 'stretching' here.

If we could live for billions of years more, we might see the Universe slow a little as we come into the outiside of the toroid. Then things might speed up again. We might mistakenly think we're coming to our Universe's edge and see a wall of clumping matter becoming highly energized, but we are actually coming back into the middle of the toroid to be recycled and shot out the other side in a never ending Big Crunch / Big Bang cycle that is still going on even now. It may even be the on going Big Banging that sort of powers the Toroid 'Space' propping it up.

This is not a strong belief of mine, but amusing speculation.



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08 Jun 2017, 1:43 am

i voted "other"

i am a christian in one sense, but i never read the bible, and even if i did i would not believe most of it because if "Jesus" existed, then all he said was in some way bastardised by those who recorded what he said.

the bible was written by humans, and it is just their minds interpretation of things.

if something was to befall me like the possibility of a medical result coming back and revealing i had a terminal disease, the only one i would pray to is Jesus.

no other religion has it's representative on earth being the direct "son of god" (which in itself is a complicated concept)

but in my true mind in a logical day to day sense, i think i understand hinduism more so than any other "religion".

once, i took more than i should have of LSD, (i only tried it twice (it is spiritually dangerous (hindus approximate the idea by their saying "do not rip the skin off the snake before it is time for them to molt it"))) and i was so terrified i had been forever cast out from sanity. i looked in the mirror and saw someone else. i wondered "if i am that blob of meat, then i am mistaken about my whole existence".

anyway, i had a hindu book which i fished out of my library (in desperation) called "be here now" written by richard alpert, and it was so easy to read and it brought me back to earth. it made me understand what i was experiencing.
before i looked at it i thought i was on some crazy journey into the "never never" of absolute nonsensical consciousness forever.

anyway, i believe in God because the fact that anything is in existence is a miracle.
whether or not it was one big bang or multiple ones or whatever, if you think that underlying causation of everything is "nothing" in "the beginning", then one has to accept that is is miraculous to get something from nothing. even time itself, if it has been going on forever (not created in "the big bang") must be more than nothing.

how can there be any such thing as "nothing"?
"nothing" can not exist.
that is the miracle and only miracle that was (whatever the verb may be)....cast by god.

all other reports of miracles are simply lack of understanding of how something came to be, or formed in the imagination.

it is not describable. one simple touch by god was infinitely complex and runs without error for eternity.

as a human, and an autistic one thart is not very interested in philosophy, i will just leave it there and go back to living under my bony skull until i die and either see or not.


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08 Jun 2017, 2:23 am

The Universe or reality we know might exist on the surface of an extra-dimensional Torus or Toroid shape. I think some people even call this the 'doughnut' universe.

An implication of this is why we see the Universe expanding and especially accelerating. This is from coming out of the center and our region of space is 'stretching' here.

If we could live for billions of years more, we might see the Universe slow a little as we come into the outiside of the toroid. Then things might speed up again. We might mistakenly think we're coming to our Universe's edge and see a wall of clumping matter becoming highly energized, but we are actually coming back into the middle of the toroid to be recycled and shot out the other side in a never ending Big Crunch / Big Bang cycle that is still going on even now. It may even be the on going Big Banging that sort of powers the Toroid 'Space' propping it up.

This is not a strong belief of mine, but amusing speculation.


that was an exceptional idea that corresponds with my idea about "the bubble" which i will not go into.

it is difficult to believe that simply due to the doppler shift of the spectrum (toward red) in objects WE SEE farther away, that it is conclusive that the universe is truly accelerating outward.

where is the center of the big bang? point to it.
what location in space do you reckon it happened?

when one considers the spoke like expansion of energy which coalesced into matter , then it it obvious that spokes become further away the further they extend from the hub (like a bicycle wheel spoke that is).

the number of "spokes" emanating from the big bang are an infinite number of spokes in a three dimensional direction (unlike the single plane that the spoke in a wheel occupy), and it stands to reason that everything is getting further away from everything else.

if we consider our particular "spoke" from the big bang, then matter that formed behind us closer to the hub, would not be ejected from the hub with such force as we were because of the diminishing force of the explosion, and due to that, they would not be traveling as fast, and so also be becoming further away from us.

but there is a conservation of mass/energy in the universe that ensures a grand crunch again in my opinion.

one can say that a loss of mass that is converted to energy (nuclear fission and fusion) gives it's identity back to the field of energy.

the energy released by the czar bomb in that horrific experiment by russia in the 1960's resulted in the conversion of a small amount of mass (2 hydrogens to one helium which is not twice as heavy) to energy, and that energy did not disappear from the universe when the cloud dispersed. it continues to ripple off into the energy dimension to become potentially converted back to mass.

so does energy have gravity?
it must or else if would not be able to coalesce into mass.

so in the whole scheme of things, there will be no energy lost during the cycle of the current big bang's manifestation (mass is just bound up energy anyway), and so it is inevitable that the gravitational attraction between all the energy in the universe will curtail the outward momentum of it's initial outward thrust. everything will reach a limit of extension as the outer things stop going any further out due to halting of their outward velocity, and all inner things will also reach that limit (less mass behind slower things in an equation will result in the same "braking force" and stop everything at the same distance).

this will then look conceptually like a bubble where everything in the universe is equidistant from it origin, and lateral forces (sideways gravity) will then cause an equal stretching in all directions on that plane, and there will be a pop where a single "droplet" forms (like a soap bubble popping) after the equilibrium of the concentration of mass on that plane has resulted in a single flaw that causes the whole thing to pop into it. a droplet of no dimensions, but the seed of the next big bang.

ohhh blah blah blah....

i have pages and pages of calculations, but one can not postulate things without testing.

anyway, i do think that strings are the essential bond that energy travels through to create matter.

they always, in my calculations, look like laces.

here is a pic, but i am out of the conversation now.
it will be impossible to describe the idea behind this here.
