Jesus seems to hate some things. Do you? Is hate good?

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03 May 2017, 2:30 pm

Jesus seems to hate some things. Do you? Is hate good?

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Jesus seems to be saying that he is promoting division and war with a number of his sayings that pit father against son and brother against brother.

Jesus advocated division, war and hate; even as some think he preached to love our enemies.

Did Jesus hate and is hate thus a good character trait?



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03 May 2017, 3:46 pm

I guess everyone hates something sometime. I hate moderating sometimes because of threads like this, which seem to me intended to stir up conflict on WP. Your islamophobic thread asserting your moral superiority over anyone who is not islamophobic has been removed for this reason. If this one moves in the same direction, the same outcome is likely.


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03 May 2017, 9:15 pm

I hate Jesus, the Bible and just about all organized religion in general. I hate war and disease and oppression and politicians and lying and bullying and the world leaders and blood-sucking parasitic insects and spammers and racists and ableists and rapists and death. And some other things I'd better not mention because they'd get me banned off this site even if nothing I say about them is untrue.

So when someone says they love everybody and everything, I wonder what kind of potent drugs they must be on or what dream world they're living in, because the rest of us are living in a nightmare world.


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04 May 2017, 3:47 am

I'm sure his issue was with hypocrites, liars, those types of people.

But to answer your question, I think we, as human beings, have a natural tendency to hate certain actions or groups of people. Of course we should try not to hate, but it's inevitable that it comes out of us at some point.

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04 May 2017, 7:38 am

He liked wine well enough.
Maybe wrath is a better word than hate.I like the wrathful Jesus that kicked the money changers out of the temple.

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04 May 2017, 8:33 am

Not sure how Jesus enter the equation, but when I feel rage associated with people, events or even my current surroundings, I use it as motivation to reach the next phase of life. Knowing that I am better than the situation I'm being put through.


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05 May 2017, 3:06 pm

GnosticBishop wrote:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Jesus seems to be saying that he is promoting division and war with a number of his sayings that pit father against son and brother against brother.

Not entirely, what the verse is saying is that his words will cause division between people. Jesus's teachings were not exactly popular, and he is saying that if you follow me certain relationships will falter. (including familial relationships, remember many people who were followers of Jesus had Jewish backgrounds) Which is exactly what many family members of Jesus's disciples try to convince them that following Jesus wasn't worth it, and will keep them away from God. Even though they believe Jesus when he said he was the begotten son of God, and he is the way to God.

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05 May 2017, 8:43 pm

B19 wrote:
I guess everyone hates something sometime. I hate moderating sometimes because of threads like this, which seem to me intended to stir up conflict on WP. Your islamophobic thread asserting your moral superiority over anyone who is not islamophobic has been removed for this reason. If this one moves in the same direction, the same outcome is likely.

Thanks for this.

I will put you down as agreeing that hate has its place within us.

As an aside.
Did you not notice my miss-use of the term Islamophobe?
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05 May 2017, 8:49 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
I hate Jesus, the Bible and just about all organized religion in general. I hate war and disease and oppression and politicians and lying and bullying and the world leaders and blood-sucking parasitic insects and spammers and racists and ableists and rapists and death. And some other things I'd better not mention because they'd get me banned off this site even if nothing I say about them is untrue.

So when someone says they love everybody and everything, I wonder what kind of potent drugs they must be on or what dream world they're living in, because the rest of us are living in a nightmare world.

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We shall have to exchange banned from sites list some time.

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06 May 2017, 5:24 am

Brainfre3ze_93 wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Jesus seems to be saying that he is promoting division and war with a number of his sayings that pit father against son and brother against brother.

Not entirely, what the verse is saying is that his words will cause division between people. Jesus's teachings were not exactly popular, and he is saying that if you follow me certain relationships will falter. (including familial relationships, remember many people who were followers of Jesus had Jewish backgrounds) Which is exactly what many family members of Jesus's disciples try to convince them that following Jesus wasn't worth it, and will keep them away from God. Even though they believe Jesus when he said he was the begotten son of God, and he is the way to God.


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06 May 2017, 6:45 am

Hate is useless and even when justified should be avoided. I have no idea what Jesus thought about this and I don't think it's relevant. Hate knows know religious bounds, it is a human feeling.

Hate does nothing to the object of hatred, but destroys the person who feels it.


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06 May 2017, 7:06 am

Misslizard wrote:
He liked wine well enough.
Maybe wrath is a better word than hate.I like the wrathful Jesus that kicked the money changers out of the temple.

Yes. He got angry on occasions. But anger does not equal "hate".


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06 May 2017, 8:04 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
He liked wine well enough.
Maybe wrath is a better word than hate.I like the wrathful Jesus that kicked the money changers out of the temple.

Yes. He got angry on occasions. But anger does not equal "hate".

I agree with you both, and, not to sound all armchair-psychiatrist and such, but it is one thing to hate/strongly dislike behavior and another to hate a person. If Jesus were really the mature, enlightened person that he seems to have been, he would be able to hate some things and not let that consume him. (Please note that I consider someone like Jesus to be a role model, but I don't take everything in the Bible literally; it contains much wisdom but has been written, translated, and edited numerous times by more-or-less ordinary people who are prone to misconceptions and use it to serve their own needs in their own cultures and their own times. I've looked to other sources of spiritual inspiration and guidance since I left the church in which I was raised.)

It's natural for humans to hate/strongly dislike something; it actually does serve some good--it can help define your values and raise awareness of a problem. It goes awry when people don't examine it, aim it in the wrong direction, take pleasure in it, amplify it, celebrate it, and/or use it to manipulate others and channel it into destruction.


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06 May 2017, 10:38 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
Jesus seems to hate some things. Do you? Is hate good?

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Jesus seems to be saying that he is promoting division and war with a number of his sayings that pit father against son and brother against brother.

Jesus advocated division, war and hate; even as some think he preached to love our enemies.

Did Jesus hate and is hate thus a good character trait?

No, I don't think Jesus hated (people, at least), because he promoted "Hate the sin, not the sinner"----like somebody pointed-out him upturning the tables in the Temple, because he hated what they were doing; but, if any one of those money changers would have asked-for God's Grace, I feel they would have received it, if they went-through Jesus.

As for Jesus' quote: I agree with Brainfre3ze_93, and will add that it was Jesus' job to give people, God's message; and then, to determine which people would follow him (thus, be a follower of the Father). I don't feel the passage is saying that Jesus advocated war----but, he knew that his coming, would CAUSE one, because he knew that some would not believe, and would fight the ones who DID.

No, I don't hate----nor, do I think it's good----because I feel it only weakens my spirit; and, like others with Aspergers, if I only have to deal with "Aspie stuff", ALONE, I need my spirit to be strong and intact.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
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06 May 2017, 11:16 am

KimD wrote:
It's natural for humans to hate/strongly dislike something; it actually does serve some good--it can help define your values and raise awareness of a problem. It goes awry when people don't examine it, aim it in the wrong direction, take pleasure in it, amplify it, celebrate it, and/or use it to manipulate others and channel it into destruction.

Ah, EXCELLENT point!! I agree----and feel I should amend my previous statement.....

I HAVE had my moments where I've said, something like: "OMG, I HATE that!!"; but, just as soon as the words are out of my mouth (or, even if they just enter my mind), I realize that I need to take a step back, and analyze what I consider thee ULTIMATE extremity. So, instead of my response being "No, I don't hate", I should've said that as soon as I recognize the emotion, I do everything that I know to do, to ensure that the moment doesn't linger, because I feel it only causes me harm.

Also, I take GREAT care to ensure that I say: "I hate it when so-and-so does that"----as opposed to "I hate so-and-so, for doing that"----because I have chosen to continue to hold-dear, what I had been taught, all-of-my-life, growing-up: "hate the sin, not the sinner"; also, it helps to ensure that I don't throw-out the baby with the bath-water (meaning, it helps to ensure that I don't dismiss the ENTIRETY of a person's being, just because I thought the thing they did, was wrong, or whatever).

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
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06 May 2017, 11:47 am

I hate child abuse and will not tolerate it. If I found out that a family member was abusive to a child I would call the police. A less extreme example would be drunk driving. I hate it. If a family member was going to drive drunk and I couldn't stop them, I would report them to the police.

Hate can be good if it is an intolerance of something that will harm another person.