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28 Mar 2023, 6:04 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
Persephone29 wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Persephone29 wrote:
Sorry, but I see a lot of democrats who list 'far right' candidates as a big reason for the divide. But when a conservative suggests a more moderate democrat as a similar solution it's a 'no go.' That's why the divide remains.

I apologize if this comes across as picking on you. I don't mean to. But why we have this divide? It has nothing to do with who the Democrats put up for election.

I don't see Tulsi Gabbard as moderate; I see her as a little bit nuts. Inconsistent. She also isn't a Democrat anymore; she officially left the party.

Biden is a moderate Democrat. Bernie Sanders is not.

Biden has a history of working across the aisle. Democrats let go of boatloads of popular priorities in electing him. He recently sided with Republicans against a priority of his own party. Alaskan oil leases if I recall. Or something like that. Are you aware of that? Biden is a classic, moderate Democrat. He has been seen that way his entire career. A bit establishment, with a troublesome son, but moderate.

I'm not onboard with all Democrat party policy ideas myself.

It wouldn't matter who the Democrats put up. The right wing media and the Russian propaganda bot system would make sure half the country saw them as something they weren't. None of this split is about actual policy anymore; its anger for the sake of being angry, occurring to varying degrees on both sides of the aisle, and there is no rational solution to that beyond learning how to not fall for it.

She's nuts to YOU, why do you assume you're the best judge? In my experience with democrats, 'nuts' is a term they whip out when they don't like the person's stance on their pet passions.

I want a leader who focuses on a few things only : spending (stop it), defense (build it), and taking care of old or disabled people. If a person waffles while they figure out how it's done, I'll grant them a little clemency. That goes for both sides.

Biden is corrupt, he knew he had aspirations beyond the senate and sent his son to do his dirty work. The Biden family has benefitted financially from Hunter's dealings with Ukraine and China. In your heart, I think you know this, but you are so blinded by your own desire to have your party in the White House that you're willing to overlook it.

The only thing that happens when democrats are unwilling to consider a more moderate candidate is TRUMP. So while it's easy for the far left to sit back and pretend they have absolutely nothing to do with it, they helped to put Trump in office just as much as his supporters. When you are unwilling to compromise, you get the extreme candidate as the manifestation of frustration's only outlet.

1. She is nuts.

2. You want a leader that stops spending? The I guess you've been a democrat voter your whole life then, eh? republicans claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility in their blah blah blah to voters, yet they're the ones who rack up debt and then when a democrat president comes in they have to get the country's finances back under control pretty much every time - the biggest example ever in the history of the USA being donnie trumplestiltskin who massively ballooned the federal debt bigglier than any other president in the history of the USA.

3. Corrupt presidents and their kids? Even IF hypothetically the Bidens are making some $ off of Joe's name, how much is it? A couple Mill? Maybe ? Now have a look at what trumpty dumpty and his kids just did.. never sold his businesses or stopped running them, took in Millions and Millions from foreign dignitaries via his hotels, ivanka was granted a bunch of patents from China while she was working in the white house, eric & don jr continued selling donnie's real estate all over the world - hundreds and hundreds of Millions worth while the orange guy still headed the company while he was president, his son in law got a $2 BILLION investment from the saudi's 6 months after leaving office, and hell what's her complicit face Melania even had a jewellery line she and the orange guy tried hawking straight on the white house website! There's no way you can whine that Hunter Biden, a Lawyer, scored a job and a paycheque on the board of some company and not scream from the rooftops about the trumps endlessly enriching themselves from taxpayers or abusing their political offices. WTF.

4. It's already been explained to you that democrats made a massive sacrifice in not supporting a progressive candidate that should have been in office, like Bernie Sanders, in order to put a more centrist moderate like Biden in the white house.

Sorry, we disagree.

Still waiting on Trump to be arrested.

Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.

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28 Mar 2023, 11:45 pm

Persephone29 wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Persephone29 wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Persephone29 wrote:
Sorry, but I see a lot of democrats who list 'far right' candidates as a big reason for the divide. But when a conservative suggests a more moderate democrat as a similar solution it's a 'no go.' That's why the divide remains.

I apologize if this comes across as picking on you. I don't mean to. But why we have this divide? It has nothing to do with who the Democrats put up for election.

I don't see Tulsi Gabbard as moderate; I see her as a little bit nuts. Inconsistent. She also isn't a Democrat anymore; she officially left the party.

Biden is a moderate Democrat. Bernie Sanders is not.

Biden has a history of working across the aisle. Democrats let go of boatloads of popular priorities in electing him. He recently sided with Republicans against a priority of his own party. Alaskan oil leases if I recall. Or something like that. Are you aware of that? Biden is a classic, moderate Democrat. He has been seen that way his entire career. A bit establishment, with a troublesome son, but moderate.

I'm not onboard with all Democrat party policy ideas myself.

It wouldn't matter who the Democrats put up. The right wing media and the Russian propaganda bot system would make sure half the country saw them as something they weren't. None of this split is about actual policy anymore; its anger for the sake of being angry, occurring to varying degrees on both sides of the aisle, and there is no rational solution to that beyond learning how to not fall for it.

She's nuts to YOU, why do you assume you're the best judge? In my experience with democrats, 'nuts' is a term they whip out when they don't like the person's stance on their pet passions.

I want a leader who focuses on a few things only : spending (stop it), defense (build it), and taking care of old or disabled people. If a person waffles while they figure out how it's done, I'll grant them a little clemency. That goes for both sides.

Biden is corrupt, he knew he had aspirations beyond the senate and sent his son to do his dirty work. The Biden family has benefitted financially from Hunter's dealings with Ukraine and China. In your heart, I think you know this, but you are so blinded by your own desire to have your party in the White House that you're willing to overlook it.

The only thing that happens when democrats are unwilling to consider a more moderate candidate is TRUMP. So while it's easy for the far left to sit back and pretend they have absolutely nothing to do with it, they helped to put Trump in office just as much as his supporters. When you are unwilling to compromise, you get the extreme candidate as the manifestation of frustration's only outlet.

1. She is nuts.

2. You want a leader that stops spending? The I guess you've been a democrat voter your whole life then, eh? republicans claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility in their blah blah blah to voters, yet they're the ones who rack up debt and then when a democrat president comes in they have to get the country's finances back under control pretty much every time - the biggest example ever in the history of the USA being donnie trumplestiltskin who massively ballooned the federal debt bigglier than any other president in the history of the USA.

3. Corrupt presidents and their kids? Even IF hypothetically the Bidens are making some $ off of Joe's name, how much is it? A couple Mill? Maybe ? Now have a look at what trumpty dumpty and his kids just did.. never sold his businesses or stopped running them, took in Millions and Millions from foreign dignitaries via his hotels, ivanka was granted a bunch of patents from China while she was working in the white house, eric & don jr continued selling donnie's real estate all over the world - hundreds and hundreds of Millions worth while the orange guy still headed the company while he was president, his son in law got a $2 BILLION investment from the saudi's 6 months after leaving office, and hell what's her complicit face Melania even had a jewellery line she and the orange guy tried hawking straight on the white house website! There's no way you can whine that Hunter Biden, a Lawyer, scored a job and a paycheque on the board of some company and not scream from the rooftops about the trumps endlessly enriching themselves from taxpayers or abusing their political offices. WTF.

4. It's already been explained to you that democrats made a massive sacrifice in not supporting a progressive candidate that should have been in office, like Bernie Sanders, in order to put a more centrist moderate like Biden in the white house.

Sorry, we disagree.

Still waiting on Trump to be arrested.

How can there be disagreement about facts? :?

Maybe the various prosecutors are coordinating to drop all their indictments simultaneously just for the lolz? Or so no one goes first and becomes a victim of trumplestiltskin’s stochastic terrorism efforts ?

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29 Mar 2023, 12:04 am

goldfish21 wrote:

Don't fall for it Trumpy! 8O


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29 Mar 2023, 12:08 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Pepe wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
The same folks who were cool with 'lock her up' suddenly have a problem with a criminal not being allowed to use running for president as a get-out-of-jail-free card? :lol:

Hillary escaped the consequences of her reprehensible actions.
Why shouldn't Trump?

Because two wrongs don’t make a right.

You do realise I would very much like to see the Orange Man sporting an orange jumpsuit, right?
But I am NOT going to hold my breath. :silent:


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29 Mar 2023, 6:02 pm

Persephone29 wrote:
Still waiting on Trump to be arrested.

I think it's going to be a very long wait.

Grand jury is going on hiatus, if I heard that right.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to milk the case to his advantage. I want to say the DAs office should have kept a lid on it, but I'm guessing they were obligated to let the Trump team know what they had placed in front of the grand jury, and that allowed Trump to be Trump and play it all up. Sigh.

As I noted earlier, due to the statute of limitations, its most likely a very thin case, so there might not ever be an indictment.

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29 Mar 2023, 6:42 pm

DW_a_mom wrote:
Persephone29 wrote:
Still waiting on Trump to be arrested.

I think it's going to be a very long wait.

Grand jury is going on hiatus, if I heard that right.

You heard that right.
The Manhattan grand jury investigating Trump plans to take a break in April
The Manhattan grand jury considering evidence about former President Donald Trump's role in a hush money scheme may not take any action until the latter half of April.

That's due to a pre-planned break beginning next week that coincides with Easter, Passover, and Ramadan, two people familiar with the investigation tell NPR.

Grand Jury proceedings are secret. Prosecutors are prohibited from speaking about them, and jurors can ask for more evidence, witnesses, or time for deliberations, so uncertainty typically surrounds the end of grand jury investigations.

The District Attorney's office isn't commenting, but one Trump attorney, Alina Habba, who is working on a separate civil case brought by the New York attorney general, issued a statement saying, "It is not normal to take a three-week break when you are up against a statute of limitations."

Prosecutors have said the statute of limitations does not apply in this case because Trump has resided out of state since 2017, and because of COVID-19.

The pre-planned break means that prosecutors in other jurisdictions, including Special Counsel Jack Smith in Washington, D.C., and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia, could be the first prosecutors in the country to criminally charge a former president.

I don't believe the leaked reason for the delay
Best case scenario: Bragg is giving in to pressure not to be the first

Worst case scenario. That last witness damaged the prosecution big time and Bragg is paralyzed not knowing what to do. Trump skates away from yet again from another "this time they really got him" scenario. Libs owned

My guess: Worst case scenario.

Either way, clusterf**k

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29 Mar 2023, 9:14 pm

Maybe they’re just giving professional courtesy to Jack Smith and letting him go firstsies!

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30 Mar 2023, 4:50 pm

Apparently this is breaking news rn:


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30 Mar 2023, 5:00 pm :mrgreen:

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30 Mar 2023, 5:46 pm

Best thing in the world that could happen ahead of an election. It will be a indicted past president and a dementia patient... What a time to be alive! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.

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30 Mar 2023, 5:50 pm

It has been announced as breaking news. Donald Trump has been indicted. The first ever former United States president to face criminal charges.


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30 Mar 2023, 5:51 pm

Persephone29 wrote:
Best thing in the world that could happen ahead of an election. It will be a indicted past president and a dementia patient... What a time to be alive! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just remember to take a breath so you don’t drown from excessive Kool-aid consumption.

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30 Mar 2023, 5:57 pm

Did we really need another thread on this?


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30 Mar 2023, 5:58 pm

HUZZAHS!! ! I'm drinking tonight!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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30 Mar 2023, 6:11 pm

While I am happy about the news, I worry how his supporters will react.

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30 Mar 2023, 6:47 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
While I am happy about the news, I worry how his supporters will react.

The legal system can't allow itself to be intimidated by malcontents. And from what I understand, many MAGA types are beginning to realize that Trump never had their back, and tossed them away once he was done using them.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer