Gordon Brown urges to keep Asperger's hacker in the UK

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07 Dec 2008, 2:17 pm

No Ed, please do not go for a whole new set of laws.

We do not need a new set of laws, the internet came after phone networks and newspapers.

When phone networks were first established people was up in arms asking what the phone company would do to prevent some vile monster phoning up children and saying seditious things down the phone. In the end the common carrier defense was applied to the phone companies.

All we need to do most of the time is to use existing laws, for instance if you write something which is untrue and harmful to the reputation of another person here then you have commited libel. The existing libel laws can be used in any country where the internet extends to so be good.

Always bear in mind that the absolute defence against libel is to show that what you have written is true. For instance Jeffrey Archer can never sue for libel if someone calls him a liar becuase it is very easy to prove that he lied in court.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.


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07 Dec 2008, 2:22 pm

I'm not talking about libel... I'm talking about terrorism... using the Internet to attack a country's (or a company's) computer systems. This kid is a terrorist, even if he's not Muslim :lol:


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07 Dec 2008, 3:00 pm

ed wrote:
...This kid is a terrorist...

Perhaps I've missed something, ed, so would you just explain why you believe he's a terrorist? I thought he was just digging for information on UFOs. Anyway, regarding terrorism, the actions of both your government, and ours here in the UK, only convinces many that terrorism can be justified when directed against the apparatus of a state that treats its citizens, and those of allied countries, with contempt beyond a certain threshold. If the US can do what it's doing to that hacker chap, and can also do this, then is it hardly surprising that your country is so hated in many other parts of the world where you've no need to exercise restraint and can kidnap, torture and kill with impunity. Is it any wonder that people go to such lengths to harm your citizens? A while back I was of the belief that your country was a force for good. Now, like many on both sides of the political divide here in the UK, I can only convince myself that our association with the US is justifiable on a lesser of evils basis.


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07 Dec 2008, 3:36 pm

You're right... terrorist is too strong a word,

Remember, I don't want him extradited :)


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07 Dec 2008, 3:41 pm

1) This waa not an act of terrorism, it was an act of tresspass and inadvertant vandalism
2) What sort of shit-hat net is the US running where one british havker looking for something as specfic as a UFO can kill 300 cmoputers?
3) Time and time again this guy has said these nets were not even basically protected. As such the fault lies with the US.
4) If you leave your front door unlocked and you get robbed, what do the insurance people say when you try to claim?
5) 70 years in an American jail is cruel and unusual punishment for a crime such as this. It is neither sensible nor reflective of the crime committed.
6) 70 Years in prison for a crime such as this as committed by an Aspie is even more so cruel and unusual,and infringes any sot of human right this man has.
7) In a nation where your medical centres and schools regularly electrocute and abuse Autistics as a matter of procedure, I cant imagine for a moment that a prison would be much more sympathetic to his disability.
8) Face it US, you got shown up. But why worry so much? If this guy got in and out this easy, then Al Quaeda have been in and out more than your staff have. And have you seen any real detriment to your system? Nope. Has this not taught you to password protect? Result.
9)I cant not say it again.. 70 YEARS? Where the f**k do you get such a stupid sentence from? My advice to this kid is immediately go out and commit armed robbery. He'll get less time for it. What sort of a stupid bass-ackwards world do we live in where people can do time for s**t like this, but we cant keep rapists and child-murderers off the streets for more than 3 years?

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07 Dec 2008, 3:43 pm

I agree with Macbeth. Even when rapists and serial killers are put into jail for a measly amount of time, they always get f***cking bailed halfway through for some unexplained reason. Meanwhile people who hack computers with no passwords or firewall are getting 70 years!

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07 Dec 2008, 3:53 pm

Indeed, and I haven't even got into the dubious morality and questionable legality of extraditing OUR citizens abroad.

I suggest that Mr Brown tell the US exactly where to stick it. We are not some form of lapdog, doing whatever the White House says. We are an independent Sovereign nation with our own laws, and should certainly not be handing our citizens (and disabled ones at that) over for scapegoating to hide the mistakes of official US bodies.

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07 Dec 2008, 4:03 pm

I agree. While the offense involved America, and the subject of the crime was in America, he was British and did it in Britain. The US want him there, as you said, to cover up the fact that they had no passwords or firewalls.

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07 Dec 2008, 4:14 pm

Macbeth wrote:
I suggest that Mr Brown tell the US exactly where to stick it. We are not some form of lapdog, doing whatever the White House says. We are an independent Sovereign nation with our own laws, and should certainly not be handing our citizens (and disabled ones at that) over for scapegoating to hide the mistakes of official US bodies.

It'd be about time... when Tony Blair was your PM, I thought you were our 51st state! :lol:


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07 Dec 2008, 4:40 pm

ed wrote:
Macbeth wrote:
I suggest that Mr Brown tell the US exactly where to stick it. We are not some form of lapdog, doing whatever the White House says. We are an independent Sovereign nation with our own laws, and should certainly not be handing our citizens (and disabled ones at that) over for scapegoating to hide the mistakes of official US bodies.

It'd be about time... when Tony Blair was your PM, I thought you were our 51st state! :lol:

I dont have great hopes for this one either, but maybe, just maybe, we might see a little twinge of Thatcherite balls. Say what you like about that Woman, but she took no s**t from people. NewUK has a horrible tendency to curl up and capitulate at a moments notice.

Back in the day, we would do such wonderful things as dispatch the Navy to foreign shores, just to ensure the safety of one of our citizens. We very nearly came to war over matters such as this.

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07 Dec 2008, 6:40 pm

Thatcher was Pinochet’s poodle, good ridden to her. Chile was an economic experiment to the US and UK. It was her deregulation model of the UK markets that the US copied later, which is the same one that has lead to the current economic crisis. Originally it was not possible in the US, but it in the UK the US companies liked the climate a lot and got what they wanted in the end. It is all very well blaming recent administrations for the UKs economic woes, but if you want to find the root of hands off see no evil regulation Thatcher introduced it, the rest is merely a case of using what little powers there are efficiently, which is pretty much a loosing battle. Brown may or may not be a good prime minister, but you can't doubt his experience with the economy. The Conservatives have failed to come up with a cohesive economic plan, all they do is criticise and offer no actual alternatives. George Osborne is a pretty piss poor shadow chancellor. The problem with the Conservatives is they don’t allow any talent to shine, they would rather have a stuck up toff masquerading as ‘one of them’.

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07 Dec 2008, 6:50 pm

The man should stay in England.

80 years, as others have said, is waaay to harsh.


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07 Dec 2008, 6:52 pm

0_equals_true wrote:
Thatcher was Pinochet’s poodle, good ridden to her. Chile was an economic experiment to the US and UK. It was her deregulation model of the UK markets that the US copied later, which is the same one that has lead to the current economic crisis. Originally it was not possible in the US, but it in the UK the US companies liked the climate a lot and got what they wanted in the end. It is all very well blaming recent administrations for the UKs economic woes, but if you want to find the root of hands off see no evil regulation Thatcher introduced it, the rest is merely a case of using what little powers there are efficiently, which is pretty much a loosing battle. Brown may or may not be a good prime minister, but you can't doubt his experience with the economy. The Conservatives have failed to come up with a cohesive economic plan, all they do is criticise and offer no actual alternatives. George Osborne is a pretty piss poor shadow chancellor. The problem with the Conservatives is they don’t allow any talent to shine, they would rather have a stuck up toff masquerading as ‘one of them’.

Experience in screwing it up, perhaps. He has plenty of that.

For example.. this bizarre drop in VAT to boost the economy and help struggling familes. Weird, expensive to introduce, and much more complicated than simply dropping income tax by some percentage. At the same time he has managed to screw at least one group soundly into the floor even more by raising the duty on cigarettes and alcohol AGAIN to compensate for this tax drop.. a drop that it only temporary, which means prices will rise arbitrarily again regardless of the economic situation. So by 2010, if I even still have an industry to work in, I will be out of one by then.

And I was referring more to his presence internationally.. in that he hasn't got one.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
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07 Dec 2008, 7:46 pm

Your example does not add up because the jury is still out, I don' think he will rely purely on one strategy, he is smarter than that. Give me one Chancellor of any party that has a successful run as long as his? And don't say it was just luck, you can easily screw that up and you know it. The only thing the Conservatives had against him until recently was they he got a couple of predictions wrong, which going againt other Chancellors it is actually a shockingly accurate track record. His job involves predictions, he is not psychic. You know how common place it is for chancellors to get it wrong? You say you want somebody with conviction; well at least he has a strategy. What about Osborne? Brown is trying to see, whether it the VAT thing will take. It is risky, but not as risky as backing one horse, which is the alternative. There is not a no risk strategy.

You know what the income tax thing won't necessarily work perfectly either. The Yuppies are still building their side returns, loft extensions, etc. they never stopped. I should know, considering the noise they are making around me for the last year. They are not about to start additional large projects though, just add value to their properties. People who are less well off are more likely to hold on their money not spend. Making stuff cheaper makes some sense, at least initially.

The problem is most people are not economists. To quote a famous politician "I am not an economist". People complain about relative problems, but the wider economic picture is very complicated to figure out. It goes beyond party political ideologies. We are slowly learning from past mistakes. At the moment we have system that support corporatism not capitalism, Mussolini could not have dreamt it.


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07 Dec 2008, 11:35 pm

Well, this does get complicated.

One thing - the regime that was in power until this coming January 20th was paranoid in the extreme. What this actually is is 'an encouragement to others', as the French used to say. By going overboard, they want everyone to think 'wow, if I hack in, I could get 70 years'.

I don't have the sympathy for hackers that other might, because I'm in IT. I don't really buy the classic 'I'm only doing this to show you how easy it is to break in to your systems'. I respond with 'ok, mind if I come over tonight and set fire to your home to show how flammable it is?'

It's usually about doing something and getting away with it. If it was ok for us to do, we'd all likely do it. While I do sympathize with his condition, I don't think he should get off scot-free (apologies to all you Scots out there...;)

If two nations have extradition treaties with each other, the each can require the other to produce anyone who has committed a crime against them. I presume that the UK and US have such a treaty. But you never know (Mexico and the US don't have a treaty, last I checked, which is why many try to 'run for the border' after getting naughty...;)

Actually, the US and China have a low-level 'cyber war' going, especially after we tick off the Chinese. The Israelis and Palestinians have a high-level cyber war going, hacking back and forth at each other. But then they fight about everything.


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08 Dec 2008, 12:27 am

I was about to ask what the thread was about until pakled reminded me.

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