One Of The Biggest Icebergs Has Broken Loose In Antarctica

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22 Jul 2017, 6:36 pm

EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

The difference here is that religion is garbage whereas global warming is a scientifically verified fact.

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.



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22 Jul 2017, 7:23 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

The difference here is that religion is garbage whereas global warming is a scientifically verified fact.

Did you decide to skip my question?


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22 Jul 2017, 8:16 pm

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.



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22 Jul 2017, 9:49 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
"What action are you planning on taking?"
I plan to awaken the masses so that we can seize the means of production.

By the way, check out this.

Like they did back in 1917 in Russia. Hey, I'm an old-style Bolshie myself, so I'm with you on that. I don't think that such action will lead to any reduction in CO2 emissions though; just the opposite, in fact. After the revolution the USSR underwent rapid industrialisation, and this led to a dramatic increase in all its associated benefits (like the aforementioned increase in CO2).

Look, global warming is a myth. That's just a fact. The Earth isn't getting warmer; in fact, it's getting colder, because a new Ice Age is on the way.


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22 Jul 2017, 9:51 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

The difference here is that religion is garbage whereas global warming is a scientifically verified fact.

Define "religion".


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22 Jul 2017, 10:02 pm

cyberdad wrote:
Lintar wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Everyone here who still believes the fantasy of "global warming" should just watch the magnificent documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle". It can be found on 'YouTube' if you don't want to purchase the DVD.

A quick google search will reveal that Martin Durkin (the producer) has a long history of being anti-environmental! not surprisingly he sees a conspiracy in global warming. Durkin uses misleading and out of date information which hark to the global warming skeptics of old. His documentary has been debunked by a number of prominent climate scientists

I'll look into what you say here. In any case, regardless of his (Martin Durkin's) history, and whether or not he was dishonest in the past, it is the claims that are put forward within the documentary itself that I am interested in and believe should be examined, not the motive(s) behind the one who made it.

Read a critique of the documentary by the British Academy of Science and professor David Karoly of Melbourne Uni who is a world authority on climate change (I don't have a transcript of the latter but he provided a rebuff to Burkin's claims ... 29736.html

Your "critique" doesn't really say much at all. I already knew about the complaint made by Carl Wunch, and how he was allegedly misrepresented. Whilst the original documentary may have been subsequently altered due to, among other things, this specific issue, the claims that are made within the final version are what interest me, and those who were interviewed and had their observations and comments retained, have not complained about "misleading editing"; on the contrary, they have stood by their claims.


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22 Jul 2017, 10:08 pm

EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

Exactly, and if we use this attribute to help us define what the term "religion" means in the first place, we can clearly see that anyone who has the audacity to simply question the dogma of global-warming alarmism is branded a "heretic", and shunned, castigated, and persecuted like those who questioned the claims of the Roman Catholic Church 700 years ago.

Everything should be doubted (yes, even the belief that "everything should be doubted" should be as well). If anyone tells another person that "such-and-such has been settled, and should therefore not be questioned", you can be SURE that you are about to be scammed. Don't fall for this nonsense, don't drink the Kool-Aid, don't swallow the blue pill. Global Warming is the latest secular religion: it's all about Gaia-worship, it's a revival of paganism dressed as "science".


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22 Jul 2017, 10:22 pm

Lintar wrote:
Your "critique" doesn't really say much at all. I already knew about the complaint made by Carl Wunch, and how he was allegedly misrepresented. Whilst the original documentary may have been subsequently altered due to, among other things, this specific issue, the claims that are made within the final version are what interest me, and those who were interviewed and had their observations and comments retained, have not complained about "misleading editing"; on the contrary, they have stood by their claims.

I think for what it's worth opposing views to the prevailing "climate change" theories should be welcome. What I am witnessing though, is these views (such as Burkin or Tony Abbott or Andrew Bolt) lack the veracity of solid evidence. In the case of Abbott and Bolt they were just parroting what the coal/petroleum industry have been saying for years. Many of these figures mentioned are natural enemies of the environmental movement so are simply taking a stand for the sake of perpetuating coal fired power stations etc...the latest tactic from anti-green conservatives is claiming green energy will lead to old people freezing to death because they can't pay power bills that would have been cheaper with coal fired power stations...


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22 Jul 2017, 10:39 pm

cyberdad wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Your "critique" doesn't really say much at all. I already knew about the complaint made by Carl Wunch, and how he was allegedly misrepresented. Whilst the original documentary may have been subsequently altered due to, among other things, this specific issue, the claims that are made within the final version are what interest me, and those who were interviewed and had their observations and comments retained, have not complained about "misleading editing"; on the contrary, they have stood by their claims.

I think for what it's worth opposing views to the prevailing "climate change" theories should be welcome. What I am witnessing though, is these views (such as Burkin or Tony Abbott or Andrew Bolt) lack the veracity of solid evidence. In the case of Abbott and Bolt they were just parroting what the coal/petroleum industry have been saying for years. Many of these figures mentioned are natural enemies of the environmental movement so are simply taking a stand for the sake of perpetuating coal fired power stations etc...the latest tactic from anti-green conservatives is claiming green energy will lead to old people freezing to death because they can't pay power bills that would have been cheaper with coal fired power stations...

I won't try to speak for Abbott and Bolt (or Abbott and Costello), but my own independent research into this matter has not turned up any hard evidence linking a specific atmospheric gas to an appreciable mean global increase in temperatures. The graphs presented by people with ulterior political motives (like Al Gore) do not impress, because they are usually terribly flawed (does everyone here recall the "hockey-stick graph" controversy?), for a number of reasons.

Yes, it's true, I'm not actually a climatologist, or even a T.V. weatherman. I will admit that. However, many of the people who like to rave on about how "we must do something", and that if we do not we are all doomed, have even fewer qualifications than I on the subject. Many of them are little more than uni students, or so-called science journalists who can't tell the difference between carbon and carbon-dioxide, thinking they are one and the same.

I've visited the N.A.S.A. website and seen what they have there on this specific topic, and I am always surprised at how imprecise and inconclusive the evidence they actually present to bolster their case truly is. The interpretation of the evidence is just as important as the evidence itself, and people like the ones who work at N.A.S.A. tend to interpret the evidence to support what they already believe about this issue. They suffer from a severe case of confirmation bias, any evidence that clearly contradicts the prevailing view being marginalised or ignored entirely.


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22 Jul 2017, 11:40 pm

Lintar wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

Exactly, and if we use this attribute to help us define what the term "religion" means in the first place, we can clearly see that anyone who has the audacity to simply question the dogma of global-warming alarmism is branded a "heretic", and shunned, castigated, and persecuted like those who questioned the claims of the Roman Catholic Church 700 years ago.

Everything should be doubted (yes, even the belief that "everything should be doubted" should be as well). If anyone tells another person that "such-and-such has been settled, and should therefore not be questioned", you can be SURE that you are about to be scammed. Don't fall for this nonsense, don't drink the Kool-Aid, don't swallow the blue pill. Global Warming is the latest secular religion: it's all about Gaia-worship, it's a revival of paganism dressed as "science".

Yes,all the pagans and scientists will be gathering this Lammas day to burn all the deniers in a giant wicker man. Need to seperate the wheat from the chaff.:roll:

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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23 Jul 2017, 12:52 am

Lintar wrote:
The graphs presented by people with ulterior political motives (like Al Gore) do not impress, because they are usually terribly flawed (does everyone here recall the "hockey-stick graph" controversy?), for a number of reasons.

Al Gore has shares in the petroleum industry so he's got a conflict of interest...

The models that have been developed by climate scientists are trying to predict future changes in climate using available data. The factors are by no means conclusive but the general consensus from almost all scientists is that climate change is happening and (based on current increments) will continue to go up

I'm not sure if you are old enough to remember the late 1960s and early 1970s when environmental scientists unanimously predicted a population crash based on lack of arable land to grow food. The models created did not account for technology or genetics in creating new plant breeds and new methods of propagation. So despite the bleak outlook there is always possible that human ingenuity can get us out of another mess


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23 Jul 2017, 1:26 am

Misslizard wrote:
Lintar wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

Exactly, and if we use this attribute to help us define what the term "religion" means in the first place, we can clearly see that anyone who has the audacity to simply question the dogma of global-warming alarmism is branded a "heretic", and shunned, castigated, and persecuted like those who questioned the claims of the Roman Catholic Church 700 years ago.

Everything should be doubted (yes, even the belief that "everything should be doubted" should be as well). If anyone tells another person that "such-and-such has been settled, and should therefore not be questioned", you can be SURE that you are about to be scammed. Don't fall for this nonsense, don't drink the Kool-Aid, don't swallow the blue pill. Global Warming is the latest secular religion: it's all about Gaia-worship, it's a revival of paganism dressed as "science".

Yes,all the pagans and scientists will be gathering this Lammas day to burn all the deniers in a giant wicker man. Need to seperate the wheat from the chaff.:roll:

Nah but they will be using terms like "climate change denier" and "blue pill" in place of terms like "infidel" and "unbeliever".



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23 Jul 2017, 5:06 am

horrible news :cry:


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23 Jul 2017, 10:03 am

EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Lintar wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

Exactly, and if we use this attribute to help us define what the term "religion" means in the first place, we can clearly see that anyone who has the audacity to simply question the dogma of global-warming alarmism is branded a "heretic", and shunned, castigated, and persecuted like those who questioned the claims of the Roman Catholic Church 700 years ago.

Everything should be doubted (yes, even the belief that "everything should be doubted" should be as well). If anyone tells another person that "such-and-such has been settled, and should therefore not be questioned", you can be SURE that you are about to be scammed. Don't fall for this nonsense, don't drink the Kool-Aid, don't swallow the blue pill. Global Warming is the latest secular religion: it's all about Gaia-worship, it's a revival of paganism dressed as "science".

Yes,all the pagans and scientists will be gathering this Lammas day to burn all the deniers in a giant wicker man. Need to seperate the wheat from the chaff.:roll:

Nah but they will be using terms like "climate change denier" and "blue pill" in place of terms like "infidel" and "unbeliever".


I'll pass on calling someone an infidel,but climate change denier is spot on.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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23 Jul 2017, 10:11 am

Misslizard wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Lintar wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I didn't know the blue pill was commonly referenced regarding climate change.People probably use it in many ways
For some reason now I can just imagine playground kids taunting each other,"you ate the blue pill,you ate the blue pill!"
Nothing wrong with questioning what you hear or see.Keeps you from being a sheeple.
Don't take the Soma if they offer it. :D

Religions and movements usually try to discourage people from being a "doubting thomas".

Exactly, and if we use this attribute to help us define what the term "religion" means in the first place, we can clearly see that anyone who has the audacity to simply question the dogma of global-warming alarmism is branded a "heretic", and shunned, castigated, and persecuted like those who questioned the claims of the Roman Catholic Church 700 years ago.

Everything should be doubted (yes, even the belief that "everything should be doubted" should be as well). If anyone tells another person that "such-and-such has been settled, and should therefore not be questioned", you can be SURE that you are about to be scammed. Don't fall for this nonsense, don't drink the Kool-Aid, don't swallow the blue pill. Global Warming is the latest secular religion: it's all about Gaia-worship, it's a revival of paganism dressed as "science".

Yes,all the pagans and scientists will be gathering this Lammas day to burn all the deniers in a giant wicker man. Need to seperate the wheat from the chaff.:roll:

Nah but they will be using terms like "climate change denier" and "blue pill" in place of terms like "infidel" and "unbeliever".


I'll pass on calling someone an infidel,but climate change denier is spot on.

So what other scientific fact deniers there are? There's evolution denier. What else I wonder?


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23 Jul 2017, 10:29 am

/\The flat earth people and the relgious nut jobs that think dinosaur bones were spread by Satan to confuse us.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi