So Asperger's is a mitigating circumstance for rape?

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17 Jun 2017, 10:32 pm ... 51735.html

"A man who tied up and raped a woman in a hotel meeting room during a gaming convention will be sentenced later this year.

Keith Hearne (28) told the woman "I could break your neck here and now, would you prefer that?" before telling her to be a "good girl".

He then bound her hands with his tie and raped her.

When she screamed, he told her he had a knife in his bag and would use it if she wasn't quiet.

His bag, containing a "rape kit" of a prop knife, handcuffs, condoms, a mask and "sado-masochistic" items, was later found at the scene, the Central Criminal Court heard.


Hearne, of Allenton Drive, Tallaght, pleaded guilty to two counts of rape, one count of oral rape and one count of falsely imprisoning the woman at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Blanchardstown on July 4, 2015.

The court heard the woman wished to waive her right to anonymity.

Mr Justice Patrick McCarthy adjourned sentencing to June 19 for further medical reports.

Defence barrister Michael Bowman told the court that Hearne has mental health issues and suffers from a bipolar disorder.

He had not taken his medication for some period around the time of the attack.

Gda Lisa Lawler told prosecuting counsel Shane Costelloe that the now 24-year-old woman was volunteering at the ArcadeCon gaming convention in the hotel on the day in question.

She was preparing a presentation in a meeting room when Hearne entered the room and sat at the back. She became uneasy and moved to leave, but Hearne locked the door and threw her to the ground.

The attack stopped only when another conference worker entered the room using a hotel key card. Gardai were called and Hearne was arrested at the scene. He told gardai he had gone to the convention in the hopes of getting with another woman.

When that woman rejected him he said he had "anger flowing through him" and he then entered the meeting room and attacked his victim.

The woman took the stand and described how she woke up every night crying for months after the attack, "thinking he had come back to finish the job".

"Before this, I wouldn't call myself an angry person, but now I punch walls, scream and walk out on conversations. I don't know what to do with this anger," she said.

The victim described how she has struggled with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, self-harming and suicidal thoughts since she was raped.

"People see me smiling and laughing. They don't see me curled up under a blanket on my sofa," she said.


She described how she has had numerous piercings and tattoos since the attack "just so I can feel like my body is my own and not something he touched."

"He may go to prison, but I'm already there because of what he did."

Mr Bowman said his client engaged in "absolute opportunism and exploitation" of his victim and there was "no excuse" for what he did.

It was an "unspeakable intrusion and violation of her person", he added.

However, he submitted Hearne has no previous convictions and suffers from a range of conditions, including Aspergers Syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia and bi-polar disorder.

However, he is now back on his medication and is "remorseful in the extreme", Mr Bowman added."

Sorry but I was unaware that autism causes people to rape.


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17 Jun 2017, 10:45 pm

Autism doesn't cause people to rape.


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17 Jun 2017, 11:56 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Autism doesn't cause people to rape.

What about dyslexia?


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18 Jun 2017, 12:28 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
Autism doesn't cause people to rape.

I would concur!


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18 Jun 2017, 12:41 am

Sounds like Mr Bowman will be defending his client with a insanity defense... Basically he is going to argue Hearne, was not responsible for his actions due to a psychiatric episode from his illness.


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18 Jun 2017, 3:27 am

SH90 wrote:
Sounds like Mr Bowman will be defending his client with a insanity defense... Basically he is going to argue Hearne, was not responsible for his actions due to a psychiatric episode from his illness.

It was Hearne's choice not to take his meds and as far as i'm aware bipolar disorder doesnt cause people to rape anymore than autism does

I hope the judge overlooks his psychiatric issues and throws the book at him

Even if he gets a light sentence he's probably going to get banned from every geek convention in the country


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18 Jun 2017, 10:09 am

Demonique wrote:
SH90 wrote:
Sounds like Mr Bowman will be defending his client with a insanity defense... Basically he is going to argue Hearne, was not responsible for his actions due to a psychiatric episode from his illness.

It was Hearne's choice not to take his meds and as far as i'm aware bipolar disorder doesnt cause people to rape anymore than autism does

I hope the judge overlooks his psychiatric issues and throws the book at him

Even if he gets a light sentence he's probably going to get banned from every geek convention in the country

I am not saying it's a valid excuse... Only, the defense that Mr Bowman seems to be laying out for his client.


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18 Jun 2017, 10:21 am

AS people recognize the difference between yes and no. With NT people, everything is a maybe. The lawyer is more likely to be a rapist, because a rapist plays Devil's advocate.

"She described how she has had numerous piercings and tattoos since the attack "just so I can feel like my body is my own and not something he touched."

Like her own object. You're not supposed to pierce, cut, and graffiti something with feelings.

Was she a masochist, intent on self harm, before landing a rapist. Did she ever gravitate toward that kind of situation, and not have time for the nicer guy. Would she have given any of you white knights the time of day, whether then or know. Everyone is rushing to the defense of a person, who may not actually want their help.


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18 Jun 2017, 1:15 pm

The only disorder listed there that might result in violent behavior is bipolar.

It's more likely that his violent behavior was a result of his having taken SSRI psych meds and gone off them, than from any disorder he was taking them for in the first place. SSRI meds are known for causing suicidal and homicidal ideation and actions in some patients, and the sudden changes in brain chemistry when people go off those drugs without supervision are well documented.

Autism itself almost always results in personalities that are innately passive. Autistics generally only become physical when backed into a corner and bullied or harassed incessantly, and then they tend to slap or kick, to push people away. They don't attack.

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19 Jun 2017, 12:24 pm

Anyone can rape, regardless of anything.


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19 Jun 2017, 12:43 pm


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19 Jun 2017, 6:34 pm

They better not give him a lighter sentence for having aspergers...He knew what he was doing at the time, mental conditions and not having taken medication or not. There really isn't any condition that causes you to hold someone against their will and rape them, there really is no excuse at all for it ever.

And this, this is a load of bullsh*t:
'However, he is now back on his medication and is "remorseful in the extreme", Mr Bowman added."

Yeah about that I am sure he would love people to consider how 'remorseful' he is about it, but maybe he should have thought about that before raping that poor woman who now likely will have to live with PTSD for the rest of her life, and PTSD sucks. Also I would trust the remorse of a rapist or child molester about as much as I would trust cyanide being a healthy supplement.

No Excuse.

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19 Jun 2017, 7:15 pm

Aspie or not, this scumbag should have been handed a harsher sentence than 12 years.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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19 Jun 2017, 8:47 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Aspie or not, this scumbag should have been handed a harsher sentence than 12 years.

He would have been facing 15 years but the judge reduced the sentence because he pleaded guilty.


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20 Jun 2017, 7:13 pm

Demonique wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Aspie or not, this scumbag should have been handed a harsher sentence than 12 years.

He would have been facing 15 years but the judge reduced the sentence because he pleaded guilty.

20-life sounds good for that...but some part of me is saying 'that's not good enough, castrate the scum!'

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20 Jun 2017, 7:50 pm

Seems to be a lot of focus on the Aspergers but he also had ADHD, Bipolar and other comorbid conditions which along with his SSRI medication might have contributed toward his aggressive overtly sexually compulsive behavior.

However it is naive to think forensic psychologists (working in the legal system) don't take into account the likely lack of empathy reported in males with Aspergers tried for murder/rape. What is debated is whether this is lack of empathy is due to Aspergers or whether it's comorbid narcissism, antisocial personality disorder or other types of psychopathy, the jury is (pardon the pun) still out on this one...