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01 Mar 2012, 9:20 am

I was wondering if there were any other Aspies who are born again Christians. I haven't seen any posts of those who claim to be. I am born again and in a way, it has created a lot of problems, at least with other so called Christians. They like to tell me to give it all to the Lord and He can change me, if I pray about it a really want to change. Here is the rub, did God make me this way, and if so why?

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01 Mar 2012, 9:55 am

I am one, though, I'm more of the contemplative type. I do believe God made me an aspie, because I tend to veiw my faith from more of a logical/philosophical point of veiw than an emotional one. There is a place for both but current society seems to value science over feelings, so being able to mentally reconcile faith and reason is crucial these days.
Also historically, I think a large proportion of monks and saints had aspie traits. Why else would they be able to live lives of isolation and devotion?

I also believe to truly live like Christ did you have to make the church mad at you at some point. That's what Jesus did with the Pharises. :wink:

Anyway, thats my take on the whole thing.

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01 Mar 2012, 9:59 am

I'm not Christian, but for what it's worth, many historians actually think that Jesus may have been an Aspie. My mom says it's because he supposedly had strict ideas about equality, anger problems, and...I can't remember what, but my point is that anyone who tells you that you can pray and make your Asperger's Syndrome--an integral part of who you are--go away, they are full of crap.

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01 Mar 2012, 10:31 am

No, I don't think god made anyone an aspie... Faith has always seemed to me to be the most illogical thing.

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01 Mar 2012, 11:32 am

diniesaur wrote:
I'm not Christian, but for what it's worth, many historians actually think that Jesus may have been an Aspie. My mom says it's because he supposedly had strict ideas about equality, anger problems, and...I can't remember what, but my point is that anyone who tells you that you can pray and make your Asperger's Syndrome--an integral part of who you are--go away, they are full of crap.

I thought of(and posted) something similar once..

What if God was one of us. Just an aspie like one of us. After all, he was THE original/ultimate loner..

I'm agnostic, though. So that's really just more of a thought/joke.

I think I've seriously under-explained my over-explaining.
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01 Mar 2012, 1:12 pm

I am. Other born-again types are probably just not going to understand, given the way that some of them view the world. You might be better off in a mainline Protestant church, where a lot, thought takes place.

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01 Mar 2012, 1:13 pm

I am a Christian Aspie too, phinn40. I don't know why God made us this way, but I know that he has promised to be with us. My Aspie brain causes me to have a sort of neverending internal monologue that can become exhausting at times.

One thing I am thankful for about God is that he is willing to listen to my every thought, and he doesn't get tired out, or shocked by anything I am thinking, because he already knows it, and I know he still loves me because of what Jesus Christ did to save me.

When I remember that, my internal monologue is no longer an empty waste of energy; it's a prayer, part of a conversation with God.

This probably sounds weird, but that's OK; I have realized I am a bit of a weird person.


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01 Mar 2012, 7:20 pm

Well, the church won't approve (which is a lot of the reason I prefer to think of myself as a Jesus-loving Pagan than a Christian, even though by strict definition it is Christian I am), but...

...ask Him. You know how.

Right off hand, given all that stuff about "before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you," yeah, I'd say He has His reasons (and He may explain or He may just whisper something about wild goats).

Right-wing Christianity, with its emphasis on homogeneity and one right way or you're going to burn in Hell forever-- Well, good luck getting them to accept the idea that something can be different from them and still be of God. If you see that miracle, give thanks.

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01 Mar 2012, 7:44 pm

Others once considered me a Born-Again Christian. Then I went to Seminary, studied the Bible, asked too many of the "wrong" questions, and was invited to leave Seminary. Then I became involved in several churches, including a few turns as a Sunday-School teacher (where I was invited to step down because I taught my students to question everything - especially Authority), and a few years as an active Elder (which turned out to be a big mistake, since no one seemed to care that the church was failing in its Great Commission). Then one of the other elders started a rumor that I am "not right in the head", and she refuses to apologize for it.

Now I hate religion.


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01 Mar 2012, 9:39 pm

At one point in time I guess you could've considered me a Born-Again Christian, though I never had to repent from anything because my behaviors weren't that bad to begin with. I went to church, believed everything they told me (though I wasn't always happy about it), and shut my mind in a box for a few years. Later on I discovered that the Bible is full of contradictions and it can't be entirely true. It was hard to give up my Christian practices and beliefs because they had become habitual and like a part of me. Then I came across the book Thirty Years Among the Dead by Carl Wickland which made more sense to me and had a system of beliefs that I could feel better about, and I became a Spiritualist. After awhile in my quest to gain more knowledge I became a New Ager and discovered that some of the aspects of it are true, but they are not usually good things to tamper with. Right now I guess I'm not really a member of any religion, but I'm still a spiritual person. I constantly feel the sensation that Christians call the Holy Spirit, but now it's stronger than it was before. I still hear the voices that Christians attribute to God, but I attribute them to angels/spirits. I remember being emotionally connected with angels/spirits when I was a baby and feeling a sense of love and purity that can never be experienced in relationships with people in the physical world.

As for my opinion on the answer to your question, I don't know if God made you the way you are. If you want to change bad things about yourself try to have a more emotional and spiritual relationship with the angels/spirits rather than a religious one. You'll start to feel more positive and it'll be easier to change the bad things. As for Aspie traits, you could try to change them for your own benefit, but for the most part they're not immoral, just different.


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01 Mar 2012, 10:59 pm

There are born again Christians here, I'm sure.

"They like to tell me to give it all to the Lord and He can change me, if I pray about it a really want to change. Here is the rub, did God make me this way, and if so why?"

They're just trolls, expecting you to do what they want. :)

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02 Mar 2012, 8:30 am

If you are looking for more Christian aspies to talk with has an asperger's/autism discussion in the recovery section. :)

How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog, To tell ones name the livelong day To an admiring bog!
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05 Mar 2012, 11:23 pm

I'm a Christian and I'm not afraid to say so.

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06 Mar 2012, 1:41 am

I am a born again Christian, and gasp ... I may even be called a conservative evangelical. I would say that yes, God made you (and me) Aspie. I have not had too much of a problem where I am at with people telling me to as God to "fix" my Asperger's. This may be because before I started attending the church I do (I used to live in a different city five hours from where I live now), another long time family in the church has a son with Asperger's.
I think what they are doing is very wrong, and assumes that all people were made identical (obviously not, even Moses had a speaking problem, at least in public). I also believe that God can/will/and wants to use you, as you are, for His glory, and to help grow the body of Christ (other people).
Just remember that the church is made of people, all of who have a sin nature, and they can be wrong. That is why horribly un"Christian" actions have been done in the name of the "Church" which only serves to tarnish the name of Jesus.
So, after that long rant, see the many different ways that God can use you in ways that NTs are not as good.


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06 Mar 2012, 10:47 am

There are two types of "Christians": (1) Those who claim to be "Born Again", and (2) those whom the self-proclaimed "Born Again Christians" look down upon.