Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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27 Dec 2006, 1:32 pm

Starbuline wrote:
Stop drinking.

And stop stealing my f***ing alcohol. It's really embarrassing when my husband asks me why it's all gone.



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28 Dec 2006, 12:28 am

Dearest Father,
Stop. Yelling. At. Me. Please.
Yes, I am 23 years old and am still living at home/can't even keep my room tidy/have no social life/can't carry on a normal conversation/have no common sense/have no organisational skills/I could add a hundred and one things to this list. I suspect that the only reason they are a problem is because
1. I am a different person from the one you wanted me to be.
2. You are in a bad mood all the time and looking for someone to take it out on.
Just leave me alone, ok? I know I'm not perfect. I'm not doing anything deliberately wrong to annoy you. My. Brain. Is. Wired. Differently. Do you ever stop to think that this is why what I have is called an autism spectrum DISORDER and not an autism spectrum happy shiny easy picnic thing?
Stop calling me stupid. STOP IT. Stop treating me like an idiot for asking questions and trying to better understand situations and to clarify requests that you've made of me. Stop jumping on everything I do without finding out the reasons behind it.
So I'm withdrawn, so I won't shut up about music and Asperger's syndrome, so I don't notice all three of the dishes in the sink and jump up to do them to "help my mother" (which we both know means 'I can't be bothered doing them', you lying hypocrite), so (insert x friends name is) is the perfect child, and I am the spawn of Satan. One of my wonderful friends bullied me for as long as I knew her, swore at her parents, stole from her parents and was pregnant before the age of 17. Is that the kind of person you want me to be? You would like me to be more normal. Normal means, from what I've observed: cynical, deceitful, weak, not having the courage to be who you are, and CAPABLE OF HURTING OTHERS FOR THE FUN OF IT. If you like, I could endeavour to gain all of those wonderful personality traits. Then we could sit together in front of the football and exchange pre-packaged opinions about politics that we borrowed from the editorial columns of the newspaper or that we heard from a friend of a friend. Then we can talk for hours about nothing and call this "really getting to know each other."
Then we can both die, and we'll never have realised that our lives have been wasted on gossip and keeping up appearances, because when we saw someone who found that life repulsive, even if they were our own child, we dismissed them as strange, inept, boring and stupid.
Yes, you did call me boring. I have strong interests in a few subjects. Get over it, ok? My brothers and I love it when we find new information. It makes us jump for joy. We also love discussing our findings with each other. I know you think that life should be a joyless affair, a mere struggle to put food in your mouth day after day (with occasional breaks to talk about the weather and how corrupt everyone with more money/power than you is), but I can't live like that. I am not an animal. I am a human being, I have a mind, my mind needs nourishment.
Do you notice how I never mention any of my problems to you? This is because the response I'm used to getting from you is either
"You are stupid"
"Just pull youself together and ... (everyone else can do it, why can't you ? (ret*d)) "
I'll tell you what. You cheer up and stop being depressed, and I'll pull myself together and be the standard-issue person that you want me to be. What? I'm sorry? You can't rewire your own brain? You must have a higher opinion of me than I thought, because you think that I can rewire mine.
STOP using the phrases
"Your ******** high IQ"
"You're so intelligent, why"
To insult me. I do not "go on about how intelligent I am". Even if I do mention it, why I am not allowed to be proud of one of the few things that I actually like about myself?
You are not hard-done-by. There are worse problems than poor eyesight and bad Achilles tendons. There are worse things than not having as much money as you'd like. (You could get a better job, you know. Hint: go out and LOOK for work, don't sit there blaming your situation on everyone else. You were always jumping down my throat for not having a job. (Bastard hypocrite.))
Stop trying to make everyone else miserable. Either get help for your depression and anger, or shut up about it.
I should not be dreading walking into my house.
I should not be afraid to open my mouth when you are within earshot.
I should not be hiding in my bedroom when you are home and my mother is not.
I should not be always preparing to defend myself you when you finally lose control and turn violent.
I should not have been in tears on Christmas Day because you lost your temper over an innocent question.
I am already close to giving up on life. The world is not a place that I want to be.
You are pushing me closer and closer to my end. If I am pushed too far, I will make sure that your part in my destruction is known.
- Rachel

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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29 Dec 2006, 3:51 am

Dear God,

If you exist, please show me some sign that I'm useful to this world



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30 Dec 2006, 5:36 pm

Dear Amanda,
I HATE you :!:
F**K U :!:
You stole my friends, Shebly lacrosse team.
You stole my sports, gymnastics and lacrosse.
You stole my body, thin, short, and atheltic.



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18 Mar 2007, 1:32 am

Dear Immature,Dumbass Teenagers,

Grow UP.

Get a F*cking LIFE.


Live and let live.


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18 Mar 2007, 1:58 am

Dear me,
Stop taking risks. It has gotten you nowhere helpful. Stop acting so immature, and stop being desperate for men's attention.



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18 Mar 2007, 2:07 am

Dear Biological Father

I hate you for the terror you put my mom through. The only good think about the fact that my mom did not shoot you in the face is that she would probably be in jail as a result. I am ashamed to carry your genes and I am grateful that I no longer bear your family name.

Your (former) son.

Dear Albany County School District

What I received from you was not an education, it was child abuse.

A former abusee.


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18 Mar 2007, 10:34 am

Dear jackass degenerate teenage conformists:

Stop being the hypocrite degenerate barbarians you are,and stop f**king around with people who are different,they didn't do anything to you,so you better f**king stop if you want to live or you'll be utter destroyed!

-Aaron J Felder.

My sig pwns.


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18 Mar 2007, 5:01 pm

Dear "family" of mine:

SHUT THE F*CK UP ALREADY! GOD DAMNIT I AM SO SICK OF YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING I DO! You know, I try my hardest to keep this halfassed excuse of a family from falling apart, and all you can ever do about it is b***h at me about the stupidest f*****g things imaginable! I don't give a s**t if the neighbors have a nicer car than us! What the f**k do you want me to do about it? I'm 17! I make f*****g $6.85 an hour, for Christs sake! Why the hell do you keep acting like everything's my fault! I don't give a s**t if this place isn't as nice as the houses on TV, either! I keep this place about 9 times cleaner than any other house around here and all I get is constant complaints about how much of a "hell hole" this is! You wanna see a hell hole? I'll go get a f*****g gas can and a f*****g lighter and we'll see just how much of a hell hole this place can be! I'm sick of waking up every day, busting my ass at school (where everyone hates me) and at work (where everyone f*cks with me all day), and getting nothing but BS from you people whenever I get home! You guys are a bunch of lazy dumbasses! You couldn't walk a mile in my s**t to save your lives! I can not wait to see what this place turns into when I'm finally gone!

P.S. And quit calling me a f*****g fa***t already! Just because I'm not some jackass who hits on every single girl he encounters doesn't mean I'm gay or something! Get a life!

Sincerely, Todd


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18 Mar 2007, 5:32 pm


If you are out there, come to me and show me why I shouldn't destroy you.

You've been warned.


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20 Mar 2007, 4:34 am

Dear everyone at my old school,
f**k YOU!! ! WHY THE f**k DID YOU HAVE TO TREAT ME LIKE YOU DID?? Why did you have to make fun of every little thing I did? Why did you have to b***h about me behind my back? Why did you have to laugh and smirk at me all the f*****g time? What did I ever do to you? For those of you who knew me from junior school and didn't like the way I acted when I was 8 years old, GET THE f**k OVER IT ALREADY!! ! Why couldn't you be arsed spending 5 seconds trying to know the real, older me? You will never understand the damage you have done, the way I now punish all my potential friends for your actions!!
Yours unsincerely, the one person responsible for all your life's problems.

Autism Speaks: We can haz ur moneyz, Y/Y?


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20 Mar 2007, 11:26 pm

Dear So-Called Best Friend:

Get your s**t together or it's OVER.



Live and let live.


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21 Mar 2007, 3:48 pm

Dear ____,

Where the hell are you?

Ghlaos d'ainm go ceanúil
Mar ba ghnách liom tamall
'S chuala scread scáfar
Ó éan uaigneach cladaigh



PS You've still got my library book!

Last edited by Nan on 22 Mar 2007, 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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21 Mar 2007, 5:10 pm

ahayes wrote:
Dear Albany County School District

What I received from you was not an education, it was child abuse.

A former abusee.

Albany County as in the one in CA? :D


Dear Hormones,

I appreciate all of the years you been by my side, helping me get tall enough to reach stuff and all. But I'm starting to think we need to have a little talk.

Since I was about 8 or 9, I noticed my, *ahem* chest, was getting bigger and more sensitive. Stop hiding behind that couch, I know that it's all your fault. I'm not pleased with this change at all, but I dismissed it as a practical joke and figured it will go away a few years from now.

A year or two later, I was starting to get funky thoughts and dreams that I wished never got there in the first place. I had to spend my days resiting urges. What do you have to say for yourself? It's times like this I'd rather be six years old! I irritably tried to ignore
this little change and continued on with my life.

But now, you just broke the last straw. It's no wonder you get pissed off when you have PMS. I applaud your sense of humor, but gory potty jokes just don't cut it for me. Seriously, having blood coming out of your *** every month is a bit too much, don't you think.

So, all I want you to do is go back to being just like we were back when. Buds, you know? Get rid of the blood, take away the perverted thoughts and dreams, and remove the boobs. After that, swear you'll never do that and similar tricks again on me. Once you do that, I'll forgive you :)

~PMS-induced Teen


Dear PMS-induced Teen,




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21 Mar 2007, 8:40 pm

Dear Guidance Counsler,

I'm not sure if I should thank you or shoot you for being so ignorant. When you talked to me about scheduling I had cuts all under my shirt. One of them ended up scarring. I felt pretty superior then, actually, even if it doesn't make sense. In any case, you not noticing provided me with the opportunity to cut even more with no consequences. I think the newest cut will scar too. I got a bit carried away.

Your depression talk to the health class was utter bullsh*t, by the way. Did you miss the kids laughing in the back? Did you not realize that your stupid video was so sterotypical and mellowdramatic that I wanted to spit? Furthermore, what the hell was up with those stupid "I need to talk to the guidance counsler about depression concerning someone or myself. ____Yes _______No. _____Name" sheets? Who would check the yes box, especially when every single student was looking at them as we passed them up? By the way, that was the weekend I was planning to ask my mom for help, but because you bothered to email all the parents about the talk she would automatically have assumed that I was just mimicking what I had heard in school and wouldn't take me seriously. Thanks. Oh, and that lady whose sister committed suicide? I'm sorry for her problem and all, but she was pathetic. It's been four years, and the crying bit was awkward. None of us really cared. In fact, people were making fun of her. So thanks for bringing her in, because she helped. The show and tell with the pictures was nice as well. No. One. Cared. You were wasting our time, and you probably knew it. You had that look.

Oh, and for the record: just because I'm depressed doesn't mean that I do what your stupid video did. I don't sit in a window and randomly sigh while clutching a picture of my non-existant boyfriend. I don't let myself be beaten up. I don't randomly threaten to shoot up the school and then stare creepily from the staircase. I don't invite my non-existant-nearby friends over so that I can be sitting dramatically in my room with the lights off for when they arrive. I don't sign up for sports so that I can pull out of them. What were you thinking?

And aren't you supposed to notice this?


P.S. Just because I'm aceing all my classes doesn't mean that I'm ok. Open your eyes for once.

"Nothing worth having is easy."

Three years!


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21 Mar 2007, 8:48 pm

Dear SpaceCase,

Thank you for making this thread. I feel a little bit better.


"Nothing worth having is easy."

Three years!