Am I ''uninteresting'' if I don't have tattoos ?

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17 Jul 2023, 7:08 am

The thing is i'd like to have tattoo maybe on one of my arms but I don't know what to have and also I realise that once I have it done, I'm stuck with it and I am seem worry I'll end up losing interest in it and regretting it. But because I've seen quite a lot of people with tattoos, I seem to feel as though they didn't think about it they same as me and got it done because its a fad and seem to think they are getting them in order to ''fit in'' with other people.

I know I've spoken a number of times about comparing myself to other people but the thing is why ? Why do it even when you don't really feel like doing it in order to ''fit'' in and that by doing it might somehow leave you feeling content and not regretful about it ?


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18 Jul 2023, 5:02 am

In the way that buildings without graffiti are "uninteresting". A building has to be in pretty poor condition, almost derelict, before graffiti can truly be said to improve it in any way.

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18 Jul 2023, 6:07 am

Decorating yourself is a pretty standard human thing to do, we've been doing that for millennia, one way or another. It's literally 'making yourself more interesting' in the purely aesthetic sense.

I think we are rightly suspicious of the idea that it makes you a more interesting person.

I'm not sure it's about fitting in though, although I guess it is when gangs and things all have an identifying tattoo. I think it's just that it's become culturally mainstream, so we see it everywhere and so we start to think about doing it ourselves.

There was a time when seeing a tattoo on a person on TV or wherever told you something about that person. Usually it was something negative, like they had been in prison or were social 'outsiders'. Outsider culture always gets appropriated by the mainstream which likes the idea of outsiderdom but doesn't have the resilience for it. So the superficial trappings get swallowed up and regurgitated until they have no meaning at all.

That's where we are right now. Pop stars have tattoos. Primary school teachers have tattoos. There's a guy who works at my local Tesco who has his entire head tattooed. Not long ago that would have had a meaning. The meaning would probably have been "Don't f*ck with me, can't you see how little I give a sh*t?" Now it doesn't mean anything, he's just a very pleasant and helpful guy who happens to have tattoos all over his head.

What I'm trying to get at is, if you want a tattoo on your arm, get one. It doesn't mean anything. It's not even a statement of conformity to anything any more. It's just one of many ways we can decorate ourselves.

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12 Apr 2024, 6:36 pm

A person shouldn't have to worry about how others will perceive you with or without tattoos. Tattoos are a personal artform whose purpose is one main thing -- to please the wearer. I got my first tattoos when they hadn't quite gone mainstream. It felt really weird sitting in the work chair (an old time styled barber's chair) and staring in the mirror in front of me seeing myself getting a tattoo on my chest.

I thought about my tattoos one night. Unlike things that you can buy that you can lose, a tattoo is something you can buy that you cannot lose. In fact, it becomes a part of the living body -- inside the skin. That's very intimate. Now with eight tattoos, three of which are larger than most, I have a fair amount of ink. I am getting my ninth tattoo the end of May. I made the appointment for it last Saturday and paid a 50$ deposit. It is going to be a simplistic tribal styled fire breathing dragon on the top of my left foot. I feel very stoked about getting it.

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12 Apr 2024, 9:20 pm

I think being "uninteresting" is better than having tattoos that are TOO "interesting" and permanent.

I've seen enough images of tattoo fails and it's pretty shocking just how many "artists" there are that can't draw. Or spell. Or are probably under the influence of something potent while they draw.


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12 Apr 2024, 11:31 pm


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13 Apr 2024, 12:04 am

I'm intrigued by tattoos but I don't think I would ever get one. I don't like calling attention to myself and even the clothes I wear are very plain, and I don't wear jewelry or makeup, so I think it would be quite out of character for me.

I've seen some really nice ones but most of the time I don't think that the tattoos I see are very good. I went to art school so I am very particular about visual images.


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13 Apr 2024, 10:42 am

I just wouldn't be able to decide on anything that I'd want to have permanently on my body. I'd probably decide it was stupid after a week or two and wish i hadn't done it.

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13 Apr 2024, 11:03 am

I've got tattoos and I'd say I'd score pretty high on the boringometer

They were actually originally put there to signify how really really hard I am but I don't think people can be fooled that easy

I don't mind being stuck with them though and I suppose that's the whole point

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13 Apr 2024, 1:58 pm

*shrug* maybe you're someone who needs to decide on an ironic tattoo like getting the word "Interesting," tattooed down your forearm just for the conversation starter.. if anyone asks, you figured getting that tattoo might make you a more interesting person. :p But maybe joke tattoos aren't your style and you can't decide so perhaps a better alternative might be the word "Indecisive," because you couldn't decide what to get or not get. :P

Personally I think tattoos should be meaningful and custom. I took years to decide what to get where and why - and it still hasn't been completed and my tattoo artist relocated so I might have to travel for ink and the other tatts I want done by him. To ME it's normal to contemplate for quite some time what to get and then be Sure it's what you want because it's a bit of a permanent art decision. For some others they walk in off the street and leave with another little tatt added to their collection on a whim here and there and that's their personal style. Tattoos are very individual like that - completely the call of whoever has them inked.. no one else should be deciding for you. I just think if you're not SURE you're not ready. Once you're SURE you won't have regrets about getting it. But that's me - maybe you like the idea of making a quick decision and getting something done just for the sake of having a story in your life about making a quick decision and getting something done.. up to you.

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13 Apr 2024, 2:23 pm

When I was in my early twenties I thought about getting a tattoo but never got around to get one. I couldn't decide what motive and I also first wanted to build a little muscle to go with it. After lifting weights for a while I came to the conclusion that you need muscles to look good with a tattoo but you don't need a tattoo to look good with muscles.

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14 Apr 2024, 3:21 am

Fashions were different back then, but when I was young and talked about getting a tattoo, a trusted adult said to me, 'Think about what it'll look like when you're 60'.

I didn't get one. I've still got a few weeks to think about it, though...

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14 Apr 2024, 3:25 am

I think tattoos would just irritate my skin....I have 3 ear percings in each ear but can't wear earrings because it always irritates my skin around them if I I imagine if my skin can't handle ear percings it definitely won't handle a tattoo. But even if I did get a tattoo I don't think it would make me interesting

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14 Apr 2024, 4:13 am

If you do X just to "fit in" and "be like everyone else" then ...THAT would make you "uninteresting" wouldnt stand out and would be just everybody else.

You would be more interesting being a maverick who does NOT get a tattoo.


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14 Apr 2024, 1:08 pm

I heard in Japan they really do not like tattoos. They even have signs put up at hot springs and other public places where a lot of skin is shown saying people with tattoos are banned from those places. I think it's because of gangs or something.


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16 Apr 2024, 9:23 am

Uhmmm... might search on temporary tattoos ,.....or even Henna ..And see how it fits with you . but have come to observe people in more conservative States in the uSA . It is rare to see people in managerial positions , have ? or at least display Tatts . But have come to Often enjoy the Artwork ..been to several conventions in my city .
But if its serious tattoo culture the the Maori ( New Zealand ) got it hands down , big on the facial tatts . :evil: .. :heart:
Has many cosmetic uses too , as I have been told . :mrgreen:

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