former aikido "instructor"

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Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 40
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Posts: 9,854

22 Apr 2024, 8:47 pm

A former aikido "instructor", KF, has had plenty of "volunteers" do work for her. The volunteers have been working for her, for a couple of years, for a couple of hours each week. The work they do: WordPress, bookkeeping, janitorial, teaching, fixing the building.

Fair Labor Standards Act says that it is illegal to have volunteers at "for profit" companies. KF's company is a "for profit".

KF's volunteers are functional, worldly, refined adults, many of which have master's degrees and professional jobs.

Whenever I have to do something I do not want to do, such as chores, it reminds me, if I had slaves like KF, I wouldn't have to do the chores @ all. Instead, whenever I want something, I have to go around begging precious lil "people" to do it. For example, @ work I am a Loader. I have a doctor's note that I am not allowed to lift over fifty pounds. Every time I move a pallet, I have to beg someone to do it. ("You can't lift it?", "Am I helping you or are you helping me?"). They act like I requested a liver donation.

If I had slaves, I could eat better, and not have to waste so much time/$$/energy on public transportation. Slaves could clean my Pigpen.

(free association).

One of KF's volunteer instructors, asked me if I wanted to borrow a stick. I said "yes." The volunteer had the nerve to correct me "yes, please".

That reminds me of how I *hate* it when someone has the nerve to say "huh" or "what" instead of "excuse me", but I do not have the audacity to correct them.

proportions: (KF)/(short fat balduglyman) = (plenty of slaves)/(social rejection)

There is nothing great about me, but nobody is perfect. Seriously, I feel like if Kayla deserved plenty of slaves, I do not deserve the amount of social rejection that KF's volunteers (and customers) have given me.


kayla: plenty of slaves
short fat bald ugly man: social rejection

My former "friend" Dena told me that KF "is a good teacher." However, it is not possible to measure quality. Besides, KF has not been polite to me. In 2014, KF's first interaction with me, was when I was leaving her volunteer's lesson early. KF had the nerve to snap @ me, "why are you leaving?". "bus". KF did not answer that, but she didn't apologize either. First impression. (primacy/recency effect). Even my dumpsterfire "job" does not bother micromanaging my worthless corpse like that.

I can't understand how/why so many precious lil "people" would be willing to do so much volunteer work for KF, just b/c "she's a good teacher".

double standards