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31 May 2009, 2:20 am

It's not easy being female.

Men always want someone younger than themselves. I feel like I haven't really experienced life at 26...yeah too old for female.. Anyway I'm not thinkning of considering suicide. It just hurts to hear guys say I already have wrinkles or something or that I'm not supose to be attracted to anyone older than myself.

Anyway I'm not riduculing guys but it does hurt. I don't think I'll come here longer. Most of you have helped through a lot of stuff. Thanks guys.


I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
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31 May 2009, 2:26 am

I hope I die, soon, too. I am not interested in looking for it, anymore, but you know. . I have done enough this time around.

Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon

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31 May 2009, 2:27 am

I can understand that feeling.

For me, I am 27. I have never held a job or had a girlfriend. It is as if life is passing me by and I have no idea how to go about doing what I want to do.

I am just so angry and disillusioned.


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31 May 2009, 2:43 am

You don't need anyone to feel life and happiness.

Devoting yourself to someone, whilst it can make beautiful moments, it also makes very sad ones; being with someone is also time consuming, so you will miss out on things you otherwise would never have experienced if you lived the typical life that our ancestors and genes force upon us.

There's positives and negatives to everything, and no one way of life is worth more than another.


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31 May 2009, 3:03 am

You guys all have good pointers. It just seems like I would love not to feel anything...just shoot up like I use to and nepenthe from it all. There would be nothing closer than to numb the "old" human conditions and fakeness of "love" or "attraction".

Even losing life it hurts. I don't know how long it's been but it's almost beeen a year now and it's still hard for me. What else is there to look up to or keep on going by?

I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
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31 May 2009, 3:09 am

Sorry to hear you're down. I wish I could help. :scratch:

I hope you don't leave. I would miss you. :(

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31 May 2009, 4:55 am

Edit: Oh, never mind.

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A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other
A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log
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31 May 2009, 10:40 am

I have enjoyed your posts.
When I was thirteen, dying seemed awfully attractive. When I was recovering from kidney failure and taking lots of prednisone, dying sure seemed easier than living. When my younger brother died, I had overwhelming moments of wanting to join him rather than keep on. I still hope I die before my husband does. As I am aging badly, I would not be surprised if I did. And he says he hopes he dies before me because he selfishly doesn't want to live on without me. Yeah. Pain hurts.
As a Christian, I think I have an answer for you, but you would have to pm me because I know it's inappropriate to bring up religion in this forum. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here, but I have difficulty understanding why I can't bring up all my experiences here.
I hope you can find the support you need. Being human is hard.


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31 May 2009, 10:56 am

lelia wrote:
I have enjoyed your posts.
When I was thirteen, dying seemed awfully attractive. When I was recovering from kidney failure and taking lots of prednisone, dying sure seemed easier than living. When my younger brother died, I had overwhelming moments of wanting to join him rather than keep on. I still hope I die before my husband does. As I am aging badly, I would not be surprised if I did. And he says he hopes he dies before me because he selfishly doesn't want to live on without me. Yeah. Pain hurts.
As a Christian, I think I have an answer for you, but you would have to pm me because I know it's inappropriate to bring up religion in this forum. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here, but I have difficulty understanding why I can't bring up all my experiences here.
I hope you can find the support you need. Being human is hard.

I find it intersting you think you can't bring up religion in this forum. Why would you not be able to bring up all your experiences here? if this particular thread isn't the place for this discussion, I can understand, but why would you think religion is not welcome?

Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon

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31 May 2009, 1:13 pm

MissConstrue wrote:
It's not easy being female.

Men always want someone younger than themselves. I feel like I haven't really experienced life at 26...yeah too old for female..

It's not easy being human.

Why do you feel you're 'too old' at 26? A lot of women stay single into their mid to late 30s these days. You're only too old based on your perspective. The biological clock doesn't even start really ticking until your late 30's. You still have at least 10 to 15 years of relative youth in the worst case scenario.

Are you only attracted to teenage guys or men in their early 20s? I thought most women tended to be attracted to men who are a bit older than themselves since they tend to be more mature and settled in their lives.

What's wrong with men around the 30ish mark? They would consider you "younger than themselves". I don't see many men around this age wanting to date and marry teenage girls or ones in their early 20's, they are usually too immature and don't know what they want. I'm a 30 year old guy myself, I would consider a 26 year old woman to be about the perfect age for me (and yes, I would prefer someone a bit younger than myself). 26 usually means they are a couple years removed from the "college phase" and becoming stable adults.

Aging sucks, but I don't see 26 for either gender as being 'too old' for pretty much anything.


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31 May 2009, 2:07 pm

You bring up a good point brother. I guess I'm having an early midlilfe crisis.... :?

Most guys around my age are already married and I'm not really that desperate...and yet I guess I am. Not sure how to word this. Anyway I think I feel like I should've also accomplished things in life already. I still can't drive...and I'm more afraid than I use to be of getting out there. I've always been selfconscious about myself but now it's gotten worse over the years especially with my age issue.

I've also lately been having really bad meltdowns. I get emotional over the stupidest things and then when everything is's like waking up from a black out and thinking..what did I just do? It use to be worse, I had to be hospitalized for suicidal attempts. I hope doesn't get to that and I don't want to worry anyone. But I have trouble trying to control it.

I guess age is one factor, I still miss some of the family members that're gone. Another crappy thing I have to look forward to...losing people that I'm close to. I didn't use to get this emotional about death until recently. I don't know how people feel motivated to do what they do happily in life. It's all alien to me.

I hope no one thinks I'm mental. I do try and keep it together but there's times where I can't contain myself even around other people and I have to hide myself.

I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
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31 May 2009, 3:28 pm

it looks like you're having a quarterlife crisis. I think I might be having one too actually. I'm hoping it will pass... with good medication :P

I agree with brother, 26 is really nothing. I'm surrounded by married couples but almost everyone in my family had stayed single till their late thirties, I guess it's some form of family curse :wink: we're all late bloomers. so I keep an option in mind that I might still grow up one day.

I guess I don't have any good advice though, especially not when it comes to the trauma of death. oh well, it doesn't pass. you can either deal with it or never form close relationships with people again.

not a bug - a feature.


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31 May 2009, 4:38 pm

Hugs to you, Alice. It's another downward spiral that will eventually find it's way upwards again. I've found that for myself, everything goes in phases. Sometimes a hiatus is a good thing if you feel that's what you need, but don't leave for good. You will be missed. We'll always be here when you need us again.


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31 May 2009, 4:55 pm

I cant say I know you Miss Construe but I just want to say I have read this whole thread so far (and if someone know xalepax then thats a lot to be me)
I feel with you even if I dont have any wise advices on how to get on with your current rough life.
I got a nice impression of you here and hope that if you choose to leave WP then there is something better waiting for you out there!

But whatever you do, dont go die sooner. You are too young for that. You just have to find the positive sides of life and let them overwin the bad.
I also have my thoughts on "beeing too old" but also know that its not too late to live a good life and reach my goals...



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31 May 2009, 5:05 pm

I know I don't know you but from what you post, I feel (sort of) as if I do, I like your posts and your usual outlook, and there are some similarities in past history.

Mid 20's IS rough,(I had a number of breakdowns 25 to 26) everyone else "seems" to know what they are doing, moving on, getting might be feeling "why can't I?"

Hang in there, there will be new and different things to come up in your life and take your interest :)

I'd type "hugs" as many times as would help, but there is always "chocolate"..which is better :lol:

Other people are people too.


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31 May 2009, 10:05 pm

To MissContrue, Sinsboldly, David1981, hang in there... we all need each other around and I dont want to lose any of us.

MissConstrue I have also noticed that some guys go for younger women, I sometimes wonder if I am too old, but then I figure that the kind of guy I like anyway would hopefully like the fact that I am a bit older because I have stories to tell and a history..

Perhaps you could try a younger guy.. I did that once... :) .