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12 Jun 2012, 6:58 am

i cleaned my room yesterday and by cleaned i mean i threw all my stuff into the corridor and washed the walls and floor. it took all day. i wish death upon they who thought blutack on the walls was a good idea and i curse their family with misery for 5 generations to come. if you think i am being harsh then you did not spend 10 hours cleaning it off the wall.
my muscles, joints, bones, and everything else started screaming half an hour after i stopped and i couldnt move. it only started to abate today.
my dad is on the phone with me now. he is telling me all about my deficits, trying to mock the fact that i now do not live in comfort and telling me all by bad points are linked to aspergers which i "suffer" from and he is totally moralising about the fact that when i get my train ticket i use it to go to places it doesnt cover because it saves me a couple of dollars which i can use to get food. to him it is lying and cheating, defrauding the system but he lies about our ages all the time to get discounts and he is definitely not in a position where he needs those few extra dollars.


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12 Jun 2012, 8:36 am

I had to do my entrance essay (an on the spot one) for my uni prep course today.

I screwed it up bad. Not as in screwed screwed, but I only did average. I could have and should have done much better.

I hope they still accept me *crosses fingers for luck*

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Last edited by Kjas on 12 Jun 2012, 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Jun 2012, 10:15 am

People who are so F##king stupid that they think that their opinion is valid when it contradict the obvious scientific facts. I hate stupid people sooooooooo much I could scream. :x :x :x :x :x


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12 Jun 2012, 11:57 am

Finding out the the new head teacher has made it so that Year 11s that have to come back for tests after they've left school have to be in their schoolclothes. Now I'm dreading when that will happen to me in a year's time.


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12 Jun 2012, 1:28 pm

Someone upset me today. They were quizzing me about whether I work and have a relationship etc. and were saying it's no good being at home all the time I need to get out there. She had the nerve to try and make out she understood when clearly she doesn't otherwise she wouldn't have said those things. She said "You don't want to be like that for the rest of your life". Made me feel even more worthless.


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12 Jun 2012, 1:42 pm

Inane and ignorant comment from a so called colleague............same rubbish I have to hear every day; I wish I could get my words out and say what I'm thinking in those situations instead of getting angry; it's so energy zapping!

Why is it some people immediately think that quiet people are just plain stupid?


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12 Jun 2012, 3:05 pm

Pain due to Scheuermann's Disease (idiopathic necrosis of spine). I could not move.


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13 Jun 2012, 11:08 am

i went to visit my grans sister today in hospital. she always is in hospital so when i first heard she was in there again i was like yeah whatever but then on the phone she said it could be more serious and if she thinks it is serious then it must be because she's been through crap. but she seemed better than she was 2 days ago(according to her). that woman is just weird. well not weird- she's a typical lebanese grandmother. if you visit her do it on an empty stomach because she will stuff you like a dolma. against your will. even if she is bed ridden in hospital. im glad she has good nurses looking after her.

dad rang me up to drive in how poor i am.

why do i always attract creepy guys!? why?! and i am so sick of the asumption that i am weak because i am small and female! creepy guy was all like "oh are those books heavy? are you able to carry them?" more than once. what a twat. i was carrying 3 freaking books! i think i can bloody manage three books! grrrr :evil: they werent even big books! at least creep aversion protocol #1 worked this time.(repel people by being myself- monosylablic, boring, a little rude. it shuts conversation down like magic)


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13 Jun 2012, 12:47 pm

Woke up with a raging sore throat. :x


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13 Jun 2012, 1:04 pm

Mindsigh wrote:
Woke up with a raging sore throat. :x

...Me too.

You must sleep now, Uncle Sempi!
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13 Jun 2012, 1:21 pm

i really wanted to go to supernova and i have wanted to for ages and i finally decided i would go on saturday but then when it got to ticket payment on the ticket selling site and it said join this site so i did and then it said payment options: credit card or paypal. there was no eftpos so i couldnt pay. so then i thought i would join paypal and i did. then it said to verify my account and the link was broken and it told me how to fix it but the instructions were all wrong and i couldnt so i tried doing the payment without it and the ticket site was like you need to add credit cards to your paypal and i couldnt do it and now im really frustrated and upset. :cry: i was really looking forward to this. i know its childish but its like when you expect a really good present and get all hyped up about it and then you get something really bad and its the biggest let down. i was really looking forward to this.


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13 Jun 2012, 1:30 pm

Not even two minutes after my boyfriend came home, he already had to misinterpret something I said to make it sound like I was attacking him. All I said was that the dish I made would've been better with white rice than with brown rice, and that I wish he would've let me pick up white rice last time we went shopping (he stopped me that day by going, "but we already have brown rice at home, it's healthier!") He internalized my comment to mean I was blaming him for my dish not being better, and proceeded to argue that I should "just be straightforward and say it's (his) fault." What?! But I didn't mean it that way! What the hell?! He refused to believe me, and said that maybe I "should think before talking"... I do think before talking. Maybe you should learn not to think that every time I mention something negative, it's actually codespeak for, "this is all your fault!" :evil:

Seriously, what did I do wrong? Am I not allowed to say that X would be better if Y happened? Or am I just not allowed to say it if the Y is related to him? I didn't even say the dish was bad, but that it would be better... Where is he getting all this?! Why did he tell me to apologize?! Why are we now in separate rooms not talking to each other like a couple of bratty kids?! :cry: And he thinks he's more logical/less emotional than I am. Bull***t. A Vulcan (how he thinks of himself) would never react this way to a simple comment about rice!

VMSmith wrote:
why do i always attract creepy guys!? why?! and i am so sick of the asumption that i am weak because i am small and female! creepy guy was all like "oh are those books heavy? are you able to carry them?" more than once. what a twat. i was carrying 3 freaking books! i think i can bloody manage three books! grrrr :evil: they werent even big books! at least creep aversion protocol #1 worked this time.(repel people by being myself- monosylablic, boring, a little rude. it shuts conversation down like magic)

Being aloof and rude doesn't always work for me. Some idiot guys think I'm "playing hard to get" and bother me even more! Seriously, dude, I'M NOT INTERESTED. GO AWAY. You just can't win when you're a girl. :cry:


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14 Jun 2012, 10:40 pm

joannaaleksandra wrote:
Pain due to Scheuermann's Disease (idiopathic necrosis of spine). I could not move.

sry to hear :(


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14 Jun 2012, 10:56 pm

My calves and my chest are killing me. I'm officially SICK of FIBRO DAMN MIALGIA!! !! !! !! !! !! !! :evil:

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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14 Jun 2012, 11:57 pm

I missed my hair appointment. I'm always missing appointments.
Things have been making me very antsy lately, and I just don't like it. :(

I'm a crab in a lobster world.


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15 Jun 2012, 1:36 am

Being drained from that appointment yesterday, that intake took hours x_x