What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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26 Feb 2018, 1:45 am

I need me more foodie dreams :chef:


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28 Feb 2018, 2:44 am

I dreamt I was in another porno, the star posed for me and was very juicy :bounce:


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02 Mar 2018, 4:33 pm

I dreamt I was one of the wait staff at some diner, it was the end of my shift and I was cleaning up, and one very rude female customer was getting on my case, she didn't like the way I looked and the way I moved and was threatening to sick her boyfriend on me etc. and when I saw my relief come in I heaved a sigh of relief and handed everything off to him just as the truculent woman was coming at me with cutlery, and I rushed out of there and heard violence [the sound of punching and crashing glass and cutlery being thrown] between the relief waiter and the stooopid mean woman. I awoke with pounding heart and cold sweat.


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04 Mar 2018, 4:38 pm

The only thing I can remember right now was eating a big, juicy orange. At least that's better than the dreams I had the night before!


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04 Mar 2018, 6:39 pm

I dreamed that I was late for my contest yesterday and they closed the door on me. I was, in fact, early and, though I didn't win anything, it still turned out well.


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05 Mar 2018, 3:49 pm

I dreamt of a low-pitched siren, rapidly alternating pitch, with a flashing dull blue light and pulsing vibration in time with the siren's oscillating pitch, it awoke me with a start, I shouted "WHOAH!" 8O


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07 Mar 2018, 8:17 pm

i dreamt i was back in the hospital, only this time as a patient and not an employee, i had an appointment with an eye doctor, and i had to tell the front desk clerk about my appointment, he gave me an appointment slip and a patient pamphlet and sent me to the elevators, i glanced at the slip and could barely make out the teeny tiny print on it, printed in thin faint ink. then i entered the elevator, i noticed it indicated by number of buttons, that i was in a 30-floor building, but the buttons were scattered all over the 4 interior elevator walls, and were in different groupings and sizes, and i knew not which ones to press, so the other elevator riders pressed their buttons before i could ineffectually press my own. anyways, i somehow ended up on the right floor, but was lost from the git-go, as my surroundings looked just like a shopping mall with various storefronts for the different medical providers. 2 middle-aged women, one wearing beige scrubs with graying pixie-cut hair, the other wearing medium-blue scrubs and with darker brown shoulder length hair, led me through a seemingly anonymous storefront through a warren of hallways until i got to my eye doc's office where i sat down in a haphazardly arranged waiting area with some exam room doors open, and i could see out windows in the exam rooms and tell i was at or near the top floor, seeing mainly skyline and sky. while i was waiting, some doctors breezily made conversation with me, superficially about the reason for my visit but also just shooting the breeze. then they were called away and i had to find a restroom to pee, and after i did my business in the men's room i took a wrong exit door that led me back out into the shopping mall area, and i was thoroughly lost, i looked around and as i was trying to figure out which way to go back, i awoke. :huh:


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10 Mar 2018, 6:56 am

I was in a bowling alley, but the floor in front of the lane was polished too, and I couldn't get near it for slipping. Quite difficult keeping balance while holding a bowling ball.

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10 Mar 2018, 7:03 am

I was basically in the movie Constantine and I was attracting violence from demons and spirits and Constantine was protecting me.

Then we got possessed on purpose but my 'will' was strong enough to depossess myself and tell Constantine to attack so he could destroy them and the train they were using to take us to hell.

The dream felt oddly satisfying

It has all happened before, it will probably happen again.
Nothing is new in the face of the Universe.


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10 Mar 2018, 10:59 am

No dreams last night, because I got virtually zero sleep.


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10 Mar 2018, 9:11 pm

A few weeks, or maybe months, ago, I’d already let myself get quite sleep-deprived during the first working days of the week and, once more, only decided that maybe it was a good idea to go to bed when I had just about three or four hours left that night before I had to get up again. Fearing I might fail to hear the several alarms I set up in my phone (rather unlikely—I have the habit of getting up at about that time very entrenched, even if I’m horribly sleepy), I left the light on, as if to drive home the idea that I wasn’t to sleep much till I got back from my pseudo-job again.

I had a few dreams during those scant hours, though I remember very little of them. I think I had at least a false awakening in which I saw everything around me lit by the same kind of light that was actually shining in the room, but the objects and the room itself were eerily different, as is usual in dreams. If I remember correctly, I connected that light for a split second to the daylight which greets Sarah in the American ending of The Descent (revealed to be a dream in the British version, when she’s shown to be still in the cave, with only the reddish light of her torch, no way out and the crawlers about to feast on her) before she triumphantly begins to climb that unlikely passage out of the cave.

In a later dream, I could see my sleeping self from the outside, still under the light I’d left on in the room, as if I was attending some kind of exposition or tour. At the end of the dream, I heard an “offscreen” voice saying matter-of-factly, “Now he’s about to find out he didn’t actually sleep at all”.

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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15 Mar 2018, 6:02 pm

I dreamt I was at my sis' place, trying to help her fix her malfunctioning puter, only for some reason she could not follow my instructions and went ahead and did wrong things that messed up her puter even worse, then she blamed me. :o


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17 Mar 2018, 3:26 pm

I dreamt I was in a slightly dingy white room but with charcoal-colored carpeting. on one wall I was standing near, was inscribed the sentence, "the only way to make any sense of this life, is to live in a state of misery." I regarded each letter of that sentence, and as each letter popped up it emitted a "noisy" wavy white line [the lines were gritty in appearance] and an accompanying gritty-sounding wavering [in pitch] white noise but of a pitch, like a low whistle and whine mixed together, with a grungy undertone. :huh:


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17 Mar 2018, 6:27 pm

auntblabby wrote:
I dreamt I was in a slightly dingy white room but with charcoal-colored carpeting. on one wall I was standing near, was inscribed the sentence, "the only way to make any sense of this life, is to live in a state of misery." I regarded each letter of that sentence, and as each letter popped up it emitted a "noisy" wavy white line [the lines were gritty in appearance] and an accompanying gritty-sounding wavering [in pitch] white noise but of a pitch, like a low whistle and whine mixed together, with a grungy undertone. :huh:

A noticeable proportion of my dreams are grainy, or have grainy elements, but never sound-producing "unspirational" quotes.

In my last dream, I had a sword; a 13th century sword, far shiner than it should have been. Not glittery or luminous, just shiny. I was in a modern room, like my house but not my house. All I remember is testing the weight of the sword in my hand.


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17 Mar 2018, 7:35 pm

^^^ "...unspirational..." - that is a KEEPER :wtg:


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20 Mar 2018, 8:14 am

Dreamt about going to a store that sold school books