What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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24 May 2010, 2:21 pm

I was in the passenger seat of a police car in search of where I parked my car which, happened to be in a place from my early childhood of all things..


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25 May 2010, 12:21 am

Over the past year I have a dream about once every few weeks that I'm being attacked by a Lion or Tiger.
Happened last night too.
Funny thing is my Chinese animal is the Tiger - I'm born in that year.
I heard someone say that spirit guides can come to you in your dreams as animals,
but I don't think a lion or tiger is my spirit guide, because one time I think the tiger killed me.
I guess it could be an extreme lesson from a spirit guide, it would be cool if I had a spirit guide
who came in the form of a Tiger!


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25 May 2010, 1:11 pm

persononplanet wrote:
Over the past year I have a dream about once every few weeks that I'm being attacked by a Lion or Tiger.
Happened last night too.
Funny thing is my Chinese animal is the Tiger - I'm born in that year.
I heard someone say that spirit guides can come to you in your dreams as animals,
but I don't think a lion or tiger is my spirit guide, because one time I think the tiger killed me.
I guess it could be an extreme lesson from a spirit guide, it would be cool if I had a spirit guide
who came in the form of a Tiger!

To see a tiger in your dream, represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you to take more of a leadership role. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction.??

To dream that you are attacked by a tiger, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you.


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25 May 2010, 1:22 pm

auntblabby wrote:
persononplanet wrote:
Over the past year I have a dream about once every few weeks that I'm being attacked by a Lion or Tiger.
Happened last night too.
Funny thing is my Chinese animal is the Tiger - I'm born in that year.
I heard someone say that spirit guides can come to you in your dreams as animals,
but I don't think a lion or tiger is my spirit guide, because one time I think the tiger killed me.
I guess it could be an extreme lesson from a spirit guide, it would be cool if I had a spirit guide
who came in the form of a Tiger!

To see a tiger in your dream, represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you to take more of a leadership role. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction.??

To dream that you are attacked by a tiger, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you.

I had a very visually pleasing dream about a tiger. I was standing in a darkened window looking down on the street below. It was snowing and the street was deserted. Then along comes a white tiger strolling down the street.


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25 May 2010, 1:52 pm

I've had a dream where I was someone of a different ethnicity which, was not so bad, for I cam to understand lfie from another's eyes though, I'll admit being called by a name other than I go by seems very odd indeed..

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26 May 2010, 11:42 pm

Last night..

I was walking down a road and saw many people walking among me in all different directions. There was an intersection and some guy started talking to me, I don't remember about what because suddenly blood spews out of his head, so I just walked on to see a crazy but determined woman firing a pistol at seemingly random people, some of whom were falling dead or scrambling for cover. But I just kept walking in the same direction, or the world changed it direction for me. I was alone for a bit when I saw a small gathering where the road abruptly turned into a river. This stalled a few people but I jumped into the river. It was cold in the form of depression and I was easily overtaken by the current. Submerged, I could see piles of bodies deep below, I focused in on them.. the faces were indistinguishable, identities lost to the passing water. They will always remain frozen and forgotten. I kept forward though and didn't even concern their fate in myself. At the heart of the river I found a portal of sorts. It was dreadfully vibrant with energies blue, violet, and red (as best can be described). I passed through it and my skin was pinched at every nerve. What I saw is impossible to discern without any reference to source... but was it amazing and full of life


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27 May 2010, 1:09 am

Aimless wrote:
I had a very visually pleasing dream about a tiger. I was standing in a darkened window looking down on the street below. It was snowing and the street was deserted. Then along comes a white tiger strolling down the street.

To see snow in your dream, signifies your inhibitions, repressed/unexpressed emotions and feelings of frigidity. You need to release and express these emotions and inhibitions. You may also be feeling indifferent, alone and neglected. To dream that you are watching the snow fall, represents a clean start and a fresh, new perspective. It is indicative of spiritual peace and tranquility.
To dream about a blizzard, suggests that you are feeling emotionally cold and frigid. You feel excluded and left out. It may indicate a lack of love and the absence of warmth within your own family circle.

To dream that you find something in the snow, suggests that you are exploring and accessing your unused potential, abilities, and talents. You have uncovered some hidden talent and ability within yourself. It may also indicate forgiving yourself or others. the white tiger in the deserted street, which blends in with the white snow could mean that your heretofore hidden talents and leadership ability are stealthily coming in from the cold [social isolation], and asserting their presence in your life, or your hopes and determination that this will become fact.


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27 May 2010, 3:26 am

one of my cats was made of water with fish swimming around inside it

Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.


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27 May 2010, 2:57 pm

a fragment of a remembered dream had me in some academic office where this older lady with gray hair and wearing a gray wool suit was sitting down next to her desk, and i was standing next to her, and she told me, "we are advancing your admission from ernest [earnest?] the 24th ahead to ernest the 10th." then i awoke. i wonder what month "ernest" or "earnest" might be? maybe there is an ernest month in another world somewhere, along with a herbie, george and a sam month, and maybe a seaphus month as well, for all i know.


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31 May 2010, 5:23 am

This morning I dreamed I was at a free party (rave kinda thing) in a church on a mountain, and everyone at it was really miserable and boring. So I look out the window and see there's a glorious purplish light shining upon a strange cluster of temples and mosques and churches some miles away, down in the valley. So then I find myself cycling down there. When I get near to one church, I notice there are some white and black striped creatures milling around. My brain decides they are Siberian tigers, and they start chasing me, so I pedal away in high gear, and one tiger almost catches me, but I manage to somehow keep ahead until I woke.

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31 May 2010, 5:58 am

Mine was more sad than weird. Do you know what a lucid dream is, where you know it's really a dream? I had a lucid dream I met this girl working in a grocery store, and she was really friendly. Toward the end of the dream, she came to me and said she quit, because she was being mistreated by everyone there. I hugged her, but realizing she wasn't real, I told her that in whatever capacity she actually existed, I wished her a happy life. As I said that I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I woke up crying. It's more strange now that I think back, but I sure didn't think so for the first five minutes after waking up.


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31 May 2010, 6:43 am

I had a dream that my ex friend was about to slit my throat open, with a butcher knife. That happened, early this morning.

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31 May 2010, 6:51 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I had a dream that my ex friend was about to slit my throat open, with a butcher knife. That happened, early this morning.

The dream, or for reals?


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31 May 2010, 8:44 am

i dreamed that i started to drive a removalist truck i hired with all my belongings in it to another location a long way away (i could never fit everything i own into 1 truck but it was a dream).

i dreamed that i was suddenly so tired i could not pay attention to the road, and the truck seemed to have a mind of it's own.

i dreamed that i put my foot on the brake, but only the front right brake was working, so the truck lurched dangerously downward on it's front right hand wheel.

i dreamed that the truck then fell on it's right hand side and scraped along the road a ways.

i dreamed that i was mildy annoyed but i was too tired to care seriously, and then another much bigger truck drove by and snagged my truck somehow with a belt trailing from it.

then i dreamed that it was pulling me along the road, and i realized i left some very important things behind and i could not stop and go back for them.
i dreamed that the side of my truck was being abraded by the road surface and was getting hot, and it would not last much longer until it was worn through and everything would spill out of the hole onto the road.

it was raining hard and i was being pulled along on my side inside the truck in the middle of nowhere and that dream was unpleasant and the dream just faded out.

i am sure the quality of my sleep is inferior when those types of dreams of insecurity happen


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31 May 2010, 10:29 am

I had another one of my awful, never to be repeated, someone shoot me in the head to make it stop dreams. And there I was thinking they had stopped.


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23 Jun 2010, 3:59 am

the first half of my weird dream seems to have erased itself from my memory, but the 2nd half is as follows:

i was transported to a battleship type of watercraft with a bunch of wild horses on the landing strip atop the boat. there were some non-military men corralling the horses and a few of them fell over the side, into the ocean below. in my dream, i zoomed in on one of the horses that fell over, and suddenly found myself in this little locker room but with the shower stall section totally given over to the ocean. an ocean in a locker room shower stall. in this ocean area there was a floating island and a stationary island up against the wall of the shower stall. a horse stranded on the stationary island decided to jump onto the floating island, and this made them both drift towards the shore of the dry land in the locker room. waiting on the shore was my older sister, and the horse and my sister embraced, and the horse morphed into a pony and then into a pygmy horse which licked my sister with affection like it was a dog, and it whinnied in sheer joy. my sister was holding the pygmy horse which had a big smile on its face. then i awoke.