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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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11 Aug 2020, 7:36 pm

I just wanna put a disclaimer that I am not promoting censorship or overregulation of internet communications, I'm just giving a critique of things I find wrong with the culture online.

I think that it is, due to multiple issues.
I will list the issues in an orderly fashion to keep this post from meandering too much.

One big issue is that it exposes the true darkness of mankind. Some may say anonymity is an issue, but I see that as more neutral. However, it's allowed people to act completely unrestricted and as a consequence it shows how they really are on the inside. The rate of awful people I meet online is way lower than the rate of awful people I meet in person. This leads me to believe that many of the "nice" people you see in real life may actually be awful inside, and express that awful nature online anonymously.

As a consequence of the previous issue, there is quite a fair of cyberbullying and toxic behavior, which can be as benign as petty insults or as severe as ruining somebody's life or swatting them. Unfortunately this behavior is often seen in entire groups and it can often be one person being harassed by an entire mob online. This can be especially problematic for people like me with Asperger's, who already act kinda different. The amount of disregard for others I see on the internet frankly makes me lose faith in humanity and want to become a hermit.

Another thing I hate is this whole oversexualized anime/role-playing motif I see. No offense to anybody into that, I just find it annoying and boring and see it way too much. Plus there's a lot of very questionable aspects of the whole "waifu" crowd, especially as it pertains to borderline illegal content. I dislike this stuff deeply and I hope children aren't being exposed to it much.

Speaking of which the sexualization of children and predatory behavior online absolutely disgusts me. I think this is the worst aspect of the internet. In fact, I believe that children should perhaps be legally banned from certain platforms until they reach a certain age so that this doesn't happen anymore. Parents should definitely HEAVILY regulate their kids online because from what I see there's a very rampant issue with this stuff going on online.

And I don't see it getting any better. Humans are humans, and there are a lot of terrible human. And as long as they can act with anonymity it will come out more and more as the population increases. I like WP though don't get me wrong, this place seems better than a lot of other places.

So yeah, I think it's problematic. Do you?


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11 Aug 2020, 7:50 pm

I mean I think you summed it up... \
But of course the positives are all there. Like learning.
and due to Covid19 situation he completed the latter end of his studies ONLINE... ... 3755208690

He's like my mom she loves learning and earning degree or certificates or qualifications...

even if she won't have time to use them.. the process of learning.. is her hobby..
just like this man..

Actually Dragonsanddemons here said that too, that she loves learning.

Sorry back to internet.

It's also awesome to be able to get a feeling of 'socializing' with people who are not "NT" - because I just like the people here more.. but maybe if meeting in person..4
it would be difficult (unless it was a 2-week retreat or something like that .where u actually have time to adapt. then it would be fun.. )

But everything u said is valid and true. I hate Twitter Autism situation. In fact I really hate the actuallyautistic (hashtagged) way they are.

I prefer forums as there's more nuance and kindness and care -- you can actually learn about people's experiences properly...

people aren't spurting the tabloid style of attention-grabbing high-emotion vitriol...

whereas Twitter molds your brain into thinking and communicating like that..


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11 Aug 2020, 7:55 pm

Oh I also saw (and interact with at times) some (estimated level 2 or level 3) autistics on youtube posting videos of their passion (i hate saying special interest).. they wouldn't be able to do that without internet culture..

Like they are not seemingly the type to post here, they wouldn't be able to sustain it or do it at all perhaps (nor enjoy it) --

but with youtube they create.. and they create a whole community around their passion like elevators, and relate to each other, and get friendship and happiness from it. And to outsiders.. well it is also educational because now you see how other people are, who aren't like you, and know how to interact with them in real life too.. instead of ignoring or being very distant (because neurotypical and even me and other people dont know how to relate to more developmentally delayed people --who they dont understand ---think that person would prefer to be alone, or dont know how to get them to open up and enjoy the interaction---

unless they get SOME exposure.. then you get it.. then in real life it's like a bridge of understanding, the gap is closed somewhat, and that lends richness and longevity to any interactions.. so then that person feels less lonely too)

Also my son would never be able to manage without internet. And that's what I feel for anyone with Level 3 that they are so blessed if they have internet, as without they dont have ready access to the things they love the most..

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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11 Aug 2020, 11:08 pm

I believe there can be positives in certain environments online but any general, anonymous type situation online is typically pretty toxic.