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06 May 2014, 6:58 pm

List some things you are bad at. It has to be something you've actually tried at least once before, or else your list will obviously be pretty big.

I have bad leadership skills, and my time and money management have severely deteriorated in the last five years. I suck at playing guitar too, but I will get it eventually.

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06 May 2014, 11:58 pm

very long runs-mile to 10k(6.2 miles) I do good,
after the 10k,I suck.


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07 May 2014, 1:42 am

I can't juggle.

Throughout the years juggling has remained at the top of the list of things that I would most like to do, but I just can't do it.

Everyone around me seems to be able to juggle with at least three balls or bottles or whatever, but me.

All I can do is one ball.

I feel that my life would be complete if only I could juggle.

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07 May 2014, 12:21 pm

I've always had a lot of trouble with writing essays or other kinds of structured writing like that.

Coming up with what I want to say isn't too hard, but having to assemble all of those little sentences and ideas into one coherent piece is a whole other thing.
I feel like no matter how much we work on writing in school, I never quite got the hang of it.

That guy is a dingus.


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07 May 2014, 7:00 pm

Driving with a very talkative passenger in my car.
Running (hopeless)
Job interviews
tolerating authoritarian types
being patient - though have improved a bit with age and experience


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07 May 2014, 7:10 pm

I can't draw anything but abstract or geometry based things. For a person, I can draw a stick figure. That's about it.

Hell is other people ~ Sartre

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07 May 2014, 7:29 pm

tying my shoes
throwing & catching - any sports
getting assignments done early
abstract thinking
math or chemistry - any kind of calculating
finding my way around stores or my neighborhood without getting lost


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07 May 2014, 7:32 pm

I can't dance. At all. Which is kind of surprising, as I'm a musician and otherwise have very good motor skills.

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07 May 2014, 7:34 pm

I'm really bad at cleaning, for some reason.

also: organizing my time
coordination at the dinner table
doing more than two things at once
making adjustments when my schedule goes askew
anything mechanical--I've got two left thumbs!

I am okay at screwing in a light bulb, though.

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Tufted Titmouse

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07 May 2014, 9:19 pm

1. Interpreting any kind of literature or poetry.
2. Time management.
3. Finding my way around. Even with clearly written instructions, I can sometimes get lost.
4. Socializing. I'll just be among people. No idea how to interact with them.
5. Enjoying life. I've tried. Life isn't fun.
6. Being independent. I'm not good at it.
7. Being happy. Can't force myself to be something I'm not.
8. Handling anxiety. I have a tendency to lose it when I get anxious.
9. Making eye contact. It makes me very uncomfortable and feels unnatural. Besides, how long are you supposed to look in somebody's eyes for?

Yeah, I've got a lot of important stuff I'm not good at.


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08 May 2014, 3:24 pm

Singing while playing an instrument
Coming up with things to say
Making immediate decisions
Reading between the lines

Black cat on duty


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08 May 2014, 3:38 pm

public speaking

but I am terrific at parallel parking!! !! :)

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Sea Gull

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08 May 2014, 5:37 pm

Interpreting films
Not annoying other people (forgive the double-negative)


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09 May 2014, 6:15 am

Thinking about stuff I am not good at - I don't know where is the border between good and not good. Is it what I like/dont like to do? Or is it what I am able/unable to do? Hmm, probably it is the thing I do bad when I try... ok then:

- remembering faces, I never know who is who unless I know someone pretty well
- cooking - I don't have enough patience so go to do something else to kill time and after a few hours I realize the meal is burned because I forgot about it. :lol:
- planning, especially when other people involved
- moving heavy things - I am pretty weak physically.
- mind reading - I never know what others are thinking even if I am apparently supposed to and everyone else do
- waking up early - I hate the morning hours
- falling sleep - be it sensory issues or something with my body, no idea. I just usually can't fall asleep.


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09 May 2014, 2:29 pm

-Playing woodwind instruments... My lungs are surgically soldered to the inside of my ribcage, and fairly rigid of movement because of so. If sitting on a couch, I have to consciously make myself breathe in that position. Maybe I just don't know how to breath properly, and even with weak lungs could make progress, but I get winded in just a few minutes of trying to play anything that requires breath. I've got an 8 hole shakuhachi in G I can barely get a note out of before I'm ready to pass out >_>

-Singing... I'm frightened by the sound of my own voice... enough said in itself, but pair that with the above breathing issues.

-Public Relations