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15 Sep 2017, 11:50 am

If you think about it, we have to work for everything to get what we want. I'm not just talking about money or jobs, I'm talking about everything we desire. If you want to lose weight then you have to exercise and eat healthy. If you want a relationship or a marriage to last, you have to work at it. If you want to do well in school, you have to show up to class, do your homework, and study. If you don't understand something you have to put extra work into it. If you want money then you have to get a job. I'm not saying that we should all be lazy and expect things to be handed to us without effort, but with everything we have to put up with we should be able to get at least one thing that we don't have to work for. When we do put an effort into these things we still have to deal with roadblocks along the way. We can't just work and see results. Everything seems to require time and so much effort. Life is too short to work so hard. When we do achieve certain things in life we all still grow old and eventually die. What is the point of working so hard when we are all just going to die in the end?


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15 Sep 2017, 1:44 pm

C'est la vie!

We have existence


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15 Sep 2017, 2:25 pm

Because most of us weren't born wealthy or lucky? Lucky as in not only winning the lottery, but not ending broke a few years later.


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15 Sep 2017, 2:27 pm

If the fact we are going to die in the end renders all activity meaningless, then there is in fact no point to doing anything. However, I don't find that the eventuality of death robs life of meaning. All beings have to expend effort to metabolize. If you don't care to do so, death is always an option.


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15 Sep 2017, 2:44 pm

There is a certain amount of satisfaction in seeing what you've worked towards come to fruition.
But yeah, I see many people who work their lives away.
There needs to be a balance.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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15 Sep 2017, 6:50 pm

Flower gardens take a lot of work, but most people notice when one is under the care of a hard working gardener.


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15 Sep 2017, 7:20 pm

It depends on what culture you live in, but many people think not working means you're lazy and worthless. And many people feel guilty when they do take time off work even if they're having all kinds of work-related stress problems because of that. I'm like "That's no way to live. People need time for play and time for work." But no one's going to listen to a jobless sperg like myself who finds just washing the dishes an overwhelming task. :?


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16 Sep 2017, 4:01 am

What's the point in not working for things? What's the point in wasting your life away doing nothing just because you're going to grow old (should you be so lucky) and die one day?
You could look at the issue all sorts of ways.
For some things, the working for it is also rewarding. I have been doing art recently, and though I'm "working" toward a finished page, the process of doing that is rewarding also.
As for jobs it's funny but I always wanted a career worthy of being a workaholic for. A job I believed in and could devote myself to enthusiastically. Unfortunately, all jobs I work seem to badly disappoint me.

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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16 Sep 2017, 12:04 pm

I don't think it's fair when you're one of those people who have a low-paid job and have to constantly work 5 or even 6 long days a week to afford to live, but are too nervous and tired to look for a better paid job. I know a guy in this situation. He doesn't even have much money to himself, all his money goes on rent, bills and tax. I don't know how he does it.

As a person with ADHD, I find it emotionally draining to attend the same job every day in the same place doing the same repetitive work day in day out. I remember a few years ago I got a job in a supermarket, filling shelves. And man was I BORED! All it was every day was going to the warehouse, stacking a big trolley thing full of stock, wheeling it into the shop, filling the shelves with required stock, then to go and repeat it again, for 8 more hours. One of the other workers there said that she enjoys it, so I figured she must have a different brain to me. I quit the job in less than 2 weeks, I just couldn't put up with it any longer.
I prefer the job I'm in now, where I'm cleaning toilets. It is still rather boring, but the job seems to have more dynamic to it than the shelf-filling. If it wasn't for my awkward people skills, I'd work in a busy place talking to customers all day. The time must go quicker in those sorts of jobs.



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16 Sep 2017, 12:19 pm

I'm in another of my bad moods, so have at it. This is an English translation (and a p!ss-poor one, at that) of the Morgenchoral des Peachum from Weill's Die Dreigroschenoper.

Wake up, you rotten Christian!
Get up and start your sinful life,
show what a crook you are,
and then the Lord will provide you.

Sell your brother, you blackguard!
Barter away your wife, you scoundrel!
The Lord, is he only air to you?
He’ll show you at the Last Judgement.

Now you know the real reason we work so hard for nothing!


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16 Sep 2017, 1:58 pm

But we do get good things for free. Go outside on a sunny day and you can enjoy the warmth of the sunshine on your skin for free. Go up into the mountains and you can enjoy the beautiful view for free. Go for a walk in the forest. Again free. A beautiful sunset. The Northern Lights. A starry sky. A snowy day. A babbling brook. A cute cat walks past. A dog runs up to you and wants to be petted. The feel of grass between your toes. Paddling in the ocean. A walk in the park. Autumn/Fall colours in the trees. Cherry blossoms in the spring time.