What do you call an alcove that isn't an alcove?

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02 Dec 2007, 2:26 pm

I'm struggling to describe the formation of the building in this photo.


I don't think there are any gates or anything.


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02 Dec 2007, 4:31 pm

Looks like a corner, but I presume there's a partial wall. Alcove seems fine. Can't think of anything else.


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02 Dec 2007, 4:42 pm

There are walls on both sides.


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02 Dec 2007, 4:47 pm

al·cove (alÆk$v), n.
1. a recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room: a dining alcove.
2. a recess in a room for a bed, bookcases, or the like.
3. any recessed space, as a bower in a garden.
[1670–80; < F alcôve < Sp alcoba < Ar al-qubbah the dome]
—Syn. nook, bay.

nook (nÂk), n.
1. a corner, as in a room.
2. any secluded or obscure corner.
3. any small recess: a breakfast nook.
4. any remote or sheltered spot: a shady nook that was ideal for a picnic.
[1250–1300; ME nok]
—nookÆlikeÅ, adj.

1. Archit.
a. any of a number of similar major vertical divisions of a large interior, wall, etc.: The nave is divided into six bays.

Does this help?


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03 Dec 2007, 3:28 pm

Automated vending nave.


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04 Dec 2007, 4:27 am

a space?

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04 Dec 2007, 7:42 pm


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05 Dec 2007, 7:06 pm

I don t mind what it's called, but I want to spend some money in those machines!!


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05 Dec 2007, 7:50 pm

How about "tasty place"?

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06 Dec 2007, 12:46 pm

What do you call an alcove that isn't an alcove?
I'm struggling to describe the formation of the building in this photo.

What about "niche"?

1 a: a recess in a wall especially for a statue b: something that resembles a niche

2 a: a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted <finally found her niche> b: a habitat supplying the factors necessary for the existence of an organism or species c: the ecological role of an organism in a community especially in regard to food consumption d: a specialized market

Using definition 2a (the bolded parts) it would kind of work. Why is it important? Why are you struggling to know?


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06 Dec 2007, 1:16 pm

Looks like a corner full of chilled junk and sugary stuff to me.

There appears to be two walls joining each other which I understand to be a corner. An alcove has a back wall and two shallow walls either side.