Pregnant, recently incarcerated, and undiagnosed asd

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Oct 2017, 10:32 pm

Ok so don't anyone think that they really need to offer advice, I really am just needing to vent. I only have a couple close friends and I don't feel like burdening or opening up about this with them right now because I guess I feel ashamed. I was on probation for a year for drug possession and was doing well but started to slip and have run-ins with the law again. I was taken to jail in late June and found out right after I got thrown in that I was pregnant by someone I barely knew (I used to hook up with random guys when I feel scared or stressed or rejected) and then I got extradited out of state to the place I was originally put on probation. After I arrived I was harassed by several of the other women and put myself in seg by myself for my and their safety. I didn't know what else to do. But I was still very stressed and lonely and scared and because of the pregnancy I also couldn't take any meds! So sometimes I had angry outbursts because of the noise and feeling trapped and paranoid. And I was in that cell by myself for 2 WHOLE MONTHS. finally I got out on October 9th. I am keeping my baby and will never do anything again to get in trouble with the law and some good did come of it- it finally became clear to me that I probably have undiagnosed aspergers. It really would be a relief to just get diagnosed and stop denying it at this point. And I am very excited about becoming a mom! I'm 26 and this is my first. I'm about to find out the gender in a few days. But I still have so many things to figure out - establishing residency getting a job prenatal and Medicaid (my parental insurance coverage just ran out). And frankly I'm just feeling angry that life has been so hard for me and that I had to go through soooo michhhh helllll. I just need to vent sometimes and am frustrated a lot still.


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20 Jan 2018, 10:16 pm

Congratulations on being a mom! It's awful that you had to go through all that. I definitely can't give you the right advice since I'm just a kid, but I'm super proud of you for working towards being the best mom and role model you can be your child. I hope that you get everything squared away and find an awesome group of friends and family to support you through your struggles. Everything will turn out okay.


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22 Jan 2018, 7:49 pm

I'm glad that you will keep you child, and raise him/her.

I'm glad you're sick of the correctional system. Being in jail really sucks for many reasons. Everybody connected with jail wants to assure that it's lousy for you.

If you can, maybe see a lawyer to see if you can get some of the charges expunged (erased) from your record. In many states, one can expunge one or a couple of misdemeanors.

Again, congratulations on making the decision to NEVER have negative contacts with law enforcement.