Severe depression and cystitis a week before period

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06 Nov 2021, 4:39 pm

I'm on the pill and it does make my periods bearable but lately I've been suffering severe depression and cystitis during the week before my period starts.

I'm depressed anyway but it peaks before my period, where I'm feeling extremely low, and severe self-hatred and even suicidal. It's a horrible, isolating feeling where I feel nobody likes me and I get horribly jealous of other people's social lives. It's horrible.
And also I get cystitis that keeps me up at night. I keep feeling the urge to pee, and I even get dull cramps in my bladder and last month I even got a fever with it. It seems to happen just the week before my period, otherwise I don't really suffer with cystitis.

The premenstrual effects seems to have gotten worse as I've gotten older. Does anyone else get this? What do I do?



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06 Nov 2021, 4:47 pm

Have you been tested for UTI or had a cystography?

Maybe a simple antibiotic could help. There's a possibility that whatever's going on for you (example - inflammation or mild infection) is happening all month, but maybe you only feel it when you're premenstrual?

Have you tried buying a home UTI kit with the test strips?

How long has this been happening?

I hope you feel better soon. Bladder issues are the worst. I've had a UTI for about six months and it's not responding to treatment. I already had part of my bladder removed and rebuilt artificially. I don't want any more invasive procedures.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


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07 Nov 2021, 5:01 pm

I have had increased depression/anxiety before my period (the worst is 3 days before, like clockwork) for all four decades that I've menstruated. That said it is more (excruciating) or less (hardly) noticeable depending on life circumstances.

Worse: I was often in crisis when first living on my own and taking the Pill. I suspect the Pill (prolonged estrogen) contributed to it, but establishing independence did also. Over a decade later when I was on the Pill (and estrogen) for infertility it also did a job on me. One cycle when I stopped the estrogen, I got kicked out of a support group b/c of a strong emotional reaction. There is no doubt it was my typical PMS day (based on timing), but it was exacerbated 5-fold or more which I believe was a withdrawal effect.

Best: I was rarely in crisis when I was doing acupuncture and TCM (herbs) which regulated my cycle and probably modulated my hormones (gentler chemical highs and lows). I was very depressed then also (medical hardship), but I was functional and "enjoyed" relative stability.

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing such emotional (and physical) pain each cycle. I think you're right that you are having hormonal issues. My thoughts are to seek an endocrinologist or TCM. If you are brave, teas or the like as home remedies. As you may know, many folks on/close to the Spectrum are especially sensitive to hormonal fluctuations.