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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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04 Sep 2012, 8:17 am

I hate the phrase 'back to school', but it's back to school time! I nearly didnt go due to my anxiety and the whole thing was exhausting even though it was only a half day. That's not to say it went too badly, I chatted and got along with only a few minor 'ASD moments'! I was just wondering, how do you deal with going back to school and what coping strategies are useful to stop anxiety attacks?
Thanks :)


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04 Sep 2012, 9:12 am

Me, too - though I am an 'old' student! I like to get there early enough to pick my chair - one that is near the front and close to a door - so left or right side. I don't like to be so close to the front that I feel neck-strain, though. Comfort helps. I also have a planned bathroom stop at a planned bathroom (if you have a choice) on y way to first class.

Something that has kept full blown anxiety attacks away for me has been just talking to myself in my head - I was taught this technique - oh, I feel like bad things are going to happen, that's an anxiety symptom. Oh, now it is hard to breathe, this is an anxiety symptom, hello anxiety, and so-on. If I think: hello anxiety, then I find it loses it's power. If I can go stand outside or get into a quiet place it helps, too.

Hope all goes well, LM


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04 Sep 2012, 9:24 am

Those days are long over for me, thank God. I don't think there are many people that like going back to school! I always remember in my last day of the summer holiday I used to try my best to forget that I had school tomorrow, and just treat the day like it wasn't the last day of the summer holiday. But when evening came, I couldn't stop thinking about the next day because I had to get my bag ready (the school bag I hadn't seen for 6 weeks), and my mum got all my school uniform ironed, so I couldn't escape that horrible feeling. Then I was restless all night, and couldn't sleep properly, until early hours of the morning. Then my mum would call me up for school in the morning, and I was like, ''ohh, God, morning's come round already!''

Ohh, I'm glad those days are over! Today I had to go to the job centre instead. At least that only lasts for 5 minutes, then I'm out again! And I got to get on my favourite bus.



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04 Sep 2012, 9:28 am

I have mixed emotions about the first day this week. I'm excited for it and everything, but at the same time I'm dreading it. It's the first day at a brand new school, with over a thousand brand new people. I think it'll be okay, but things don't always turn out the way you think they will.

Strategies I use are keeping my head down in the halls between classes. I don't think there's a way to stop anxiety completely, but trying to imagine what you'll do at home/etc can sometimes help.


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04 Sep 2012, 9:35 am

The way I coped with the first day was to expect to be bullied and expect to get into trouble. Not that it's a good way to see things, but at least I knew what was in store. It had happened the year before, and before, and before, all the way back to kindergarten. So I never got anxiety attacks when it did happen.


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04 Sep 2012, 10:25 am

I go back to school tomorrow. This is the second year in a row that I haven't been nervous about it (and I guess it's because I'm not a Freshman anymore :lol:), but in the past I just tried to relax myself the best I could and brace myself for anything that might happen.

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04 Sep 2012, 10:42 am

I used to be quite excited to go back to school because it meant new stationary :D

Nothing much really changed year upon year at my school except for teachers, which was the main worry when going back after summer.

Still, very glad I don't have to do that any more!


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04 Sep 2012, 11:57 am

When I go back to school I make sure everything is well planned. On the first day back I get up 15 minutes earlier than normal so that I have plenty of time to check everything is in the right place and I'm not missing anything from my bag. I've never struggled with the first day back (well, except my first day of secondary school), it's on the second day that all the anxiety attacks hit me hardest. Fortunately everyone is busy getting back into schedule (the second day seems to be the first day of significant work I find) so they leave me alone a lot.

Tomorrow I go back to school for year 11. It's probably the easiest year so far, since i'm in the middle of a GCSE course I will have all the same teachers, the same form tutor, the same form group and the same form room. It's hardly like I've been on summer at all! The only thing changing is my timetable and possibly some of the rooms I am taught in for each subject, which will unfortunately mean new seats.

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04 Sep 2012, 12:11 pm

It was my first day back too- and I'm a teacher!
I was really anxious, barely slept last night. I was pacing up and down my classroom this monring waiting for the children to arrive. The only thing I can do to deal with anxiety is to put on my "teacher" act- it's a role I have to step into every day and it's taken 3 years to get the hang of it, but I can do it better now.

When I was at school, I found first day back hard because I never knew what to expect. Once I had my timetable it had improved, but it was always hard. I used to sit in the back corner of the classroom and find a quiet corner at play/lunch so that I could cope better with the number of people and being overwhelmed. I still do that now as it's the only way I can get through a day.

Depression, GAD, Social Anxiety and unidentified mental health issues too


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04 Sep 2012, 1:14 pm

I really hated the first day of school. I would stay up all night from the anxiety.