Did SomethingAwful "Goons" bully an autistic person to death

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14 Jan 2015, 2:52 am

Some of gamergate and 8channers have come across some evidene apparently that Zoe Quinn is a somethingawful member, and she posted in the "FYAD" subforum which was I guess roughly equivalent to /b/ (roughly - it was more of an 'be an as*hole to each other' forum I guess) and that she was one of the Helldumpers (pretty much: helldump is when you out someone as a furry or whatever, dump enough dox on them to make them look bad, and vote to decide whether to ban them after humuliating them)

gamergate article specifically quoting this

And make no mistake, these people have absolutely no issues with harassment up to and including death threats either. FYAD even managed to make a depressed, possibly autistic man kill himself due to their harassment, a fact that if brought up rather than denying, they will gloat and laugh about. Many of these people were active in Helldump, another Something Awful subforum which existed for the sole purpose of doxxing SA users and digging up as much embarrassing information on them as possible, which went as far as users posting nude pictures of an underaged girl, as well as making fun of users with physical disabilities.

Unsurprising given SomethingAwful seemed to be full of as*holes


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14 Jan 2015, 3:12 am

I don't believe a word of the "evidence" gamergater's provide against Zoe Quinn. The majority of that text dump was insane. There is no doubt about the SomethingAwful community being terrible though.

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14 Jan 2015, 9:48 am

Ganondox wrote:
I don't believe a word of the "evidence" gamergater's provide against Zoe Quinn. The majority of that text dump was insane. There is no doubt about the SomethingAwful community being terrible though.

Well gee, the name is kind of a dead giveaway, no?

If you're mentally unstable and prone self-harm you should just stay away from forums like that.


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14 Jan 2015, 10:03 am

There is no evidence to n that post, only hearsay.

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14 Jan 2015, 12:57 pm

Fnord wrote:
There is no evidence to n that post, only hearsay.

from what I looked up after making the post, there seems to be something to it

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14 Jan 2015, 1:50 pm

It just comes to show how little the world has changed since the beginning of the Holocaust in 1933.

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14 Jan 2015, 2:00 pm

I don't know who to believe here, but I don't doubt that there are people out there who'd do it. In fact, I'd bet real money on there being a sizable number of such people. I used to participate in a couple of communities that had similar, though less brutal sections. I thought some of the big arguments were funny until I started making a few friends in the community, talking with them, and hearing about their complete lack of limits when it came to who they'd go after and why. There are people who care about their little games so much that they don't care who gets hurt, how much, or about any conditions they might have that change the context.

Plenty of people stalk Chris-Chan not because of the actual legal claims against him (which only come up when they're trying to justify what they do, if at all), but just because they like watching obviously messed-up people embarrass themselves, having something to crusade against, and feeling better about themselves in comparison. I make a point of not associating with them, but I see them around. Plenty of people sadistic enough to get their kicks from driving others to self-harm and capable of coming up with justifications. The human brain finds a way no matter the topic.

The problem with a shitstorm, though, is that everyone has an agenda.


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14 Jan 2015, 5:24 pm

I'm in the minority where I think stupid websites like SA and all these insane chan sites should be shut down.

Do they serve a purpose? No, the bad apples have ruined the bunch for the longest time for both, and they need to go go away, permanently.

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14 Jan 2015, 6:00 pm

andrethemoogle wrote:
I'm in the minority where I think stupid websites like SA and all these insane chan sites should be shut down.

Do they serve a purpose? No, the bad apples have ruined the bunch for the longest time for both, and they need to go go away, permanently.

Well if YOU don't like them, of course they should be shut down. Never mind the rest of us, you're the arbiter who decides what's right and wrong; we're just humble extras in the universal stage play in which you're the main character.


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14 Jan 2015, 7:34 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
It just comes to show how little the world has changed since the beginning of the Holocaust in 1933.

At the risk of invoking Godwin's Law, let me say that Hitler openly admired American eugenics efforts of the early 20th century, including "orphanages" like Fernald where young boys were imprisoned until they died of old age supposedly because they had low IQ scores and thus were potential "criminals", and mass forced sterilizing of the "feebleminded". While Germany has largely put that in the past, America has not, in fact you can look at articles on American news sites about say people killing their kids, and you will find page after page of comments advocating forced mass sterilization and such.


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14 Jan 2015, 7:43 pm

andrethemoogle wrote:
I'm in the minority where I think stupid websites like SA and all these insane chan sites should be shut down.

Do they serve a purpose? No, the bad apples have ruined the bunch for the longest time for both, and they need to go go away, permanently.

If shut them down, another is just going to spring up.

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14 Jan 2015, 11:07 pm

pezar wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
It just comes to show how little the world has changed since the beginning of the Holocaust in 1933.

At the risk of invoking Godwin's Law, let me say that Hitler openly admired American eugenics efforts of the early 20th century, including "orphanages" like Fernald where young boys were imprisoned until they died of old age supposedly because they had low IQ scores and thus were potential "criminals", and mass forced sterilizing of the "feebleminded". While Germany has largely put that in the past, America has not, in fact you can look at articles on American news sites about say people killing their kids, and you will find page after page of comments advocating forced mass sterilization and such.

That doesn't surprise me. He was enough of a douche bag to admire such things.

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