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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Jul 2017, 6:33 pm

I have always been on and off jobs since I started working after finishing my associates degree. I had so many jobs I can't even remember my work history. It's always been a struggle to maintain social interactions with everyone at the workplace. This didn't apply to every job. I enjoyed the social interactions in some jobs and not so much in others. It got terrible when I accepted a job at Leons working on a stand up forklift. That job really lowered my self esteem and I still haven't recovered since then (3 laters later). I had always know I was different than most people, especially in high school when I would study certain extroverts and would aspire to be like them. It wasn't until after I quit my job at Leons because of the social pressure that I found wrong planet and realized I have high functioning autism. I even remember a time when one of my dads friends made a remark on my lack of eye contact and this resonated a deep relation to everyone on this forum. I locked myself in my room for 4 months. My new interest would completely conquer my life from then on. This allowed me de stress and then go back to job hunting. That's when I began fill the void in between jobs with a long period of time just to de stress and focus on my interests. Somehow I always find a way to pay my bills when I am unemployed. Not lately. So now I am back on the job market and this really makes me anxious. I was enjoying my time off but now it's boring trying to find something to do. At the same time, I don't want to confined to 8 hour shift. I am finding a real struggle to get back on track and be like everyone else. I even declined many job offers in the past few months due to this fear. But now I am forced to accept whatever comes my way because I just started a new family and I have to man up. And that I will do as God didn't create men for no reason. Does anyone relate to my life story?


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25 Jul 2017, 1:41 pm

I usually do....but if I'm alone too long, I lose my sense of reality.

Snowy Owl
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25 Jul 2017, 3:44 pm

Yes, I can relate to what you're talking about. I also struggle with social interactions in the workplace, even though I haven't had a job in over 2 years now. And I, too, in high school have felt like I don't fit in anywhere, and would find myself observing others' actions and even tried to dress like them just to fit in. I felt like an alien that landed on planet Earth to study humans and how they live. So, do I feel better being alone? Yes and no. Yes, because I can pretty much do whatever I want whenever I want without anyone else getting in the way or interfering. No, because I sometimes get lonely when I'm alone, especially when my friends (I have very few) aren't around. But that's the only con I can think of about being alone. So for the most part, I do enjoy being alone.


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25 Jul 2017, 3:56 pm

I've had so many jobs that my work history is fuzzy to me too and I'm only in my early twenties. I am earning my associate's degree but it is taking a long time and I keep changing my mind as to what to do. I am unemployed currently, and eagerly waiting for classes to start again and to finish my degree (whatever it might end up being in). I'm in pastry arts school for summer so that might help me find a job someday too, but I'm scared that I will never be able to keep a job for more than a month.

I do get lonely sometimes, but I have a couple of friends and a large family luckily to help keep me entertained and from completely being alone. I definitely am a person who needs a lot of peace, quiet, and downtime and luckily my whole family realizes that and is able to give me that when I need it.

"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood

Sea Gull
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25 Jul 2017, 8:16 pm

I love being alone & didn't believe I would ever enjoy interacting with other people until I started interacting over the internet. Now I have the best of both -- being physically alone & also always being able to interact with someone on my computer whenever I feel like it. I do attend college, & am socially out of place there, but I don't go to classes for socializing. I go for the information. It doesn't bother me to sit by myself or walk alone in the halls -- that is my choice. It doesn't take long for people to lose interest in asking me questions, although am not sure what it is about me that makes them decide to stop talking to me. I am polite, but don't ever invite people into conversations, because I don't like to talk -- it makes me tired.


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25 Jul 2017, 9:48 pm

I cherish solitude.


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25 Jul 2017, 11:49 pm

^ Me too. So much so that if I cannot have the time alone because for some reason people are always around in the house or if I'm not in the house I'm in public where there are people, I go a bit crazy and I need time alone without anyone near me.

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26 Jul 2017, 10:47 am

I prefer to be alone most of the time, since I enjoy peace and quiet and I find it to be relaxing at sometimes. However, I do get lonely most of the time and actually feel like I should be taking part in some activities. It's like this at home, since I am mostly sitting in my room and I don't leave the house very often. Despite this, it feels better for me to be alone, but I have my thoughts.....


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27 Jul 2017, 2:57 pm

There's an old saying that goes "absence makes the heart grow fonder". :heart:
It's true. The less often people are around me, the more I like them. :twisted:

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Emu Egg
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27 Jul 2017, 3:31 pm

Nowadays, my dad doesn't trust me enough to be alone.


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27 Jul 2017, 5:15 pm

I like relaxing downtime after a full day of activities, but I never want to return to the kind of pervasive aloneness I felt as little as five years ago.