People who seemingly talk to themselves in public

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04 Dec 2017, 11:03 am

I don't mind anyone talking to themselves anywhere long as it's not too loud.

I do talk to myself in public, without phones or anything to cover up. And, I get away with it because sometimes my body language suggests dancing while I pace and dodge, and I'm never loud enough nor seem distracted with another world.
Unless someone has super hearing, or that the whole room is quiet, no one would realize that I've been self talking -- whispering random things under my breath or softly humming almost ¼s a time in their presence. Or, that is, if I'm too tired to bother or be aware with voice volume control.

However, I do seem to be very distracted if I'm actually talking to someone on the phone, hands free or not. It's that I had to keep account with anything I might mishear or misinterpret -- something I don't have to do if I'm just talking to myself all along.

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05 Dec 2017, 2:06 pm

MariaTheFictionkin wrote:
Enceladus wrote:
Once we get AR glasses it's gonna be even more common with people having conversations with invisible people. AR glasses will be basically all you're smart phone functions in your normal day to day glasses. All the big tech companies has been investing lots of money researching this tech for a while now, Apple, Microsoft, Google. Also along with speech we might get gesture control, so expect to see people waiving their arms about when they talk to their invisible friends hehe :lol:

If you're interested in this sort of tech and how it might look like I can recommend the book "Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge"

I seemingly talk to myself when I'm engaged in a virtual reality social world. I've been doing that a few times when at my local makerspace, having a conversation with my friend who lives on the other side of the country. But then it's quite clear to anyone around me what I'm doing because of the the big head mounted display I'm wearing and they can also see what I sees on my monitor. Last time I did this I had a conversation with my friend on the moon.

What do you mean by "invisible people"? People online? For me specifically when I mention "imaginary" I'm referring to talking to non physical entities, fictional characters that live on other planets (based on my beliefs of the multiverse). Such tool wouldn't really serve any use for that large percentage of conversations I have on a daily bases.

Although I still have social anxiety online, I tend to use Second Life when I want to lurk and listen to all the offensive things people say through voice chat. Though most of the time I just have two Second Life viewers open, one for myself and one for my soulbonds so we have another way to interact with each other. I also have a friend who has used a VR Headset for meetings. Then again...I don't really do much of such things out in public. When I'm out in public, it's just go to place, get stuff and come back home.

By "invisible people" I mean the real people the person is talking with over the phone or internet, people you and me can't see or hear.

So you're having a conversation with you're imagination? Are you getting any response back from those entities?

I prefer knowing what is real and not real, I don't like to be tricked by other people or myself, our brain is easily tricked, optical illusions are a good example of that. That's why I'm extremely sceptic to all people who claim they know things not based on science. If someone claims something I want to know their sources, then I go do some research to find out if those sources are rational and credible. I have some tools for that, one such tool is this site: another is this and my favourite podcast 8)


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05 Dec 2017, 2:20 pm

I hate to admit it, but I do whisper to myself a lot in public. I mostly do it to calm myself down.

"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood


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05 Dec 2017, 2:24 pm

I talk to myself in public. I try hard not to do it but it comes natural if I'm alone.