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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 Aug 2012, 8:27 pm

Wow, I haven't posted here in days o.o

So, along with your special interests, do you tend to get obsessed with books, movies, or TV shows?

Recently, I got obsessed with an anime that I started watching. Sadly, it's only 11 episodes long. not much to obsess about, unfortunately.

Does anyone else do this?


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06 Aug 2012, 8:38 pm

I guess I do. If I watch a movie or some thing I really like I will obess over the sound track or things like that but nothing else other then my current obession, service dog training.


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06 Aug 2012, 9:26 pm

alecazam3567 wrote:
Wow, I haven't posted here in days o.o

So, along with your special interests, do you tend to get obsessed with books, movies, or TV shows?

Recently, I got obsessed with an anime that I started watching. Sadly, it's only 11 episodes long. not much to obsess about, unfortunately.

Does anyone else do this?

Absolutely. I have special interests that include, in a broad sence: Drawing, Musicals and books. These genre specialize in interest or level of obsession depending on what phase I am at the moment. When I started watching Glee I got pretty obsessed with it because it was a MUSICAL tv series and they revisited a great deal of classic musical numbers along side mainstream music, which pretty much clicked for me in so many ways. I watched the first two seasons in netflix in the course of 4 days and read all of the episodes from season three that I missed until I caught up to the ones I could watch from the fox web site. I missed the ending of the season three, because I was really busy at the time, but it bothered me to do so, so I looked up the musical numbers of the season finale on you tube =).

When I watched Happy Feet for the first time the movie turned into a 4 month long ritual I watched every day, at least twice, the same time about, every day. I know all the musical numbers, the song lyrics and my favorite dialog lines. After Happy Feet came Repo the genetic Opera and after that Little Shop of Horrors.

Havent found a new obsession for the past few weeks, which means I am a bit less neurotic and can use the internet for more useful things than obsessing over specific musical numbers, but I still take time in between what I am doing to listen to Glee numbers or old classics like the court jester or the music man and my favorite movie of all time, singing in the rain.


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06 Aug 2012, 10:51 pm

Yes I do.....I watch cartoons and other shows (Big Bang Theory, right now )while I eat......and I also follow a couple of historical documentary series. My special interest (if , in fact I do have one) is reading fantasy novels and the imaginary worlds I derive from them. Sometimes when I'm watching TV or doing something else I'll tune out and start daydreaming about an imaginary world...but not all the time. I also watch movies with my friend when she comes over. When I was younger I wouldn't sit through a whole TV show or movie or board game....I would always wander off and start replaying the scenes in my imagination(I had poor attention for everything but my books/ imaginary games). Now I can definitely focus on/ am interested in other things (obviously.....since I spend time posting on WP :) ).


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06 Aug 2012, 11:50 pm

Yes, I can get obsessive about certain TV shows. I'll usually watch every episode until I finish the whole series, then move on to something else. I have also done this with movies, like trying to watch all of the films of one famous director.

Uncertain of diagnosis, either ADHD or Aspergers.
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07 Aug 2012, 12:09 am

Pretty much all of my special interests have revolved around movies and TV shows.

For the past 2 and a half years my strongest has been movies directed by Tim Burton. For the majority of that time I was only interested in specific movies that he'd done with Johnny Depp (Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd and Edward Scissorhands), and I watched those movies enough times to be able to recite dialogue from them.

I had been extremely, obsessively excited over Dark Shadows prior to its release, but I ultimately wound up feeling disappointed with it. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting from it, but it left me feeling unsatisfied. I actually feel jealous of the people who loved it, because they were able to get the type of enjoyment out of it that I had desperately longed for.

Thankfully, like 2005 with the release of both Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Corpse Bride, 2012 is another double movie release year for Tim Burton. In addition to Dark Shadows, which came out on May 11th, Frankenweenie is coming out on October 5th. I know that by looking forward to it I run the risk of being disappointed like I was with the first Burton movie that was released this year, but Frankenweenie has a couple of things going for it that Dark Shadows didn't: it's a stop-motion animated film and it's an original story that Burton came up with himself, and those types of movies tend to be Burton's strongest. Still, I'm going to try not to get too hyped about it until I see it for myself.

My other tv/movie interest is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I had gotten into it in early November of last year and was highly obsessed with it for a couple of months, until some teasing about it caused me to drop it for a little while. I have recently started re-watching it again and I am happy to say that I have fallen in love with it all over again. This time I plan on keeping it close to my heart, no matter what others have to say about it.

Speaking of cartoons, I'm also starting to become interested in Gravity Falls. It's hard to tell if this will become a long-term interest, though, because it's still pretty new and I have only seen 3 out of the 6 episodes that have aired so far.


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07 Aug 2012, 12:14 am

daydreamer84 wrote:
Yes I do.....I watch cartoons and other shows (Big Bang Theory, right now )while I eat......and I also follow a couple of historical documentary series. My special interest (if , in fact I do have one) is reading fantasy novels and the imaginary worlds I derive from them. Sometimes when I'm watching TV or doing something else I'll tune out and start daydreaming about an imaginary world...but not all the time. I also watch movies with my friend when she comes over. When I was younger I wouldn't sit through a whole TV show or movie or board game....I would always wander off and start replaying the scenes in my imagination(I had poor attention for everything but my books/ imaginary games). Now I can definitely focus on/ am interested in other things (obviously.....since I spend time posting on WP :) ).

I watch cartoons and other shows too while I eat :O Usually MLP, or any of the usual ones when they are new, Doctor Who, Survivor, South Park, etc. :D


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07 Aug 2012, 1:41 am

as an adolescent, i was obsessed with a little-known [outside of trucker's circles] tv show called "movin' on" which was a soap opera about long-haul truckers. at the same time i was obsessed with CB radio.


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07 Aug 2012, 5:02 am

When I was a boy, I felt a strong need to watch every episode of Supercar. I came home during a birthday party just so I wouldn't miss one episode....and parties in those days were actually quite good - they were all about sweets, toys and games. But I just had to watch that show. It still persistently bugs me if I don't see or own every episode of a collection, but I've rehabilitated a bit.


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07 Aug 2012, 9:06 pm

As a kid, I'd often get interested in particular series of books...almost always involving animals. Two in particular I remember were the "Serendipity" picture book series when I was 4-6 about a group of imaginary creatures, and the "Bunnicula" novel series when I was around 8, which featured a vampire bunny and his domestic pet friends.

Although I wouldn't consider the TV series or movies I watch now my special interests, I had a huge interest in Saturday Night Live and Mad TV from when I was 13 to around 16.

Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.

This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term psychiatrists - that I am a highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder

My diagnoses - anxiety disorder, depression and traits of obsessive-compulsive disorder (all in remission).

I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.

07 Aug 2012, 9:30 pm

That's right.


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07 Aug 2012, 11:09 pm

I definitely become obsessed with TV shows. There are a few I seem to cycle through, including The IT Crowd, Big Bang Theory, and Black Books.

Emu Egg
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08 Aug 2012, 8:26 am

World of warcraft. Fallout 3 command and conquer. I play untill I am the absolute Godlike being and cannot be killed. Even if it costs me a job or a friend or a family member. Battle Tactics for warhammer, playing game after game assessing my weakness and improving them untill I have the ultimate undefeatable army. Nothing else in life matters. What else? listening to the same songs over and over.


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08 Aug 2012, 9:15 am

I definitely can become interested in movies and tv shows. I can watch all the episodes, plus learn about the animators, actors/voice actors, and lots of trivia about that particular show.

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08 Aug 2012, 9:17 am

Yes. I usually have a primary interest (an interest I'm extremely obsessed with) and then, besides that, I get quite obsessed with TV-series.


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08 Aug 2012, 3:24 pm

Yes sure.. I love fantasy books and I've quite a large collection. My wife keeps clearing them out every so often, but they mysteriously end up back on the bookshelf.

I've re-read most of them many times. On a 13 book epic series like wheel of time this can seem a bit ridiculous, I've read that series 5 times and went through the first 6 volumes in a week. I didn't do much else other than read and my wife was unhappy with the expense.

South Park, IT Crowd, Harry Potter are otherwise my most watched TV Series / Movie Series.
