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20 Nov 2017, 7:01 am

As I recently posted somewhere:

Edna3362 wrote:
Regardless, someone else could had done better or worse. Sometimes I questioned why someone would fuss about it. :|

:lol: As much as I don't deny the blessings of being an autistic, I don't deny the curses of being one either.
At the same time, NTs had to be aware that the blessing part exists, and not only the cursed part and only that.
In my opinion, to do that isn't through some inferiority-superiority complex or any form of comparison or competition. It had to be something -- something or some sort that would defy the saying of: "If you're Low Functioning, your assets are ignored. If you're High Functioning, your struggles are ignored." I might've misquote that, but that's the present reality right now -- an imbalance of views towards autistics...

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20 Nov 2017, 7:52 am

I hate to break it to some of you, but most likely you're much closer to being like an "NT" than being like those who are like me.


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20 Nov 2017, 8:54 am

My ASD doctor says its sounds like my dad, and brother have an ASD.

My dad won math awards in college, and was the #1 chess player in my state in the 80s. My brother got mostly A+ in graduate school in electrical engineering at the #2 university EE University ('A+' on a curved scale means you are in the top 3 students out of 100, typically in a class).

How did they do it?

Both have exceptional capability to see details.

This is a supposed "advantage" of having an ASD.

My dad tells me when he watches movies, his view is on the items in the background, not the people talking.

My brother drones on and on about details no one cares about.

It's a hyper-focus on details.

The downside is that neither can function in society, or hold a job.


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20 Nov 2017, 12:52 pm

xatrix26 wrote:
nephets wrote:
HistoryGal wrote:
Some like to think automatically that the NT population is inferior intellectually. Of course there is no supporting evidence outside personal anecdotes.

Nope, lets not quit. We are often classed as disabled, despite having skills that many NT's do not. Be proud of yourself. You can make some generalizations. Of course, there are many gifted NT's, but, proportionately, I would be very surprised if there were not more gifted Aspies. We have strengths and deficits. However, society is generally ready to recognize the weaknesses, only.

I agree completely. I don't intend to "quit" anytime soon either. Those of us who are high functioning are proving to the world one ignorant NT at a time that just because we're Autistic doesn't mean we're stupid too. The world needs a constant reminder of this.

The Savants and Aspies are living proof that Autism doesn't have to be completely disabling and foolish NTs have REPEATEDLY lumped anyone ISN'T NT into a group called "mentally handicapped" and it's just not true.

Let's not forget why these forums were created too. This is our sanctuary and it isn't appropriate to advocate for NTs in an Autistic forum. Have we forgotten that continuous and intolerable abuse that we suffer at their hands?

It's perfectly appropriate to advocate for NTs here.

This forum welcomes a wide variety of people here, and what's NOT appropriate is attacks on entire groups of people.

"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."

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20 Nov 2017, 3:01 pm

HistoryGal wrote:
You're welcome to continue believing ASD people are's a cute fantasy.

There's no fantasy here and I said no such thing.The fact remains that many ASD 'sufferers' operate at a higher level than many NT's (note I said many, not all). The fact remains that humanity does not progress because of the 'average', but because of people who can think in unusual ways, which many NT's cannot (again I said many). How many great NT inventors are there? There may be some, but not many, because you need to think outside the box. Thinking in unusual ways has an evolutionary advantage, which is why we are still around and have not been bred out of the gene-pool. Nobody is claiming autistic supremacy, that would be absurd. It takes all sorts, does it not? I would wager that many (again, not most) on here have high IQ's. Can you think of a an NT version of wrong planet, if there was such a thing, being able to say that? I merely point out that we have strengths as well as weaknesses.


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20 Nov 2017, 3:57 pm

EzraS wrote:
I hate to break it to some of you, but most likely you're much closer to being like an "NT" than being like those who are like me.

I hope that's true for me. :D



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20 Nov 2017, 4:11 pm

Of the 75 children with ASD, 55% had an intellectual disability (IQ<70) but only 16% had moderate to severe intellectual disability (IQ<50); 28% had average intelligence (115>IQ>85) but only 3% were of above average intelligence (IQ>115).


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20 Nov 2017, 6:10 pm

firemonkey wrote:
Of the 75 children with ASD, 55% had an intellectual disability (IQ<70) but only 16% had moderate to severe intellectual disability (IQ<50); 28% had average intelligence (115>IQ>85) but only 3% were of above average intelligence (IQ>115).

I see what you're trying to say here, but the study concludes 'ASD was less strongly associated with intellectual disability than traditionally held'.

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20 Nov 2017, 6:13 pm

xatrix26 wrote:
nephets wrote:
HistoryGal wrote:
Some like to think automatically that the NT population is inferior intellectually. Of course there is no supporting evidence outside personal anecdotes.

Nope, lets not quit. We are often classed as disabled, despite having skills that many NT's do not. Be proud of yourself. You can make some generalizations. Of course, there are many gifted NT's, but, proportionately, I would be very surprised if there were not more gifted Aspies. We have strengths and deficits. However, society is generally ready to recognize the weaknesses, only.

I agree completely. I don't intend to "quit" anytime soon either. Those of us who are high functioning are proving to the world one ignorant NT at a time that just because we're Autistic doesn't mean we're stupid too. The world needs a constant reminder of this.

The Savants and Aspies are living proof that Autism doesn't have to be completely disabling and foolish NTs have REPEATEDLY lumped anyone ISN'T NT into a group called "mentally handicapped" and it's just not true.

Let's not forget why these forums were created too. This is our sanctuary and it isn't appropriate to advocate for NTs in an Autistic forum. Have we forgotten that continuous and intolerable abuse that we suffer at their hands?

^ THIS (both parts)

What i am currently coming to terms with on this forum is that it isnt a place prone to genuine community spirit nor any sense of collectivism, solidarity or kinship; There are no pro active groups aiming to tackle issues we have or face, no real solutions to assist members in crisis (don't go to IRC looking for realtime help, they'll tie the noose around your neck and kick the chair from underneath you) and a general feeling of distrust, mistrust and malaise.

We should be able to celebrate what we are, what we do and all that we can be. We should be able to collectively organise; whether to create support networks or face our abusers via courts or legislative reforms.

Nope apparently we should bow our heads in shame and accept the fact that the NT world know better than we do whats best for us and that they have our best interests at heart. Could you imagine the Black Panthers being lead by PeeWee Herman? The suffragettes marching behind Harvey Weinstein? Normal Americans supporting Trum...... oh hang on....

Apparently we're Neurodiverse, and within that word lies our STRENGTH......


So i for one will also 'not quit' i actually decided last week that if i got the clear from suspected arse cancer last Friday i would be exponentially increasing my efforts to 'not quit'.

So if you're one of those people who resents Aspies then i suggest you block me cos i'm going to badly piss you off.

I expect my campaign of extreme 'not quitting' to commence Wednesday, most of you will enjoy it, some of you will be seething :D


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20 Nov 2017, 7:10 pm

Cambridge English Dictionary wrote:
- the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people:

Civil rights movements succeed when they convince enough of the oppressing majority to accept the rights of the oppressed minority. That is, when they are inclusive: anyone who supports my aims is welcome to stand beside me.

I was diagnosed only two years ago, when I was 45. Before that, I had no reason to believe that I wasn't neuro-typical (I knew for sure I was not coping though!) So, was I "one of the enemy" for all that time? Do I have to atone somehow for my four and half decades of being an oppressor of autistic people? Please be merciful, my sins were only committed in ignorance. :wink:

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20 Nov 2017, 7:50 pm

EzraS wrote:
I hate to break it to some of you, but most likely you're much closer to being like an "NT" than being like those who are like me.

:thumright: :thumright: :thumright: :pr: :pl:

I have a piece of paper that says ASD Level 2 so it must be true.


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20 Nov 2017, 8:50 pm

It's a vicious world.
I'm having a difficult time staying out of this conversation.


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20 Nov 2017, 8:51 pm

elbowgrease wrote:
It's a vicious world.
I'm having a difficult time staying out of this conversation.

I agree with you.


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20 Nov 2017, 9:06 pm

ZachGoodwin wrote:
elbowgrease wrote:
It's a vicious world.
I'm having a difficult time staying out of this conversation.

I agree with you.

Thank you.


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20 Nov 2017, 9:16 pm

EzraS wrote:
I hate to break it to some of you, but most likely you're much closer to being like an "NT" than being like those who are like me.

Yep, I'm probably much closer to being like an NT than I am to being at your level of AS, EzraS.
And in fact, in the past, I've prayed to be normal ... before I discovered WP,
when I just thought I had a weird life and didn't suspect autism was involved.

It would certainly seem better for me to be able to say that I'm a gifted, eccentric NT
which would mean I'd have way more social skills, money, marriage, children, a house, steady job, friends ...
(or a better chance to have those things anyways).
But it's more honest to say I'm a gifted, eccentric Aspie
which means I'm lower on the social scale and lacking many things an NT takes for granted.
(And then there are the sensory issues ...)

This whole comparison "I'm better than you are" thing stinks anyways
... "low functioning vs. high functioning" or "mild, moderate, severe"
when these labels are used as nasty ways to divide people.
Because each of us has a talent ...
we just tend not to recognize our own talents because they come so easy to us ...
or because we have a talent that society doesn't value or reward.
And each of us has an intrinsic worth
that deserves the best respect.


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20 Nov 2017, 9:44 pm

Yes, I see it as bundles of traits.
In my perseveration, poor social reasoning and sensory sensitivities, the ASD is strong.
In other areas of my life, NT traits are strong, or I have learned to make them a reflex after so long undiagnosed (for example, maybe my annoying habit of countering arguments by asking facetious hypothetical questions. :roll: )
You can't possibly draw a simple boundary between ASD and NT, so who gets to decide who is in and who is out? ( :wink: sorry I couldn't resist another one.)

When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.