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20 Feb 2012, 3:21 am

rdos wrote:
aghogday wrote:
It's good that you clarify here that you are only talking about individuals without a diagnosis, that are neurodiverse, however in your abstract there is no indication that you are referring to neurodiversity outside of the Autism Spectrum and the disorders that are part of that spectrum, associated with your theory.

I think I talk about both groups, but as the neurodiverse group without diagnosis is much larger, any averages we talk about in the context of neurodiversity tend to reflect the neurodiversity group without diagnosis to a larger degree than the ASD group because of the prevalence difference.

aghogday wrote:
Nor, do you mention the word neurodiversity anywhere in the abstract or text of the theory, that I have been able to find.

I know I need to update the theory. It hasn't been updated in 5 years.

aghogday wrote:
There is evidence that introverts score higher on all areas of intelligence measures, including verbal intelligence, per the link below.


aghogday wrote:
There have been some theories bounced around that introversion is part of the broader autism phenotype, and even some that have suggested that it should be identified as part of the Autism Spectrum, although not as a disorder.

Grimes theory that introversion is a dimension in itself, with ASDs at the extreme end is supported by Aspie Quiz. If I'd known about this research, I'd quoted it as supporting information. Aspie Quiz proves she is correct as the score distributions are not normally distributed, but rather are composed of two overlapping normal distributions. And Aspie Quiz does have a strong correlation to introversion / extroversion, partly because it has tested surveys about social anxiety and social phobia. OTOH, Aspie Quiz does not limit itself to only introversion, but uses everything that is on the neurodiversity factor. She naturally is also correct about introversion and extroversion not being opposites. Extroversion is most correlated with neurotypical compulsion and social traits, while introversion is most correlated Aspie traits in general. It is quite possible to be both, none or a mix of both.

aghogday wrote:
Also, if you don't mind, could you please explain how you matched these dates with a PCA of the Aspie-Quiz Results?

I use explained variance for the factors and assume the neurotypical factor is 150,000 years old and related to the formation of modern humans. Since the neurodiversity factor explains more than ten times as much variance it should be correspondingly older. The hybridization time is the third factor that explains about 1%. This is about the same argument as used in population genetics.

Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like a good idea to add in the Neurodiversity aspect, when you update. It might be worthwhile to bring in the aspects of introversion, in how they relate to Neurodiversity, along with some of the empirical evidence that points to introversion, as traits that have been positively selected for in the human population.

Risk avoidance is probably one of the largest advantages in modern society, that Introverts have, to reach reproductive age. And there is a great deal of empirical evidence that suggests introversion is impacted by genetics as well as environment.

And, at lowest reported estimates of about 16 percent of the general population, if you include that as part of the neurodiversity you measure, it is clear that neurodiversity is of positive selection value for the human species.

In the sense that our western developed societies are oriented toward extraversion. If there is such a thing as "neurotypical", it is probably somewhere in the middle of the extremes, but in my experience with people, I can't say I have come across one. I pay too much attention to detail. :)

I'm not sure it will be neanderthal ancestry that you eventually evidence out as measuring, but never the less, you are measuring an interesting set of traits with the Aspie Quiz.


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20 Feb 2012, 7:26 am

aghogday wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like a good idea to add in the Neurodiversity aspect, when you update. It might be worthwhile to bring in the aspects of introversion, in how they relate to Neurodiversity, along with some of the empirical evidence that points to introversion, as traits that have been positively selected for in the human population.

Extraversion is correlated -0.52 to Aspie Quiz score, but neuroticism is even higher of 0.58. But that is still minor to the AQ test that has 0.83.

aghogday wrote:
And, at lowest reported estimates of about 16 percent of the general population, if you include that as part of the neurodiversity you measure, it is clear that neurodiversity is of positive selection value for the human species.

It is interesting that introversion seems to exist t similar levels as neurodiversity.

Is there any studies of racial distribution of introversion?


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20 Feb 2012, 11:42 pm

rdos wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like a good idea to add in the Neurodiversity aspect, when you update. It might be worthwhile to bring in the aspects of introversion, in how they relate to Neurodiversity, along with some of the empirical evidence that points to introversion, as traits that have been positively selected for in the human population.

Extraversion is correlated -0.52 to Aspie Quiz score, but neuroticism is even higher of 0.58. But that is still minor to the AQ test that has 0.83.

aghogday wrote:
And, at lowest reported estimates of about 16 percent of the general population, if you include that as part of the neurodiversity you measure, it is clear that neurodiversity is of positive selection value for the human species.

It is interesting that introversion seems to exist t similar levels as neurodiversity.

Is there any studies of racial distribution of introversion?

Here is a recent interesting article on introversion from Scientific American. Most everything in the article can be related to the culture of "aspie". Even, sensory issues.

from the same author:

The biology behind introversion and extraversion is interesting.

The DRD4 7R gene has been associated with extraversion.

Extraversion has been associated with higher levels of testosterone, higher levels of reproduction, exploratory behavior, high levels of self confidence and self esteem, Alpha Male/Female behavior. In addition, wide faces and a mesomorphic build.

Dopamine sensitivity and the Reward Centers of the Brain have been associated with Introversion, along with differences in the central nervous system.

Introversion has been associated with lower levels of testosterone, lower levels of reproduction, cautious behavior, neuroticism, Beta male/female behavior, higher levels of measured intelligence. In addition, narrow faces, and an ectomorphic build.

And, per the link, introversion and extraversion is associated with the animal kingdom all the way down to the fruit fly, as a genetic trait, referred to by the Author in the Link, as sitters and rovers. About 15 to 20% sitters and about 80% Rovers.

Even more interesting is humans are also born predisposed as sitters, at 15 to 20% as opposed to rovers at 80%, however some mold outside of the behavior associated with shyness and introversion.

Per, the article, the most recent numbers from research suggest that about 40% of the human population exhibit shy behavior and about 50% of the population exhibit introverted behavior.

That's the most interesting part, while modern culture is dominated by the extroverted personality, the culture itself appears to be molding more individuals in expressing shyness and introverted behavior.

In other words, in many cases, introverted behavior may be the result of environment more than genetics, in modern day societies.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that part out though, while western societies promote extraversion through advanced commercialization, enabled by technology, many are observers of life rather than actors, enabled as observers by that same technology. That is a recipe for mental illness, both for the predisposed sitters and rovers.

Here is an article that speaks to the evolutionary advantage of "introversion" among northern europeans, and possible factors related to positive selection of higher levels of Central Nervous System Reactivity.

Professor Kagan has spent most of a life-time career studying temperament differences in children. He has called his young subjects “low reactives” and “high reactives” based on the precise behaviors he measures, but the overlap with extraversion/introversion is very strong. Low reactives are relatively fearless and high smilers, while high reactives are just the opposite.

I mentioned in the earlier blog that at the extremes of low and high reactives there are differences in left and right forehead temperatures, with low reactors tending to have a slightly lower left forehead temperature.

What I did not mention is that there are also some differences in body build, eye color, and even–facial width. Low reactives are roughly equivalent to strong extraverts and show little fear or startle to unexpected or surprising stimuli even in infancy (e.g. alcohol swab held just below the nose, balloon popping behind them) as well as showing a lot of cheerful smiling.

They more often show a sturdy mesomorphic body build–muscular and solid, somewhat more often are brown eyed, and somewhat more often have wide facial structure. Hi reactives tend more toward the ectomorphic body built–taller and thin–blue eyes, and narrower faces. The operative phrase is “tend more to” because none of this is invariably true of any individual.

Nevertheless, accepting that Kagan’s “low reactives” can be assumed to be extraverts, this link between low reactives/extraverts and wide-faced CEOs may be the better explanation for wide-faced CEO success. That does leave dangling, however the question of how facial structure and extraversion could be linked biologically, but Kagan has an interesting theory to explain this.

It is generally believed that Europeans migrated from Africa over a long, long period beginning around 100,000 years ago, and emerged in what we now call Europe, about 30,ooo to 40,000 years ago. This would still have been in a glacial period, so they had to adapt somehow to an incredible change in ambient temperament. As Kagan suggests, one genetic route might have been growth of a thick fur-like coat. Another might have been rolls of insulating body fat. Perhaps it could have been both–not a pretty picture!

But that did not happen–or if it did, it came and went without our knowledge. A third route might have been changes in the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This is in part an alerting system, but it has substantial effects on body heat and many other bodily processes. Increases in SNS activity affect superficial skin capillaries, causing greater contraction and thus reducing heat loss through the skin. It also would elevate basal metabolism and so increase bodily heat production–both useful in near-glacial conditions.

What else? Well, perhaps less desirably, more SNS activity would mean more transmitter activity in the brain for its principle transmitter–norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is an adrenaline-like transmitter with many effects on systems that are involved in fear, anxiety, stimulus detection, etc.

So, more norepinephrine, more worry, fret and fear; less norepinephrine–less fear, more calmness. Kagan assumes that nature chose the SNS route as an adaptation to cold, more or less at random. (Of course it is possible that the early fat and furry model didn’t get far for lack of mating opportunities, and just died out).

My guess is a little different. Physical adaptation to cold was undoubtedly needed, but in a climate where you might never return if you ran out the door when a blizzard was coming, or lingered too long outside because you were having a monstrous fight with a stranger, more anxiety might be a very much needed brain adaptation. Similarly the need to provide food for long, dark, cold winters suggested that the ability to worry about bad weather during good weather, would also be important. So I would bet on the SNS adaptation as the better choice all around.

Now, narrow faces, wide faces, ectomorphic/mesomorphic body builds, blue eyes and high reactives/introverts–how do we tie this together? Well, it turns out that high levels of norepinephrine can indirectly inhibit production of the pigment, melanin, which is responsible for skin, hair, and eye color. it can also directly inhibit production of melanin in the eye (iris) producing blue eyes rather than brown. And wonder of wonders, it can also inhibit the growth of bones of the face, thereby changing the overall shape.

Whether norepineprine also influences body type is less clear, but Kagan does give a number of studies indicating positive findings for introversion and ectomorphic body type. I suspect if you just mentally reviewed the introverts you know for face and body type you would see some support there.

Finally, here are a few more dangling connections. Kagan notes that blue eyes, ectomorphic body build, and narrow faces are more common among northern Europeans, and brown eyes, mesomorphic build and wide faces are more common among southern Europeans.

I don’t know a lot about temperament in these countries, though I have read that there are significantly more introverts in Sweden, at least. Also interesting, though is to think about folk dance styles as you go from south to north. Flamenco dancing in Spain is pretty much an uninhibited whole body movement, and Greek dancing is pretty open and free also. But, by the time you reach the Scandinavian countries virtually nothing is moving but the feet! Looks pretty introverted to me.

Another dangling connection is Kagan’s story on breeding the wild silver fox to be tame. In about 18 generations of cross breeding of the least fearful foxes with respect to humans, they arrived at a consistent group that were as tame as domestic dogs. Fascinatingly, their silver coats now had dark melanin-generated spots.

And finally–the dog. With all the well separated breeds that have been developed, it has been possible to look at a number of characteristics that differ from breed to breed. A study of 24 AKA breeds found that those with the more ectomorphic builds (imagine greyhounds and whippets) were also more timid. Another study looking at Labs, Australian Kelpies, Boxers, and German Shepherds found Labs to be the least fearful and German Shepherds the most timid and fearful. The shepherd body doesn’t seem thin or narrow, but the face, compared to the Lab is certainly pointed and narrow.

So, successful CEOs–are you simply wide-faced, mesomorphic and extraverted? About that cheating behavior, I just don’t know. I suppose being pretty fearless might make it more tempting.

All archaelogical evidence points to Neanderthals as being highly masculinized primates with high levels of testosterone, extreme mesmorphic builds with thick bones, along with wide masculinized facial features. However, they might have developed a higher reactive Sympathetic Nervous System as a result of the environment and natural selection, which would have been key to physiological advantage for survival, in an extremely cold environment.

The Domesticated features of Modern Man, are evidenced as associated with the Advent of Agriculture.

Agression and physicality became traits that are not as vital to survival, as they were among Hunters and gatherers in the type of environment that European Archaic Man or Cro-Magnon man lived in. It is not likely that successful Neanderthals or Cro-Magnons were of the "sitter type" temperment, they would have to continue to move to follow the resources.

But, the source of greater overall lower levels of extraversion, among Northern Europeans, could have resulted from the evolutionary adaptation to the cold, through changes in the Sympathetic Nervous System, along with the domestication of man through the advent of agriculture, and most currently, levels of stimulus from western developed cultures, that are unprecedented in the history of man.

It is likely that Hybrids survived as a result of hybrid vigor, in adaptation to the environment of the time of the admixture. A difference in the sympathetic nervous system could have been one of many factors of advantage. Neanderthals were likely much better adapted to the environment, than Homo Sapiens coming out of Africa, particularly the cold.

A higher reactive central nervous system is associated with Autism, Aspergers, and Introversion. However, there appears to be specific differences in the way of Brain Function with Autism And Aspergers, that aren't consistently measured among those identified as introverts.

The intelligence testing of Dawson, is interesting, in that it shows the verbal strenghs of those with Aspergers and the verbal weaknesses among those with Autism.

And, the Performance Intelligence weakness in Aspergers, and relatively stronger among those with Autism Disorder, per their verbal abilities.

There are likely differences in the brain that account for this, that on average, most introverts don't share. However, for the most part, on average, the three groups seem to share highly reactive nervous systems, and introversion as a general personality trait. This is likely different for some with other co-morbid conditions.

Adaptation to environment is the key to survival for all living things. However, the ability for primates to migrate around the world, is unusual, in the animal kingdom. In the last several hundred years though, humans have created manmade environments, that are novel for any animal experience. We adapt to amazing changes in one generation, without the slow advantage of the evolutionary process.

So, there was a huge change in environmental adaptation for homosapiens migrating out of Africa, and an admixture with an existing group of Neanderthals, already adapted.

Then continued environmental adaptation, until the time of agrarian societies. Agrarian Societies, a result of culture, changed the playing field, to one enhanced for domesticated features/behaviors, and cooperation among larger groups of human beings.

Aggression and physicality for the hunt as a necessary adaptation, was no longer as necessary in an environment where one could "sit" in one area for longer periods of time.

Now fast forward to a culture, where our masters have become the culture humans have created, many of us slaved to a screen for most of our waking hours at work and at home. The area of space, and length of time to sit in front of one object, is pretty incredible, in respect to the rest of our evolution.

In short, it is no wonder, that 50% of the population, in some western developed countries, are evidenced with introvert behavior. But, the "sitters" have likely been around much longer, as evidenced in the rest of the animal kingdom.

You will likely find a 15-20% population of sitters in every modern human population; that appears to be somewhat of a universal trait in much of the animal kingdom. But you won't likely find 50% introverted behavior in any primitive culture. Genetics appears to play a significant role in the areas of hormones, neurochemicals, and the central nervous system, but culture appears to hold the trump card in the behavioral area.

Finally, environmental change, successful adaptation to it, and hybrid vigor, can't be dismissed from the equation. Nor, from the equation from any other living thing.

It's interesting to speculate on the path that has ended up where we are. :)


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21 Feb 2012, 3:22 am

aghogday wrote:
Here is a recent interesting article on introversion from Scientific American. Most everything in the article can be related to the culture of "aspie". Even, sensory issues.

from the same author:

The biology behind introversion and extraversion is interesting.

The DRD4 7R gene has been associated with extraversion.

Extraversion has been associated with higher levels of testosterone, higher levels of reproduction, exploratory behavior, high levels of self confidence and self esteem, Alpha Male/Female behavior. In addition, wide faces and a mesomorphic build.

That's also were it is inconsistent in regard to neurodiversity. ADHD (and DRD4 7R) is correlated with neurodiversity as well, which means that introversion-neurodiversity doesn't provide a perfect fit. What I think would need to be done is to remove the neurodiversity traits thought to be related to introversion and extraversion from the definition, and then see if what is left makes any sense. I have shown that the neurodiversity factor is much stronger than the introversion/extraversion factor, so in order to get anywhere, neurodiversity traits should be removed from personality, and then we have a remaining personality aspect that is mostly related to culture and upbringing left. That would be more fruitful for further research. Then we can split up neurodiversity into smaller areas as well, and make sure we don't "drag-in" other things that are not related to neurodiversity.

aghogday wrote:
That's the most interesting part, while modern culture is dominated by the extroverted personality, the culture itself appears to be molding more individuals in expressing shyness and introverted behavior.

In other words, in many cases, introverted behavior may be the result of environment more than genetics, in modern day societies.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that part out though, while western societies promote extraversion through advanced commercialization, enabled by technology, many are observers of life rather than actors, enabled as observers by that same technology. That is a recipe for mental illness, both for the predisposed sitters and rovers.

Yes, absolutely.

Professor Kagan wrote:
I don’t know a lot about temperament in these countries, though I have read that there are significantly more introverts in Sweden, at least. Also interesting, though is to think about folk dance styles as you go from south to north. Flamenco dancing in Spain is pretty much an uninhibited whole body movement, and Greek dancing is pretty open and free also. But, by the time you reach the Scandinavian countries virtually nothing is moving but the feet! Looks pretty introverted to me.

I think he is a lttle uniformed here, and he should not associate this with introversion. I think the differences between older European folk traditions, and those seen for instance in Africa or Arabic countries, is partly due to Neanderthal interbreeding. These differences in body moves is related to mating behavior. The moving body (of females) is a mate attraction signal, and this is never seen in pure European folk tradition. European folk dancing instead has pair-dances, and lots of turning around (think: circling, Neanderthal hunting related).


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21 Feb 2012, 6:17 am

rdos wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Here is a recent interesting article on introversion from Scientific American. Most everything in the article can be related to the culture of "aspie". Even, sensory issues.

from the same author:

The biology behind introversion and extraversion is interesting.

The DRD4 7R gene has been associated with extraversion.

Extraversion has been associated with higher levels of testosterone, higher levels of reproduction, exploratory behavior, high levels of self confidence and self esteem, Alpha Male/Female behavior. In addition, wide faces and a mesomorphic build.

That's also were it is inconsistent in regard to neurodiversity. ADHD (and DRD4 7R) is correlated with neurodiversity as well, which means that introversion-neurodiversity doesn't provide a perfect fit. What I think would need to be done is to remove the neurodiversity traits thought to be related to introversion and extraversion from the definition, and then see if what is left makes any sense. I have shown that the neurodiversity factor is much stronger than the introversion/extraversion factor, so in order to get anywhere, neurodiversity traits should be removed from personality, and then we have a remaining personality aspect that is mostly related to culture and upbringing left. That would be more fruitful for further research. Then we can split up neurodiversity into smaller areas as well, and make sure we don't "drag-in" other things that are not related to neurodiversity.

aghogday wrote:
That's the most interesting part, while modern culture is dominated by the extroverted personality, the culture itself appears to be molding more individuals in expressing shyness and introverted behavior.

In other words, in many cases, introverted behavior may be the result of environment more than genetics, in modern day societies.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that part out though, while western societies promote extraversion through advanced commercialization, enabled by technology, many are observers of life rather than actors, enabled as observers by that same technology. That is a recipe for mental illness, both for the predisposed sitters and rovers.

Yes, absolutely.

Professor Kagan wrote:
I don’t know a lot about temperament in these countries, though I have read that there are significantly more introverts in Sweden, at least. Also interesting, though is to think about folk dance styles as you go from south to north. Flamenco dancing in Spain is pretty much an uninhibited whole body movement, and Greek dancing is pretty open and free also. But, by the time you reach the Scandinavian countries virtually nothing is moving but the feet! Looks pretty introverted to me.

I think he is a lttle uniformed here, and he should not associate this with introversion. I think the differences between older European folk traditions, and those seen for instance in Africa or Arabic countries, is partly due to Neanderthal interbreeding. These differences in body moves is related to mating behavior. The moving body (of females) is a mate attraction signal, and this is never seen in pure European folk tradition. European folk dancing instead has pair-dances, and lots of turning around (think: circling, Neanderthal hunting related).

That sounds like a good idea to separate the personality traits to see what you get.

Just for clarification, Professor Kagan, didn't make the claim that the dancing was associated with introversion, that bit of dangling speculation, was made by the author of the article; more of an anecdotal note to think about, than an actual assertion. Dancing is definitely associated with mating behavior, in all cultures; no doubt about that.

The Wallflowers, as they are termed, here in the States, might be more likely the ones, considered as the shy ones, or introverts, as opposed to those involved in the dance, no matter what the cultural difference might be in the actual dance.

As a young adult, it didn't come natural with my motor abilities, but I forced myself to dance; it was definitely a requirement for mating behavior, when I was young.

It has definitely lost favor in the US, in the last few decades. I can't help but to wonder if the home entertainment/IT revolution, is part of that cultural change, as well so many other things that have changed in culture in the US, as we have moved closer to home as a base of entertainment.


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21 Feb 2012, 7:47 am

aghogday wrote:
Dancing is definitely associated with mating behavior, in all cultures; no doubt about that.

Don't forget that with a lot of dance, particularly folk with it's conservatism and traditions, is a form of story telling and about maintaining the cultural status quo.

That particularly formal style seems distinct from the more free form styles that probably are more associated with courtship.


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21 Feb 2012, 8:33 am

nemorosa wrote:
Don't forget that with a lot of dance, particularly folk with it's conservatism and traditions, is a form of story telling and about maintaining the cultural status quo.

Yes, that is part of the picture. I wouldn't say it is necesarily related to conservatism and status quo, but it is definitely a way of remembering cultural aspects.

nemorosa wrote:
That particularly formal style seems distinct from the more free form styles that probably are more associated with courtship.

There is a need to formalize folk dances because otherwise it would not be possible to dance them as every participant has their role. It is impossible to have a large collection of complex dances that a group can dance if they are not formalized and memorized. The free forms have no collection of dances, cannot be used for remembering / transmitting cultural information, and thus are different in this respect.

There are other differences as well. Arabic and African dances usually are single-gender to a great degree. Either there is one male formation and one female, or the dances are single-gender completely. Traditional folk dances are pair-oriented. Few folk dances have male and / or female formations, and those that have only have this temporarily. Folk dances also typical change partners frequently so that everyone gets to dance with everyone, which is a social factor.

This is interesting from a Aspie point of view. Folk dances promote socialization between opposite genders, while Middle East and African dances promote socialization with the same gender. It is a preference of many Aspies to socialize and make friends mostly with the opposite gender.


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21 Feb 2012, 4:56 pm

nemorosa wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Dancing is definitely associated with mating behavior, in all cultures; no doubt about that.

Don't forget that with a lot of dance, particularly folk with it's conservatism and traditions, is a form of story telling and about maintaining the cultural status quo.

That particularly formal style seems distinct from the more free form styles that probably are more associated with courtship.

I agree, associated with mating behavior, but certainly not the only association.

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27 Feb 2012, 1:00 am

rdos wrote:
It's useful to take this one step further.

Not only are neurodiversity-traits required to form civilizations, but they are also essential for maintaining civilization...

Some predictions thus can be made:

1. Countries that diagnose neurodiversity as disorders will lag behind countries that does not. Thus, we expect Eastern Asia to become more successful than Europe and the US in the near future, unless Eastern Asia moves in the same direction, or Europe / US stops discriminating against neurodiversity. This is already happenning, so has been proved to be correct.

What is already happening? It seems to me that the situation in America is getting worse, I don't know about Europe. Is Eastern Asia picking up our bad "medical" habits?

rdos wrote:
4. Western countries will not become more diverse or successful by importing African or arabic descent. This is because these populations are less diverse than us, and this will lead to lower levels of neurodiversity in our countries. That's inproductive in every sense of the word. We should export individuals, and especially neurodiverse individuals, to these regions instead.

Hell no, I won't go! Unless they dramatically change their laws.

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27 Feb 2012, 1:50 am

rdos wrote:
If you look at the group descriptions, you'll note that neurotypical traits are described in terms of adaptations for neurotypicals, while Aspie traits are described in terms of adaptations for Aspies. No trait is described in terms of lack of function, or dysfunction, as this is evolutionary impossible. Dysfunctions cannot evolve and persist.

A big concern of mine is that it is very difficult to find much of anything that proposes that "autistic" traits can be functional. Society has changed dramatically in the last several decades but none of that seems to matter to just about everyone. Some people have suggested that ADD/ADHD traits have some advantages such as Thom Hartmann (and I am sure many many others). Psychiatry also gets a lot of flack from antipsychiatrists such as Thomas Szasz. Most of these people have been arguing that schizophrenia is not a real illness for decades. Only recently has someone like Thomas Armstrong taken a stab at speculating about autism's function. In my view most of the few writers aren't doing a very convincing job.

As I understand it, genetic defects are rare, at least genuine ones anyway. Even "diseases" such as obesity could be explained by a tendency pack on pounds when time are good in preparation for leaner times. If it is statistically impossible for more than one gene to cause a defect and occur more often than say, something like one in 50,000 (with perhaps extra or mangled chromosomes occurring at higher frequencies), why aren't at least some geneticists or biologists raising hell about this? As far as I know they aren't. Or is it that it is not just the medical and anthropological establishments that are Afrocentric and speciest.

Unbiased or less biased researchers are harder to find than people who didn't believe that Africans where "mud people" hundreds of years ago. Even Thomas Jefferson wanted to include a tirade blaming Great Britain for the slave trade in the Declaration of Independence. He also freed his slaves upon his death. As for not doing so earlier, perhaps he picked and chose his battle, I don't know.

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27 Feb 2012, 2:07 am

DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
A big concern of mine is that it is very difficult to find much of anything that proposes that "autistic" traits can be functional.

The most evident example is "Aspie Talent". OTOH, the traits that are most useful for demonstrating that autistics possess unique, evolved, traits that neurotypicals don't have is "Aspie hunting". Possibly also stims, but those have been degraded to "tics" by psychiatry. They haven't discovered the Aspie hunting traits yet.

DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
As I understand it, genetic defects are rare, at least genuine ones anyway. Even "diseases" such as obesity could be explained by a tendency pack on pounds when time are good in preparation for leaner times. If it is statistically impossible for more than one gene to cause a defect and occur more often than say, something like one in 50,000 (with perhaps extra or mangled chromosomes occurring at higher frequencies), why aren't at least some biologists raising hell about this? As far as I know they aren't. Or is it that it is not just the medical and anthropological establishments that are Afrocentric and speciest.

Yes, this is a mystery that I don't quite understand.

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27 Feb 2012, 11:38 am

rdos wrote:
DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
A big concern of mine is that it is very difficult to find much of anything that proposes that "autistic" traits can be functional.

The most evident example is "Aspie Talent". OTOH, the traits that are most useful for demonstrating that autistics possess unique, evolved, traits that neurotypicals don't have is "Aspie hunting". Possibly also stims, but those have been degraded to "tics" by psychiatry. They haven't discovered the Aspie hunting traits yet.

Most of those people that are writing anything positive are few and far between. Geneticists and biologists saying that the "medical" "Defective Mutant Hypothesis" isn't plausible and simply has to be wrong -- there are too many autistics for one thing (let alone the entire six neurodiversity groups in "Aspie"-Quiz) -- would be most helpful in getting things on the right track. Otherwise you and the handful of other exceptions such as:

Andrew Lehman -- Neoteny Theory (and many others)
Alan Griswold -- Autistic Symphony
Morton Ann Gernsbacher -- How to Spot Bias in Research, Association for Psychological Science ... fm?id=2076
Michelle Dawson (autism research papers, often with others such as Gernsbacher)
Olga Bogdashina -- Ukraine, U.K activist (President of the Autism Society, Ukraine)
Jared Edward Reser -- Solitary Forager Theory ... seven.html
Tyler Cowen -- Create Your Own Economy
Michael Simonson and others at the "Hunter School" in New Hampshire,
Penny Spikins -- Mental problems gave early humans an edge, New Scientist 2837 02 November 2011 by Kate Ravilious
Dinah Murray, Mike Lesser and Wendy Lawson -- Montropism Hypothesis

are just howling in the wind of a category five hurricane.

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27 Feb 2012, 12:05 pm

In fact there is one -- George Church, Ph.D. (Professor of Genetics-Harvard Med School) ... ideo_title

at Youtube channel of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

(regarding the importance of cloning neanderthals): "'s important to discuss the goals of our society with respect to neurodiversity, which is one of the things that we might learn from a detailed understanding of the Neanderthal genome. They are almost certainly different from us in the way they think and also it could be eliminated about how we approach the issues of biomedical safety and discrimination and stigmatization and so forth... (runs for 9 min 19 sec total)

Doesn't say neurodiverse people are behaviorally neanderthal, but does say we could learn from the experience since they are undoubtably different since they are "highly optimal sibling or cousin variations on the human existence."

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01 Mar 2012, 3:28 pm

rdos wrote:
I would absolutely not want to research cultural differences. If I knew some items that were culturally loaded, I'll change them to be less loaded to culture. Though I seriously doubt there are any large amount of culturally loaded items. If there are culturally loaded items, they are few, and would not affect scores a lot because most issues are not culturally loaded. Just by selecting out environmentally items I think I also selected out most of the cultural items.

How about finding questions that correlate to neurodiversity, environment, and psychiatric diagnosis, but not neurotypicality, environment, and psychiatric diagnosis. Is this theoretically possible? This could provide insight into why the powers-that-be hate us so much -- be it lack of insight and/or hidden agendas or both on their part. This could tell us what we are up against and why, could it not?

rdos wrote:
The neurodiversity traits are not "adaptations". Most of them are regarded as dysfunctions by psychiatry. Many of the traits in Aspie Quiz are peculiar behaviors that have no advantage whatsoever (most being negative for the individual). These cannot be cultural.

Am I correct in assuming you mean in the context of the current adverse environment, not the ancestral one of the neurodivergent/neanderthals, or even recent conditions several decades ago? Or did you write this on a bad day? As I understand it, the Neanderthal Theory is based on the idea that neurodiversity traits are adaptations because otherwise they wouldn't have been positively selected but rather washed out due to drift.

For example here:
rdos wrote:
...When whole genomes are introgressed into another species at rare occasions, most of the negative and neutral genetic material will get lost. It is only the functional genetic material that is retained...

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Last edited by DemocraticSocialistHun on 01 Mar 2012, 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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01 Mar 2012, 4:07 pm

rdos wrote:
It has already been proved that archaic immune system genes are a majority contribution in Eurasians. IOW, immune system genes already adapted to Eurasian diseases had a major selective adavantage in modern humans. And as these did not introgress into Africa, I find it quite unlikely that Africans has larger functional immune system diversity. Just looking at how many variants there is will not solve the issue. We want to know how many functional variants there are.

But why would people who live in small groups with low population density (one must go far to find another small group) need good immune systems? Pathogens wipe out whole communities in Africa often unless high-tech medicine intervenes.

The only possible reason I can think of is that the neurodivergent have too low rates of reproduction and invest too much in offspring while the neurotypicals consider life to be rather cheap. That would explain most philosophical and behavioral differences well too.

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01 Mar 2012, 4:25 pm

rdos wrote:
...several of the r/K items actually have been found to be invalid in Aspie Quiz (sexual activity and impulsivity), I saw no reason to keep it, and instead wrote a piece that should be compatible with current thinking and the Neanderthal theory

Not all I hope. Why no mention of r/k? Because at this point it is too hard to prove -- the evidence is there but not solid enough and needs revision?

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