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02 Jun 2014, 10:34 pm

skibum wrote:
You should net get sick from doggie kisses. I imagine it's like that for most animals. The bacteria in their mouths tend to be species specific so it should not affect you.

I don't mind animals licking me but I don't like it on my face. I don't like how it feels on my face. I loved when my cats would lick my hands. I like rough feeling. Cows have rough tongues too and I don't mind when the calves lick my hands. I let the horses lick my hands too. Unlike cows, their tongues are smooth. I always wash my hands thoroughly afterwards though. I don't usually wash them immediately afterwards especially if I am grooming the horses since my hands will get dirty again anyway. I do wash my hands very thoroughly before I leave the barn though.

There are zoonotic diseases (those which can cross species lines), but they are of far less concern than anything a regular ole human animal can give someone.

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02 Jun 2014, 11:34 pm

I don't mind it because it is a display of affection. I am a germaphobe, but I appreciate it when dogs lick me. They are being kind.


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03 Jun 2014, 5:07 am

perpetual_padawan wrote:
skibum wrote:
You should net get sick from doggie kisses. I imagine it's like that for most animals. The bacteria in their mouths tend to be species specific so it should not affect you.

I don't mind animals licking me but I don't like it on my face. I don't like how it feels on my face. I loved when my cats would lick my hands. I like rough feeling. Cows have rough tongues too and I don't mind when the calves lick my hands. I let the horses lick my hands too. Unlike cows, their tongues are smooth. I always wash my hands thoroughly afterwards though. I don't usually wash them immediately afterwards especially if I am grooming the horses since my hands will get dirty again anyway. I do wash my hands very thoroughly before I leave the barn though.

There are zoonotic diseases (those which can cross species lines), but they are of far less concern than anything a regular ole human animal can give someone.
From what I have learned most of the zoonotic diseases are transmitted through an actual bite or a scratch or direct contact with feces through a wound or if ingested. But yeah, human to human transmission of diseases is far more common.

Speaking of zoonotic diseases, I need to get a Tetanus shot today. It's been nine years since my last one. I don't wait until the tenth year is over. I like to over lap it.

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Sea Gull
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03 Jun 2014, 6:59 am

skibum wrote:
perpetual_padawan wrote:
skibum wrote:
You should net get sick from doggie kisses. I imagine it's like that for most animals. The bacteria in their mouths tend to be species specific so it should not affect you.

I don't mind animals licking me but I don't like it on my face. I don't like how it feels on my face. I loved when my cats would lick my hands. I like rough feeling. Cows have rough tongues too and I don't mind when the calves lick my hands. I let the horses lick my hands too. Unlike cows, their tongues are smooth. I always wash my hands thoroughly afterwards though. I don't usually wash them immediately afterwards especially if I am grooming the horses since my hands will get dirty again anyway. I do wash my hands very thoroughly before I leave the barn though.

There are zoonotic diseases (those which can cross species lines), but they are of far less concern than anything a regular ole human animal can give someone.
From what I have learned most of the zoonotic diseases are transmitted through an actual bite or a scratch or direct contact with feces through a wound or if ingested. But yeah, human to human transmission of diseases is far more common.

Speaking of zoonotic diseases, I need to get a Tetanus shot today. It's been nine years since my last one. I don't wait until the tenth year is over. I like to over lap it.

Skibum, you're lucky that you can get so close to the ten year window for the tetanus shot. If you were as prone to hurt yourself as I am, then there'd be ample opportunities to get one before that time.

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03 Jun 2014, 9:12 am

skibum wrote:
Toy_Soldier wrote:
I love my dogs dearly, and love when they snuggle with me, but don't like the licking sensation. It tickles and is a bit gross to me. I try not to react badly to it (I know this is stupid, but I don't want to hurt their feelings) but will do something to change/stop it like pick them up. Much of the time they just give one greeting lick which I just grin and bear.

They of course are completely onto the situation and use licking to get me to give them attention. As in 'Pet me or I will lick you.' They also know and use the worst possible places to lick, like in the ear, in the eye, or worst of all, up the nose.
It's no stupid at all. Animals have feelings just like we do and we can hurt their feelings if we are not careful.

You know I believe that too, but I don't find a lot of support for that view in reading about pets or in conversations with more experienced animal handlers. Its more like I get that look like I am reading too much into the animals reactions and giving them more human traits (that they don't have). Often I hear the statement something like "Look, its a dog" or "Its a frog" and in the sense that they don't have sophisticated feelings (if at all). And professionals too in studies, etc, usually try to find more basic biological reasons to explain behaviors, and in a sense explain away the emotional element.

But I think, I really do, that they are missing something. Just because an animal cannot communicate its feelings does not mean they don't have them. Think for a comparative example of a non-verbal person. You do have some amount of things you can observe and watch to see how things make them react. For example you can tell from body language and barking, when a dog is happy, sad, relaxed, nervous, etc. I can't believe that happiness in a dog is only a set of muscular actions, or even just a vague sense of well being. There is more to it. I know it.

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03 Jun 2014, 9:47 am

I love getting on the floor and having my daughter's dog lay next to me...but I don't like it when she licks me - mainly b/c she likes to lick me on my face.

Ever since I was a boy, I always wanted a dog that would sleep at the foot of my bed - but my wife doesn't like having the dog in the house (we live in the deep south, where most people keep their pets outdoors - and if they live outside 99% of the year, they tend to smell like outside pets for that 1% of the year when they do come inside for cold snaps).

I would love to have a Great Dane...and have it live inside. I think it would be awesome to have it sit next to me on the couch while I watch TV.


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03 Jun 2014, 9:52 am

EzraS wrote:
Never been a fan. When i was real little i screamed and slapped.

I love animals, but I hate them licking me. It just feels too weird in a sensory-related way, and I hate germs. I have to wash whatever part of my body has come in contact with another object or living being.


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03 Jun 2014, 5:03 pm

WitchsCat wrote:
I like it when cats lick me, especially my cat. I love the unique texture the cats' tongues give.

Some dog licks I can tolerate, but most I cannot, as they tend to slobber and are disgusting, and I have to wash off afterward.

I know just what you mean.

My best friend who was my cat (she died almost 3 years ago) would carefully lick all my head to wash my hair in the morning (after she awoke from sleeping on the pillow next to me). I liked the feel of it, and it made me me feel loved. Her tongue was rough, but it was nice as we bonded. I guess what she was doing was washing me like I was a kitten.

She was my best friend before I learnt to make friends with other humans.

We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
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03 Jun 2014, 6:27 pm

I hate when they lick me but not because it's gross or unhygienic it just feels really weird.

Snowy Owl
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03 Jun 2014, 9:56 pm

Thanks for all the replies ladies and gents! I'm surprised at the mixture, more seem to not mind than it bothers. But everyone's different of course. It's just a massive sensory thing for me from any animal, but I would still take my cat licking me over a dog. Still... I have a hard time but I love animals!

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03 Jun 2014, 10:12 pm

perpetual_padawan wrote:
skibum wrote:

Speaking of zoonotic diseases, I need to get a Tetanus shot today. It's been nine years since my last one. I don't wait until the tenth year is over. I like to over lap it.

Skibum, you're lucky that you can get so close to the ten year window for the tetanus shot. If you were as prone to hurt yourself as I am, then there'd be ample opportunities to get one before that time.
Doesn't it protect you for ten years? I thought it did. It should shouldn't it? That's what I was told anyway. And whenever I have gotten one they ask, "Have you had one within the past ten years?" So it should be effective for ten years. And I have gotten some big cuts and scrapes in the past ten years and I am still alive, thank God for that, so I am assuming that it has protected me.

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03 Jun 2014, 11:29 pm

No, just no (nothing to do with the sensation).


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06 Jun 2014, 11:10 am

I HATE when a cat or dog licks me. Like a cat is not that bad but a DOG....yeeecchhhhhhhhh. I can't stand the feeling.

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06 Jun 2014, 1:20 pm

structrix wrote:
I HATE when a cat or dog licks me. Like a cat is not that bad but a DOG....yeeecchhhhhhhhh. I can't stand the feeling.
What about ants crawling all over you after you sprayed coke zero all over yourself? Heheh

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06 Jun 2014, 6:02 pm

AspieOtaku wrote:
structrix wrote:
I HATE when a cat or dog licks me. Like a cat is not that bad but a DOG....yeeecchhhhhhhhh. I can't stand the feeling.
What about ants crawling all over you after you sprayed coke zero all over yourself? Heheh
Is this something you do often?

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07 Jun 2014, 12:26 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
structrix wrote:
I HATE when a cat or dog licks me. Like a cat is not that bad but a DOG....yeeecchhhhhhhhh. I can't stand the feeling.
What about ants crawling all over you after you sprayed coke zero all over yourself? Heheh

Oh my! That scene was giving me the shivers....yeechhh